Outgoing Irish Ambassador Pays Farwell Call on Foreign Minister Findley -As Minister Findley Hails Her Successful Tour of Duty in Liberia

Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley has extolled the Outgoing Irish Ambassador to Liberia, Her Excellency Madam Cathrine Campbell for the many bilateral contributions her country continues to render Liberia.


Minister Findley also hailed the successful completion of her tour of duty as Ambassador of Ireland to the Republic of Liberia.     


Minister Findley made the remark on Monday, June 10, 2019 when Madam Cathrine Campbell paid a courtesy call on him, and bided  him farewell as she ends her assignment as Irish Ambassador accredited near Monrovia. 


 Minister Findley hoped that as the outgoing Irish Ambassador departs Liberia,   the Government of Liberia will work with Irish Government aimed at strengthening the existing bilateral cooperation and diplomatic relations between Liberia and Ireland.  He looks forward to a continued fruitful bilateral engagement with Ireland.  


For her part, Outgoing Ambassador Campbell described her tenure in Liberia as a wondrous relationship and corporation between the two countries.  She expressed gratitude to the Government and people of Liberia for the excellent cooperation she enjoyed while serving as Ambassador to Liberia.    


The Outgoing Ambassador told the Minister she was leaving Liberia with deep sense of appreciation to the Almighty God for the friendship and successful tenure in Liberia, adding” It is sad to leave but I have to leave”.