President Weah Hails Central African Republic on 58th Independence Celebration

The President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency George M. Weah has congratulated the Government and People of the Central African Republic, on the auspicious occasion marking the 58th Independence Anniversary of that country. 


Central African Republic gained its independence on 13th August 1960. The Day is celebrated each year as a National Holiday in Gabon.


In the message to His Excellency Faustin-Archange Touadéra, President of the Central African Republic, President George Manneh Weah on behalf of Liberia, extended profound congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of the Central African Republic, following the observance of their 58th Independence Anniversary. 


 The Liberian leader further recalled the longstanding cordial ties and cooperation that the two countries continue to enjoy over the years.  


President George Manneh Weah noted that as the people of Central African Republic celebrate this historic milestone, his Government looks forward to expanding the excellent partnership between the two nations for the prosperity of their two Peoples.