Daily Media Summary 2017-10-26

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s meeting with an American Islamic Scholar, Sheikh, Khalid Yasim, Liberia’s congratulatory message to the Government and people of Austria on the occasion of it 62nd National Day Anniversary and Liberia’s admittance into a global lottery/ gaming organization known as the International Association of Gaming Regulators are among stories highlighted in today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.

President Sirleaf Receives Islamic Scholar Sheikh, Khalid Yasim

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has received in audience Sheikh Khalid Yasim, an American Islamic Scholar, who is currently visiting the country and commended him for his decision to come to Liberia. “Let me give you a big welcome for making the decision to come to Liberia,” President Sirleaf told him.  According to an Executive Mansion release, the President made the commendation on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 in the Cabinet Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when Sheikh Yasim paid her a courtesy visit. President Sirleaf welcomed and commended him for choosing Liberia at this time stressing; Liberia has a policy of equality for all and policy of no discrimination. She said her administration has preserved and committed itself to maintaining and sustaining the peace. She told the Islamic Cleric that Liberian Muslim brothers and sisters have supported and continued to support her leadership, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Caption: Ellen Receives Islamic Scholar Sheikh Khalid Yasim…Commends Him For Visit (Heritage)

Liberia Congratulates Federal Republic Of Austria On 62nd National Day

The Heritage newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a Congratulatory Message to her colleague, the President of the Federal Republic of Austria, His Excellency Mr. Alexander Van der Bellen, on that country’s 62nd National Day on October 26, 2017. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, extended sincere greetings and congratulations to President Van der Bellen, and through him, the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Austria on its 62nd National Day. “We are delighted to join you in celebrating this auspicious occasion of the 62nd Anniversary of the Passage of the Law of Permanent Neutrality,” the Liberian leader said, adding, “For many years, Austria has continued to serve as a major international diplomatic epicenter which significantly contributes to global peace and security.” Reflecting on their bilateral engagements, President Sirleaf stressed that she is optimistic that the cordial relationship between the two countries and peoples will be heightened to their mutual benefits. 

Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf congratulates Austria on 62nd National Day (The New Dawn)

Liberia Gets Membership At Global Lottery/Gaming Body

The National Lottery Authority (NLA) has been admitted into a global lottery/gaming organization known as the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR). The NLA which is the regulatory body of all game-of-chance in the country including sporting betting, casinos, and lottery-ball games among others was accepted as a full member of the IAGR during the just-ended annual conference of the  organization held in Johannesburg, South Africa from October 16-19.according to the Director General of the NLA, Mr. Martin S. Kollie, Liberia’s membership to that global body was obtained after his delegation which included the Board Chairman of the NLA Mr. Claude J. Katta fulfilled requirements and standards set by the IAGR for becoming a member. Mr. Kollie explained that to be qualified for the membership of the International Association of Gaming Regulators institution must submit the Act establishing said institution and must also have an approved and standardized regulations which conform to those of other countries, reads the Heritage newspaper.

Related Caption: Liberia Gets Membership At Global Lottery/Gaming Body (The INQUIRER)

Runoff Ballots Arrive Saturday

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the National Elections Commission disclosed that ballot papers for the November 7th runoff will arrive in the country on Saturday, 28 October. NEC Chairman Cllr. George Jerome Korkoya said mock ballots for training purposes are already here in warehouse facilities, noting that all ballots are being produced by the same supplier that printed ballots for the first round of elections. Presidential ballots for the 10 October polls were printed in Slovenia. Addressing a news conference in Monrovia on Wednesday, 25 October the NEC boss explains that staffers have completed packing non-sensitive elections materials at various warehousing facilities, and that these materials are being delivered to counties presently. He says in response to the congestion at polling places and in some cases slow processing times experienced during Election Day, the Commission has decided to introduce several measures, including hiring additional queue controllers. Meanwhile, Cllr. Korkoya explains that a recount will be conducted in Electoral District number 8, Nimba County in respect to the House of Representatives elections, saying, “This is due to the fact that the difference in votes between the two leading candidates was only 19 and under the rules such difference triggers automatic recount.”

Related Caption: Ballot Papers For Presidential Run-Off Due Here Saturday (Heritage). According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, under the caption “National Elections Commission Open To Rerun of October 10 Elections, But…”, the Chairman of the National Election Commission (NEC), Cllr. Jerome Korkoya, has dispelled allegations of that the October 10 elections were rigged, but said the Commission is open for a rerun of the elections if the need be. Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Cllr. Korkoya said the NEC will welcome the call for the rerun of the October 10 polls if the Supreme Court orders a rerun. Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine, standard bearer of the Liberty Party, has been calling for a rerun of the elections – calling on the NEC to put a hold to the November 7 runoff election between the Unity Party and the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC). According to him, the October 10 elections did not meet the minimum standard to be declared free, fair and transparent.


Related Caption: In October 10 Polls: “No Frauds”…NEC Trashes Liberty Party’s Claims (INSIGHT)   

Crusaders For Peace Election Training Workshop

The Liberia Crusaders for Peace (LCP) has ended a one-day peaceful election and Voters Education Training Workshop in Monrovia with a call to its election Observers, County Coordinators, Election Monitors and Communicators to carefully design new messages for voters’ education so as to reduce the huge quantity of invalid votes experienced during the first round of voting.  Speaking Monday at the Lutheran Compound in Sinkor during the training workshop, the Executive Director of the Liberia Crusaders for Peace, Ambassador Juli Endee told the LCP County Coordinators, Election Observers, Voters Educators and Field Communicators to take the lesson to take the lessons learnt from the first round of elections seriously and design new messages that  that are simple, clear and precise that will encourage voters to go to polling centers that they voted in the first round of elections and  be patient to vote, according to the INQUIRER newspaper.

Related Caption: Liberia Crusaders For Peace Ends One-Day Peaceful Election And Voters’ Education Training Workshop (Heritage)

WHO Seeks Collective Effort To End Polio

The National Officer of the World Health Organization in Liberia, Roland Proplay says WHO is calling on countries around the world to join efforts in ending Polio disease. Speaking on a local radio station in Monrovia on Wednesday, October 25, 2017, he says that there have been efforts by the global community to ensure Polio is kicked out 100 percent globally. He notes that the global fight has persisted and is ongoing fighting, disclosing 99.9 percent success, but maintains that the world remains resolved in attaining 100 percent victory against the crippling disease. According to him, the main focus is the one percent that is left, reiterating the need for collective efforts to end to the disease. Mr. Proplay continues that the one percent is with Afghanistan and Pakistan, respectively, disclosing in July and August 2017, W.H.O. received cases from these two countries, which are being addressed to prevent a spread to other countries. The W.H.O. Officer explains that since last July, Polio has been experienced only in Nigeria, and that there has been no any other case reported in Africa, saying “We need to muscle our efforts to reach out to every child irrespective of their location.” He continues that since August 20, 2010, Liberia has not experienced any Polio case, but notes that it does not make Liberia Polio freed 100 percent once she is part of the global community, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

NAYMOTE Embarks On Reconciliation Dialogue Ahead Of Runoff Election

With less than two weeks to the runoff election between the ruling Unity Party and the opposition Coalition for Democratic Change, the National Youth Movement for Transparent Elections (NAYMOTE) with support from the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) has begun the implementation of a Peace and Reconciliation Dialogue project in Margibi and Bong Counties.  The institution officially kicked off the project with the Margibi County Reconciliation Dialogue on Saturday, October 21, in Weala, the home of Unity Party’s Vice-Presidential Candidate, Speaker James Emmanuel Nuquay.  Speaking to reporters in Margibi, the Programs Officer of NAYMOTE, Joshua Dennis Cleon averred that the dialogue is part of a series of engagements geared towards creating inclusive and participatory civil spaces for reconciliation in Liberia; noting that the model of the first dialogue held in the county will be adopted and replicated simultaneously across the two counties to complete eight planned dialogues, with four in each county, pens FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Peace Building Office Ends Non Violence Training For Youths In Bomi

The INSIGHT newspaper reads that the Liberia Peace Building Office in collaboration with the office of the National Peace Ambassador has ended a two-day nonviolence training workshop in Tubmanburg, Bomi County. According to the Assistant Program Manager at the Peace Building Office, over 100 youths benefitted from the workshop. Mr. Tagar Tarpeh disclosed that the training was intended to enhance youth participation in the 2017 presidential election.  He said 100 youths were selected through their performances; and established what he called an “Info-Group”. Info Group, he said comprises young people who will be clothed with the responsibility to identify potential issues of violence in their communities; and how to relay the information to their community leaders and contact the police in their various communities for rapid response.

MFA To Participate In International Tournament

The Monrovia Football Academy (MFA) is expected to participate in its first international tournament in Côte d’Ivoire. According to the Director of MFA, Mr. Will Smith, the academy will be participating in a tournament organized by Ivoire Académie in Abidjan. The Academy team will depart the country for Côte d’Ivoire for the tournament on October 27. The tournament will kick off on Monday, 30 October and will end on 5 November 5. The Academy’s team will include student-athletes ages 9-14 and representing grades 4, 5, and 6. The Academy will be the only team with female players, and it is expected to be the youngest team by a wide margin. According to him, the tournament will include football clubs and academies from six West African Countries including, Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mali and Nigeria, reports the New Dawn newspaper.