Daily Media Summary 2017-02-03

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Monrovia, Liberia


DAILY NEWS SUMMARY FOR Thursday, February 3, 2017

Stories dominating today’s newsstand include: President Sirleaf’s return home from the 28th Ordinary Session of the African Union, The Fall of US rates to the LD as President Sirleaf promises to hold Economic Management Confab, The start of the Voters Registration, amongst others stories. Papers covering the Summary are, The New Dawn, Heritage, Inquirer, In Profile, Insight, Frontpage Africa, Focus, and the Daily Observer newspapers.


Ellen Returns Home Promises to Hold Economic Management Team Confab

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has returned home from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia following her successful participation at the just ended 28th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union, which she described as ‘good’. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader made the statement on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 when she addressed journalists at the Robert International Airport in lower Margibi County upon arrival from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where she had gone to participate in the 28th Ordinary Session of the Authority of the African Union. Meanwhile, President Sirleaf will hold an Economic Management team meeting to address concerns raised by some business people in the Country. She however expressed concerns over the protest by some members in the business community, but was quick to note that some of the people involved in the protest were also part of the problem because according to her some of the very business people who even closed their shops and stores in protest were engaged in hoarding the U.S. dollars, the Heritage newspaper reads.

Related Captioned: Ellen Attacks Business Community (The New Dawn), President Sirleaf Holds Several Bilateral and Consultative Meetings on the Margins of Summit 28th African Union Summit (Frontpage Africa) 

As Businesses Continue Protests, Exchange Rate Drops to L$98 Foreign-owned entities cooperated


As businesses yesterday closed the second day of their three-day protest in demand of reduction in taxes and the USD exchange rate, signs of hope began to positively respond. It was observed that the foreign exchange rate which, until the strike, had reached L$115 toUS$1, suddenly dropped to a s low as L$98 in some locations, while others recorded L$100 to L$1. It is not clear whether the prices of goods and services will reflect the sudden reduction in the exchange rate. Some marketers’ demand “since we bought our goods while the exchange rate was high.” Meanwhile the Central Bank is still recording rates between L$104 to L$105 regardless of the reported low rates on the street, the Daily Observer newspaper says.

Related Captioned: As Protest Intensifies: Aggrieved Marketers Remain Resolute (Heritage), Ellen Concludes 28th African Union Summit of Heads of State (Heritage)

Carter Center Trains Youth Groups

An inside story of the New Dawn newspaper reads that the Carter Center has embarked on the training of various youth groups across the country as Liberia enters its political seasons for the October Presidential and Representatives’ elections. Carter Center says as the country draws closer to its elections, it was prudent to have young people who are custodians of the peace trained on many issues that affect them in the society. Carter Center Chief of Party Mr. Pewee Flomoku says they are embarking on a capacity building training for young people across the country, adding that the institution’s decision to support young people was premised on the fact that they are the future leaders, the paper says. 

As NEC Begins Voters Registration: First-Time Voters Trooped Registration Sites


As the National Elections Commission (NEC) began the voters registration process on Wednesday, February 1, 2017, several first-time voters trooped to various registration centers to get registered to vote in the ensuing 2017 Presidential and Representatives Elections. NEC is the body under the law responsible to conduct elections for all public offices within the territorial confines of the country. The voters’ registration process in one of the key processes leading to the holding of a free, credible, and transparent election on “Election Day”.  Liberians will go to the polls on October 10 of this year to vote for a President/Vice President and 73 Representatives who will steer the affairs of the state for the next six years, the Heritage newspaper reads.

Related Captioned: Voter Registration Begins Ahead of Crucial Pool (Insight) Voter Registration Day One Low Turnout Reported (Daily Observer), Poor Start at VR Centers (The New Dawn), Voter Registration Turnout Low…Other Areas Reoprt Logistical Problem (Inquirer)


MOH Identifies with UL

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has donated an Everest Limited Ford Vehicle worth Forty One Thousand Five Hundred and Fourteen United States Dollars to the new Dean of the A.M. Doglioti College of Medicine at the University of Liberia (UL). The Ministry has also presented a check of Twenty Four Thousand United States Dollars as supplementary salary and transportation support to the college. Hedling the keys of the vehicle to the Acting President of the University, Professor Weade Koba Wureh on Wednesday in the compound of the Ministry, Liberia’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Frances Kateh said the ministry was pleased that the university continues to produce quality man power for the health sector of the country. Also presenting the check, Deputy Health Minister for Administration and Action Minister Edward Tolbert, MBA, CPA said the gesture was consistent with the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two institutions, the Heritage newspaper says. 

Liberian Finance Minister Assures Country’s Readiness


Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister, Boima Kamara, has assured the 26th Summit of Heads of State and Governments participating in the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM Forum) that Liberia is on an irreversible path of readiness to be peer-reviewed by the end-June 2017. According to a dispatch from Addis Ababa, Minister Kamara gave the assurance when he addressed the 26th APR Forum on January 28, 2017, on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the In Profile newspaper reads.

Related Captioned: Liberia on Irreversible Readiness Path Min. Kamara Reveals at APR 26th Summit  (Focus)


For Successful County Meet: MYS Lauds Stakeholders

The Ministry of Youth and Sports has commended all stakeholders, including the Government of Liberia, sponsors, players and spectators for their effort and participation which made the 2016/2017 National County Sports Meet as resounding success. The Ministry, in a Press Release issued in Monrovia on Wednesday, February 1, 2017, said Minister Saah Charles N’Tow is delighted that Liberians and other followers of the tournament were supportive in their individual ways to ensure the fulfillment of the competition’s theme: “Promoting peace and national unity through sports.” the Heritage newspaper says.



Sensitize Liberians on ECOWAS’ Mission

The Special Representative of the President of ECOWAS Commission in Liberia, Ambassador Tunde O. Ajisomo, has called on government to use various means of communication to disseminate information about the regional body’s activities to the Liberian people. Ambassador Ajisomo made the suggestion when he shared his views about the recent success of ECOWAS in the peaceful transfer of power former President Yahya Jammie to Adama Barrow in The Gambia. The ECOWAS Envoy said this success, in addition to efforts to promote regional integration by which every citizen of ECOWAS will have free movement and stay in any country of the region without a visa, is a plus for the organization that Liberians in all parts of the country must be aware of, Heritage says.


APM Terminals Reaffirms Support for MVTC Scholarship Scheme

In fulfillment of its corporate social responsibility, APM Terminals-Liberia, has reaffirmed its support to a scholarship program at the Monrovia Vocation Training Center, (MVTC). APM Terminals Liberia operates the Freeport of Monrovia, which constitutes the gateway to Liberia’s economy. APM Terminals Liberia is also a multipurpose facility comprising up-to-the-minute equipment and specialized personnel that handle cargos such as rice, cement, late, the Insight newspaper says.

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