Daily Media Summary 2016-11-22


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of our summary highlights news of the ground breaking  ceremony for the construction of a new terminal building and the rehabilitation of runway at the Roberts International Airport, the Millennium Challenge Corporation  fiscal year 2017 scorecards qualifying Liberia to receive MCC development funds and the endorsement of the National Media Council  by Liberian Journalists.



The summary also includes Foreign Minister, Marjon V. Kamara’s commendation to the Lebanese Community for strengthening and deepening the relationship between Lebanon and Liberia and President Sirleaf’s condolence message to the Government people of Mozambique following the unfortunate explosion of a fuel tanker that killed at least 73 persons.




Pres. Sirleaf Breaks Ground for New Terminal, Runway 04-22


An inside story of the New Dawn newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has finally broken ground for the construction of a new terminal building, as well as the rehabilitation of runway at the Roberts International Airport. “I am so glad finally to see a new airport,” she added, indicating that her administration will ensure that the country’s airport becomes standard as compared to other international airports. According to her, such would be achieved before the departure of her administration so as to enable Liberians to enjoy the modernity of travelling and connectivity without any hindrances, the paper says.


Related Captions: Ellen Breaks Ground For New Terminal Building, Runway Construction(Heritage), Work On RIA New Terminal Begins(The INQUIRER),A Milestone For Liberia’ President Sirleaf envisions, as she breaks ground for construction of new RIA terminal(Daily Observer), Liberia, China Break Ground For RIA Airport Terminal, Runway(FrontPage Africa)



Liberia Passes Millennium Challenge Corporation Scorecard

Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) recently released its fiscal year 2017 scorecards a key component in the agency’s annual competitive selection process that determines which countries will receive MCC development funds and Liberia once again passed the scorecard. Liberia pass 10mof the 20 indicators on the FY  2017 scorecard, including maintaining good performance on both hard hurdles the Democratic Rights and Control of Corruption, the In Profile Daily reports.


Related Captions: Liberia Passes Millennium Challenge Scorecard(Heritage),Liberia Passes Millennium Challenge Scorecard(FOCUS)



Journalist Endorse National Media Council

Liberia journalists attending the 3rd Tri-Annual congress of the Press Union of Liberia in Ganta, Nimba County, have reaffirmed their commitment and support to a strong and effective self-regulation system, as a way of preserving the integrity of the media. The Congress participants voted unanimously to approve a new self-regulatory body, known as the National Media Council alongside the Revised Code of Ethics for Liberian journalists, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.


Related Caption: Journalists Endorse National Media Council(Heritage), Journalists Endorse National Media Council (In Profile Daily), Journalists Endorse National Media Council(FOCUS)





Liberia Congratulates Lebanon On 73rd Independence Anniversary 

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and people of the Republic of Lebanon on the occasion marking the 73rd Independence Anniversary of that country on November 22. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her message to the Acting President of the Republic of Lebanon, His Excellency Mr. Tammam Salam, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, hoped that their two countries will continue to collaborate within the context of economic cooperation and social development. She then assured His Excellency Mr. Salam of her government’s determination to continue to strengthen the cordial relations subsisting between their two countries for the prosperity of their respective peoples, according to the Heritage newspaper.




GoL Extols Lebanese Community

Foreign Minister, Marjon V. Kamara, has lauded the Lebanese Community for its pivotal role played in strengthening and deepening the relationship between Lebanon and Liberia. Minister Kamara said the Government of Liberia acknowledges with appreciation the Lebanese community’s contributions to the socio-economic development of Liberia which she said continues to reinforce the partnership between both countries.   The Minister made the assertion at ceremony marking the 73rd Anniversary celebration of Lebanon on Sunday, November 20, 2016 at the Embassy in Sinkor, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.






Liberia Consoles Mozambique On Fuel Tanker Mishap, Killing 73

The Heritage newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the President, Government and people of the Republic of Mozambique following the unfortunate explosion of a fuel tanker in Caphiridzange, Tete Province, western Mozambique. On November 17, 2016, at least 73 persons were killed and more than 100 injured when a tanker truck exploded in a small village in Teta Province.  According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the condolence message to her Mozambican counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Filipe Nyusi, the Government and people of the Republic of Mozambique, most especially the families of the victims, President Sirleaf on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia extended deepest condolences and hoped for a speedy recovery for those injured. 



James Butty Receives Voice of America Gold Medal Award

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports Liberian ace journalist, James S. Butty, has been chosen as one of the recipients of the 2016 Gold Medal Award for exemplary contributions toward the accomplishments of Voice of America. The Gold Medal Award is one of the most prestigious forms of recognition that the VOA can offer. First, individuals are nominated and voted on by their peers. The names are then sent to the Gold Medal Selection panelists for selection. Receiving the award, Mr. Butty said “I believe this award is proof that whatever your profession – whether janitor, taxi driver, or journalist – if you do it every day with diligence and commitment, your work will one day be highly appreciated. I am especially honored because years ago as a young man growing up in Pleebo, Maryland County, Liberia, I barely spoke English.”



Bar Breaks Ground For Multipurpose Office – Gears Up For Annual Convention In Ganta

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, Members of the Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA) on Saturday broke grounds for the building of a modern office building cost nearly 2 milllion United States Dollars. The site is ideally located in Nyonjay Town, Tahwer Hill Margibi County with front view and situated just on the main road. Speaking at the site along the Robertsfield Highway, the President of the LNBA, Cllr. G. Moses Paegar said, for more than 105 years, the Bar has been housed in private premises, thus imposing serious congestion and lack of adequate accessibility of lawyers and judicial officials for also accessing their office.



Training of Midwives Commences Tomorrow

A United Kingdom (UK – Based) non-governmental health group, life for African Mothers (LFAM), will tomorrow, Wednesday, November 23, 2016 commence the training of 208 midwives in the country. LFAM is a Maternal Health charity group aiming to make birth safer in Sub- Saharan Africa, by providing medication treat to treat eclampsia and post-partum hemorrhage, reports the Heritage newspaper.




Gender Ministry Launches 16 Days of Activism Tomorrow

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP), will on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 officially launch the 25th observance of the 16 days of Activism which will be followed by the signing of a SGBV Joint Program and the launch of 116 Child Help-lines. The 16 Days Activism is a campaign for Violence against Women that takes place annually from the 25 of November to the 10th of December. The global campaign, undertaken by women’s organization, national government and other stakeholders, spans some very significant dates in the women and human rights movement.


Related Captions: Gender Ministry Launches 16 Days Of Activism. Lines Up Series Of Events (Heritage)



Ministry of Agriculture Ends National Oil Palm Symposium

A one-day National Oil Palm Symposium has ended in Liberia at the Ministry of Agriculture PMU in Fendell outside Monrovia. The National Oil Palm Symposium is a national event implemented by the Oil Palm Sector Technical Working Group (OPSTWG), a private sector initiative driven that is sanctioned and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Agriculture Coordination Committee (ACC) with the private-public partnership in which partners take voluntary actions, individually and in combination to identify challenges, document relevant information, identify responsible implementing agency and recommend possible solutions to policy makers and other actors in the Liberian Oil Palm Industry. Representatives of the Government of Liberia, four Oil Palm Concessions, Independent Oil Palm Producers and other value chain actors to discussed challenges that will lead to documented solutions to match implementing partners and further recommend to policy makers with implementing timelines that will be reported and vetted for follow-up Symposium at the end of the first quarter in 2017 reports the FrontPage Africanewspaper.





Liberia’s Economic Growth Depends On Its Entry Points LAA Board Chair

The Board Chair of the Liberia Airport Authority or LAA, ex-Senator Gbehzonga Findley, says Liberia’s economic growth depends on its entry points. Mr. Findley, former President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate said, the entry points the country has will help to boost the economy and promote development thru careful management of state resources. Speaking here on Monday, 21 November during groundbreaking for the construction of a new airport terminal and rehabilitation of the runway 04-22 of the Roberts International Airport held in Unification Town, Margibi County, the former Grand Bassa County Senator indicated that the two projects came in the right time under the administration of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf which he feels proud ofthe New Dawn daily says.





UK-Based NGO to Train Liberian Midwives

A United Kingdom (UK) based non-governmental organization known as Life for African Mothers (LFAM) has disclosed plans to train 208 midwives in six counties, beginning with Montserrado County. The LFAM first training, which is expected to commence on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 in Montserrado County will begin with 75 midwives who will receive nine days training in Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu, Margibi and Grand Bassa counties will be done in 2017, the In Profile Daily says.




20 LEC Staff Complete Voith Training

20 employees of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) have completed a two-week training program with the technology group Voith at its headquarters in Heidenheim, southern Germany.  According to the Daily Observer, the training program equipped the staff with in-depth knowledge related to the most important design, production and operating concepts for hydropower plants. It includes training relating to turbines, generators and other electromechanical components. Voith is helping its customer, the Liberia Electricity Corporation, to acquire the knowledge it needs for a long-term, efficient and safe operation of its plant.




Affirmative Action, Gola Forest Acts Go To Conference C’ttees

The leadership of the Senate has set up two separate conference committees to work with their counterparts in the House of Representatives to reconcile differences in the passage of the Gola Affirmative Action and the Forest Acts, respectively. The five-member Conference Committee constituted to work with the House of Representatives on the Gola Forest National Park is headed by Grand Kru County Senator and Chairman of the Committee on Lands, Mines, Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Albert Chie while Senator Peter Sonpon Coleman, who chairs the Committee on Gender, Health, Social Welfare, Women and Children Affairs, is chairing a five-member Conference Committee on the Affirmative Action Act. According to the Senate version of the Act, “upon its passage, 21 Special Legislative Constituencies are established within the country for which additional 21 members of the House of Representatives shall be elected beginning with the 2017 presidential and legislative elections.” The would-be beneficiaries of the 21 seats are women, youth, and members of the disabled community. Meanwhile, the Act establishing the Gola Forest National Park was first passed by the House of Representatives in September 2015; a year later in September 2016, the Senate concurred with the House for its enactment. The Act is mainly intended to work side-by-side with the numerous protocols and international instruments aimed at curbing the devastating consequences of climate change, according to the Daily Observer.






Rep. Kparkar’s Book Of Condolence Wednesday-Burial December 3 in Foya

According to the Daily Observer, the signing of the Book of Condolence for the late Lofa County District # 1 Representative, Eugene Fallah Kparkar, is set for tomorrow, Wednesday, in the Capitol Building Rotunda. Kparkar died on November 10, at a hospital in India. He was 41. According to the House Protocol Department, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and members of the Cabinet will begin signing the Book of Condolence for the fallen lawmaker att 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, followed by Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, President Pro Tempore Armah Z. Jallah and members of the Liberian Senate will follow at 11:45am. The fallen Lofa County lawmaker will be buried in Foya, Lofa County, on Saturday, December 3.