Daily Media Summary 2016-10-24


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News on the dedication of the newly constructed Eternal Love Winning Africa’s hospital by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the Liberia Electricity Corporation’s completion of the first phase of the reservoir impoundment of the Mt. Coffee Hydropower Dam Project in Harrisburg and the Liberia Revenue Authority seizure of seven vehicles that were imported to Liberia are among stories dominating today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.


The summary also highlights news of President Sirleaf’s Proclamation declaring today October 24, as United Nations Day and her congratulatory message to the Government and People of the Republic of Zambia on the occasion of the 50thIndependence celebration.




President Sirleaf Dedicates New ELWA Hospital


The FOCUS newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has dedicated the newly constructed hospital of the Eternal Love Winning Africa (ELWA), describing the faith-based organization's achievement as a monumental example of real partnership aimed at contributing to the health needs of the people of Liberia. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf was speaking on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at program marking the handover and dedication of the new ELWA Hospital in Paynesville. President Sirleaf, led by Rev. Dr.  Franklin Graham, CEO& President of Samaritan’s Purse, International Relief cut the ribbon to the new hospital and declared the newly constructed modern medical facility opened. President Sirleaf recounted that since the coming to Liberia of (ELWA)in the 1950s, the organization has always been able to contribute to the educational, healthcare and religious needs of the people of Liberia. She noted that the main aims and objective of the ELWA have been since metamorphisized into other splendid needs of the Liberian people.



Related Captions: Ellen Dedicates ELWA New Hospital(In Profile Daily), Ellen Dedicates Over US$5M Hospital(Heritage), Samaritan Purse Unveils New ELWA Hospital-Health Sector Boost(FrontPage Africa)



Mt. Coffee Project Achieves Major Milestone

The INQUIRERnewspaper says the first phase of the reservoir impoundment (filling the reservoir with water)of the Mt. Coffee Hydropower Dam Project in Harrisburg has been completed paving the way for the commissioning of the first 22 megawatt turbine in December.“By October 19, 2016, the team on the Mt. Coffee Hydropower Rehabilitation Project successfully completed the reservoir impoundment. Bill Hakin, Project Director of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) said this major milestone is a pre-condition for commissioning of the first turbine. He said that despite a number of challenges the project is still on track to allow the hydropower facility to deliver electricity to the LEC grid by mid December 2016 as planned.  


Related Captions: Mt. Coffee Project First Phase Impoundment (In Profile Daily), Mt. Coffee Project Successfully Achieves Major Milestone(Heritage)


Stolen Cars-Liberia Revenue Authority Impounds Vehicles From U.S.

The FrontPage Africa newspaper says the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has intercepted and confiscated seven vehicles that were stolen from the United States and imported to Liberia, and has turned over those vehicles to the US Embassy, consistent with international trade and relevant customs conventions and the laws of Liberia. The Anti-Smuggling and Intelligence Section (ASIS) of the LRA, working in collaboration with the Liberian National police and the US Embassy near Monrovia, intercepted and seized the vehicles at the Freeport of Monrovia on Thursday, October 13, 2016, while they were being offloaded from two containers. The seized vehicles include two 2016 Mercedes Benz, two Jeeps (a Grand Cherokee and Wrangler, both 2016 models), a 2014 Toyota Rav V4, a 2016 Dodge Ram 1500, and a 2016 Audi Q5. The US Embassy has written the Liberian government through the Foreign Affairs Ministry, seeking assistance for the immediate transfer of the stolen vehicles to the United States. In a Diplomatic Note, the Embassy said the United States of America has had a history of vehicles being stolen and transported to Liberia and other West African countries illegally. “The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has been our primary contact in confiscating, detaining and repatriating said vehicles,” the Diplomatic Note stated, adding, “We have had a successful working relationship with the LRA and have ensured the proper rules of law are followed.”



Related Captions: LRA Confiscates Stolen Vehicles(In Profile Daily), LRA Confiscates, Turns Over 7 Stolen Vehicles To US Embassy(Daily Observer)



EPA Holds Stakeholders’ Consultation

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has completed consultations with residents of town and villages expected to be affected by Mt. Gangra Project in Nimba County. In a special statement to the project affected communities to see, discuss and understand, so that together a decision can be reached. Mr. Goll noted that it is not all about economic development, but biodiversity sustainability as well. The EPA Deputy Head made it emphatically clear that the Agency went to listen to the decision of the affected communities and not to tell them what to say or do, reports the In Profile Daily.


Related Captions: EPA Completes Consultations On Mt. Gangra Project In Nimba(Heritage), EPA Conducts Stakeholder on Mt. Gangra in Yekepa(The New Dawn), EPA Conducts Stakeholder Consultation On Mt. Gangra(The INQUIRER)





Liberia Observers ‘United Nations Day’ Today

According to the In Profile Daily, the President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has by Proclamation declared Monday, October 24, 2016, as United Nations Day, and is to be observed throughout the Republic as a Working Holiday.  According to a Foreign Ministry release, the observance is in recognition of the invaluable contributions of the United Nations to humanity. The Proclamation calls upon all national and international organizations, United Nations Agencies near Monrovia, schools and other institutions of learning as well as citizens in general to cooperate with the Ministry of Education in organizing appropriate programs befitting the occasion. According to the Proclamation, Liberia will join other member states in celebrating this year’s Anniversary of the United Nations Day under the theme, “71st For 17”, which recognizes the achievements of the organization over its 71 years of existence and its commitment toward the realization of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


Related Caption: Today Is ‘United Nations Day’(Heritage)



Liberia Congratulates Zambia On 50th Anniversary

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, has sent a Message of Congratulation to the Government and People of the Republic of Zambia on the occasion of the 50thIndependence celebration of that country on October 24. In her message to His Excellency Mr. Edgar Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, President Sirleaf expressed hope that the bond of friendship so happily subsisting between the two countries and Peoples will continue to be strengthened in the years to come as Liberia looks forward to closely collaborating with the Republic of Zambia for the promotion of peace, security and economic integration.



President Sirleaf Receives Rev. Dr. Franklin Graham-- CEO / President of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan Purse

The Daily Observer reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Friday received the Chief Executive Officer and President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse International Relief, Rev. Dr. Franklin Graham at her Foreign Ministry Office. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf welcomed Dr. Graham to Liberia and thanked him for the many good works his organization has done in Liberia. She particularly recalled the role of Samaritan Purse during the Ebola crisis. The Liberia leader noted that she believes God was the key driver in helping Liberia to defeat the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) because there were daring predictions that did not come to pass. She also acknowledged the bravery and good work of Dr. Jerry Brown and other health professionals who stood in the gap when many had given up hope. She reminded Dr. Graham and team about the need to pay special attention to survivors of Ebola outbreak who require immense help and assistance. She noted that Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was a key part of the visible progress Liberia has made. Speaking earlier, Dr. Franklin Graham acknowledged the huge progress that has been made in Liberia since he last visited Liberia five years ago and informed her about a new state of the art hospital that has been built on the premises of the ELWA Hospital. “We are committed to Liberia and love Liberia very much. This is a wonderful country blessed by God who was with you during the Ebola crisis. He also recognized the contribution of the Dr. Kent Brantley and his colleagues who contracted the disease as they worked to save lives through Samaritan’s Purse at the ELWA Compound and were saved by God.



Ellen Tours Chinese Aided Bamboo, Rattan, Vegetables Projects; Inspects Ongoing Works At The Eye Center At JFK.

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has toured a Chinese-aided Bamboo & Rattan Weaving and Vegetables Planting Projects, a "Technological Cooperation between the Governments of Liberia and the People's Republic of China," aimed at making unskilled youths marketable and skillful. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf, during the tour on Friday, October 21 described the project as an "Element of Sustainability.” “China has done quite a few things for Liberia, but this one is an element of sustainability” President Sirleaf said. The Liberian leader said the production of these things will cut down cost and encourage other unskilled Liberians to go into the process aimed at sustaining their livelihood. President Sirleaf used the occasion to call on the Chinese authorities to go one step further by making the project competitive in order to make Furniture produced in Liberia marketable. The Liberian leader commended the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the training and urged them to continue making Liberian youths marketable. Earlier, making remarks at the touring ceremony, Chinese Ambassador to Liberia, Zhang Yue said “Agriculture is a very important area in Liberia’s economic development.” Ambassador Zhang said because of this, China is trying to help in a meaningful way in this direction. He assured that China will continue to support the Agricultural Technological Demonstration Center known as “Kpatawee Project” with additional $3 million to make it sustainable.“We are inviting more Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in Liberia, in fishery, including marine fishing freshwater aquaculture and aquatic product processing. Meanwhile, President Sirleaf made a brief stopover at the “Eye Center” in the compound of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center to inspect the level of work being done at the facility, reports the Heritage newspaper.



EU Supports Food Security And Livelihoods Action In Four Counties

The Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Consortium has launched an action to enhance food security and livelihoods in Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, Margibi and Montserrado Counties. The consortium consisting of Action Contre La Faim, Wethungerhilfe and ZOA will support vulnerable population groups in Bomi, Grand Cape Mount, Margibi and Montserrado counties through skills training on income generating activities, village saving and loan activities, vegetable production as well as cassava production and processing expected to benefit 90 communities, target a total of 4,589 vulnerable households representing 23,403 people, according to the Heritage newspaper.

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