Daily Media Summary 2016-10-06


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of theHouse of Representatives’ election of Margibi County Representative James Emmanuel Nuquay as the new Speaker; the Government of Liberia’s plan celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child; and the resignation of the Legal Advisor to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,Cllr. Seward M. Cooper, are among stories dominating today’s edition of the Summary.



House Elects New Speaker


Members of the House of Representatives have elected a new Speaker on white ballot, following the removal of indicted Speaker J. Alex Tyler. The new Speaker is Margibi County Representative James Emmanuel Nuquay, who was formally inducted Wednesday, 5 October to steer the affairs of that august body until 2018. This followed a Supreme Court refusal to grant separate writs of prohibition sought by Montserrado County Representative Adolph Lawrence and former Speaker Tyler. Rep. Tyler had challenged his removal from office, while Rep. Lawrence sought redress from the High Court for what he termed administrative mal-practices in the House of Representatives. But Justice in Chambers, Sie Nyene Youh lifted the stay order and declined to issue the writ of prohibition, giving the plenary of the House of Representatives the legal basis to conduct its election, replacing Tyler. Addressing reporters following his election, Speaker Nuquay promised cordial relationship with his colleagues and the Executive Branch of Government, stressing that the foremost interest of the state and its people is development, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Nuquay Elected Speaker (Heritage), Emmanuel Nuquay Replaces Tyler(The INQUIRER), Nuquay Elected Speaker - Tyler’s Reign Ends(In Profile Daily), Barchue, Out; Nuquay Takes Over(FOCUS), House Elects New Speaker(Daily Observer)


Liberian To Observe Int’l Day of the Girl Child

An inside story of the INQUIRER newspaper reads the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection (MoGCSP) is expected to join the worldwide celebrations in observance of ‘The International Day of the Girl Child’ scheduled for October 11, 2016. The day is celebrated under the global theme, ‘Girls’ Progress = Goals’ Progress: A Global Girl Data Movement”, while the national theme is “Make It Count: Advancing an integrated Movement for girls Empowerment.’


Related Captions: 5th Celebration of 2016 “International Day Of Girl Child” Announced(Heritage), GoL To Observer International Day Of The Girl Child(FOCUS), Liberia To Observe International Day Of The Girl Child(FrontPage Africa) 

President’s Legal Advisor Resigns


TheNew Dawn newspaper reports that the Legal Advisor to President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Cllr. Seward M. Cooper, has resigned for private and international service, while making himself available for consultancy services. Quoting an Executive Mansion release, the daily reads that President Sirleaf accepted his resignation with deep regrets. Cllr. Cooper served in that capacity for over 5 years. While in private practice, Cllr. Cooper will focus on corporate, commercial, and international legal matters.


Related Captions: Ellen Accepts Resignation Of Legal Advisor(Heritage), Sirleaf’s Legal Advisor Resigns(FOCUS), President Accepts Legal Advisor’s Resignation, Departs For U.S.(FrontPage Africa)


NEC Holds Symposium on Elections Dispute Resolution Ahead of 2017

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has begun the conduct of a series of workshops on the mitigation of electoral disputes to prevent pre and post-elections violence. The four-day electoral dispute resolution workshop started on Monday and is intended to drill stakeholders in the various phases of the electoral dispute resolution process. Issues being discussed at the workshop include the types of electoral complaints, how to file a complaint; initial reaction of NEC to complaint, who adjudicates complaints, complaints hearing process, remedies and appealing. The workshop is being held in phases with participants attending at different intervals. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the objective of the workshop is to acquaint stakeholders with the electoral dispute hearing mechanism and processes common to the elections complaints hearing. The workshop is being sponsored by the European Union through UNDP and USAID through IFES.

Related Captions: NEC Conducts Electoral Dispute Resolution Trainings For Stakeholders  (Heritage), NEC Conducts Training on Dispute Resolution(The INQUIRER), NEC Conducts  Electoral Dispute Resolution Trainings For Stakeholders(In Profile Daily), NEC Conducts Dispute Resolution Workshop-Carries Out Massive Renovation Ahead Of 2017 Elections(Daily Observer), NEC Conducts Electoral Dispute Resolution Training For Stakeholders  (The New Dawn)


Renovation Works Begin at NEC Headquarters

Massive renovation works have begun at the headquarters of the National Elections Commission (NEC) in Monrovia. The renovation works are being conducted at the James M. Fromayan Conference Hall where official results of elections are announced. Works at the Hall include replacement of steel fence using concrete bricks is also taking place at the Commission. The process will also include the replacement of damaged entry and exit gates and the installation of lights to illuminate the compound during night hours, the Heritage reads.

Related Captions: Renovation Works Begin At NEC Headquarters(The INQIRER), Renovation Works Begin At NEC Headquarters(In Profile Daily)


Alfalit Hits 10 Int’l Pres. To Visit Liberia

For the thanksgiving and celebration of ten years of dedicated service to youth and adult literacy education in Liberia since 2006, the international President of Alfalit, Dr. Joseph Milton, will arrive in Liberia on Sunday, October 9, 2016. According to a press release issued by Alfalit Liberia, his visit is aimed at offering more support to the Liberia-Ghana Missions and Alfalit Liberia, to review and assess the current programs and status of the two organizations’ impacts in its support to education and adult literacy in Liberia and as well as strengthen commitment and renew friendship and remain engaged in buttressing the government of Liberia’s educational drive, the In Profile Daily reports.


Related Captions: Alfalit To Celebrate One Decade Of Service(FrontPage Africa), Alfalit International Head To Visit Liberia(The New Dawn)



ExxonMobile to Begin Drill For Oil Here


The U.S. oil company, ExxonMobile, has disclosed plan to begin drilling offshore oil well here at the close of the year or in 2017. The Lead Country Manager for ExxonMobile Exploration and Production Liberia Limited, Mr. Steven P. Buck, made the disclosure in Monrovia on Wednesday, 5 October when he addressed the opening of a media workshop to build general knowledge of the oil and gas sector. The New Dawnnewspaper reports that the workshop was facilitated by the International Human Resources Development Corporation (IHRDC) in collaboration with the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL). Mr. Buck said the drill will take place 50 miles or 2500 meters offshores in deep waters. ExxonMobile signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with the Government of Liberia in 2013 to explore block 13 for subsequent production.  Block 13 is situated off the coast of Margibi and Grand Bassa Counties.


Ellen Off For WB Meeting In Washington

According to the New Dawn newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has departed the country to attend a World Bank High Level Panel in Washington D.C., the United States of America. Quoting an Executive Mansion release, the daily reads that the High Level Panel on experiences and perspective on state fragility and the means to address this within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.Liberia’s Justice Minister and Attorney General, Cllr. Frederick Cherue will serve as Coordinator of the Cabinet in consultation with Vice President.


Senate Passes National Gola Forest Act, “To Uphold Sustainable Forest Governance”

Liberia has enacted into law the Gola Forest National Park located in northwestern Liberia between Grand Cape Mount and Gbarpolu counties. The Daily Observer says the landscape of the newly enacted Gola Forest is estimated at 88,000 hectares of forestland. The Act establishing the Gola National Forest was passed on the eve of this year’s legislative annual break after the Senate concurred with the House of Representatives that earlier passed the Bill in September 2015. It is expected to be forwarded to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for her approval and subsequent printing into handbills.


Liberia Wins Executive Post At African Lottery

The 17th biennial congress of the Africa Lottery Association ended September 19, 2016 in Casablanca, Morocco, with the election of a new corps of officers of the association for a two-year term. The congress, which was aimed at reviewing the activities of the association for the past two years as well as receiving progress reports from September 27-29, 2016 with Liberia being re-elected as auditor of the continental organization, the Heritage newspaper reads.

Gov’t Distributes 1,180 Chairs, Desks to Rivercess Schools

An inside story of the Heritage newspaper reads that the Ministry of Education has distributed 1,180 chairs and desks to several public schools in Rivercess County, the County Education Officer Samuel Bondo has disclosed. He told journalists at the Doewein Public School in Central Rivercess County recently that 1,060 armchairs were earmarked for students, while 120 desks and chairs were meant for teachers and administrators at the schools.



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