Daily Media Summary 2016-09-30


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of the United States Government’s extension of the stay of Liberians under the Deferred Enforced Departure, Liberia’s participation at the funeral of former Israeli President Shimon Peres and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China  near Monrovia observance of the country’s 67th anniversary of its founding are among stories dominating today’s edition of the summary.




Liberians Get Extended Stay In The U.S.


According to the New Dawn newspaper, President Barack Obama has announced that the United States Government has extended the stay of Liberians under the Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) and has authorized their employment for 18 months from October 1, 2016. The United States has provided safe haven for Liberians who were forced to flee the country as a result of war and widespread civil strife, in part through the grant of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) since 1991 up to now. President Obama said his action is in pursuant to his constitutional authority to conduct the foreign relations of the United States and therefore has determined that it is in the foreign policy interest of the United States to defer for 18 months the removal of any Liberian national or Liberians without nationality who last habitually resided in Liberia, who is present in the United States and who is under a grant of DED as of September 30, 2011. President Obama said reasons for extension for ineligible for TPS is provided in section 244(c) (2) (B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 1254a(c) (2) (B). He has therefore directed the head of Homeland Security to take the necessary steps to implement the directive for eligible Liberians, reads the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: Obama Extends DED to Liberians (Daily Observer), Obama Extends Deferred Enforced Departure of Liberians (Heritage) 

Liberian Ambassador At Ex-Israeli President’s Funeral


The Daily Observer quotes a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Washington, D.C. as saying that Liberia Ambassador to the United States of America, Jeremiah C. Sulunteh, is representing President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at the funeral of the former President of Israel, Shimon Peres. The funeral of former President Peres, 93, will takes place today, Friday, September 30, in Jerusalem. While in Israel, Ambassador Sulunteh will convey condolences from President Sirleaf, the government and people of Liberia to the government and people of the State of Israel for the loss of the eminent international statesman, the dispatch said. In the message of condolence, Ambassador Sulunteh will recount how Peres, who was known to millions around the world as “Israel’s Warrior of Peace,” will forever be remembered for his role in preserving peace and being a strong voice for the preservation of the State of Israel. Over the decades before Liberia’s civil crises, Israel and Liberia enjoyed a strong bilateral relationship where Israel was actively involved in Liberia’s economic and infrastructural development programs. Earlier on Wednesday, September 28, President Sirleaf sent a message of consolation to her counterpart, Reuven Rivlin of Israel, for the passing of Peres, a former President and twice Prime Minister of Israel.

Related Captions: Amb. Sulunteh Represents Liberia at Former Israeli President Funeral (FrontPage Africa), Ambassador Sulunteh Represents Liberia At Former Israeli President Peres’s Funeral (Heritage) 

China, Liberia’s Bond Strengthened – PRC Celebrates 67th Anniversary


Liberia Vice President Joseph Boakai has extolled his country and China for a comprehensive and tangible progress in the development of friendship and cooperation, particularly the reestablishment of relations between the two governments in 2003. Speaking at the 67th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, VP Boakai expressed Liberia commitment in remaining resolute in maximizing objectives of the framework relating to China-Africa Cooperation, a platform he said will enhanced Liberia’s interactions in diverse areas. The Liberian Vice President said his government under the stewardship of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf adhered to the One China Policy due to a true representation demonstrated by the People's Republic of China to its citizens. For his part, Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yue appreciated Liberia’s adherence to the One China policy and insistence on international justice. He praised Liberia for steady progress in economic stabilization and advancement of private sector business; value added industry and industrialization process. Furthermore, Zhang promised to donate another batch of police supply to law enforcement agencies across Liberia worth over US$2 Million based on a request from the Liberian government. He disclosed that China stands prepare to provide military aid worth US$100Million to the African Union within five years as a way to support the establishment of an African Standby Force and the African Capacity for Immediate Response Crisis, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: VP Boakai Reaffirms Liberia’s Commitment to ‘One China’ Policy (FOCUS), China Makes more Commitment to Liberia (The INQUIRER), VP Boakai: Liberia Remains Committed To ‘One-China’ Policy (Heritage)


Pres. Sirleaf Receives Initial Series of New Liberian Banknotes

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has received specimen of the initial series of the newly-printed banknotes from Central Bank Executive Governor Milton Weeks including denominations ranging from LD$ 01 to $100. Pres. Sirleaf made the commendation on Thursday, September 29, 2016 in the Cabinet room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and commended Governor Weeks and the team for the hard work and level of Professionalism, the FOCUS newspaper says.


Related Caption: President Receives Initial Series of New Liberian Bank Notes (FrontPage Africa)

CBL Governor Pledges Support To Media Capacity Building

The Executive Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), Mr. Milton A. Weeks, has expressed his willingness to work with the media to enhance its capacity. Governor Weeks described the media as a critical partner in national development which must be adequately trained and prepared to perform its role. The Governor offered to help support training opportunities for the media in areas covering the banking and finance sector to help broaden the media’s perspective of the sector. Governor Weeks was speaking Wednesday, September 28, 2016, when he held informal discussions with a number of media executives in Monrovia. He said the CBL will operate on the principles of transparency and fairness, and as such would encourage an open relationship between the media and the Central Bank, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: ‘We Will Support Media Capacity Building’– CBL Governor Weeks (FrontPage Africa), ‘We Will Support Media Capacity Building’–Gov. Weeks (The INQUIRER)

Another Minister Is Dead

Authorities at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) have announced the death of the Assistant Minister for Budget, Augustine Kaifa Blama. Minister Blama was reported dead on Wednesday September 28, at the JFK Memorial Hospital following an abrupt illness. In a condolence statement at the residence of the deceased Wednesday night, Finance and Development Planning Minister, Boima S. Kamara, who lead a senior management team from the MFDP, described the sudden death of Assistant Minister Blama as a void left within the MFDP workforce, especially the Department of Budget and Development Planning, which Minister Blama served with diligence and absolute loyalty. The MFDP release concluded by disclosing that the Assistant Minister, who was an ardent Muslim, will be buried in Nyandiayama, Lofa County, on today, September 30, 2016, following Islamic prayers, reports the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: Assistant Minister For Budget Is Dead (Daily Observer), Asst. Minister For Budget, Augustine Kaifa Blama, Dies (FOCUS)



Africa’s Economy Continues To Falter, But World Bank


After slowing to three percent in 2015, economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to fall further to 1.6 percent in 2016, the lowest level in over two decades. According to the World Bank, the sharp decline in aggregate growth reflects challenging economic conditions in the region’s largest economies and commodity exporters. The World Bank Group said many of these countries continue to face headwinds from low commodity prices, tight financial conditions, and domestic policy uncertainties. The Bank further noted that economic activity has been notably weak across oil exporters while economic growth in about a quarter of the region’s countries is showing signs of resilience, the INQUIRERnewspaper reads.

Related Caption: WB Predicts 1.6 Percent Slump For Africa’s Economy (Daily Observer)

House Cuts Number of Proposed Seats In Affirmative Action Bill

TheHouse of Representatives has endorsed the establishment of seven Special Legislative Constituencies for which an additional seven members would be elected, in addition to the already 73, totaling 81 members in the House. The motion indicated that there would be five seats for women to be divided among five regions; while the youth and persons living with disabilities will have their respective seats. The Senate’s version of the Affirmative Action for Equal Participation and Representation provides the establishment of 21 Special Legislative Constituencies for which an additional 21 members of the House of Representatives shall be elected - with 15 seats for women, 3 seats each for the youth and persons living with disabilities. However, Maryland County Representative Dr. Bhofal Chambers has filed a motion of reconsideration for the vote on the passage of the Affirmative Action for Equal Participation and Representation Act, which would be considered today, Friday, September 30, in a Special Session, according to the Daily Observer.

Enough Drugs at Redemption Hospital

Antibacterial medicines are mostly requested from health workers by patients at the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town. With nine beta lactam (related by structure) antibiotics listed on the essential drug list of the hospital for this year, the head Pharmacist, David Sneh said that Amoxicillin, Ampicillin and Ceftriaxone are highly in demand, especially in the emergency department which  comes in tablet, oral liquid, capsule or powder for injection to treat bacterial infection. He said other commonly used antibacterial, that does not have structure generic names are Septrin, flagy or metronidazole that come in several dosage depending on the producer such as British Pharmacopoeia, the INQUIRER newspaper reads.


WHO, GOL Introduce Rabies Vaccine

The Heritage newspaper reads that the Ministry of Health and Agriculture in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) have introduced vaccines to prevent and eliminate rabies from Liberia. Making the disclosure at the celebration of “World Rabies Day” held at the Duport Road Health Center in Paynesville on Wednesday, the Deputy Director for Disease Control at the Ministry of Health, Roseline George, said the Duport Road Health Center in Paynesville has been designated as the center for the exercise.

LNP Launches Ambulance Service

The Liberia National Police (LNP) has launched an ambulance service to be used in Monrovia and its environs for its community outreach program. The launch took place Thursday at the Headquarters of the LNP on Capitol Bye-Pass. Inspector General of Police, Col. Gregory O. W. Coleman said, the ambulance service is intended to help communities with medical emergencies at night and for road traffic accidents, the FOCUS newspaper reports.  

6 Students Injured In Collapsed Classroom


According to the Daily Observer, six students of Liberian government operated Soul Clinic Public School (SCPS) in Paynesville yesterday sustained injuries when their classroom collapsed on them. The Vice Principal for Instruction, Perry Stevens, said at about 8:45 a.m. Thursday, students in the second grade class felt the school building shake. “Few minutes later,” he quoted the students as saying, “a big sound came from under their feet and the front side of their classroom broke down.” He said one of the girls, aged 14, sustained an injury on her right arm and another sustained “serious injury,” but he did not elaborate. Mr. Stevens said Education Minister George Werner and two Ministry of Education officials conveyed the injured students to the ELWA Hospital for treatment. Minister Werner expressed regret and described the situation as sad and unfortunate. Mr. Stevens said classes at the school have been suspended, pending direction from the Ministry of Education. Up to late yesterday, there was no information about the students’ injuries from the hospital.


Related Caption: Collapsed School Injure Several (The INQUIRER)



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