Daily Media Summary, 2016-09-09


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The arrival of the Director General of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, Dr. Sidi Ould Tah, the evaluation of the educational sector by the Cabinet and the Press Union of Liberia pronouncement on the signing of a Book of Condolence in memory of Liberian Journalist Lawrence Randall are among stories highlighted in today’s newspapers.



The summary also includes news of President Johnson Sirleaf’s meeting with the UN Security Council assessment delegation and the two-day visit of former British Prime Minister and Head of the Africa Governance Initiative, Rt. Tony Blair.




Arab Bank Director General Arrives Today


The Daily Observer reports that the Director General of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), Dr. Sidi Ould Tah is expected in Liberia today for a three day official visit. During his visit, according to a release from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), Dr. Tah will review the performance of the Arab Bank’s portfolio in the country, which includes three development projects aligned to Government’s Economic Transformation: Pillar Two of the Agenda for Transformation (AFT) valued US$34 million. The three development projects funded by BADEA are the Bushrod Power Generation Plant Expansion, the Roberts International Airport (RIA) Runway Rehabilitation and the upgrading of Gbarnga-Salayea Road. The MFDP’s statement indicated that, Dr. Tah will also meet with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and pay a courtesy call on Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai.


Related Captions: BADEA Director General Visits Liberia (In Profile Daily), Arab Bank D.G. Visits Liberia (The NEWS),Arab Bank Director General Visits Liberia-Review Banks Performance Portfolio (WOMEN VOICES)



PUL Remembers Lawrence Randall

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has announced the signing of a Book of Condolence in memory of Liberian Journalist and Media Development Expert Lawrence Randall. The event will commence at 11am at the Headquarters of the PUL on Thursday, September 8, 2016. Mr. Randall died in the United States of America on Wednesday, August 10, 2016 after a period of illness. The signing will be led by the President and Members of the Press Union of Liberia, the government, the family and members of the public, the NEWS newspaper writes.


Related Captions: PUL Opens Book Of Condolence For Journalist Randall Today (The INQUIRER), UL Remembers Lawrence Randall (The NEWS), PUL Opens Book Of Condolence For Journalist Randall (In Profile Daily), Fallen But Celebrated Colleague…PUL Describes Lawrence Randall (Heritage)



LRA Kicks Off Regional Forum On Liberia’s 1st Nat’l Revenue Summit

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, with support from the United Nations Development Program, on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 kickoff a two-day stakeholders’ regional dialogue in Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County, in preparation for the country’s first ever national revenue summit. The National Revenue Summit, slated for late November, is intended to stimulate a culture of voluntary tax compliance and to raise awareness on the importance of Domestic Resource Mobilization in light of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. According to the Heritage newspaper, the September 7-8 Buchanan dialogue is the first in a series of four regional dialogues to be held, involving all counties of the country. Officially launching the regional dialogues on behalf of Commissioner General Elfrieda Stewart Tamba, LRA Assistant Commissioner for Customs Compliance Mohamed Bility said the series of dialogue will provide an opportunity to initiate discourse with various stakeholders, partners and taxpayers on a national Resource Mobilization Strategy.


Related Captions: LRA Kicks Off Regional Forum (The NEWS), LRA Commences Regional Forum-On Natl Revenue Summit (In Profile Daily)



Cabinet Evaluates Education Sector and Mandates Realistic Actions For Implementation

After carefully evaluating and analyzing the education sector performance updates, Cabinet mandated a realistic implementation of actionable targets as the nation transitions to improve the quality of learning in the system. According to an Executive Mansion release, Cabinet received updates on various sectorial reforms in the education systems including the elimination of ghosts’ names on the payroll in collaboration with Civil Service Agency (CSA); identifying unqualified teachers, hiring and training of trainable teachers through the Rural Teacher Training Institutions. Cabinet was also briefed on the status of the Partnership Schools for Liberia (PSL) that would allow the Ministry of Education in concert with private operators target 185 schools in 13 counties across the country, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.  


Related Caption: Cabinet Evaluates Education Sector Performance Updates…Mandates Realistic Actions for Implementation (Heritage)




UN Security Council Assessment Delegation Meets Ellen

The Heritage newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 received a High-level UN Security Council Assessment delegation at her Foreign Ministry office in Monrovia. The delegation was led by Mr. El Ghassim Wane, Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf welcomed the delegation and pointed out that it has been over 13 years of reconstruction with a lot of progress made including the maintenance of peace despite the many challenges the country has faced. She expressed appreciation for the level of attention and assistance received for the training and rebuilding of the security sector and informed the delegation that the country’s greatest challenge is to ensure the holding of a free, fair, transparent, credible and violence-free elections in 2017. She pointed out that the 2017 elections must be successful because the country’s future is at stake, stressing that the country cannot do it alone. She noted that the country will still look up to the United Nations as its best partner. She concluded by calling on the United Nations Missions in Liberia to leave behind strong capacity for the national security forces. Speaking earlier, Mr. El Ghassim Wane expressed appreciation for the partnership with Liberia and indicated that his delegation was in Liberia to review UNMIL’s operations as mandated by the UN Security Council and make appropriate recommendations to the Council. He noted the increasing capacity of the Liberian security forces to handle challenges that may arise and outlined some of the issues raised during his meeting with stakeholders to include land reform, the 2017 elections, support to security institutions, etc. Meanwhile, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf also received the newly appointed Deputy SRSG of UNMIL, Mr. Yacoub EL Hillo; a native of Sudan who was accompanied to the President's office by the Secretary General Special Representative, Amb. Farid Zarif.



Related Caption: UN Security Council Assessment Delegation Meets President Sirleaf

(FrontPage Africa)



Tony Blair Visits Liberia-Holds Talks with President Sirleaf

In Profile Daily reports that former British Prime Minister and Head of the Africa Governance Initiative (AGI), Rt. Tony Blair arrived in Liberia on Monday, September 6, 2016 for a two-day visit. The Rite Honorable Blair held talks with President Sirleaf and a working session with select-members of the Liberian Cabinet with President Sirleaf in attendance. He also held briefing meetings with AGI staff in Liberia According to an Executive Mansion release, the one-on-one decision with the Liberian leader focused on the country’s partnership with Honorable Blair’s Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) and Liberia as well as other global issues. President Sirleaf during the Working Session reflected on the country’s economic history, nothing that Liberia has for a long period depended on the extractive sector. She also reflected on the visioning process that gave birth to the Vision 2030 development program and the medium-term intervention under the Agenda for Transformation intended to help the country reach a middle income status. The session mainly focused on infrastructural development, education and economic diversification. The Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) has been engaged with the Government of President Sirleaf since 2010 providing critical governance-related support to Liberia in advancing its reconstruction and good governance drive. 


Related Caption: Tony Blair Visits Liberia…Holds Talks With Ellen (Heritage)



Chief Justice Kporkor Admonishes Judges, Magistrates on Leniency in Sentencing

The Chief Justice of Liberia, Francis Kporkor, has urged judges and magistrates in Liberia to be lenient when passing sentences on accused persons. Chief Justice Kporkor made the appeal recently when he visited the Gbarnga Central prison. He said that imposing minimum sentences could change a convict positively instead of a maximum sentence which could harden him the more. He appealed to the magistrates and judges to always consider bail application if an offence was bailable rather than remanding a suspect in prison custody. The FrontPage Africa newspaper continued that Chief Justice Kporkor urged the jurists to also consider when a suspect was first remanded in prison custody before sentencing. “When you do that, the congestion will not be there and your work load will also reduce, so consider releasing suspects on bail in accordance with the law.’’



Government Committed to Media Freedom…Minister Nagbe

A pack page story of the NEWS daily asserts that Information Minister, Lenn Eugene Nagbe has said that the Government will remain tolerant in upholding its responsibility of maintaining a free and vibrant media landscape in Liberia. Nagbe said the government will do so in keeping with its mandate to be accountable to its citizens as well as guide the nation’s democracy. Speaking at the dedicatory ceremony of the Liberia Broadcasting System Mini-Newsroom at the Ministry of Information on Wednesday, Nagbe, however, noted that while the government subscribes to press freedom, it is also its duty to ensure strict adherence to the laws of the country.


Related caption: Govt Committed To Media Freedom…Says Information Minister (Heritage)




US$2.2 B Needed for Road Network

The headline story of the INQUIRER newspaper reports that The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Public Works has disclosed that US$2.2 billion is needed for road development to connect all the counties in Liberia. public Works Minister, William Gyude Moore, addressing participants who ended a two day validating Workshop for the Draft Report on the ECOWAS Feasibility Study on the Dakar-Lagos Corridors Missing Links, said the torrential rain has caused most parts of the country to cut off from the rest of the country and it has become very difficult for road construction to ho on. “It’s an interest time in Liberia and most of the sub-region and huge parts of the country are cut off because of the rain and because of the condition of the roads”, he added.



Rt. Bishop Kulah Takes over Again

Retired Bishop, Arthur Flomo Kulah, has been reactivated to serve as an interim Bishop of the Liberia Annual Conference (LAC) of the United Methodist Church (UMC) until a new Bishop is elected at the end of this year thus taking over from Bishop John G. Innis. The retired interim Bishop who after serving the LAC as Bishop for twenty years turned over to the outgoing Bishop Innis 16 years ago thereby relieving him of active church work was on last Thursday reactivated into service at a well-attended church service where Bishop Innis referred to him as a veteran Bishop who understands the UMC system,the INQUIRER newspaper writes.



Liberia Health Sector Boasts of Improvements

An inside story of the INQUIRER newspaper reads that the Fidelity Health Care Services in Monrovia is amongst several health facilities that are yet to be known for its many specialists and services provided. Speaking with the Medical Director, Dr. Neal, he explained that the clinic has a facility for all major laboratory testing, oral surgery, ultrasound and Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG). An electrocardiogram is a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of the heart. According to Dr. Neal, the clinic does not receive many patients on a daily basis because people are not aware of the services provided especially since the outbreak of the Ebola virus in Liberia, the paper says.




30th Session Of LEG Kicks Of In Monrovia

The Government of Liberia, through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its international partners has officially commenced a four-day Thirtieth Session of United Nations Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG). The LEG meeting which commenced yesterday at the Bella Casa Hotel in Sinkor, seeks to address the issue of Climate Change as the conference is expected to climax on Saturday September 10, 2016. Making remarks at the opening ceremony, the Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning at the Ministry of Finance, Tanneh Brunson, said the 30th Session meeting is the second of the gathering of the LEG after the historic UN Climate Change Paris Conference where the global community agreed to a new climate agreement. She noted that the agreement set the stage for a new chapter in the Climate Change arena in working together to ensure that the global temperature does not exceed two degree Celsius, adding that the agreement provides hope for the Least Developed Countries in particularly recognizing their specific needs and special situations with regard to funding and transfer of technology, reports the In Profile Daily.



Related Caption: Low Income, Adaptive Capacity Makes Liberia Vulnerable To Climate Change (FrontPage Africa)



Int’l Children’s Peace Winner In U.S. As Guest Of ‘HEAL’

According to WOMEN VOICES newspaper, the 2016 International Children’s Peace Prize Winner, Ambassador Abraham M. Keita, is currently on a 4 day visit to Atlanta, Georgia at the invitation of HEAL (Help Educate & Assist Lives), Inc. According to a dispatch from the US, on September 7, 2016, Keita spoke at Habitat for Humanity International Headquarters where he lobbied and gave reasons for the building of decent houses for West Point residents; a decision HFHI is considering. Habitat for Humanity International is worldwide non-profit that builds houses for poor and disadvantaged people. Over the years, HFHI has assisted millions of people from around the world by building or proving for them what they can call ‘homes’. West Point is currently affected by ongoing sea erosion, which has made over 6,000 residents homeless. Keita’s fight to have HFHI come to Liberia to build new houses or improve homes for West Point residents could bring a ‘joy’ they might never forget.



Seven Person Charged With Armed Robbery In Bong

The Bong County Police Detachment has charged and forwarded to the Gbarnga Magisterial Court seven persons allegedly linked to the recent armed robbery at the facilities of MNG-Gold in Kokoyah Statutory District. MNG-Gold is a Turkish company engaged in mining gold in Bong County. Those charged are Peter Smith, commonly known as “Gman,” Alfred Kerkulah, Joseph Flomo, Gamor Jensen, Edwin Dahn, Sieh Kamara and Mervin Johnson. According to the Crime Services Department, during an investigation it was established that the seven attacked the company’s facilities and made away with several valuables. The CSD said search operations are ongoing in the district to arrest three other persons who were part of the gang that attacked the MNG facilities, WOMEN VOICES newspaper.






Low Manpower Hindering Police Operation – Deputy Police For Operation Reveals

Deputy Police Director for Operation, Prince Mulbah has revealed that inadequate manpower continues to hinder effective police operation across the country. He made the disclosure Sunday at the official launch of the Community Crime Watch and Operation One Gallon Fuel in Brewerville city, Montserrado County. The deputy police boss noted that the issue of providing security for various communities is the sole responsibility of the Liberia National Police. He said the police have the mandate to protect lives and properties but, regrettably was unable to perform it constitutional duties due to limited manpower. Col. Mulbah reminded the audience that recently action of the police authorities of Monrovia was due to the less presence of police officers across the country owing to the drawdown of UNMIL, which according to him has created a huge gap in the security sector of the country. In furtherance of increased security presence in rural Liberia, the deputy police boss said authorities of the LNP recently dispatched 450 police officers to counties sharing borders with neighboring countries,WOMEN VOICES newspaper.




Youth & Sports Ministry To Produce Bio Gas From Animal Feces

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS) is developing a scheme to use animal feces to produce bio gas in the country, Assistant Youth and Sports Minister for Technical and Vocational Services, Boakai Jalebah, has disclosed. Jalebah made the disclosure on the UNMIL radio talk show “Coffee Break” Wednesday. He stated that the Chinese Government has been training some Liberian youths to that effect at the Samuel Kayan Doe Sports Complex since 2013, with hope that they will be able to produce bio gas upon graduation. Meanwhile, Jalebah has indicated that the Chinese Government has also begun building an agricultural and vocational training facility in Klay, Bomi County to train up to 100 students in agriculture from Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu, Bomi and Montserrado Counties.




LBS Commissions Mini-Newsroom At MICAT

A mini-newsroom to be used by the Liberia Broadcasting (LBS) has been established at the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) on Capitol Hill in Monrovia. The newsroom, which was commissioned on Wednesday at a brief ceremony held in the Charles Gbenyon Conference Hall, is intended to boost LBS’ capacity in the discharge of its duties of informing and educating the Liberian populace through effective information dissemination. Speaking at the ceremony, Information Minister Eugene Lenn Nagbe said the newsroom will serve as a base for LBS reporters, specifically those assigned to news beats in central Monrovia, reports the Heritage newspaper.



Related Caption: LBS Dedicates Min-Newsroom At MICAT (WOMEN VOICES)