President Sirleaf Hails Malawi and the Union of the Comoros On Respective Independence Anniversaries on July 6

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent two separate messages of congratulations to the Governments and peoples of the Republic of Malawi and the Union of the Comoros on the official observance of the 52nd and 41st Independence Anniversaries of the two countries respectively on Wednesday, July 6 2016.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her message to her Malawian counterpart, H.E. Peter Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi, the Liberian leader, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, conveyed warmest felicitations to the Government and people of the Republic of Malawi on the auspicious occasion of the country’s 52nd Independence Anniversary on July 6th.


Malawi annually celebrates its Independence Day on July 6, 1964 when it proclaimed independence from Great Britain. British proclaimed a protectorate in Malawi in 1891. It included the whole territory of the present-day Malawi and Shire Highlands. In 1907 the protectorate was renamed Nyasaland, the name was kept till the day, when Malawi proclaimed its independence.


Influential opponent of the Central African Federation Dr. Hastings Banda formed the Malawi Congress Party and gained a majority in the Legislative Council elections in 1961. He became prime minister in 1963. The Federation dissolved in 1963 and on July 6, 1964 Naysaland gained independence from Britain and renamed itself Malawi.

“I am gratified by the consistency and endurance of the fraternal relations between our two countries,” President Sirleaf said, praying that the Almighty God will endow President Mutharika with abundant wisdom and strength as he steers the affairs of his compatriots to greater prosperity.  


In a related development, the Liberian leader also, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to H.E. Mr. Azeli Assoumani, President of the Union of the Comoros, the Government and people of the Union as they celebrate this historic event. 


The Union of the Comoros celebrates its Independence Day on July 6, when the Comoros gained independence from France. The Union of the Comoros consists of four islands: Grande Comore, Mohéli, Anjouan and Mayotte. The four islands were unified in a single administration and placed under French protection in 1908. After abolishment of the protectorates in 1912, the islands became a province of the colony of Madagascar.


In 1973 France and the Comoros agreed on gaining independence that would come into effect in 1978. The referendums were held on all four islands. Majority of the population of three islands voted for independence, while inhabitants of Mayotte were against it. The Comoros gained independence from France on July 6, 1975. Since inhabitants of Mayotte were against independence, the island is still administered by France.


She said that as the Union of the Comoros commemorate this historic occasion, Liberia looks forward to further strengthening the bond of friendship and cooperation subsisting between the two countries and, at the same time, prayed that the Almighty Allah will endow President Assoumani with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his people to sustainable peace and greater prosperity.