Daily Media Summary 2016-06-21



Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


The commence of Budget Public Hearings at the Liberia Legislature, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Condolence Message to Queen Elizabeth II on the death of Mrs. Jo Cox (British MP), the establishment of diplomatic ties between Liberia and the Kyrgyz Republic, and the commitment of Britain to cooperate with Liberia on the Global Witness Report are some of the stories dominating the news headlines today, June 21, 2016.


Dominant stories 

Liberia Legislature Begins Budget Hearing-Committee Calls On Agencies To Report On Time


According to Frontpage Africa newspaper, the Joint, Ways, Means and Finance Committee of the Legislature has commenced budget hearing into the revenue component of the 2016/2017 fiscal year. At the official opening, Representative Moses Kollie of Lofa County cautioned line Ministries and Agencies to show up on the day required by the Committee to ensure the timely passage of the budget. The House of Representatives last month received from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning the draft Liberia National budget for the fiscal year 2016/2017 with total projected revenue of five hundred and fifty-five point five million dollars. The draft budget also contains allotted amount of US$77M for health, US$83M for education while social development gets US$10.5m. The draft budget allots US$20M for election, US$10M for UNMIL drawdown, US$5M for Agricultureand US$15M for road construction.  The draft National budget also allotted US$3M for road maintenance and US$1.5 M for the rehabilitation of the Roberts International Airport runways.


Related Captions: As Budget Public Hearing Begins On Capitol Hill: Heads of Ministries, Agencies Warned(Heritage), Budget Hearings Begin(New Dawn), Budget Scrutiny Begins With Uncertainty(Daily Observer), Budget Hearing Begins On Capitol Hill(Informer), 2016/2017 Budget Hearing Kicks Off(FOCUS) and Legislature Begins US$500m Budget Debate – As MOFDP, LRA Take Lead( Insight)


President Sirleaf Consoles Queen Elizabeth II on the Death of British MP. Rt. Hon. Mrs. Jo Cox

The Daily Observer quotes a Foreign Ministry release: President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the sad occasion of the death of Right Honorable Mrs. Jo Cox, Member of the British Parliament, who died on Thursday, June 16, 2016. Mrs. Cox, 41, died after she was shot and stabbed in a “horrific” assault in her constituency in Birstall, North West Yorkshire. She is the first sitting MP to be killed since 1990, when Ian Gow was the last in a string of politicians to die at the hands of Northern Irish terror groups. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her message to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, President Sirleaf said, “We are shocked and extremely disheartened to have learned of the atrocious murder of the Rt. Hon. Mrs. Jo Cox, Labor MP for Batley Spen of the United Kingdom, who was shot and stabbed in Birstall, North West Yorkshire,” adding, “We deeply regret her passing, however, we are consoled by her immense contribution to democracy, particularly her unwavering compassionate campaign for the world’s underprivileged.”


Related Caption: President Sirleaf Consoles Queen Elizabeth II (New Dawn), Ellen Consoles Queen Elizabeth II(Heritage), Ellen Consoles Queen Elizabeth…on Death of British MP(News), Ellen Consoles Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the Death of British MP, Rt. Hon. Mrs. Jo Cox(Informer), and Pres. Sirleaf Consoles Queen Elizabeth II Over Death of British MP( FOCUS)


Liberia Establishes Diplomatic Relation With Kyrgyz Republic

The Daily Observer quotes a Foreign Ministry release: The Republic of Liberia and the Kyrgyz Republic have established diplomatic relations. According to a dispatch from Beijing, People’s Republic of China (PRC), the Joint Declaration on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries was signed by Liberia’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, His Excellency D. McKinley Thomas and the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic accredited to the People’s Republic of China, Her Excellency Mrs. Baktgulova Kanaiym. The ceremony took place at the Kempinski Hotel in downtown Beijing last Friday, June 17, 2016. Speaking during the ceremony, Liberia’s Ambassador, H.E. D. McKinley Thomas underscored the need for cooperation on issues of international affairs, specifically in the areas of peace and security, economic cooperation, cultural exchange and people to people contact with the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. In response, the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic accredited to the People’s Republic of China, Her Excellency Mrs. Baktgulova Kanaiym, indicated that the signing ceremony marked a significant turning point in Kyrgyz Republic - Liberia relations and the African continent as a whole.

Related Captions:Liberia–Kyrgyz Republic Establish Relations(News), Liberia Establishes Diplomatic Relations with Kyrgyz Republic(FOCUS)


Britain Ready To Cooperate With Liberia, Says PM Cameron

As the Government of Liberia continues the fight to collect pieces of evidence to be used in prosecuting individuals indicted for alleged involvement in an alleged bribery involving British Mining Company Sable and some current and past officials of government, the government has received boost with assurance from British prime Minister David Cameron that Britain will cooperate with investigation of any case of corruption. Last week the Special Presidential Task Force prosecuting those indicted dispatched a team to the United Kingdom to gather more information that will aid the State in its ongoing prosecution and it seems the prosecution team has got a boost based on the reported assurance of Prime Minister Cameron. According to the Executive Mansion, Prime Minister Cameron, has written President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in response to an earlier communication sent by the Liberian leader requesting the assistance of the UK Government in establishing the veracity and the ramifications of the claims contained in the Global Witness Report against Sable Mining, a London-based company, reports the Frontpage Africa newspaper.

Related Captions:U.K. PM Pledges Cooperation In Gw Probe(New Dawn), and Britain’s Bribery Law Could Nail Sable Mining (Daily Observer) 


Liberia’s Du-Wolee & Nyennue Communities Sign Oil Palm MOU with GVL


According to Frontpage Africa newspaper, more than 300 Citizens of Du-Wolee and  Nyennue communities, including  youth, elders, women's groups, district and county authority representatives welcomed agreement being reached for Golden Veroleum Liberia's (GVL)oil palm operations to come to the area after more than 3 years of negotiation. This was confirmed with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding incorporating a Social Agreement on 11 June 2016 in Panama, Du- Wolee Nyennue Township, Kpanyan Statutory District, Sinoe County. It is anticipated that the signing of this land development agreement with GVL will provide more than 200 jobs for the community's citizens and other eligible persons. In addition, the agreement provides for the construction and rehabilitation of roads, schools and hand pumps, as well as other social benefits.


Related Caption:Locals Sign Oil Palm Deal With GVL(New Dawn), After 3 years, Du-Wolee, Nyennue, GVL Reach Oil Palm deal(Daily Observer), and Du-Wolee Nyennue Communities Sign Oil Palm Development MOU with GVL(FOCUS)



Japan, UND, Distribute Border Surveillance Material

The FOCUS newspaper reports that the Government of Japan, through the U.N. Development Program (UNDP) under the “Enhanced Ebola Border Surveillance Project” has distributed assorted materials to border communities in eight counties in Liberia. The materials, including thermometers, camp beds, rechargeable solar and security lights, public address systems, as well as sanitation supplies were  presented to the  Liberia National Police, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN), female security officers, among others. The counties included Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu, Bong, Lofa and Nimba. Others are Grand Gedeh, River Gee and Maryland counties.


Related Captions:Japan, UNDP, distribute Assorted Material(Heritage), Japanese Group Gives To PPAL(News), and Japanese Organization Donates 450 Bicycles, 480 Bails Used Cloths To PPAL (Informer)




Other Stories

UN SG Calls For Protection Of Refugees’ Rights

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has called on Nations around the world to stand together will millions of refugees who flee their homes each year, to ensure that their rights and dignity are protected wherever they are. According to theFOCUS newspaper, the UN Secretary General in his message during the commemoration of World Refugee Day on June 20th, noted that the world’s responses to refugees must be grounded in its shared values of responsibility sharing, non-discrimination and human rights among others.


Related Caption:UNHCR Wants World Leaders Collectively End conflicts(FOCUS)


USAID $19.3 million Project Trains Agro Dealers in Bong

Gbarnga, Bong County-The Liberia Agribusiness Development Activity in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture on Monday June 20, 2016 begun a weeklong training for Agro- dealers in management and the usage of Agro- Inputs at the Development Education Network Liberia in Gbarnga. Speaking at the official opening of the training, Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture and Liberia Agribusiness Development Activity private sector Advisor Mrs. Watchen Harris Bruce said, LADA is a US $ 19.3 million USAID/ Feed the future activity implemented by Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture and its implementing partners Business Start- up Center Monrovia, Enclude, Global Cold Chain Alliance, writes the Frontpage Africa newspaper.





CARP-Liberia Launches Gbarnga Project With Capacity Building for Students

The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) students of Bong County Technical College and Cuttington University have started receiving training on how they can explore opportunities to forward their education. Bong students have, over the years, struggled for education as the Bong County Technical College gets underway for completion.  Over the weekend, CARP launched its project title ‘Top Guns’ in Gbarnga, Bong County. The project was launched following a two day training conducted by the organization’s national leadership. The CARP is also about building authentic relationships with a community that will support individual personal growth, reports Frontpage Africa newspaper.



Over 5000 West Pointers To Be Relocated

According to the Daily Observer, the Commissioner of the Township of West Point has disclosed that about 5,000 victims of the recent erosion will be relocated when permanent structures are constructed in the VOA Community in Brewerville after the Rainy Season. Commissioner Sampson Nyan told this paper that over 140 of 500 persons with dire and emergency situations have already been relocated to temporary makeshift zinc homes in the VOA’s Brewerville Township. “But over 4,500 persons will be relocated permanently when construction of permanent homes are completed.” No date was provided on when the permanent structures would be completed but construction not likely to begin until the following dry season. On the living conditions of those in the temporary homes, Nyan said construction of latrines and hand pumps are among amenities being installed by the government. Before the relocation, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf toured here and provided rice and clothing. Since then, we have made available other items such as cooking utensils, mattresses, lights, so that they can start up.”


Blind Students Acquire Computer Skills … At AMEU

According to the News newspaper, more than eight visually impaired students have successfully completed training course in computer literacy at the African Methodist Episcopal University- Greater Monrovia Lion Club’s Computer Training Institute in Monrovia. Theresa M. Davies, President of the Greater Monrovia Lion Club said at the certification ceremony on Monday, June 20, 2016 that the objective of the computer lab for the blind is to provide equal opportunity for technological advancement and create the enabling environment for job placement for the visually impaired in the Society. Greater Monrovia Lion Club and the AMEU, about two years ago, agreed to forge partnership for the establishment of a center of technology for visually impaired students.



LACC, USAID Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to collaborate in the area of human and institution capacity development for the Commission. The signing ceremony took place recently at the head office of the LACC in Congo Town. LACC Acting Chairperson, Cllr. J. Augustine Toe signed for the Commission while USAID Acting Deputy of Mission Director, Mervyn Farroe signed on behalf of his organization, reports the Heritage newspaper.


NEC Holds Workshop On Elections Law Amendment For NEC Magistrates, Others

The Informer newspaper reports that the National Elections Commission (NEC) recently held a Two-day Regional Information Session on the Reformed Elections Laws Amendment for NEC Magistrates, Political Parties Representative, Local Media Representatives and Civil Society Organizations in Zwedru City, Grand Gedeh County from June 17 – 18, 2016. The program brought together several participants including Atty. Nathan Garbie and Alvin Teage Jalloh, who presented papers on the Presentation or Amendments in the Reformed Elections Law.


NCCC Introduces 2 New Vocational Training Programs

The INSIGHT newspaper quotes the president of the Nimba County Community College (NCCC) as saying that all is now set to commence teaching Electricity and Plumbing at the college. Dr. Yah Gorway said the introduction of the programs is intended to provide knowledge to young people interested in acquiring technical and vocational skills. She said training in Plumbing will last for two years while training in Electricity will last for three year.

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