Daily Media Summary,2016-06-03


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of the Special Presidential Task Force handing over of the prosecuting powers to the Ministry of Justice to investigate the Global Witness alleged bribery report, the Liberian Senate’s decision to privatize the Liberia Water and Sewer corporation and the ECOWAS Commission calls for journalists across West African to be conscious of the link between stability, economic development and integration in the regionare stories dominating today’s edition of the local dailies.



The summary also includes President Johnson Sirleaf’s message of congratulations to the Government and people of the Kingdom of Tonga on the occasion of their 46th Independence Anniversary.






Task Force Hands Over Prosecutorial Role To MOJ-Announces More Indictments Next Week

The Chairperson of the Special Presidential Task Force (SPTF) investigating the Global Witness (GW) alleged bribery report, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa has announced that the Force has handed the prosecutorial role over to the Ministry of Justice (MOJ). The SPTF includes the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs (MOS), the Ministry of Justice and the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC).  Speaking Thursday at the regular press briefing of the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT), Cllr. Koffa, who is also the Presidential Affairs Minister without portfolio in the Office of President Sirleaf, disclosed that at least four persons (names not given) from one corporation have been indicted and that several indictments will be served to individuals, whose names, he also did not mention, by next week, reports the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: MOJ To Prosecute Indictees-Taskforce Says (The New Dawn), Taskforce Turns Case Over To Justice (The INQUIRER)




Senators Vote to Privatize Water and Sewer Corporation

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Liberian Senate has voted for the privatization of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) based on a recommendation from the Senate Committee on Land, Mines, Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Public Corporations. The committee, chaired by Senator Albert Chie of Grand Kru County stated that its recommendation is based on findings from an investigation done with authorities of the LWSC showing that the corporation is faced with a daunting challenge of replacing looted and damaged pipes, adding that the restoration of the facility to its pre-war status will cost approximately $28 million.


Related Caption: Senate Wants LWSC Prioritized (The New Dawn), Senate Wants LWSC Privatized(The INQUIRER)




ECOWAS Tasks Journalists On Regional Integration

The Vice President of the ECOWAS Commission, Edward Singhatey, has charged journalists across West African to be conscious of the link between stability, economic development and integration as they carry out their reportorial duties in the region. The Liberian Embassy in Abuja, quoting a release from the ECOWAS Commission, says Vice President Singhatey spoke in Abuja at an interactive session with selected young media practitioners who were at the ECOWAS Commission for ‘The Get to Know ECOWAS’ Programme. According to the New Dawn newspaper, “Get to Know ECOWAS” is a study tour and training programme organized by the Communication Directorate of the ECOWAS Commission in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES). The idea, according to the organizers, is to create a pool of well-informed media practitioners who would act as catalysts to bridge the information and awareness gap between ECOWAS and the citizens of West Africa.


Related Captions: ECOWAS Tasks Journalists On Regional Integration (Daily Observer), ECOWAS Tasks Journalists On Regional Integration (FrontPage Africa), ECOWAS Tasks Journalists On Regional Integration (Heritage)







Ellen Congratulates Tonga-On 46th Independence Anniversary

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and people of the Kingdom of Tonga on the occasion marking the 46th Independence Anniversary on June 4, 2016. TheHeritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Johnson Sirleaf in her message to His Majesty King George Tupou VI, King of Tonga said as both countries strive together in furtherance of the principles of the United Nations in promoting peace, security and cooperation among all nations, President Sirleaf prayed that the Almighty God will endow King Tupou VI with wisdom and strength as he leads his compatriots to greater prosperity.


Related Caption: President Sirleaf Congratulates Tonga-On 46th Independence Anniversary (Daily Observer)




Sherman’s Lawyers Paid Fines…Present Items To Court

According to the NEWS newspaper, five top lawyers who were fined fifty thousand Liberian Dollars by the Monrovia City Court and mandated to pay the amount in Government’s revenue have settled their obligation. The daily quotes sheriffs as saying that two laptops, two monitors and two desktops were on Thursday, June 2, 2016 presented to the court by Lawyers of Sherman & Sherman law firm.


Related Caption: Sherman’s Lawyers Surrender Computers To Monrovia City Court (FrontPage Africa)




Agriculture Tops TU’s Graduate Lists

The Daily Observer reports that the Tubman University in Harper City, Maryland County, on Tuesday May 31, graduated 218 students, who successfully completed their undergraduate studies. Agriculture, among the five colleges, tops the number with 44 graduates. The university, which is the second government run tertiary institution in Liberia, is operating five colleges including Health Sciences, Education, Agriculture and Food Science, Management and Administration, and Engineering and Technology. This graduation exercise is the third since the institution began operation in September 2009. According to the Chairman of the Board of Trustee of the University, Dr. Emmet Dennis, the university started with 287 students in September 2009 and presently, it has an enrollment of about 1,195 students.




MIA Stakeholders Discuss Local Government Act

The Ministry of Internal Affairs Thursday, embarked on discussion of the Local Government Act in Sanniquellie, Nimba County under the title:”A Dialogue between County Legislative Caucus and County Administration”. The dialogue, which is being held under the theme: “Decentralization, a new way to serve Liberia”, ends today, Friday, June 3. According to Deputy Internal Affairs Minister Stephen Neufville, the dialogue will look at why it is important for Liberians to support their lawmakers to pass the Local Government Act currently before the National Legislature, the Heritage writes.



USAID Boss: “US Gov’t will Continue to Partner with Liberia”

The Mission Director of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Anthony Chan, says Liberia’s development will continue to find a willing partner in USAID and the Government of the United States. He made the statement at the official launching ceremony of the USAID Feeder Roads Alternative and Maintenance Program (FRAMP) held Thursday at a local hotel in Monrovia. The USAID  official stated that it was very important for the Government of Liberia  and partners to see FRAMP as a template for road construction and maintenance which he claimed, can be scaled up to provide all Liberians access to a reliable road network, the Heritage newspaper writes.




5 Indicted Ex-JFK Employees Plea “Not Guilty”

Five former employees of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital indicted for allegedly duping the hospital of US$126,300 and LD$16,550,416.40, respectively, have pleaded “not guilty” to charges levied against them. They entered the plea during their arraignment at the Criminal Court “C” at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia on Thursday, the Heritage reports.





EU To Construct 4 Hydropower Plants in Liberia

The European Union has disclosed plans to construct modern hydropower plants in four locations in Gbarpolu, one of the country’s least developed counties as the total estimated cost of these projects remain unknown. The power plants when constructed would serve the three counties in the Western region of Liberia and as a manifestation to the fulfillment of the projects; Senate Pro-Tempore, Armah Jallah will tomorrow lead the county legislative caucus and EU delegation to the county for immediate assessment,the INQUIRER newspaper asserts.




To Participate in 3rd Nations Cup: Liberia needs Win Against Togo

Having already participated in the African Cup of Nations on two occasions, the National Soccer squad, the Lone Star needs a crucial win against the Sparrow Hawks of Togo to assure qualification for the 2017 African Cup of Nations (CAN). The match will be played Sunday, June 5, 2016 at Antoinette Tubman Stadium or ATS-a 10,000 capacity football stadium in Monrovia, the Heritage newspaper reports.

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