Daily Media Summary 2016-06-02


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s advice to young people not to allow anything hold them back from reaching their goals; the National Bureau of Concessions’ commendation to USAID-GEMS Liberia for the level of support to the Bureau; and the Liberian Government’s vindication of Mr. Vandalark Patricks for alleged sedition and criminal libel charges are stories dominating today’s edition of the local dailies.



The summary also includes President Johnson Sirleaf’s Congratulatory Message to the Government and people of the Republic of Italy on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of that country’s Republic Day.





‘Dare To Venture Out’ - Ellen Urges Young People

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has urged individuals, especially young people, not to allow themselves to be held back from reaching their goals due to unfavorable conditions and circumstances. “Be what you want to be; stay the course and don’t be distracted by challenges.  “Dare to venture out,” President Sirleaf said. According to a dispatch from Washington, President Sirleaf was speaking Tuesday, May 31, 2016, when she served as special featured guest at the signing ceremony for a new book titled “Choosing the Hero: My Improbable Journey And The Rise Of Africa’s First Woman President”; a book authored by Ms. K. Riva Levinson, President and CEO of KRL International, a Washington-based communications and government relations firm which champions Liberia’s cause in the U.S. The New Dawn newspaper reports that the Liberian leader said the book is a reflection of her relationship with Ms. Levinson, who has stood closely by her for decades, from years of struggle to bring about an era of democracy in Liberia to this period of Liberia’s reconstruction under her leadership.


Related Captions: President Sirleaf Urges Young People (The INQUIRER), ‘Dare To Venture Out’…Ellen Urges Young People (Heritage), President Sirleaf Urges Young People To Persevere (Women Voices)



NBC Receives Project Deliverable Packages Commends USAID GERMS Liberia for Support

The National Bureau of Concessions (NBC) has commended USAID-GEMS Liberia, for the level of support provided to the Bureau over a five-year period. According to the In Profile Daily, the support came through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the implementation of a five-year technical assistance program project to improve performance. According to the project document, the major focus included: Strengthening public sector capacity in financial management, human resource, assets and procurement management, improve capacity of the Liberia Public Account (LIPA) to provide civil servant training, amongst others.


Related Captions: NBC Receives Project Deliverable Packages-Commends USAID GEMS Liberia For The Support To The Bureau (The INQUIRER), NBC Commends USAID-GEMS Liberia For Support (Heritage)



Gov’t Pardons Vandalark Patricks

Prosecutors have dropped all charges against self-proclaimed advocate Mr. Vandalark Patricks, who was indicted on 34 February this year for allegedly accusing the Sirleaf Administration of allegedly advocating the murder of its political opponents to attain and maintain state power. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Justice Ministry through Montserrado County Attorney Cllr. Darku Mulbah’s Office wrote assigned Criminal Court “A” Judge J. Boima Kontoe to announce that it was dropping all charges against the indictee.


Related Captions: Gov’t Drops Charges Against Vandalark Patricks (The INQUIRER), ‘Go and Sin No More’-Government Tells Vandalark Patricks, Drops Charges (Women Voices)






Ellen Congratulates Italy On 70th Anniversary Of Republic Day

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a congratulatory message to the Government and people of the Republic of Italy on the occasion commemorating the 70th Anniversary of that country’s Republic Day on June 2, 2016. In her message to His Excellency Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic of Italy, the Liberian leader noted that since Italy recognition of Liberia’s sovereignty in 1862 the cooperation between the two countries in several fields, notably, agriculture, education and health continue to expand considerably.  The Liberian leader assured her Italian counterpart that Liberia remains resolute in collaborating with Italy for the deepening and enrichment of the already excellent ties of friendship subsisting between the two countries and peoples, and for the continued promotion of world peace and prosperity.


Related Caption: Ellen Congratulates Italy on 70th Anniversary (The INQUIRER)



EPA Concludes Ozone Substance Survey

A back-page story of the In Profile newspaper says that The National Ozone Unit of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) of Liberia has ended a one-day stakeholders’ workshop on the Initiation of a Nationwide Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Alternatives Survey at the Corina Hotel in Monrovia. Speaking at the opening of the workshop, EPA Deputy Executive Director, Mr. Urias Goll, said Liberia through the Environment Protection Agency, has significantly contributed to the global success of the Vienna Convention on the protection of Ozone Layer. The Vienna Convention up to date is considered as the most successful environment agreement in the world.


Related Caption: On Protection Of Ozone Layer: EPA Has Significantly Contributed to Global Success Of Vienne Convention …Says EPA Official (Heritage)




Liberians Should Be Proud Of Their Country - VP Boakai

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai says Liberia is a great nation, with a rich cultural heritage and a great people and that all Liberians should be proud of their Country, keep their heads up high, despite challenges facing the country in the nation building process. The New Dawn newspaper quotes a release as saying that the Vice President was speaking Wednesday at his Capitol Building Office when he received in audience a twelve-man delegation from the European Federation of Liberian Associations during a courtesy visit.


Related Captions: Liberians Are “Great People,”-Vice President Joseph N. Boakai (The INQUIRER)




Lawyers of Simeon Freeman Caution New Justice Minister

Lawyers representing the legal interests of opposition politician Simeon Freeman have expressed that they welcome the decision by the Government but at the same time calling on the Attorney General to do more in addressing past missteps by the government. Attorney Samuel Kofi Woods of the Liberia Law Society and Cllr. Charles Karmoh, in a statement disclosed that they have been in touch with the Government of Liberia on this issue and conveyed the determination of their client to comply with the laws of Liberia. On Tuesday, the Liberian National Police in a statement declared that Freeman, once declared wanted for making utterances which the Police described as having security implications, is no longer wanted for questioning and that he can now go about his normal business, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: Simeon Freeman’s Lawyers Welcome 1st Act (Heritage)




Sherman’s Lawyers Respond to Contempt

The Sherman & Sherman Law Firm in association with the Dean & Associates has categorically denied obstructing the execution of the writ of search and seizure warrant as alleged by the returns of the Sheriff of the Monrovia City Court. The response to the contempt proceeding under the signatures of Cllrs. Cyril Jones, G. Moses Paegar, Golda A. Bonah Elliot, F. Musa Dean and Albert S. Sims denied the allegation that they were not present when the Sheriff went to serve the writ of search and seizure warrant at Cllr. Sherman’s residence, the INQUIRER news daily reports.


Africa Rice Welcomes e-Registration of Farmers

According to the Daily Observer, the Country Representative of Africa Rice Liberia, Dr. Inoussa Akintayo, has welcomed the Liberia Agricultural Transformation Agenda’s (LATA) e-Registration of farmers in the country. The process aims to diversify Liberia’s economy by reducing its vulnerability to external shocks and promoting inclusive growth through the transformation of agriculture their names, counties, farms and value chains they are producing,” he said.




2 Confess To JFK Hospital L$15.7M RobberyRequest For Plea Bargains; Others Remain Defiant

Two of the eight persons on trial for their alleged involvement in a criminal scheme that robbed the John F. Kennedy Medical Center (JFKMC) of L$15,774,742 and US$5,000 yesterday confessed to committing the crimes at the Temple of Justice. The confession of defendants James Ricks, former clearing officer of the First International Bank (FIB), and Thomas Oliver Mezzeh came immediately when they and their colleagues were arraigned before Criminal Court C to establish whether or not they were guilty of the commission of the multiple crimes placed in their indictments. The two, together with Patrick Konuwah and Rabeah Arnaus, former accounts officer and IT and database supervisor of the hospital, respectively; Jerry D. Morlu, caretaker at the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and Flahn F. Borbor, former production manager of the Women Voices Newspaper, as well as Thomas G. Telewoyan and Benjamin W. Dargbe were charged with the crimes of economic sabotage, theft of property, money laundering, criminal conspiracy and facilitation. They had earlier denied any knowledge of the crimes until their two colleagues confessed yesterday in court. The pair’s confession was made to the court through their respective lawyers. A plea bargaining is a process whereby a criminal defendant and prosecutor reach a mutually satisfactory disposition of a criminal case, subject to the court’s approval, reports the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: JFK Indictees Embarrass Hearing -Gov’t (The New Dawn)



Culture Director Appeals For Artifacts-To Upgrade National Museum

The Women Voices reports that the Director of Culture at the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT), Mr. Darius D. Gweh, is appealing to Liberians and people of goodwill to help the National Museum with arts and artifacts. He said the National Museum lost over 5,800 pieces of arts and artifacts to looters during the Liberian civil war, adding that any assistance from humanitarian individuals and organizations will help the museum regain its pre-war status.




WHO Declares Guinea Ebola-Free

The World Health Organization Wednesday declared the end of Ebola transmission in Guinea, after the West African country successfully passed 42 days without a confirmed case of this fatal disease. Guinea was first declared free of Ebola in December. Since then, it has had two flare-ups of the disease. This West African country now has passed two 21-day incubation periods without a single case of Ebola. So the World Health Organization is declaring Guinea free of Ebola transmission for a second time. WHO spokesman, Christian Lindmeier tells VOA what Guinea is experiencing is not unusual. He notes both Liberia and Sierra Leone also have had outbreaks of the disease since having been declared free of Ebola, reports the Women Voices.

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