Daily Media Summary, 09-14-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today summary of the local dailies highlights among other stories the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States’ pledge for the support of holding free, credible, transparent and peaceful elections in the region,   President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the Government and People of the People's Republic of China on the occasion of the 66th National Day of that Republic and the dedication of the US$8 million Jake Milton Bridge in Caldwell.





ECOWAS Re-affirms Support For Free Elections

As three Member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) hold Presidential Election in October  2015, the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Community, has pledged the Community’s unwavering support to the  promotion of democratic principles and holding of free, credible, transparent and peaceful elections in the region.  These commitments were contained in a Communiqué issued at the end of a one-day Extraordinary Summit, which was called at the request of ECOWAS Chairman, Senegalese President, Macky Sall. It was held Saturday, September 12, 2015, in Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, New Democrat reports.


Related Captions: ECOWAS Re-affirms Support (In Profile Daily), ECOWAS Re-affirms Support For ‘Free’ Election (INSIGHT), ECOWAS Re-affirms Support For ‘Free, Credible & Transparent’ Elections In Member States (FOCUS)



President Sirleaf Congratulates China

The New Dawn newspaper says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the People's Republic of China on the auspicious occasion commemorating the National Day of that Republic. In her message to her Chinese counterpart, His Excellency Xi Jinping, President Sirleaf extended warmest felicitations and best wishes to the Government and People of the People's Republic of China on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia. The Liberian leader indicated that the people of Liberia remained grateful to the Government and People of China for their numerous contributions they continue to make to the Government and People of Liberia. "The momentum of our excellent bilateral relations was recently demonstrated by your Government's immense contribution to Liberia's fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease outbreak", President Sirleaf added. She further said that the Chinese Government is marked in the history of Liberia for being the first to have airlifted needed logistics and medical supplies to Liberia in response to the Ebola outbreak. "Your Government's significant investment in Liberia's post war economy contributed to the accelerated economic growth in our country. On this auspicious occasion, we reaffirm our commitment to the ‘One China’ Policy", emphasized the Liberian leader. President Sirleaf then expressed the hope that the bonds of friendship so happily subsisting between both countries and Peoples will continue to enjoy the blessings of peace, national cohesion and increasing prosperity under H.E. Mr. Xi Jinping progressive leadership, as Liberia joins China in observing this occasion.


Related Captions: Ellen Congratulates China (The Inquirer), Ellen Extols China For Liberia’s Development--At PRC’s 66th National Day celebration (Daily Observer)



President Sirleaf Meets Indian PM Special Envoy Siddeshwara

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has received in audience a Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of India, G. M. Siddeshwara; who is also the Minister of State, Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises of India. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader met with him during a courtesy call at her office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday, September 11, 2015.  In his remarks, Minister Siddeshwara informed President Sirleaf that he was in the country to deliver a special message from Prime Minister Narenda Modi on Liberia-India relations and to also deliver a Special Invitation for the Liberian leader to attend the 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit to be held in New Delhi, India on October 29, 2015. The India-Africa Forum Summit serves as a platform to deliberate on the latest developments in India-Africa Cooperation and chart out the future course of common efforts to enhance South-South Cooperation.  The 1st India-Africa Forum Summit was held in New Delhi in 2008; while the 2nd Summit took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2011. The 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit will be preceded by a meeting of Foreign Ministers of Africa and India as well as the preparatory meeting of senior officials of Africa and India.  The Special Envoy expressed delight about his visit to Liberia and thanked President Sirleaf for Liberia’s cooperation and collaboration with India. He extolled the excellent relations between the two countries spanning several decades now. He also expressed satisfaction that the Liberian President as a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011 also received the Indira Gandhi Prize from India.  Minister Siddeshwara acknowledged the presence of a large India community in Liberia, helping to expand economic relations. He noted that Prime Minister Modi was excited to meet the Liberia leader in India pointing out that a bilateral meeting will take place on the margins of the summit to cement and consolidate India-Liberia relations.  For her part, President Sirleaf thanked the Envoy for the visit and the Special Message from Indian Prime Minister Modi. She also acknowledged the long standing excellent relations between Liberia and India citing both countries’ participation in the G-77, India’s contribution to the transport sector and the large Indian business community in Liberia.  The Liberian President indicated that India’s assistance will be crucial in the health and educational sectors as well as in industrialization for value addition to the country’s vast natural resources and the development of an industrial park for the country, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: President Sirleaf Meets With India’s Special Envoy (Daily Observer), Indian Envoy Hold Talks (The News), President Sirleaf Meets Indian Special Envoy (The New Dawn)


Ellen Dedicates $8m Bridge

According to the New Dawn newspaper, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has dedicated the US$8.23 million dollar Jake Milton Bridge in Caldwell, Montserrado County. Technicians announced at the ceremony on Sunday, September 13, 2015 that the bridge was designed to last for hundred years. President Sirleaf expressed appreciation to the World Bank through its representative Inguna Dobraja and the Minister of Public Works Mr. Gyude Moore and his team for how they have worked over a long period of time. Mrs. Sirleaf says the bridge now makes the lives of the people of Caldwell easier, saying their patience, commitment and support made the work possible. She thanked a Chinese construction company – CHICO, supported by Chinese Ambassador to Liberia Mr. Zhang Yue for all they have done, before calling up CHICO workers and commercial motorcyclists that she said had suffered for so long to appreciate them. The Jake S. Milton Bridge is named in honor of Liberia’s former Interior Minister under the Tubman administration from Caldwell. The World Bank Country Manager to Liberia Inguna Dobroja said the dedication of the bridge was a manifestation of the continuous support of international partners to Liberia and its development priorities.


Related Captions: ‘Small Example Of A Promise Fulfilled’ Ellen Describes New Caldwell Bridge (Daily Observer), Caldwell Bridge Dedicated (The Inquirer)


US$90M Required To Train Security

As the drawdown and departure of peacekeepers with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) looms, the urgency to train more security personnel has intensified. In the absence of the UN peace-keepers, the government is expected to train over 3000 officers of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN), soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), the Liberia National Police (LNP) and other security personnel in order to effectively man the country’s porous borders and decentralize security operations. To achieve this plan, according to Finance and Development Planning Minister Amara Konneh, the amount of US$20 million already allocated in the budget for security training was not nearly enough to meet the overall objective of security take-over from UNMIL. Minister Konneh, who is a core member of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's Economic Management Team, has disclosed that the funds required for the training will by all means be increased to US$90 million. According to the Daily Observer, Minister Konneh made the disclosure on Saturday at a joint graduation program of over 300 BIN and LNFS personnel in Sinje, Garwula District, Grand Cape Mount County. In his remarks, Vice President Joseph Boakai lauded authorities of the BIN and LNFS for their farsightedness in planning the training exercises. Such training will reassure Liberians that the state security will provide total protection for the citizenry in the absence of UNMIL, said VP Boakai.


Related Captions: BIN, LNFS Graduate 338 Recruits (The News), US$90M Needed For Security Sector Reform…Finance Minister (The News), Daunting Task-328 Para Military Recruits Graduated (In Profile Daily), Liberia Needs US$90M For Security Sector –Says Minister Konneh (INSIGHT), Govt. Needs US$90m For Security-Amara Konneh  (The New Dawn)



Lofa County Lawmaker Dies





Lofa County Lawmaker Dies

The Inquirer newspaper reports that Lofa County District#2 (Vahun) Representative, Fofee Baimba, is dead. Rep. Baimba reportedly died on Sunday morning, September 13, 2015, at the Catholic Hospital in Monrovia. Rep. Baimba was the Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture.


Related Captions: Lofa County Lawmaker Is Dead (The News), Rep. Fofi Baimba Of Lofa Is Dead (Daily Observer), Lofa Lawmaker Dies (In Profile Daily), Another Death At Capitol Bidg. (The New Dawn)







Foreign Minister Receives Kuwaiti Funds Legal Adviser

The In Profile Daily quotes a release from the Foreign Ministry as saying that the Legal Adviser for the visiting High Level Kuwait Fund Delegation on feasibility study here, Mr. Mohammed Al-Omar  has expressed satisfaction that his team has had  productive discussions  with the  Liberia  Government  through  the Ministry of Public Works,  thus paving the way for the start of the  Gbarnga-  Madikoma  highway project. Mr. Omar made the assertion on Wednesday, September 9, when he paid a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Ngafuan. The Chief Engineering Adviser for the Kuwaiti Fund and Liberia's Ambassador accredited to Kuwait, H.E. Konah Blakette escorted him to   the Ministry. "Every one has been cooperating with us, we look forward to the finalization of the technical modalities", he stressed. Receiving the Kuwait officials, Liberia Foreign Minster Augustine K. Ngafuan welcome the team at the Ministry and stated, "Ambassador Blakette and I have been engaged with the Kuwaiti -Funds for so long even during my previously capacity as Finance Minster, we held tough negotiation that led to Liberia's debt relief and paved the way leading to this agreement on Gbarnga- Madikoma highway project". The Foreign Minister expressed joy that the agreement has reached these points, saying I am appreciative that the feasibility study has began on the project. The Minister stated that the people of Liberia especially those from Lofa are emotionally attached to the project giving the significance of road connectivity in national development. He stressed that though the project is cost and time intensive, it is beneficially rewarding to Liberians.  The Foreign Minster assured the team that his Ministry will assist the team navigates through Liberian governmental Bureaucracy to have the project speedily kicked off noting that Liberia look forward to the commencement of the project soon. In brief comment, the Engineering Adviser of the Kuwait Fund, Mr. Hisham Jaafar assured Minister Ngafuan and the Government and People of Liberia that his team is in readiness to kick of the project to the expectation of the Liberian people after the feasibility study is concluded.  While making introductory statement, Liberia's Ambassador to Kuwaiti, H. E. Konah Blakette stressed that Kuwaitis Fund delegation here on assessment Mission had come to pay a courtesy call on Minister Ngafuan and to acquaint him with progress made so far.



New SRSG Pays Courtesy Call On Ngafuan

The In Profile Daily reports that Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan on Wednesday, September 9, received in audience the newly appointed UN Secretary General Special Representative to the United Nations Mission in Liberia, (UNMIL) Mr. Farid Zarif when the incoming Envoy paid a courtesy call on the Honorable Foreign Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the ceremony took place in the conference room on the fourth floor of the building.  While congratulating the SRSG for his preferment, the Honorable Foreign Minister welcomed him and stated "we have no doubt that you have come with the necessary credentials to do a good job here". "Madam President was very happy when she was briefed on your coming to our shores, especially someone who is very familiar with Liberia; we know that your coming is at a critical period in the life of UNMIL in the country as it prepares to draw down its forces. Welcoming the new Envoy to Liberia, Foreign Minister Ngafuan noted that President Johnson Sirleafs was very pleased with the selection of Mr. Farid Zarif   as the SRSG to the United Nations Mission in Liberia.   "When we heard that you would be coming to our shores the President joyfully endorsed it and we also at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs endorsed your coming here, and we know your coming is at a critical juncture in the life of UNMIL in this country, it is not so much of how you build it, but how you dismantle;   this dismantling is very positive in a way, because Liberia has to step in and take its own responsibility.  In the phase way, while you dismantle the external structures through UNMIL, we are building the internal structures through the army, and the security sector in general,” the Dean of the Cabinet remarked with great satisfaction. The Foreign Minister said the incoming SRSG has what he referred to as double mandate which is not just to dismantle a building, but also to construct the   replacement. Foreign Minister said he entertains no doubt that given the credential the incoming Envoy possesses, and the passion he has for Liberia, he has come with the necessary credential and energy  to do a good job here in Liberia assuring that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would  do all in its reach to cooperate and assist him in navigating through the Liberian  government bureaucracy.  He stressed that the Foreign Ministry which is the first Ministry of Government and serves as the Dean of the cabinet, would always remain supportive of  the efforts of accredited diplomats, making sure that diplomat are happy  while serving here in Liberia as Envoys . He urged the SRSG to count on his Ministry for whatever assistance he needs in the performance of his duty here. While applauding the outgoing SRSG for the mutual cooperation, the Minister highlighted that his Ministry looks forward to a successful stay for the envoys in Liberia. For his part, the SRSG thanked the Government and People of Liberia particularly the Minister of Foreign Affairs, for the trust and confidence they have began reposing in him even before he formally takes office in Liberia, to commence his function as        UN Secretary General Special Representative to Liberia. In brief statement, the UN Special Representative said   "I feel privilege to have received your endorsement of my coming and I am happy for the warm reception received so far, since my arrival here in Liberia, which I believe has   made me steadfast in my commitment to serve the people of Liberia".   The UN Envoy said that the dismantling of structures by the UNMIL here in Liberia in the first phase of the drawdown is a clear testimony of the numerous progress and accomplishments made by the Liberia government and its people.  He recalled that the collective strives made by the Liberian people have further increased their confidence to the extent that they can now take over some of the initiatives that the international community had  embarked upon before, stressing that the   international community  will only complement their efforts here. He then hailed the leadership of Liberia for the huge accomplishments despite all the growing challenges and calamity including the outbreak of Ebola in the region. He further recounted that though Liberia has faced numerous problems, the nation has tried to consolidated it efforts throughout the difficult periods of the civil war and the outbreak of Ebola here, in which the country has managed to overcome its ugly past, making it a success story and being the first nation to defeat Ebola among the worst affected countries in the region. The SRSG stated that all of the recognitions and acknowledgments of the successes made can be attributed to the resilience of the people of Liberia, and the strong and determined leadership of the country.  He stressed that despite all   gains the international community should not turn its back from Liberia but remain engaged with the country throughout the  period of transition in order that UNMIL may  sustain the peace  and  enable Liberia reach its capacity level to take full ownership of  its  major security institutions.  while pledging further commitment,  he said before coming  to Liberia,  he  had had  discussions   with some  officials on the Security Council urging them to rally supports  and engaged  Liberia   despite  the  many  achievements  made  by    the international  community  here. He indicated that though the Security Council has set a deadline for the end of its mission in Liberia, it does not mean that the international community shall fold its hands and watch Liberia sinks into another crisis, expressing confidence, that the international community would remain engaged with Liberia, even after UNMIL draws down from the nation with the aim to help rebuild Liberia.   He added that Liberia can count on him for support at the same time promising to work very closely with other partners and members of the diplomatic corps here to bring the kind of changes that Liberia needs to fully recover.


Related Caption: New SRSG Pays Courtesy Call On Foreign Minister Ngafuan (FOCUS)




Plan-International Scales Up Malaria Prevention In Liberia

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Plan International Liberia is implementing the Global Fund round 10 malaria program to scale up malaria prevention and control interventions through all sectors in Liberia for sustained universal impact. To enhance field implementation of the program activities across the country, Plan International has turned over eighty eight brand new motor bikes to its partners involved in the program. The partners include Christian Health Association of Liberia who received 36 bikes, Child Fund Liberia with 21 bikes and Consortium of Health NGOs of Liberia having 31 bikes. "These bikes will enhance the program implementation and reduce the transportation constraints field staff are facing since their previous motorbikes are currently not road worthy or very difficult to maintain" said some members of the partner organizations, in receiving the donations. The daily writes that the program will be covering Liberia's fifteen counties: Sinoe, River Cess, River Gee, Grand Kru, Grand Gedeh, Maryland, Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, Lofa, Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Margibi, Bong and Nimba.


Related Caption: Plan International Scales Up Malaria Prevention In Liberia (In Profile Daily)




‘A Show Of Solidarity’: Ellen Extols Imf Managing Director

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says the visit of the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde and delegation to Liberia is a show of solidarity with Liberians. “Your visit brings to us a show of solidarity; solidarity with the Liberian people,” she said. According to an Executive Mansion release, she made the statement at a State Dinner in honor of the IMF Managing Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affair’s C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium on Thursday, September 10, 2015.  Making special remarks, the Liberian President expressed thanks to the IMF, especially its Managing Director, for the immense support demonstrated during the country’s fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease which took away many lives and postponed development initiatives. She noted that in Liberia’s progression over the many years of reconstruction, the IMF has been an amicable partner in many aspects and indicated that Madam Lagard’s visit to Liberia will give her a greater understanding of the country’s post-Ebola recovery efforts. Responding, Madam Lagarde praised President Sirleaf for her extraordinary leadership role and fortitude during the fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease in Liberia as well as setting standards for women’s leadership, noting, “You have set standards for many of us women.” The IMF Managing Director noted that members of the international community began to take the Ebola virus outbreak seriously when Presidents Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia, Alpha Conteh of Guinea, Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone, and the United States of America requested that the IMF and other partners grant the three worse affected countries debt waiver because of the Ebola virus outbreak which affected their various economies. Madam Lagarde then commended the people of Liberia for their resolve in standing up during the fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease outbreak which killed over 4,000 people in the country. She stated further that the IMF is standing by to assist Liberia and its neighbors (Guinea, and Sierra Leone).  In a candid tone, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde cautioned Liberia political actors to sidestep politics and develop the nation before elections. Madam Lagarde said if President Sirleaf and every aspirant can join hands to develop the country, the electorates would have a clear cut choice when it comes to who should lead them. She, however, encouraged President Sirleaf and the government to work hard and deliver all necessary projects before the 2017 elections arrives, pledging the IMF support to the Liberian government, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.




IMF Boss Sees Gender Gap In Liberia – Calls Women Involvement

The New Republic newspaper says Christian Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recognized the tremendous progress Liberia has made in enhancing gender equality, though she said there remains a huge gap that needs to be stitched . She has accommodated more women in ministerial posts and other places of pubic work than other Liberian president, yet women are pushing for “equal representation” of about 30% in government.

Related Caption: IMF Boss Calls For Increased Advocacy For Women (The Inquirer)



US$2.5M Bridge To Be Reconstructed In Yarmein

Today’s edition of the Success Forum newspaper reports that citizens of Yarmein Administrative District in an emergency development forum recently resolved to construct US$2.5M temporary wooden bridge on the 200 meter wide Kan River and 100 meters New Yekepa Bridge to give access to over 10 towns, including the Bololewee Guinea border that have been detached after heavy flood. Speaking to journalists after the meeting, the Secretary General of Yarmein Development Council, Saye Gba said that the citizens preferred a community self-initiative project that will temporarily construct the two bridges while expecting the interventions from the government and partners for solid concrete reconstruction so as not to delay trade in the area.



AFL  wake of Recruits Arrive In Todee For Training…Minister Samukai Congratulates New SRSG

In order to augment its strength in the wake of UNMIL draw down, about a company sized of recruits of the Armed of Liberia last Thursday arrived at the Tubman Military Academy(TMA) for their zero week, which marks the beginning of their Initial Entry Training (IET) expected to last for the next  six weeks. Meanwhile two officers of the Armed Forces of Liberia are expected to leave the country for a peacekeeping seminar in the Federative Republic of Brazil. The invitation to attend the upcoming seminar was extended to the AFL through the Brazilian Ambassador accredited near this capital, His Excellency Andre Luiz Azevedo dos Santos on behalf of his government  In another development, Defense Minister, Brownie J. Samukai Jr., has congratulated the new Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General (SRSG) to Liberia, Farid Zarif for his ascendency, the Inquirer newspaper reports


Related Caption: AFL Augments Strength—Trucks New Batch Of Recruits To TMA (National Chronicle)