Daily Media Summary, 09-08-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s summary of the selected local dailies highlightsPresident Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s order for a full scale investigation and audits of all seven (7) projects supported by the Japanese Value Funds and Nigerian Diplomatic Corps’ commendation to the Government for the country public service reforms.

The summary also includes the First Liberia-Japan Political Dialogue, President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the Government and People of the Federative Republic of Brazil on occasion of 193rd Independence Anniversary among others.





Ellen Orders Further Audits Of Japanese-Funded Projects

The Heritage newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has ordered a full scale investigation including comprehensive audits of all seven projects supported by the Japanese Counterpart Value Funds based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Justice.  According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader ordered the “full scale investigation” following the receipt of preliminary investigation reports by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Republic of Liberia, Cllr. Benedict Sannoh, on the slow pace of implementation and allegations of financial improprieties in some of the seven social and economic development projects supported by the Japanese Government. President Sirleaf has further mandated the General Auditing Commission (GAC) to expeditiously conduct a comprehensive forensic audit of the finances of the projects, while the Ministry of Justice will continue its investigations into the implementation of the projects, in close collaboration with the GAC and relevant institutions with the view to identifying and subsequently prosecuting those who may be culpable for any improprieties



Related Captions: Audit Hangs Over All Japanese Funded Projects(West Africa INFO POST), Audit Of Japanese Projects Authorized(The News), US$8M Foreign Aid Theft Auditors, Prosecutors Hunting Culprits(New Democrat)


Diplomatic Corps In Nigeria Commend Nation’s Public Service Reforms

The Diplomatic Corps in Nigeria has commended the Administration of President Muhammadu Buhari for its new mandatory assessment and leadership programs for Nigerian public servants. Liberian Ambassador Dr. Al-Hassan Conteh, who spoke on behalf of the Dean and members of the Diplomatic Corps, commended the Nigerian Government for the landmark initiatives. A dispatch from Abuja said during the program held in the State House Conference Center on Monday, September 7, Ambassador Conteh emphasized that it was indeed strategic and commendable that such innovative programs were being launched at the onset of the Administration of President Muhammadu Buhari. “Indeed, an effective implementation of this continuing education strategy would enable members of the civil service to better perform their duties, solve development problems, set and achieve goals,” the Liberian Ambassador stated. Speaking on behalf President Buhari, Nigeria’s Vice President Professor Yemi Osinbajo, officially launched the Capacity Building Programs for Public Servants. He noted that public service must go along with efficiency, productivity and discipline. Earlier, the head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Mr. Danladi Kifasi, named the new initiatives as the Structured Mandatory Assessment-based Training Program (SMAT-P) and the Leadership Enhancement and Development Program (LEAD-P). He said the overall objective of these programs is to address the twin challenges of capacity and leadership deficits in the Nigerian Public Service in order to ensure that civil servants deliver on national development goals. The Chief Justice of Nigeria, Federal Permanent Secretaries and other high level Nigerian government officials participated in the ceremony. Also attending were members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of various state governments from across Nigeria and international partners, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Related Captions: Amb. Conteh Commends Nigeria’s Public Service Reforms(Daily Observer), Nigeria Reforms Its Public Service Amb. Conteh Expresses Commendation On Behalf Of Diplomatic Corps (The Analyst)



Liberia, Japan Holds Political Dialogue

The First Liberia-Japan Political Dialogue was held in Monrovia Monday with Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan playing host to Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Director General of the African Affairs Department, Norio Maruyama. Ambassador Maruyama and delegation including Japanese Ambassador to Liberia, the First Secretary and Assistant for African Affairs held discussions with senior Liberian officials and follow-up on issues agreed on in the Statement published in Tokyo by President Johnson-Sirleaf and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on August 27, 2015, on the sideline of the Second Working Assembly for Women (WOW). According to a Foreign Ministry release, the First Liberia-Japan Political Dialogue was convened between senior Ministers of the Liberian Government led by Foreign Minister Ngafuan and the Japanese Government delegation headed by Amb. Maruyama, the News newspaper writes.



Ellen Congratulates Brazil On 193rd Independence Day

The Newsnewspaper quotes Foreign Ministry release as saying President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Federative Republic of Brazil on the auspicious occasion commemorating the 193rd Independence Anniversary of that country on September 7, 2015. In her message to her Brazilian counterpart, Her Excellency Madam Dilma Rousseff, President Johnson Sirleaf extended heartfelt felicitations and best wishes to the Government and People of the Federative Republic of Brazil on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name. “As you commemorate this day, the Government and People of Liberia wish to remind you of its appreciation for the solidarity, financial and technical support provided during the Ebola virus epidemic, which demonstrated as well as deepened the already cordial ties existing between our two countries and peoples,” the Liberian leader stated. President Johnson Sirleaf added that the Government and People of Liberia shall continue to work in close cooperation and harmony with the Government and People of the Federative Republic of Brazil to improve the prosperity of both nations in the forward march to a brighter future for their peoples. The Liberian leader then prayed that the people of Brazil will continue to enjoy prosperity and the blessing of peace and national unity, under the leadership of Madam Rousseff.



Ellen Holds Crisis Meeting With UL

The New Dawnnewspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has held talks with students and Administrators to examine the primary issue concerning the University's “proposal” to step up fees for credit hour from LD$175.00 to US$5.00 for undergraduate students in the wake of demands for quality education. President Sirleaf cautioned that the issue of the proposed increment in fees cannot be taken to the streets, after receiving comments from the students reacting to the current situation at the UL. During the meeting hosted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Monday, 7 September, she suggested that both sides of the issue be discussed, including finances of the University to provide the quality education necessary and quality education raised by the student body. According to the daily, the outcome of the meeting was not known as journalists were asked to leave after the opening session.





257 Chinese Soldiers Arrive

A front page story of the New Democrat reports that a team of 257 Chinese soldiers left Beijing on Monday for a 12 month United Nations peacekeeping mission in Liberia. They are the first team of the 18th batch of Chinese peacekeepers sent on tour since 2003, when China joined the peacekeeping mission in Liberia under the UN Security Council’s Resolution 1509. The second team is scheduled to set off on Sept. 17. The 18th batch has 508 soldiers in total, consisting of a 275-member engineering battalion, a 190-member transport battalion, and a 43-member medical team. All the soldiers are from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Beijing Military Area Command. Their mission includes infrastructure work such as road and bridge construction; repairs in residential areas and the country’s airports; and reconditioning water and power facilities.


Related Caption: 257 Chinese Peacekeepers Due(The New Republic)



President Sirleaf Submits New LNP Act

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has submitted to the National Legislature for enactment into law a new police act called the Liberia national Police Act of 2015. The bill is part of several other bills to be submitted to the Legislature by the President as part of her legislative agenda for a six-week suspension of the Legislature’s annual agriculture break. The act, according to President Sirleaf, puts into place the necessary legal framework for the establishment of the Liberia National Police (LNP) as a semi-autonomous agency under the Ministry of Justice to be headed by an inspector General of police. “Mr. President Pro-Tempore the purpose of this new bill is to ensure that the state through the Liberian National Police acting as an instrument of the state provides an atmosphere of safety to protect lives and properties and foster respect for human right,” President Sirleaf indicated, writes the New Republic newspaper.



Caldwell Bridge Opens Sunday

The Commissioner of the Township of Caldwell, Alexina Howard has disclosed that the newly constructed bridge over the Stockton Creek in Caldwell is expected to be turned over to the township by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Sunday, September 13, 2015. Madam Howard said with such a two-lane bridge constructed by the government, the movement of people and traffic in the area would be eased, the New Republic reports.