Daily Media Summary, 08-07-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News ofForeign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan’s instruction to the Internal Audit Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct a full-scale forensic audit and investigation to ascertain the nature, scale, amount and probable participants to a fraud relating to the management of a capacity-building project fund under the Department of International Cooperation & Economic Integration of the Ministry and the two-day visit of an eight-member high-level Chinese delegation to Liberia  are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.



Corruption At Foreign Affairs-Alleged Perpetuator Absconds-Ngafuan Seeks Interpol Assistance

The FOCUS newspaper reports that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, has instructed the Internal Audit Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct a full-scale forensic audit and investigation to ascertain the nature, scale, amount and probable participants to a fraud relating to the management of a capacity-building project fund under the Department of International Cooperation & Economic Integration of the Ministry. The Internal Audit Section, comprising auditors from the Internal Audit Agency (IAA), is expected to present the report not later than Monday, August 10, 2015. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the commission of the forensic audit was prompted by the abrupt and unannounced departure from the country of Mr. Augustine Nah Nyanplu, Senior Desk Officer & Project Manager, after vendors issued checks against the project account at the Afriland Bank alerted the Ministry to difficulties in encashing their checks due to insufficiency of funds. The Ministry has therefore contacted the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to assist in apprehending Mr. Nyanplu, who is currently believed to be on the run in the United States of America. Meanwhile, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has been duly apprised of the unfolding developments as the Internal Audit Section of the Ministry conducts the investigation, which report will inform the basis for a subsequent full-scale investigation by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC).


Related Captions: Ngafuan Orders ‘Full-Scale Forensic Audit Following Project Manager’s Abrupt Departure From Liberia (FrontPage Africa), Foreign Minister Orders ‘Full-scale Forensic Audit’(INSIGHT), Ngafuan Orders ‘Full-scale Forensic Audit’…At Foreign Ministry(The News), Nyanplu Ordered Arrested-INTERPOL Contacted To Assist(In Profile Daily), Ngafuan Orders Audit-Following Project Manager’s Abrupt Departure From Liberia(The New Republic), Following Project Manager’s Abrupt Departure From Liberia Fraud Discovered At Foreign Ministry…Full-scale Forensic Audit Ordered(Heritage)



Chinese FM Arrives Tomorrow

According to theNew Dawn newspaper, an eight-member high-level Chinese delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Wang Yi, will arrive in Liberia tomorrow, Saturday, 8 August for a two-day official. The visit is aimed at further strengthening Sino-Liberia relationship and exchanging views on international and regional issue of mutual interests. It coincides with a visiting 20-man Chinese Business Delegation here to explore business opportunities between the two countries. According to the Executive Mansion, Minister Wang and official delegation will arrive tomorrow, Saturday at the Roberts International Airport in Margibi County on-board a chartered flight. While in Monrovia, he is expected to meet with his Liberian counterpart, Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, respectively. He is also expected to hold a joint press conference with Minister Ngafuan to be attended by local and international journalists, including a Chinese media delegation before departing Liberia on Sunday, 9 August. The Chinese delegation, including representatives of Chinese companies, was accompanied here by Liberia’s Ambassador accredited near Beijing, D. McKinley Thomas. The visiting delegation, dubbed “2015 Sino-Liberia WIN-WIN Visit”, is holding major discussions with stakeholders from both government and private entities and will remain in the country for up to August 10, 2015.


Related Captions: High Powered Chinese Delegation Due Sat(The Inquirer), Chinese Foreign Minister Arrives Tomorrow(Daily Observer), High Powered Chines Delegation Due Sat.(The Inquirer), Chinese Foreign Minister Arrives Tomorrow(New Democrat)



NTA Management Saddened By Tragic Motor Accident

The management of the National Transit Authority (NTA) says officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP) and its accident investigation team are investigating the cause of the tragic motor accident involving one of the NTA buses at Zeanzue, Bong County. In the press release issued in Monrovia on Thursday, August 6, the management said the cause of accident is still unknown. The Board of Directors, Management and Staff of the NTA expressed regret over the touching accident. The NTA management explained that Bus No. 5138 left Monrovia on Tuesday at 8:00am and headed for Ganta, Nimba County, Heritage reports.


Related Captions: NTA Expresses Grief Over Accident(The News), NTA ‘Saddened’ By Highway Crash(FrontPage Africa), Take Advantage Of Internet Exchange Point-VP Boakai Urges Liberians(Success Forum), NTA Confirms Six Deaths In Accident-Describes It As Nat’l Catastrophe(In Profile Daily). At the same time, theLiberian Government has expressed regret over the loss of over six persons who were killed Wednesday in a tragic road traffic accident along the Monrovia-Gbarnga Highway. A bus belonging to the National Transit Authority (NTA) with plate number TB-671 traveling to Ganta, Nimba County lost control and fell in a valley killing six persons instantly. Addressing the Information Ministry regular press briefing Thursday, Information Minister Lewis Brown on behalf of the government extended condolence to the bereaved families for the loss of their loved ones, reports the News newspaper under the caption “Govt. Regrets Tragic Accident”.




Liberia Launches New Internet Exchange Point

The Government of Liberia through The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in collaboration with the Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA) has launched the newest internet exchange point in the country under the sponsorship of the African Union and other stakeholders. The launch Thursday, 6 August brought together officials of the Liberia government, specifically officials of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Liberia Telecommunication Authority, the African Union and other development partners. The Minister of Posts and Telecommunications and Post Master General of Liberia, Dr. Frederick Nokeh, said 2012, the Government Liberia has been working with the African Union, and other sector players to ensure the establishment of a national internet exchange point in the country. He said the essence of the service is to ensure that internet traffic intended for local use is kept local as well as help to reduce communication cost, and increase speed and other benefits to diverse users. For his part, Liberia’s Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, who served as Chief Launcher, told the audience that establishing internet exchange point throughout Africa was adopted as critical continental agenda at the summit of African Heads of State held in Ethiopia in early 2012. VP Boakai said the situation analysis revealed to the various Heads of State that Africa was lagging behind in terms of taking advantage of the internet. The Vice President noted that Liberia is among the first countries that have taken practical steps in establishing internet exchange points with support from the African Union, saying, “We feel obliged to establish this internet facility in Liberia. Because we have a duty to our citizens and other residents, that duty is to provide all diverse and potential users a state of the art technology that can enhance their business, professional and individual spirits”. “The process we are undertaking here today is part of the government’s over all commitment to cement the face of Liberians in the comity of nations. We should let this be an opportunity to showcase Liberia, our rich culture and diversity that makes us who we are; I encourage our young people to use this as a window to enhance their learning and broaden their knowledge”, he challenged, the New Dawnnewspaper reports.



Related Captions: Veep Launches Modern Internet Service(The Inquirer), VP Boakai Commissions Internet Exchange Point(IXP) (Heritage)



Chinese Business: Springboard For Liberia’s Development

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says the visit of the 16-member business delegation from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) provides Liberia with a new and broader opportunity to go beyond what the two countries have done on the bilateral level. “We are glad that its private sector focuses because this sector will provide the real springboard for Liberia’s development. We will never have enough resources of our own; but the private sector joined by the support of government through financing facilities can enable us to open many doors,” she stressed, indicating that their visit is seen as the key to open those doors. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader made the assertion when she received in audience a Chinese business delegation, dubbed, “2015 Sino-Liberia Win-Win Visit Delegation” at her temporary office at the Foreign Ministry on Thursday, August 6, 2015. They are in the country to explore business and investment opportunities. President Sirleaf indicated that the Chinese business delegation have identified several sectors of interest which are important; not only consistent with government’s Agenda for Transformation and the National Vision 2030 but also the country’s Post-Ebola Economic Stabilization Plan. The delegation’s major areas of focus included mining, infrastructural development, telecommunication sector, electricity, fruit juice production, among others. “Time is of the essence. Whatever you do; whatever we agree to cooperate and to partner in, we want it done fast,” President Sirleaf urged, reminding them of quality and international standards, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: President Sirleaf Receives 16-member Chinese Business Delegation(FOCUS), ‘Time Is Of Essence’ -Ellen Tells Visiting Chinese Delegation; Says Time is of the Essence(Daily Observer)





President Sirleaf Sends Congratulatory Message To Singapore

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated the Government and People of the Republic of Singapore on the occasion marking the 50th Independence Anniversary of that country.  In her message to His Excellency, Dr. Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of the Republic of Singapore, President Sirleaf said it is pleasing to extend warmest congratulations on behalf of the  Government and people of the Republic of Liberia and in her own name, to President Yam, the Government and People of Singapore as they celebrate another year of Independence.  “I express my appreciation for the outstanding support of the government of Singapore to capacity building in the Public Sector of Liberia through short-term courses offered,” President Sirleaf said. President Sirleaf further assured President Tony Tan Keng Yam of Liberia’s determination to continue the cordial relations subsisting between the two countries as they endeavor to promote the principles of International Peace and Economic Development under the ambits of the United Nations. The Liberian leader, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, prayed that God Almighty will continue to strengthen His Excellency Dr. Tony Tan Keng Yam as he leads his people to noble heights, writes the INSIGHT newspaper.



Ellen Sends Congratulatory Message To Côte d’lvoire

The Heritage newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated the Government and People of Côte d’Ivoire on the occasion marking the 55th Independence Anniversary of that country. The Republic of Cote d’Ivoire on August 7, 1960 declared its independence.  In her message to His Excellency Alassane Ouattara, President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, President Sirleaf said it gives her immense pleasure to extend to President Ouattara and through him to the Government and People of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Government and People of the Republic of Liberia and in her own name. “As the People of Côte d’Ivoire commemorate this joyous occasion, I entertain the hope that the historic and cordial ties of friendship and cooperation that have so long subsisted between our two countries and Peoples will be further strengthened for the mutual benefit of our two peoples,” President Sirleaf said. She further noted that as Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire continue to work together in furtherance of the principles of the Mano River Union, the Economic Community of West African States, The African Union, and the United Nations for the promotion of Regional and International peace, security and Economic Cooperation amongst all nations, it is her fervent prayers that the Almighty God will endow His Excellency  President Alassane Ouattara with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his people to sustainable peace and greater prosperity.



President Sirleaf Receives DRS. Paul Farmer And Gary Gottlieb of partners in health in Monrovia

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf received in audience Dr. Paul Farmer and Dr. Gary Gottlieb of an international social justice and health organization, Partners in health.  Dr. Farmer, an American anthropologist and physician who is best known for his humanitarian work, is providing suitable healthcare to rural and under resourced areas in developing counties, beginning in Haiti and is co-founder of Partners in health; while Dr. Gary Gottlieb is its Executive Director. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader thanked Dr. Farmers and Partners in health for working in Liberia, particularly during the most difficult period of the Ebola outbreak and for the services they have rendered Liberians, especially rural dwellers in southeastern Liberia where their operations are focused. For their part, Drs. Farmer and Gottlieb provided updates to the Liberian leader on their organization’s operation in Liberia, especially Maryland, Grand Kru, Rivercess and Grand Gedeh where over 200 community health workers are busy servicing these communities, FrontPage Africa newspaper reports.



EU Calls On Liberia To Embark On Food Production – Warns Against Imports From Other Countries


European Union (EU) has strongly called on Liberia to place premium on local food production. The state-run Liberia News Agency quoted the Head of EU Delegation to Liberia, Tiina Intelmann, as saying it is critical for Liberians to produce rice, rather than depend on imports from other countries. She made the statements on Wednesday at an EU funded Joint Multi-stakeholders Forum on urban agriculture held under the theme: “Ensuring an Integrated National Urban Agriculture Strategy”, INSIGHT newspaper asserts.



Legislature To Host One-Day Hearing On Land Rights

Members of the National Legislature has disclosed a plan to host a one-day hearing on the proposed land rights act of 2014, scheduled for Monday, August 10, in the Senate Chamber. Accordingly to the Daily Observer, the public hearing will be hosted by the Senate Committee on Lands, Mines, Energy, Natural Resources and Environment (lead committee) and the Committee on Judiciary, Claims, Human Rights and Petition as well as the Committees on Lands, Mines, Natural Resources and Environment and Judiciary of the House of Representatives. As such, various stakeholders, including government ministries and agencies, community rights advocates, private land developers and consultants, legal personnel and consortium of civil society have also been invited. During the exercise, those government institutions and private institutions will express their opinions on the various issues in the proposed land rights act, which include, inter alia, the various categories of land ownership, including public land, government land, customary land and private land, eligibility to own land, regulation of land use, protected areas, leases, easements, mortgages and repeals of inconsistent laws. Also to be considered will be an act to create an entity to administer the land rights act as the core of the institutional arrangement in the land sector to minimize duplicity and overlapping of functions and responsibility.


Related Captions: Legislature To X-ray Land Rights Act(Success Forum), Proposed Land Rights’ Acts Debate Set-Lawmakers To Hold Public Hearing(In Profile Daily)



ADRA Donates U$1.2M Medical Supplies For 15 Counties

The Daily Observer writes that the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Liberia has donated U$1.2 M worth of medical supplies to hospitals and clinics in Liberia’s fifteen counties. Speaking at the donation on Thursday at ADRA’s head office in Monrovia, the Country Director of ADRA Mr. Anthony Zaizay said the donation is meant to equip health care centers in the counties, especially in rural areas.


Related Caption: ADRA Empowers Rural Health Centers-Donates Assorted Medical Materials Worth 1.2M(Women Voices)



Government Retires 46 Long Service Employees

The government of Liberia through the Ministry of Information on Thursday retired forty-six employees, who have served the Ministry for periods ranging from 25 to 43 years in different capacities. In remarks at the ceremony, the Director of Pay Benefit and Pension at the Civil Service Agency (CSA), Mahdea George Belieka, commended the retirees for their dedicated services to the nation and wished them well in their future endeavors. According to MICAT Boss, the employees were retired in keeping with the CSA standing rules requiring the retirement of long-service employees. Speaking on behalf of the retirees, the former Director General for Tourism, Mr. Ambrose Wiagbe, thanked the ministry for having afforded them the opportunity to serve their country, and pledged their willingness to avail themselves to the ministry for services if called upon, INSIGHT newspaper writes.