Daily Media Summary, 07-08-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.





Today’s edition of our daily news summary highlights theIslamic Development Bank’s donation of thermal sensor cameras to the Liberian Government and President Johnson Sirleaf’s additional appointments within the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Lands, Mines & Energy, Agriculture, State for Presidential Affairs, Judiciary, National Elections Commission and the Liberia National Lotteries.




Islamic Development Bank Gives 25 Thermal Sensor Cameras To GOL

The In Profile Daily reports that the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) has commenced the distribution of 25 thermal sensor cameras to various institutions of learning and to hospitals, airports, seaports and other agencies of government. The cameras were procured by the Islamic Development Bank from a grant donated by the late Saudi King, His Majesty Abdullah Bin Adul Aziz Al Saud, in support of government’s efforts to combat the deadly Ebola virus disease. They will be placed at virus entry points to be used for security screening in detecting early symptoms virus. Institutions that are expected to benefit from the gesture include JFK Medical Center, William V. S. Tubman High School, G. W. Gibson High Schools, United Methodist University, AME University, TNIMA, Cuttington University Graduate and Undergraduate Schools, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stella Maris Polytechnic University, etc. His Majesty’s grant is also expected to construct latrines and hand pumps in at least 210 schools in the nine most-affected counties in the country.   


Related Caption: To Fight Ebola Here: Islamic Development Bank Gives 25 Thermal Sensor Cameras To GoL(Heritage)



President Sirleaf Makes New Appointments In Gov’t.

The Daily Observer reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has made additional appointments within the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Lands, Mines & Energy, Agriculture, State for Presidential Affairs, Judiciary, National Elections Commission and the Liberia National Lotteries.


Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf Makes New Appointment(The Spirit Of Truth)



Senate Plans Nat’l Security Dialogue -In Advance of UNMIL Drawdown

The Senate is said to be planning a series of consultations with high level security officials within the Executive Branch of the Government. Pro Tempore Armah Jallah, briefing Legislative Reporters, said that during the consultations, the Senate hopes to strategize on how to implement recommendations contained in a report submitted by its Committee on Defense, Security, Intelligence & Veteran Affairs (CDSIVA) chaired by Lofa County Senator Stephen Zargo, in anticipation of UNMIL drawdown. In April, the plenary of the Senate mandated the committee to work with national security apparatus in preparation for UNMIL’s drawdown, with a view to finding out whether or not Liberia’s security institutions are prepared to take over UNMIL’s responsibility, writes the Daily Observer.



IMF Boss To Meet With Legislature

According to the Daily Observer, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Ms. Christine Lagarde, has reportedly expressed the desire to engage the Liberia National Legislature during her two-day visit here July 16 and 17. The IMF boss’ request was conveyed to the Senate last Thursday in a letter from President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. According to President Sirleaf, Ms. Lagarde will use the opportunity of her visit “to gain a deeper understanding of Liberia’s post-Ebola challenges and discuss with key stakeholders, opportunities for partnership support to Liberia”. She has expressed a particular desire to engage the Legislature. President Sirleaf reminded the lawmakers that the IMF is a key international financial institution which includes Liberia’s membership that goes back to the 1960s. The letter was turned over to the leadership of the Senate.



New ETU Set Up In Lofa

A constructed Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) at the Tellewoyan Memorial Hospital in Voinjama was Monday dedicated in Voinjama, City Lofa County. The ETU was constructed by Pacific Architects Engineers (PAE) with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).  The Unit was turned over to the Women and Health International (WAHA), an institution that is responsible for clinical at the ETU.  The ETU contains what they called doffing, donning, storage, triage, and isolation rooms, which have beds, blankets, buckets, plastic chairs, cups, lights and toiletries, according to FOCUSnewspaper.



LEC Fulfills President Sirleaf’s Electricity Plan

The management of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) has stated that the reconstruction of the hydro plant in White Plains is in fulfillment of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s promise of electricity. The LEC management in its recent press statement to the media stated that the President’s 2006 promise to the nation is being realized by the hydro rehab works, which are now on course. In addition to the hydro plant, the management stated that 3 heavy fuel oil (HFO) plants are under construction, too. According to them, this is to increase the electricity capacity of the nation. The HFO plants are expected to be completed by early 2016, while the hydro is expected to be in operation by December, 2016, according to the LEC management.  When the HFOs are complete, they are expected to generate 38 megawatts (MW).  LEC management says the Government of Liberia is funding an 18 MW plant, while the World Bank and JICA are funding two 10-MW plants,according to the Spirit of Truthnewspaper.



U.S. Soliciting More Support for Liberia

US Ambassador Deborah Malac, assigned to Liberia, has stated that Liberia’s long term success requires the continued development of its governance bodies, including transparent and accountability bodies. To achieve this, the US envoy has decided to closely work with the World Bank, the African Development Bank and other donors in order to implement the Liberian Government’s Agenda for Transformation (AfT). She stated that she’s working with these financial bodies so that the much-needed infrastructure, energy, education and public health projects stay on track; according to The Spirit of Truth



3 MRU Leaders Slated for Post-Ebola Recovery Int’l Confab 

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has stated that leaders of the three countries mostly affected by the deadly Ebola virus disease in the Mano River Union (MRU) Basin, including Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, are expected to participate in a UN-sponsored conference in New York. The conference, which is being called by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, is expected to review and mobilize support for the regional post-Ebola recovery plan.  The President made the disclosure at the program marking the observance of the 239th Independence of the United States of America at the Executive Pavilion in Monrovia.  The President emphasized “post-Ebola” because the nation is determined to contain the virus. She also touched on the US State Department Country Report on Human Rights Practices. The President said she had read the Liberia 2014 Human Rights Report and has taken shortcomings in her government’s performance; according to Heritage



Commerce Min. Eyes ‘Water Taxis’ For Commuters -As Dutch Business Delegation Holds Talks with Liberian Counterparts

The Daily Observer writes that Commerce and Industry Minister Axel Addy has proposed water taxis system that will help ease the transportation constraints that Liberians face in getting to their various destinations in the capital and its environs daily. Speaking during a press stakeout at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Monday, July 6, Min. Addy said that his wish for easing transportation woes of the population was that, by December this year, there would be water taxis on the Montserrado River Bay. “From the Caldwell Bridge to Montserrado Bay and from behind Matadi Estate area to the Montserrado Bay,” his dream is to see water taxis plying those routes. Both of these routes will converge on the waterfront alongside Slipway Community in Monrovia, according to Min. Addy. 



World Bank Names New Country Director For Liberia, Sierra Leone And Ghana

The World Bank Group has named Mr. Henry Kerali as the new Country Director for Liberia, Sierra Leone and Ghana. Mr. Kerali, whose appointment took effect on July 1, 2015.  According to a release issued by its Monrovia office, “his top three priorities will be to work closely with the three partner countries to provide innovative products and services that respond to their diverse development challenges and contribute to achieving sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction, with a specific emphasis on post-Ebola recovery”, reports the Daily Observer.



$700 Million Needed for Health Crisis

Senior World Health Organization (WHO) officials say the Governments of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone need a further $700 million (£450million) in donor funding to rebuild their battered health services over the next two years in the wake of the deadly Ebola epidemic. WHO Assistant Director General for Health Systems and Innovation Marie-Paule Kieny said that donors had pledged $1.4 billion of an estimated $2.1 billion required by the three countries before December 2017. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will host an international Ebola recovery conference in New York on Friday to raise additional funds for reconstruction, the New Democrat newspaper reports.


Related Caption: Liberia’s Fight Against Ebola Gets Boost(FOCUS)