President Sirleaf Consoles Egypt

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and People of the Arab Republic of Egypt following the killings of 30 Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai Region.


In her message to His Excellency Abdel Fattah Sisi, President of Egypt, President Sirleaf expressed shock and extended deep condolences on behalf of the Government of Liberia to the Government and People of the Arab Republic of Egypt especially the bereaved families for the tragic loss sustained.


“We condemn in the strongest terms, these killings as act of terrorism and crime against humanity”, the President declared.


President Sirleaf also expressed confidence that the entire international community will join the fight against terrorism and that terrorists will find no shelter anywhere from justice.


 While expressing regrets over the situation, the Liberian leader stated that the Liberian people feel the pain of their Egyptian counterparts, and remain prayerful that the characteristic- resilience courage and fortitude of the Egyptian people will carry Egypt through this difficult period of national loss and morning.


She then wished for the Egyptian leader personal well being and for the Egyptian people unity, peace and progress under the dynamic leadership of President Sisi.