Daily Media Summary, 10-24-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.



News of the Liberian Coast Guard providing security protection for the MV/VEGA container ship conveying huge supply of assorted equipment and supplies at the Port of Buchanan in Grand Bassa County and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Press Union of Liberia and the Ministry of Information Culture Affairs and Tourism for the registration of Journalist and media institutions are stories dominating our summary of the local dailies for today.



Liberian Guards To Protect MV/VEGA

As part of ongoing military cooperation between Liberia and the United States, the Liberian Coast Guard is expected to provide security protection for the MV/VEGA, a container ship conveying huge supply of assorted equipment and supplies at the Port of Buchanan in Grand Bassa County for the American military in Liberia under the mission “Operation United Assistance”. The New Dawn newspaper writes that the 194 meters long container ship is expected to berth at the Port of Buchanan, today, Friday 24 October. The ship will stay at the port for about four days and later depart for Senegal. 

Related Captions: Coast Guard To Provide Security-For MV/VEGA At The Buchanan Port (In Profile), M/V VEGA Berths At Buchanan Port Today…Beefs Up Military To Military Cooperation(The Inquirer), LCG Provides Security For MV/VEGA At Buchanan Port(Heritage), Liberian Coast Guard To Man Buchanan Port(INSIGHT), Coast Guard Provides Security For Ship(The News), LCG Provides Security For MV/VEGA At Buchanan Port(FrontPage Africa)

PUL, MICAT Pen Mou On Media Registration

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) Wednesday, October 22, 2014 signed an MOU on the registration of journalists and media institutions in the country after an initial standoff (protest by the PUL), followed by weeks of dialogue initiated by the US-Government funded Carter Center. MICAT had earlier announced that it will register both media institutions and individual journalists in the country, which it said was its statutory mandate, but the PUL opposed the scheme, reminding MICAT that there exists an MOU regarding such plan.  In the new MOU, like the previous, the PUL will register all practicing journalists in the country. MICAT, under the MOU, will register all media houses in the country in line with requirements set out in the MOU. This will be done in consultation with the PUL should there be additional requirements or guidelines. Carter Center, IREX (another US-funded media and civil society empowerment organization) and the Mass Communications Department of the University of Liberia are witnesses to the MOU. 

Related Captions: Media Registration MOU Signed(In Profile Daily), PUL, MICAT Sign MOU on Media Registration(The Inquirer), PUL, MICAT Pen MOU on Media Registration(Heritage), MICAT Pen MOU …On Media Registration(The News), PUL, MICAT Pen MOU On Media Registration, Press Union Still Registers Journalist(Daily Observer)



Chinese Team Arrives To Build More ETUs

The New Dawn newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that a high level 15-member advance team from the People’s Republic of China is expected in Liberia Friday, October 24, 2014 for the construction and operation of Ebola Treatment Units in the Country. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the team will assist the Liberian Government in fighting the deadly Ebola epidemic. The release quoting dispatch from the Chinese Embassy says a consignment of construction materials and equipment is also expected in Liberia by October 26, 2014.

Related Caption: Chinese Arrive Today To Construct ETUs(In Profile Daily)

AU Chair Lobbies for Flight Resumption to Ebola Affected Countries

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Madam Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, disclosed yesterday that she has been working behind the scene to ensure that regional and continental airlines resume flight to Ebola affected countries. The AUC boss said the outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease has taken a hard toll on the affected countries in every sector, especially their economies, which for Liberia and Sierra Leone were just beginning to rebuild after devastating conflicts. Madam Dlamini Zuma, who is also the wife of South African President, Jacob Zuma, made these comments in the Foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when she along with President Sirleaf addressed a joint press conference in Monrovia, during a solidarity visit she paid to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the people of Liberia, reports the Daily Observer. At the same time in a story captionedAU Calls For Health, Education Investment”, the Chairperson of the African Union (AU) has called on members countries and partners to place more emphasis on investments in health and education sectors. Dr. Nkossazana Dlamini Zuma said investments in health and education should be part of the lessons taught by Ebola to the continent, mainly the affected countries. Dr. Dlamini Zuma said for too long most African countries have placed less emphasis on health, which she said is vital to economic development, writes the NEWS reports.

EU Warns Against Isolating Liberia

The Managing Director of Crisis Response and Operational Coordination European External Action Service (EEAS) of the European Union has warned against isolating Liberia and other countries affected by the Ebola virus. Mr. Agistino Miozzo said isolating Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone would have negative effect on the fight against the killer disease. He said the international community should not see the virus as a West African problem, but a global one which requires concerted effort to defeat it, the NEWS reports.


EU Urges Holistic Approach to Supporting Health Sector

The Daily Observer reports that the European Union (EU) is calling for total concentration on all matters relating to health and not just the Ebola crisis. The Managing Director for Crisis Response and Operational Coordinator at the European External Action Service (EEAS), Agostino Miozzo, yesterday told a press briefing in Monrovia that other diseases including diarrhea, typhoid and malaria, are prevalent in the sub-region, and they can claim lives alongside Ebola. Mr. Miozzo is the head of a high level EU delegation which is visiting the three Ebola- affected countries, Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. He told the press conference that if, in the international response, attention is paid only to Ebola, other emergencies will occur in a few months from now and people will continue to die from treatable diseases.

Related Caption: EU Crisis Response Delegation Ends Visit(The Inquirer)

EU Delegation Please With Liberia-Over Quality  Airport Control System

The head of European Union delegation visiting Liberia is pleased with what it calls high quality airport control system the government has put in place to monitor travelers coming in and out of the country. The delegation is in Liberia to access the impacts and challenges the Mano River Basin is faced in the wake of the Ebola virus outbreak. Three of the four-nation MRU are the hardest hit with more than four thousands of their citizens being killed. Agostino Moizzo, Managing Director Operational Coordinator for European External Action Service  (EEAS)  told a news conference in Monrovia Thursday that Liberia’s  high quality airport control is now absolutely perfect evident by the number of measures used in monitoring temperature of who enters or leaves the country, according to the New Republicnewspaper.


Dr. Kollie Meets With EU Delegation

According to the New Dawn newspaper, Acting Finance and Development Planning Minister, Dr. James F. Kollie, has met with EU delegation visiting Liberia and underscored the need for Liberia’s partners to assist the country meet the post-Ebola challenges. In a meeting with a six-man visiting European Union delegation in Monrovia Wednesday, 22 October Dr. Kollie said while the country grapples with the scourge of the deadly Ebola virus disease, there are lots of challenges in the areas of health, education, agriculture and the economy. He said as the result of the crisis, farmers were not able to plant their seeds and have subsequently used them to meet the nutritional needs of their families, something that poses tremendous burden on the government food security program. The EU head of delegation, Agostino Miozzo said the delegation was in the country as part of visits to the three countries worst hit by Ebolato understand their other needs apart from humanitarian concerns. The visiting EU delegation also expressed the need for greater efforts in improving the systems of accountability, Public-Private Collaboration and the execution of the Ebola Trust fund. The EU delegation is in the country to hold consultations with the government and stakeholders on how the 28-Member European Union could assist Liberia in its fight against Ebola.


Liberia Declares Strict Border Checks

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Thursday announced strict checks on Liberia’s borders with neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone, the two other countries at the epicenter of the Ebola epidemic. Liberia has been worst hit by the outbreak, with 4,665 recorded cases and 2,705 deaths, according to the World Health Organization. Cuba meanwhile has sent 49 doctors and nurses to Liberia to boost efforts to fight the epidemicFOCUS reports.

Related Caption: Ellen Orders Border Surveillance(New Democrat)

UN Prepares For Arrival Of Trial Vaccines

Amid positive developments in the global fight against Ebola, including a growing response to the Secretary-General’s appeals for the more funding to tackle the outbreak, the United Nations health agency today announced the expected delivery of Ebola candidate vaccines, as the UN system continues to ramps up efforts to quell the spread of the deadly virus. World Health Organization (WHO) spokeswoman, Fadela Chaib, told a press briefing in Geneva earlier today that the agency is expecting the arrival of a Canadian shipment of Ebola candidate vaccines  in Geneva on 22 October where they would be kept refrigerated at the city’s Cantonal Hospital, FOCUS reports.


Air Cote D’Ivoire Resumes Flights To Liberia Sunday

The flagship air carrier in neighboring La Cote D’Ivoire rechristened Air Cote D’Ivoire is set to resume flights to Liberia this Sunday, October 26, 2014. According to the Chief Executive Officer of one of Liberia’s leading travel agencies, the Liberian Travel Service, Randolph C.J. Cooper, the Ivorian flagship carrier will resume flying to Monrovia, through the Roberts International Airport (RIA) three times a week, connecting Monrovia to all major cities in West, Central and East Africa, In Profile Daily reports.


FejAL Donates To Island Hospital ETU

The Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FejAL) on Wednesday donated water and juices to Ebola patients at the Island Hospital Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU), on Bushrod Island Monrovia. Making the donation on behalf of the group was Mrs. Torwon S. Browne, President of FejAL and of UNMIL Radio. Receiving the items on behalf of the Island Hospital ETU was Mr. Williamatta S. Williams Gibson, a Liberian Doctor in Charge, said the donations were on time, in that the patients needed it more, In Profile Daily reports.


UNDP Strengthens Revenue Authority

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has received several ICT equipment and accessories from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Liberia. The equipment includes 50 computer desktops, 25 laptops, 50 UPS, 20 switches and 6 heavy duty printers among others. Turning over the Equipment on Thursday October 23, UNDP Senior Management, represented by its Deputy Country director for Operations, Rokya ye-Dieng, its Economic Advisor Janice James, National Economic Advisor Stanley Kamara, as well as the Team leader for UNDP Sustainable Economic transformation Pillar Dorsla Farcarthy stressed that the partnership with the LRA was in fulfillment of UNDP’s mandate to promote human development.  Responding on behalf of the LRA, it’s Deputy Commissioner General for Administration Oliver Rogers lauded UNDP which he described as a reliable Partner in government’s implementation of its reform agenda under the Agenda for Transformation (AFT), In Profile Daily reports.


WHO Declares ‘2014 Ebola Outbreak’ Public Health Emergency Concern

The Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulation (IHR) 2005 regarding the 2014 Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa has reached a unanimous view that the event continues to constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), the Inquirer writes.


605 Survive Ebola  In Lofa

Health authorities in Lofa have disclosed that 605 persons have survived the deadly Ebola virus in the northern county. Lofa is the epicenter of the vicious Ebola virus that has engulfed the country in recent times. MSF Project Coordinator, Serge St. Louis informed President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf that there has been no new case in the past three weeks. He said there were ten patients at the ETU in the entire Lofa County over the past three weeks but has decreased to only six, the Inquirer reports.


China Donates Anti-Ebola Materials, Others To LACTs

The Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) through its embassy here has donated several office equipment and anti Ebola materials to the Liberia Association of Chinese Trained Scholars (LACTs). The Chinese Government made the donation to the group at its Embassy in Congo Town, outside Monrovia on Thursday, October 23, 2014. Speaking during the donation, the Deputy Chief of Mission of the Chinese Embassy here, Pang Hanzhao, noted that the outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) does note only affect the People of Liberia. Owing to the grave danger that the disease poses to the world, the Chinese said there is a need for a concerted effort in combating the disease, Heritage reports


Liberian Shines In Australia Gets Nomination For International society for Industrial Ecology Student Chapter Board

A Liberian currently pursuing a post graduate degree at Uniter of Queensland in Australia has been nominated to participate in the Global International Society for Industrial Ecology Student Chapter Board Election. On September 30, 2014, Mr. Alfred H. Wreh a Liberian Pursuing Postgraduate studies specifically in Environmental Management majoring in Natural Resources at the University of Queensland in Australia was subsequently nominated for election by his university student chapter pending a vetting process by the society board which was concluded on October 11, 2014, Heritage reports.


3 Counties Record No Ebola Cases Over One Month

Three counties in southeastern Liberia have reported no new Ebola cases for more than a month, according to a report released by the Ministry of health and Social Welfare. The report, code-named MOHSW Situation Report 154-156 of October 18, stated that no new Ebola case has been reported from River Cess County for the past 31 days, while Maryland County has in 33 days reported no new case. Grand Gedeh County, according the report, has recorded no new case in 64 days.. The World Health Organization (WHO) will declare a country Ebola free if no new Ebola case is reported in 42 days, Heritage reports.


Related Caption: 3 Counties Record No Ebola Cases Over One Month (INSIGHT)


Liberation For Liberian Rubber Farmers–As House Ends Firestone Monopoly Over Rubber Sector

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, the Plenary of the House of Representatives has unanimously endorsed a report from a special committee setup to investigate a complaint filed by the National Rubber Broker Farmer Union of Liberia (NARBAUL) against the Management of Firestone and the Rubber Planters Association of Liberia. The Special Committee headed by Nimba County District#8 Representatives, Larry P. Younquoi, recommended to Plenary that the Management of the Liberia Rubber Development Authority (LRDA) be constituted in accordance with the law requiring the entity to regulate the rubber sector and streamline the operation of all Debating the report before its endorsement majority Lawmakers among other things frowned on the US$ 2.00 deduction from each sale made by farmers.