Daily Media Summary, 09-05-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The arrival from Italy a 3 kg package experimental doses for 30 infected persons in the treatment of Ebola, the National Oil Company of Liberia’s US $150,000 and the Liberia Bank for Development and Investment cash donation of US$11,500 to the Ebola Trust Fund to assist government in the fight against the Ebola virus are stories highlighted in our summary of today’s local dailies.


Ebola Drugs Arrive Again-Italian Mediac In Liberia

As part of intense ongoing efforts by the Government of Liberia to curb the Ebola virus, an additional dosage of experimental homeopathic drug for the virus has arrived in Liberia. A Foreign Ministry release says a 3 kg package of experimental remedy containing sufficient doses for 30 infected persons in the treatment of Ebola arrived in the country from the International Emergency Management Organization (IEMO) in Italy. The arrival of the drug followed about two weeks of telephone conversational exchanges between Liberia’s Foreign Minister, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan and the Rome-based office of IEMO. According to the IEMO, this remedy is an aqueous alternative medicine that promotes homeopathic cure with no side effect.  

Dr. Alessandro Manini, President of IEMO in a phone conversation last Friday with Foreign Minister Ngafuan intimated that once the effectiveness of the remedy is confirmed by the Ministry of Health, his organization will supply additional drugs at no cost to Liberia,   Women Voices reports.


Related Captions: More Ebola Experimental Drugs Arrive in Liberia(INSIGHT), Additional Experimental Drugs Arrive(In Profile Daily), More Experimental Drugs Arrive(The New Dawn), Additional Experimental Drugs Arrive in Liberia(Heritage), Additional Experimental Drugs Arrive in Liberia(The Analyst)


NOCAL Contributes US$150,000 To Ebola Fund


The National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) has contributed US $150,000.00 (one-hundred & fifty-thousand dollars) to the Ebola Trust Fund to assist government in its effort to fight the spread of the Ebola virus in Liberia. Making the presentation Thursday, September 4, at the company’s head office in Monrovia, the President and Chief Executive Officer of NOCAL, Dr. Randolph A.K.W. McClain, said the donation was intended to support government’s initiatives to curb the spread of the virus. Dr. McClain spoke of the immeasurable human toll of the virus on families, its crippling effect on the economy and the additional burden on government’s efforts to provide the basic needed services for its people. In response, the Deputy Minister of Finance for Fiscal Affairs, Dr. James F. Kollie, on behalf of the Minister of Finance, thanked the NOCAL family for the gesture, which he said represented the single largest contribution by any public or private local entity. He assured NOCAL that the funds would be used exclusively towards the fight against Ebola, INSIGHT reports.

Related Captions: NOCAL Contributes US$150,000 to Ebola Fund(The New Dawn), NOCAL Pumps in US$150K To Ebola Fight(The Analyst), NOCALContributes US$150,000 to Ebola Fund(The News), NOCAL Contributes US$150,000 to Ebola Fund(In Profile Daily), Ebola Trust Fund Generates Over US$600,000… NOCAL Contributes US$150,000(The Inquirer), NOCAL Contributes US$150,000 to Ebola Fund(Heritage), NOCAL Contributes US$150,000 to Ebola Fund(Daily Observer)

LBDIGives US$11,500 To Ebola Fight

In continuation of its financial support to the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the country, the Liberia Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI) Thursday made two separate cash donations of US$11,500 to the Ebola Trust Fund and Montserrado County Representative Saah H. Joseph respectively. US$10,000 of the money was given to the Ebola Trust Fund recently established by the government of Liberia to coordinate financial contributions from internal and external sources to fight the virus, while US$1,500 was given to Representative Joseph to enhance the running of his ambulances. LBDI President John B.S. Davies, III, said the US$11,500 is part of the bank’s way in buttressing government’s and Rep. Joseph’s efforts in fighting the Ebola virus. Receiving the money, Deputy Finance and Development Planning Minister for Fiscal Affairs, Dr. James Kollie thanked LBDI for the donation and noted that it will help government fight the virus which continues to kill Liberians and foreign nationals, The NEWS newspaper reports.


Related Caption:Ebola Task Force Gets US$10,000 From LBDI-Bank Empowers ‘Heroic’ Rep. Saah Joseph With US$1,500(Daily Observer)



U.S. Ambassador Signs Grants To Promote Citizens' Participation In Govt.

U.S. Ambassador Deborah Malac has signed two grant agreements, worth a total of US$47,000, with Liberian Civil Society Organizations that will enhance Liberian citizens' participation in government.  The agreement with the Institute for Research and Democratic Development (IREDD) for US$28,000 will promote legislative openness and stimulate wider civic consciousness and responsibility among citizens by monitoring and documenting the performance of the National Legislature and making this information widely available to Liberian citizens through a publicly accessible website.  The agreement with Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives (AGENDA) for US$19,000 seeks to improve citizens’ understanding of the budget process, analyze the impact of various projects in the budget on women, and enable citizens to advocate for more responsive programming, INSIGHT reports.

Liberian Embassy In Kuwait Dispatches Boxes Of Medical Items To Liberia

Seven boxes of assorted medical items donated by Dr. Sana Rashed Al Fadala, Chairman and CEO of Taiba Hospital and IMS arrived in the country on September 2, 2014 to bolster Government’s effort in the fight against the deadly Ebola virus. The items were donated at the initiative of Liberian Ambassador accredited to Kuwait, H.E. Konah K. Blackett. The medical items include, Non Woven Surgical Face Mask-Ear loops, Non Woven Surgical Face Mask-Ties, Disposable N 95 Face Mask, Medical Gloves powdered, Medical Gloves powdered X-, Medical Gloves powder free X-small and Alcohol swab pad. According to a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Kuwait, His Excellency Ambassador Konah K. Blackett also stated that more supplies negotiated by him are to follow soon. In another development, the Government of Kuwait has made a contribution of US$5M to the World Health Organization (WHO) to assist the West Africa sub-region in the fight against the deadly Ebola epidemic, stated the dispatch.
The Liberian Embassy near Kuwait City, expressed gratitude to the Kuwaiti donors of these essential items, INSIGHT reports.


Liberian Embassy In US Lobbies For Ebola Materials  

The Liberian Embassy in Washington, the United States of America, has shipped a 40-foot container, loaded with ‘needed’ materials to help stop the spread of the deadly Ebola virus. According to Liberia Ambassador to the US, Mr. Jeremiah C. Sulunteh, the shipment was paid for by “Friends of Liberia (FOL),” a Washington DC. based organization, through Liberian Embassy, Daily Observer reports.

Mandingo Caucus Donates 2 Ambulannces – Quarantines 30 Affected Houses

As the Ebola epidemic continues, the National Mandingo caucus has donated two brand new ambulances to help contain the deadly Ebola virus that has engulfed the country. The Mandingo Caucus also disclosed that it has quarantined at least 30 houses on the Freeway that are suspected to be affected with the Ebola virus. Disclosing this at program marking the official launch of National Mandingo Caucus’ Ebola campaign under the theme: Flush Ebola to save Liberia, the former President of the caucus, Mr. Musa H.A. Bility said the houses were quarantined to stop the spread of the virus to other communities, The Inquirer reports.


In Ebola Fight, Lebanese Community donates Vehicle, 2 Motorbikes To LNP

In an effort to respond swiftly in the fight against the spread of the deadly Ebola virus, the Lebanese Community yesterday donated a vehicle and two motorbikes to the Liberia National Police (LNP). Presenting the items at the LNP’s Capitol Hill headquarters, Lebanese Ambassador accredited near Monrovia, Bashir Sarkas, said the gesture was his country’s way of enhancing the capacity of the police to combat the rapid spread of the disease in Liberia, Daily Observer reports.

US Embassy Supplies LNP With Ebola Supplies

The Liberia National Police (LNP) yesterday received their fourth Ebola kit from the U.S. Embassy in support of the campaign against the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).
Contents included in the supplies were disposable surgical masks and gloves along with chlorine, which are being used to prevent the spread of the virus from one person to another.
At least seven cartoons of surgical gloves, six cartoons of chlorine and six cartoons of surgical masks were included in the Ebola supplies received from the U.S. Embassy by the LNP.
Receiving the items from the U.S. Embassy representatives, Col. Williams Mulbah, Deputy Director for Administration thanked the U.S. Embassy for its continuous support to the force.
INSIGHT writes.

Police Promises Care of Dolo Town Residents

Amidst the scare of Ebola and the subsequent quarantining of the Dolo Town Community, the Police Community outreach team on Tuesday, September 2 visited Dolo Town near Harbel to provide reassurance to the people that all efforts will be made by the government to cater to their needs. It’s the second in a series of outreach programs being executed by Police authorities after a successful launch in West Point two weeks ago to spread the message of hope and to provide tips to residents on how to prevent contracting the deadly Ebola Virus. At a brief ceremony, Police Inspector-General, C. Clarence Massaquoi said the government was concerned about their plight and would do anything to provide the much needed humanitarian assistance while they are being quarantined. The Police Boss used the occasion to remind that they have a responsibility to ensure that the community is free of the deadly virus by listening to advice of Health Workers and engaging in activities that would curtail the further spread of the disease. The Police presented thermometers, safety gloves, and dozens of T-shirts with inscriptions of Ebola messages, symptoms and preventative measures, writes the Analyst newspaper.

Related Captions: Police Director Restores Hope in Dolo Town(), Police Reassure Dolo Town Quarantine Center(New Democrat)

Govt. Confirms 1,004 Ebola Deaths

The government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has disclosed that at least 1,004 confirmed and probable Ebola cases have been recorded since its outbreak in March this year. The deadly Ebola virus is the world’s most dangerous virus that kills up to 90% of its host. The disease can be transmitted by coming in contact with an infected person’s bodily fluid. Making the disclosure Wednesday, September 03, 2014 in Monrovia, Information Minister Lewis Brown narrated that over 235 suspected Ebola deaths have also been recorded from March 22 to September 1, 2014. According to Minister Brown, Montserrado, Lofa, Nimba and Margibi counties are specific regions in the country where there are increasing number of Ebola deaths recorded, FOCUS writes.


UNMIL Boss Ends Visit To Bong County

The New Dawnreports that the Special Representative of the Secretary General in Liberia has concluded a one-day visit to Bong County as part of effort to acquaint herself with the Ebola situation across the country.. During her visit, Madam Karin Landgren met with members of the Bong County Ebola Task Force, civil society and stakeholders in the fight against the Ebola virus. In remarks, Madam Landgren praised the local authorities for their effort against the virus. She recommitted the United Nations Mission in Liberia to fully standing by the country during these difficult times. The SRSG used the occasion to call on Liberians to forget their differences and focus on the fight against the virus. Madam Landgren added that this is no time to shift blames for the   spread of the disease.