Liberia Receives WHO Team of Expert for Ebola Fight

The Liberian Government has received a seven-man special delegation from the World Health Organization (WHO) to review and intensify the UN agency’s support to the current Ebola outbreak in Liberia.


The delegation, headed by the Assistant Director General, Dr. Keiji Fukuda, arrived at the Roberts International Airport on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 and was received on behalf of the Liberian Government by the Deputy Health Minister for Administration, Matthew Flomo.


Other members of the delegation included Dr Richard Brennan, Ms. Christy Feig, Dr. Stella Chungong, Mr. Jean Christophe Aze, Dr. Pierre Formenttly and Dr. Ian Norton.


Dr. Fukuda disclosed that the team is in Liberia to buttress the government’s fight against the deadly Ebola virus. He stated that upon meeting President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the Liberian Health Ministry Authorities and other partners, his team will then advance its strategies in jointly fighting the virus.


The Assistant Director General of WHO also emphasized that the team includes personnel of various expertise who are in Liberia for specified period of time, stressing that the arrival of the WHO experts is the beginning of more of the agency’s commitment to bring more experts to Liberia.


For his part, Minister Flomo, on behalf of the Liberian Government thanked the WHO team and expressed gratitude towards the team.


 He then briefed the team on the Government’s ongoing efforts to combat the virus.


At the same time, Dr. Fukuda is expected to travel to Sierra Leone, another Ebola-hit neighboring country, over the weekend and will return to Liberia next week.