China Donates US$1 M Worth Of Gears, Medicines To Fight Ebola In Liberia

The Government of the People’s Republic of China has donated over US$1 million worth of equipment needed to fight the deadly Ebola virus.


Receiving the assorted materials on behalf of the Government of Liberia, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sylvester Grigsby expressed thanks and appreciation to the Government of the People’s Republic of China, describing it as timely in the fight against the deadly Ebola.


Minister Grigsby said the assorted materials donated will help the government contain the epidemic in Liberia and ensure that more lives can be saved in the process. “This will enhance the government’s efforts in supporting the fight against the deadly Ebola virus in Liberia. We are very happy as it will help us reach the various counties and fight the virus”.


Speaking earlier, Chinese Ambassador to Liberia, Yue Zhang, said Liberia and China are one community and the Government of China will continue to be a partner to Liberia.


“The Government of China is donating drugs, personal protective equipment, thermometer guns and sanitizers among others, to help support the Government of Liberia’s efforts in combating the deadly Ebola”, Amb. Yue stated.


He further disclosed that the Chinese Government is providing US$5 million worth of assorted materials to the Mano River Union nations of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea to help contain the epidemic. He also revealed that the Government of China is sending three health experts to help provide the basic expertise and the training go local health workers on the uses of the donated assorted materials.



Also speaking was the National Coordinator of the National Task Force on Ebola, Mr. James Dorbor Jallah who said the consignment was a relief to the Liberian government. He said other friendly government and international aid agencies should emulate the good example of the Chinese government because, according to him, Liberia is in dire straits and would appreciate all the help it can get.


He disclosed that the Task Force will immediately begin the distribution Tuesday, “We’re going to spend all night repackaging in accordance with the distribution plan of the Ministry of Health and then by dawn tomorrow, we will begin to disseminate these resources to the designated clinics and health facilities across the country”.

He said the donation from the Chinese Government is the first large consignment of supplies and other material to fight this deadly virus Ebola that Liberia has received so far. “The Chinese Government has been so very kind to the government and people of our country,” Mr. Jallah added.


The formal turning over ceremony of the equipment to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will take place on Tuesday, August 12, 2002 at the Freeport of Monrovia by noon.