President Ellen Johnson Congratulates Cote d’Ivoire , On 54th Independence Anniversary

The President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Thursday August 7, 2014 congratulated the Government and People of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire on the occasion commemorating the 54th Independence Anniversary of that West African state.


The Republic of Cote d’ Ivoire officially observed its 54th independence Anniversary on August 7, 2014.


“I am particularly pleased to extend on behalf of the Government and People of the Republic of Liberia, and in my own name, warmest felicitations to Your Excellency, the Government and People of Cote d’Ivoire,” President Sirleaf declared in her message.


President Johnson Sirleaf further recalled that in recent years, the two countries have played and continue to play an active role in promoting and coordinating efforts conductive to peace and stability in the sub-region, thereby strengthening mutual political trust and bilateral cooperation in various fields of common interest.

The Liberian leader further observed,   with deep appreciation, the tremendous strides that Cote d’Ivoire has made under the dynamic leadership President Alassane Quattara to sustain the progress of political and socio-economic transformation for the well being of the Ivoirian people.


The President also wished for President Quattara personal wellbeing as he steers the affairs of state.