Daily Media Summary, 08-06-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Today’s dominant Stories include President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s call for the observance of a three day National Fast and Prayer, World Band Group’s US$200M pledge to contain the spread of Ebola virus, the augmentations in Ebola awareness, Government’s clarity on flights cancellation between Liberia and Ghana and the National Elections Commission’s consultations on Special Senatorial Election.


The arrest of seven suspected drug criminals, the confirmation on the first Ebola death in Grand Bassa, as well as the announcement of $14b in New Investments at Africa Summit by USA are among other stories in today’s dailies.


Dominant Stories

Liberians Urged To Observe Three Days Fast And Prayer Over Ebola

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is calling on all Liberians to observe three days of National Fast and Prayer beginning Wednesday, August 6 through Friday, August 8, 2014 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily. “Acknowledging our devout gratitude to God for our existence as a Free, Sovereign and Independent State, and relying on His Divine Guidance for our survival as a Nation, I call on all Liberians to observe three days of National Fast and Prayer to seek God’s face to have mercy on us and forgive our sins and heal our land, Liberia, as we continue the fight against the deadly Ebola virus,” the Liberian leader urged. She said this call is indicative that God is the ultimate solution of this crisis and source of Liberia’s deliverance as a nation. According to an Executive Mansion release, the observance of the National Fast and Prayer is being held under the auspices of the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC), FrontPageAfrica reports.


Related Captions:Liberia declares fast against Ebola(New Dawn), The Ultimate Solution”(Daily Observer), Church Begins 3-Day National Fast And Prayer Against Ebola(Daily Observer), Prayers Against Ebola Begin Today(The News Newspaper), Observe Three Days Of National Fast And Prayer – Says President Ellen(The New Republic Newspaper), 3-Day Fast & Prayer Declared (In Profile Daily), ‘Fast & Prayer For 3 Days’ (Insight Newspaper), 3 Days National Fast and Prayer Begins Today(The  Catalyst Newspaper), Ellen Wants Liberian Observe Three Days Of National Fast & Prayer Beginning Today(Heritage Newspaper), Church Begins 3-Day National Fast and Prayer Against Ebola(Daily Observer), Fast and Prayers Begins Today(New Democrat Newspaper), andLCC Begins 3-Day Prayer Today(The Inquirer Newspaper)



World Bank Pledges US$200M to Fight Ebola

The INSIHGT newspaper reports that the World Bank Group has pledged US$200 million in emergency funding to help Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone contain the spread of Ebola infections, help their communities cope with the economic impact of the crisis and improve public health systems throughout West Africa. World Bank President Dr. Jim Yong Kim said the new financing commitment was in response to a call from the three African countries hardest-hit by the Ebola and the World Health Organization (WHO) for immediate assistance to contain the outbreak.

Related Captions: World Bank Announces $2ooM Ebola Fund(Catalyst),To Contain Spread of Ebola: US$200M for Liberia, Guinea & Sierra Leone(Heritage),World Bank Announce $200M Emergency Fund(The News),World Bank Group Mobilizes Emergency Funding to Fight Ebola Epidemic in West Africa-Pledges US$200M(Daily Observer), andWorld Bank Pledges Millions(New Democrat)


UNDP Supports Ebola Response

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has turned over 4 vehicles to the Government of Liberia, as part of its support of the National Response Plan on Ebola, which was launched by the President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. At a turning over ceremony held at the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Monday this week, UNDP Resident Representative Antonio Vigilante said as a key and valuable partner to Liberia, UNDP is gravely concern about the current Ebola Outbreak in the Country. Mr. Vigilante said the UNDP recognizes the challenges and setbacks that the Ebola crisis has put on the entire country including the work of development partners supporting Liberia’s reform and recovery processes. The value of the three Toyota Land Cruiser Jeeps and one Prado, is estimated at over USD$30,000 each, pens the New Dawn.

Related Captions:Kolahun Distrist To Increase, Consolidate Ebola Awareness(Heritage Newspaper), Ebola Awareness –ADA, Residents Launch 21-Day Campaign(FrontPage Africa), Rights Reporters Join Ebola Awareness (The News Newspaper), CDC Fights Ebola – Announces One Thousand Volunteers(FrontPage Africa), GVL Leads Ebola Campaign In Grand Kru (In Profile Daily), Golden Veronleum Leads Ebola Preventive Campaign in Grand Kru(Insight Newspaper), UNMIL Step-Up Ebola Awareness(In Profile Daily), Red Cross Deploys 50 Anti-Ebola Volunteers In Gbarpolu (In Profile Daily), Human Rights Reporter Network Joins Awareness Against Ebola(Heritage Newspaper), and UNDP Supports Ebola Response(The Inquirer Newspaper)


GoL Clarifies Ghana's Flights Restrictions

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has dismissed as false reports that the Government of Ghana has banned flights from Ghana to Liberia and vice versa. According to a Foreign Ministry release, contrary to media reports that the Ghanaian Government has banned all flights from Ghana into Liberia, Kenya Airways, Gambia Bird and other flights are still flying in and out of Monrovia from and to Ghana. The release also stated that there has been no harassment or detention of any passenger from Liberia at the Ghanaian airport. According to the release, the Liberian Embassy in Accra, Ghana further disclosed that the Ghanaian Government has put in place routine measures at the airport, such as registration and the reading of temperatures of all passengers arriving in Accra from Ebola infected countries. Similar measures are introduced by the Liberian Government at the Roberts International Airport, New Dawn reports.

Related Captions:Regular Air Traffic Continues Between Monrovia and Accra(Heritage Newspaper), Liberia Dismisses Flights Ban Reports(In Profile Daily), Regular Air Traffoc Continues Between Monrovia & Accra (Insight Newspaper), and Government Clarifies Reports On Flights To & Fro Accra (The Inquirer Newspaper)


NEC Holds Consultations On Special Senatorial Election

The New Dawn Newspaper reports that the National Elections Commission (NEC) has begun holding a string of consultations with stakeholders in the electoral process on the probable impact of the Ebola outbreak on the October 14, 2014 Special Senatorial Election. The first in the series of meetings was with civil society organizations on Tuesday, August 5 at the NEC Headquarters in Monrovia. More than 20 Civil Society Organizations involved with Electoral activities in Liberia under the banner of the Elections Coordination Committee attended the meeting. The Chairman of NEC, Cllr. Jerome Korkoya, said the current Ebola outbreak in Liberia may hamper major activities that pertain to the Electoral process. Chairman Korkoya said such activities include mass gathering of people for campaigning, deploying of staff to all parts of the country as well as conducting outreach activities for Civic/Voter Education in communities, among others.

Related Captions: NEC Holds Consultations With Civil Society Organizations On Special Senatorial Election(Heritage Newspaper), NEC Holds Consultations With Civil Society Organizations(New Democrat), andElection Hangs In Limbo?(In Profile Daily)



Other Stories

17 Suspected Criminals Arrested On Drug Charges In Liberia

According to FrontPage Africa, seventeen suspected criminals and drugs users have been arrested in the Duwazon community located in Lower Margibi County. The suspected criminals were arrested by members of the Community watch team early Tuesday morning and turned over to the Liberia Nation Police. Substances such as marijuana, cocaine, along with some Liberian citizens voting cards, and bank books were also seized from the suspected criminals and drugs users. Speaking to FrontPageAfrica Tuesday at the Zone 8 deport in ELWA, Paynesville, some of the suspected criminals said they were falsely arrested by the community dwellers, flogged and stripped naked by the angry mob.


First Bassa Ebola Case Confirmed

Grand Bassa County Superintendent Etweda Cooper said the first case of Ebola has been reported in the county. Speaking over the weekend in Buchanan, Madam Cooper said an unidentified man died at the Catholic Health Center in Buchanan and was buried on Thursday. She added that his blood sample was taken to the laboratory and was tested and confirmed positive the next day. "The death of the unidentified man who came from River Cess County that travelled to Monrovia for workshop and was on his way back home means that Grand Bassa County is no longer Ebola-free," Madam Cooper said. She added that the two health workers that came in contact with this man at the Catholic Health Center are currently undergoing observation at medical facilities in Buchanan,New Republic reports.


Sea Erosion Renders 70 Homeless, Damages Fishermen And Women’s Shelters

According to the Daily Observer, more than 70 Liberian fishermen and other residents’ structures situated at the Atlantic Ocean in Harper, Maryland County, were recently rendered homeless as a result of extensive sea erosion. The homeless and destitute Liberians and foreign residents have taken refuge with relatives and friends at their crowded homes in Harper. Consequently, the homeless sea erosion victims and businesspeople have sent out urgent SOS appeals to the Liberian Government, the Red Cross, humanitarian groups, charitable organizations, Liberians, foreign-based Liberian companies, corporations at home and abroad for material and financial assistance.


Related Caption: Sea Erosion Renders 70 Homeless, Damages Fishermen Women’s Shelters (Daily Observer) 



US Announces $14bn In New Investments At Africa Summit

The United States heralded $14 billion worth of new investments in Africa Tuesday as Washington seeks to demonstrate it is ready to take a strong role in the continent's economic takeoff. President Barack Obama is to announce the projects later in the day to some 45 African heads of state and government gathered in the US capital for a historic, three-day summit. The first day of the meeting Monday saw US officials chiding their guests over democratic reform and civil rights. But now Obama and titans of commerce and industry will try to convince their counterparts that America is as determined to take part in Africa's growth story as China or Europe. "With a young, dynamic population and a burgeoning private sector, Africa is already a vital market for foreign investors. And that is why we are here today," US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew told political and business leaders, pens the New Dawn Newspaper.

Related Caption: US To Expand Foreign Commercial Service In Africa(Daily Observer)

Lebanese World Culture Union Concerned About Ebola Outbreak

According to the National Chronicle, the World Lebanese Culture Union of Liberia (WLCU) has expressed concern over the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus and assured of its support to national effort aimed at bringing relief.  The daily quotes a release as saying that WLCU Executives were engaged with authorities of the Ministry of Health and other global initiatives on what the Lebanese community can assist with in the control and prevention of the deadly virus.


Chief Justice Worries Over Ebola Outbreak At Prison-Wants Pretrial Detainees, Non-dangerous Convicts Release on Bond

In a move to prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus into prison facilities around the country, Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor, on Tuesday, August 5, began holding consultative meetings with judicial actors to find a way to temporarily release people from jail on bond. Chief Justice Korkpor named pretrial detainees (people in jail and not yet sent to court) and convicted prisoners that would not pose any danger to themselves or the society as beneficiaries of the bond initiative. But the Chief Justice was quick to point out that the initiative would be done in line with the laws of the land. “We have to act now or else, if the Ebola virus were to enter our congested cells, I fear that we would be losing hundreds of lives. But we need to take into consideration the laws,” the Supreme Court boss stated. According to him, he and his judicial colleagues have met with the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA), Circuit Court Judges and Magistrates in that direction, the Daily Observer reports.


Related Caption:Prisons to be Decongested-Chief Justice Discloses(The New Republic)