Daily Media Summary, 06-17--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of Ghana Foreign Minister Her Excellency Ms. Hanna Serwaa Tetteh’s two-day visit to Liberia, President Johnson-Sirleaf call for EBID to open up capital portfolio to non-regional members countries, EBID’s President Bashir M. IFO, commendation for Liberia’s social and economic progress and the plan launch of the Governance Commission report highlighting the Health and education sectors of the country areamong stories dominating our selected dailies for today Tuesday, June 17, 2014 summary.



Ghanaian Foreign Minister Pays 2-Day Visit To Liberia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of the Republic of Ghana, Her Excellency Ms. Hanna Serwaa Tetteh began a two-day official visit to Liberia beginning Monday. The FrontPage Africa newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that Foreign Minister Tetteh who is also the Chairperson of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers at the head of a three-man delegation, will pay a courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. The Ghanaian Foreign Minister will on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 also hold bilateral discussions with Liberia’s Foreign Minister, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, and a General Framework Agreement for Cooperation between the two Governments will be signed in the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium of the Foreign Ministry.


Related Captions: Ghanaian Foreign Minister Pays Two-day Visit to Liberia(Daily Observer), Ghanaian Foreign Minister On Two-day Visit to Liberia(The New Dawn), Ghanaian Foreign Minister Pays Two-day Visit to Liberia(In Profile Daily),Ghanaian Foreign Minister Pays Two-Day Visit To Liberia(INSIGHT), Ghanaian Foreign Minister Visits Liberia(The News)


Governance Commission To Launch Reports On Education, Health Sectors Tuesday

The Daily Observer reports that the Governance Commission (GC) is expected to launch comprehensive reports on the Education and Health Sectors on Tuesday, June 17. The reports according to the Commission will cover operations of the two cardinal Ministries for the period 2013. In the 2013 Annual Governance Report, “Delivering Education and Health Services to the People”, the people of Liberia were given an opportunity to assess the quality of education and health services they were provided in 2013, using the community score card system, which primarily is an indication of the perception of the public about the health and education sectors. Prof. Amos Sawyer will officially launch the report, with Hon. Etmonia Tarpeh and Dr. Walter Gwenigale, Ministers of Education and Health, respectively giving remarks at this landmark event.

Related Captions: Governance Commission Releases Gol Performance Report Health, Education To Be Highlighted(FrontPage Africa), Two Sectors Top GC Report(FOCUS), GC Releases AGR Today …. Education, Health Performance Expected(The News)

GC to Release Annual Report Today-OnMOE, MOHSW (In Profile Daily), GC Releases Performance Report(New Democrat)

Ellen Wants Non-Regional Institutions In EBID

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is calling on the Board of Governors of the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development or EBID to open up capital portfolio to non-regional members and other institutional investors in the face of the slow payments of capital by regional members. President Sirleaf made the call Monday, June 16, 2014 at the Royal Grand Hotel in Monrovia where ECOWAS authorities, the bank’s President, and officials of the Liberian Government had converged for the 12th ordinary meeting of the Board of Governors of ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development or EBID. “The admission of non-regional members will enable EBID to contribute to the economic and social development of member states through low interest loans,” she said, New Dawn reports.

Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Wants ECOWAS Bank Extend to Non-Regional Investors-As Min. Konneh Assumes Chairmanship of the Bank(INSIGHT)

ECOWAS Bank Prexy Hails Progress In Liberia

The President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Bank for Investment and Development (EBID), Bashir M.IFO, says Liberia has made remarkable social and economic progress, since the county returned to democratic governance in 2006. Mr. IFO who spoke at the opening session of the EBID 12th ordinary Meeting of the Board of Governors in Monrovia on Monday stated that sustained, economic growth and stability have allowed the country to make notable progress on key Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target, Inquirer reports.

Related Caption:EBID Meeting Held In Monrovia(FOCUS)

UL Expels Student

The University of Liberia has expelled student Emmanuel Scott for reportedly looting and vandalizing the residence of the former Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Dr. Wede Elliott-Brownell. A release from the University said student Scott expulsion takes immediate effect. The UL said its decision to expel student Scott comes as a result of findings submitted by an investigation committee in which Scott was found violating the student handbook which forbids looting and vandalism on campus, the News newspaper reports.

Related Captions: UL Expels One For Looting, Vandalizing(Daily Observer), UL Expels Looter(In Profile Daily)



As reports about the resurface of the deadly Ebola Virus in the country continues to circulate, the Liberia National Red Cross Society, has move swiftly to identify with Montserrado County Health Team (MCHT) to help strengthen its response to menace. The LNCRS over the weekend provided protective suits to the country health team, being the first to witness several helpless victims falling victim to this vicious lives claimer (Ebola virus). The LNRCS said, the donation was meant to re-echo that it remains strongly supportive to the government’s effort to curb the spread of one of the world deadliest viruses in the country. The virus early broke-out in March this year after it was reported to have claimed many lives in neighboring Guinea, pens the Daily Observer Newspaper.

Related Caption: LNRCS Donates Ebola Safety Gears To Montserrado Health Team(INSIGHT)

LEC Can’t Afford $7m - Says Management

Officials say the Liberia Electricity Corporation or LEC doesn’t have the resources to buy “a first” quartz of fuel oil that costs $7m, though the corporation re-emphasizes commitment to increase power connection to about 30 to 40 thousand additional customers by December 2014. President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was briefed on Monday during interaction with officials of the LEC and its board when she visited three power projects sites on Bushrod Island.
The Liberian Government is funding an 18 megawatts power project; the World Bank - 10 megawatts, while the Japanese Government is also funding a power plant project, all at the LEC facility in the Freeport area. However, President Sirleaf says between 12 and 15 months, there will be much power to give to “our people” and that it will reduce the cost of electricity in the country. The President said she was very pleased with the progress made at the sites, New Dawn writes.

Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf Inspects Facilities At LEC(Inquirer)


Roundtable On Sustainable Palm Oil Visits Liberia

Visiting oil palm governing body, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, recently met with Sinoe residents to discuss Golden Veroleum operations in Butaw, Tarjuowon, Kpanyan and other areas. The forums where held at the Butaw Administrative Building, as well as Jacksonville and Bestnewlue Cities in Tarjuowon Statutory District. Butaw residents took the occasion to express thanks to RSPO for their visit. The residents told the RSPO that at the beginning of GVL operations in Butaw, there was a clear lack of communication between the community and the company and that the company made mistakes, but has since corrected them, New Dawn writes.



The ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBIDI) is considering the reconstruction of the Robert International Airport (RIA) which suffered a massive destruction during the civil crisis. The governors of the EBID, in their first meeting in Monrovia since the civil war, are also considering the rebuilding of the Mano River Union (MRU) economy that also experienced destruction during the long years of civil war in all of its member countries, New Democrat reports.

US Group Assists Liberia


Local donations to a Southern Illinois faith-based group  helped to stymie an Ebola outbreak in one area of Liberia earlier this year, but more help is needed, the group’s founder said. “Basically, we diverted a lot of supplies from our Weala Medical Clinic into the outreach center plus the $5,000 we raised,” said the Rev. Troy Benitone of the Hands of Hope Foundation in Marion, NEW DEMOCRAT reports.


Africare-Liberia Seeks More Partnerships

Africare-Liberia Country Director has disclosed plans by the entity to seek for more partnerships in order to improve the health care delivery system of ‘vulnerable Liberians.’ Africare-Liberia Country Director said they are going to do it by forging partnership with authorities at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOH/SW) and other donor partners including the Government of Japan. Mr. Ernest K. Gaie’s statement was contained in remarks he made over the weekend during ceremony marking the official handover of two maternal waiting homes to the representatives of the Government of Japan from their Embassy in Accra, Ghana, reports the Daily Observer Newspaper.


Japanese Govt. Recommits To Fight Maternal Mortality In Liberia

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, the Government of Japan has reiterated its commitment to helping Liberia reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality. Maternal mortality is the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management, but not from accidental or incidental causes. The First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Ghana Yoshihiko Higuchi said his country has over the years observed that maternal and child birth is a serious problem facing the Liberian health sector. He declared that Japan remains a strong partner in the fight to reduce child mortality in the country. Mr. Higuchi made the statement Friday at the turning over ceremony of a newly rehabilitated and renovated Maternal Child Health Clinic at the Headquarters of the Liberia National Red Cross Society on Lynch Street, Monrovia. Mr. Higuchi said though Liberia has in recent time reduced the rate of child mortality to a significant percentage, Japan will continue to assist the country in the fight.

LEC Restores Electricity To New Kru Town

According to the Daily Observer Newspaper, several parts of the borough of New Kru Town on the Bushrod Island in Monrovia were over the weekend seen lighted with power supply from the Liberia Electricity Corporation’s (LEC). The New Kru Community, where at least five persons have died from the deadly Ebola virus, contains a good number of Liberian and foreign-owned businesses. For the past three weeks, the LEC Management resolved to cut off the New Kru Town Community on the Bushrod Island, due to power theft. According to LEC Management, power theft on the power lines over the years has caused the Corporation to lose thousands of United States dollars in order to buttress the Liberian Government efforts in the provision of constant power supply.

GSA Turns Over 13 Vehicles to Police

The Heritage daily reports that the General Services Agency (GSA) has turned over 13 vehicles to the Liberia National Police (LNP) to help enhance its operations. According to the Liberia News Agency, each of the vehicles was marked and coded by the GSA ahead of the handing over ceremony. The vehicles were purchased recently through the joint support of the United Nations, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Government of Liberia. Speaking at the turning over ceremony held at the LNP Headquarters in Monrovia, GSA Director General Mary Broh assured police authorities that the GSA is prepared to take responsibility for servicing and maintaining the vehicles upon request by the LNP.

3 UL Faculty End Studies Abroad

Two Civil Engineers and one City and Regional Planner, trained at the Rutgers University in the United States are expected to return home shortly and join the UL faculty to teach in the Department of Civil Engineering, T.J.R. Faulkner College of Science and Technology and Liberia College, respectively. According to a UL press release, Mr. Samuka Konneh, who specialized in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mr. Kieyee Bordolo, who also specialized in Structural Engineering, were both Teaching Assistants at the College of Science and Technology of the University of Liberia. They were awarded scholarships to pursue graduate studies in Engineering at Rutgers University.  In a related development, the release said Mr. Daniel D. Smith, whose scholarship resulted indirectly from another USAID/HED grant has successfully earned a Master degree in City and Regional Planning also from Rutgers University, New Dawn reports.

 Testament Of Confidence: World Bank Opens Office In Liberia

World Bank Country Director to Liberia says the opening of the Bank new office in Liberia reaffirms its commitment to the country development. "As we celebrate the opening of our new offices, we would like to express the World Bank's commitment to continue to work closely with the government of Liberia in the successful implementation of the Bank's Country partnership for Liberia, “World Bank Country Director to Liberia Yusupha Crookes said. Crookes recalled Liberia’s role played in the establishment of the Bank adding that bank support to Liberia development is dated as far back as the 60, FrontPageAfrica reports.


Plan Liberia Reveals Projects For 2014-2015

The Acting Program Manager for Plan Liberia Bomi County branch, Mr. Alphan Kabba, has released the organization’s plans for 2014-2015. Speaking in an interview with the Liberia News Agency in Tubmanburg recently, Mr. Kabba said Phase Three of the Girl Power Project will constitute a key part of the plan. He said the project provides skills training for girls in the country. He also disclosed that as part of the plan, Plan Liberia will continue its school assistance program through the Ministry of Education, Heritage reports.


VP Boakai Tells LCCC Officials to Eschew Division

An inside story of the FOCUSnewspaper reports that Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has urged the newly-inducted President and Board of Trustees of the Lofa County Community College (LCCC) not to encourage “tribalism, corrupt practices or divisiveness” in their administration of the institution. He noted that tribalism, corruption and divisiveness are vices that have the propensity to divert the attention of the College from its main talk of grooming “competent, disciplined and capable” leaders. According to the Liberia News Agency, the Vice President urged the first Board of the institution to remain focused and be filled with love for the county and country, and to always uphold the ideals that gave birth to the LCCC. “We must all together acknowledge the  welcome reality that apart from striving to quench the thirst for post-secondary education in this northern part of the country, this college exudes the potential of ably casting itself as that magnet that will continue to attract young career seekers,”, VO Boakai said.

UNICEF Urges Unity in Ebola Fight

An inside story of the FOCUSdaily reads that the United Nations Children’[s Fund (UNICEF) has said Liberians can stop the spread of Ebola as victory over the killer disease relies on the collective efforts of communities. Speaking to the Liberia News Agency via mobile on Monday in Monrovia, the Officer in Charge of the UNICEF’s Information and Communications Unit, Adolphus Scott, said Liberians should accept that Ebola is in the country, and come together as a unifying force in battling it. The UNICEF Official noted that it is time Liberians spread the message of the existence of the disease, as part of preventive measures in the fight against the virus. 

CBL To Launch Collateral

The CBL Deputy Executive Governor kamara said the pre-launch of the Liberia Collateral Registry os expected to convene in June, 2014. The LCR system, as indicated by the CBL Official, will upon its launch work in consonance with the Liberia Secured Transactions Law and in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The CBL official, who made the disclosure on the formulation of the LCR system during a one-day stakeholder’s media working launch convened in the board room, averred that the function of the LCR is solely administrative and without interference whatsoever form Government.  When the LCR is launched, the Deputy Executive Governor said the system will allow for micro-small access to financial service as well as support economic growth and national development. At the one-day stakeholders media working dialogue, the CBL executive recognized the pivotal role the Liberian media is expected to play when LCR is launched, the FOCUSreports.