Daily Media Summary, 04-07-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs   

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Chinese donation towards the fight against the deadly Ebola virus, the call for national prayers by Liberia Council of Churches, and the finding of an investigation concluded on the Liberian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium, are the dominant stories on today’s newsstand.



Dominant Stories

China Provides US$20,000.00

According to the New Republic Newspaper, in an effort to fight vector-borne diseases, the Embassy of People’s Republic of China near Monrovia has donated US$20,000.00 on behalf of the China Red Cross Society to the Liberia National Red Cross Society to help strengthen the response to the spread of the Ebola virus in the country. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the donation was made on Friday, April 4, 2014 at the Chinese Embassy in Congo Town.  The deadly Ebola virus was discovered in the West African Region from neighboring Guinean and spread over to Liberia and Sierra Leone, Killing several victims in the region. At least seven people are said to have died from the Ebola disease since the killer disease was discovered in Liberia two weeks ago

Related Caption:China Donates US$20,000 To Liberian Red Cross To Help Fight Ebola(Heritage Newspaper), New Georgia Baptist Church On Ebola Campaign(FOCUS Newspaper), WHO, Others Give Items To Prevent Ebola(The Inquirer Newspaper), and Liberia, Guinea & Mali Fight Ebola(New Democrat Newspaper)



“There’s no Need for Panic” says Ellen; Issues Special Statement on Ebola

“As far as we’re concerned the situation is being contained and well controlled. We ask the media, we ask politicians and we ask everybody not to create panic in the country. By talking things when you don’t have details, you simply make people afraid and that’s not good”. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has issued a Special Statement from Rome, Italy in which she said, “Fellow citizens: My trip to Europe was planned well before the Ebola situation evolved. Before I left, I had proper consultations with the Minister of Health and his team. The situation was assessed. We felt that it was well under control; that the health would continue to brief the nation and be very straight forward on what the situation was, the In Profile Daily reports.

Related Caption:“No Need For Panic”(The Inquirer Newspaper)

Guinean Embassy Prefers ‘Preventive Measures’ to Border Closure

The Guinean Government through its Embassy near Monrovia has provided what it translated as the latest pieces of information on the rising death toll from the Ebola virus that recently broke out in the West African State. According to Guinean Ambassador to Liberia, Elhaji Abdoulaye, since the outbreak of the deadly disease a few weeks ago, the Liberian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, (MOH/SW) in collaboration with its international partners, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Medecins Sans Frontieres in the two countries have taken the contagion seriously. The Guinean Diplomat buttressed health authorities who have loudly sounded the preventive methods to those who are opting for borders closure. According to him, closing the borders between both nations, might not be an appropriate move in times like these. Dore Ambassador Dore made the disclosure at a press conference on Friday when he spoke on “matters relating to the Ebola epidemic fever currently being battled by the regional health authorities, reports the Daily Observer Newspaper.

MICAT Announces New Program For Ebola Awareness

As part of efforts to ensure that its citizens are well informed about the deadly Ebola virus, the

 Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism (MICAT) has announced a new radio program - Ebola Half Hour, to provide daily update on Ebola outbreak here.  Acting Information Minister, Atty.  Isaac Jackson, Jr. said the Chief Medical Office of Liberia, Dr. Bernice Dahn, or a designee, will appear on UNMIL Radio from 12:10 - 12:40 daily to provide the latest information on the status of the disease in the country, with a simultaneous broadcast on Radio Veritas, Farbic FM, Truth FM, Power FM, Hott FM and the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS). 
The program will also be relayed on community radio stations across the country. According to Minister Jackson, the information provided on the “Ebola Half Hour” will be the outcome of the daily technical meeting with the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare and its partners including the World Health Organization, (WHO). In addition, a situation room is being set up at the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare (LBS), where local and international journalists can gather further information about the outbreak. Meanwhile, Minister Jackson applauded the collaborating media institutions for their solidarity in this time of national concern, and also called on all Liberians to take into consideration basic hygienic measures like washing hands to prevent themselves from contracting the disease. Minister Jackson has also announced the following hotlines where concerned persons can call for further information for suspected cases, the New Dawn says.


Protests Against Ebola Facility In New Kru Town

Residents of New Kru Town last Saturday angrily tried to prevent the construction of a facility, going up next to the Redemption Hospital, but shrouded (blanketed, covered) in mystery. The facility is rumored to be intended as an Ebola hospice (hospital, rest home). This latest action from the township residents is probably due to a lack of clarity, on how one falls victim to the deadly Ebola virus, after it was confirmed in Liberia, pens the Daily Observer Newspaper.



Related Caption: Protest In Kru Town Over Ebola Virus(The Inquirer Newspaper)

WHO Provides Materials To Moh To Curtail Spread Of Ebola In Liberia

In the wake of efforts by the Government of Liberia and its partners to curtail the spread of the deadly Ebola Disease, the World Health Organization (WHO) has provided several working tools for health workers. The tools include: Cover-all, Utility Gloves, Body Bags, Powdered Latex Gloves, surgical gowns, Face masks and sprayers amongst others. Presenting the materials at the Ministry of Health Friday, the WHO Country Representative to Liberia Dr. Nester Ndayimirje said the materials will help protect health workers who are catering to patients with suspected Ebola cases and other cases. WHO Country Rep. also disclosed that a number of foreign experts are in Liberia to assist the government in providing the necessary guidance on the intervention. The WHO officials said the government of Liberia through the health Ministry has given clearance to an international Laboratory group to come to Liberia and work.  Prior to the team’s arrival, samples of suspected Ebola cases were sent to Lyon, France for testing. The results usually take more than a week to verify whether a person has contracted the Ebola virus or not. Said Dr. Ndayimirije: “These are the support the WHO has promised in tackling the Ebola Epidemic. With these support and giving information for all to know and hear about the virus, the Maximum time Frame for the Virus in Liberia will be two weeks.” The WHO official challenged the Liberian government and its Citizens to treat the situation as a National Security issue by combating the fear and Panic and address the problems relating to the deadly illness.
Receiving the items on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who is away from the country on a foreign mission, internal Affairs Minister Morris Dukuly commended the WHO for the gesture and all the organization has done in Africa to curtail the Epidemic. He denied comments made by some individuals that the President is doing nothing to curtail the spread of the Epidemic. He claimed that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has repeatedly pleaded with international organizations and governments to assist Liberia in tackling the epidemic with the necessary equipment and expertise that is not found in Liberia. Said Minister Dukuly: “For anyone to insinuate that the President is not running the government is untrue because the President is very involved and concern about the well-being of citizens judging by the evidence of the involvement of UNMIL, the US embassy, and other Friendly international partners.”
Minister Dukuly warned Liberians against politicizing the outbreak of Ebola in Liberia. “No government can invite an epidemic of this type on its citizens and when it happens, it becomes a National concern no one should play cheep politic with Ebola, Ebola is not a political issue, it is life and death and when people are trying to contain and eliminate it do not politicize it for cheep gains,” he added. Minister Dukuly’s swipe was apparently directed at Mr. Benoni Urey, one of several rumored presidential contenders in the 2017 elections, who at a gathering of supporters at the Lomax Compound in the Zubah Town community, called on President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf to cut short her current trip and return home in order to lead the efforts to combat the Ebola outbreak in the country.  Mr. Urey questioned the benefits to the country of the President's traveling spree and said she needs to spend more time here at home and focus on the serious matters that confront the country and people rather than trotting around the world. On Thursday, Minister Dukuly committed the Liberian government to instituting a strategy that will contain the virus and commended the Health Ministry for the level of publicity carry out on the Virus. Seven Liberians have died, including a forest hunter, since Ebola was first reported in the country with several possible cases in Sierra Leone and Guinea where the outbreak was first reported.
Meanwhile, Health Minister Dr. Walter Gwenigale has publicly denied a news article carried in a local dallies questioning his Ebola status. “I don’t have Ebola. At least not yet,” he said.


Related CaptionWHO Provides Protective GEAR For Health Workers (NEWS), WHO, Others Give Items To Prevent Ebola (Inquirer)



Ebola Manhunt: Biker Likely Carrying Virus On The Run

The motorcyclist who drove the last victim of the deadly Ebola virus in Liberia is reported to be ailing and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare wants the public help in finding him before he spread it on to others. Health Minister Dr. Walter Gwenigale made the disclosure last Friday shortly after the World Health Organization (WHO) presented a consignment of protective gears to Liberia to aid health workers in the fight against the killer virus. “The motorcycle driver who drove that sick woman to firestone and the woman has already died, that motorcycle driver is sick,” the minister said. “They called us last night, we sent people to go and find him but when we got there they said that the mother had taken him somewhere. Now we are looking for him because whoever gets in contact with that young man including the mother now, is in trouble. So you have to help us to get the word around that whoever has that young man somewhere, please turn him over to us so we can take care of him.”The yet –to-be-identified deceased woman contracted the virus from Foyah Lofa County. The latest woman to die from the Ebola virus at Firestone contracted Ebola while caring for her sister who died of Ebola in Foya, Lofa County. The woman had been at Firestone under observation in isolation. Prior to that, she left the Foya area late night on March 29 and travelled via taxi to Monrovia to see her husband. Five other people were in the taxi with her, including the driver. The woman then took a motorcycle to a nearby clinic, where she was seen and released. Additionally, authorities are said to be on the lookout for at least 40 persons who may or may not have crossed path with the deceased woman. Until her death, the woman and her family were being quarantined in their home until they could be moved to an appropriate facility. Although the Health Ministry has been monitoring those who came in contact with the woman, including the taxi driver, the failure of authorities to find the motorcyclist could hamper attempts by health authorities to stop the deadly virus in its tracks. At least seven persons have died from the deadly virus since it crossed into Liberia from neighboring Guinea. Overall, the death toll from the outbreak in coastal West Africa has risen to 86, with dozens more ailing. According to the WHO, the deaths are among the 137 cases reported by the organization, which says the outbreak has "rapidly evolved" since originating in the forests of southeastern Guinea. The city of Guekedou, near the borders with Sierra Leone and Liberia, has seen the majority of the deaths. Five people are believed to have died in Guinea's capital, Conakry, according to WHO. Two of the victims had traveled to the region. Sierra Leone is investigating at least two deaths from the disease the aid organization Doctors Without Borders has called an unprecedented outbreak  because previous cases have been limited to a small area. Mali became the latest country to draw interests after the government reported on its Facebook page last week that biological samples tied to three suspected Ebola cases within its borders are being sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for analysis. Three people in Mali suspected of having the disease are being treated in an isolated unit, where their health is improving. Ebola is one of the world's deadliest viruses, causing a hemorrhagic fever that kills up to 90% of those infected. It spreads in the blood and shuts down the immune system, causing high fever, headache and muscle pain, often accompanied by bleeding. The virus is named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire), where one of the first outbreaks occurred in 1976,FrontPage Africa reveals.





LCC Declares Week Of Fast And Prayer

The Daily Observer reports that to help contain the further spread of the Ebola virus in Liberia, the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) over the weekend declared a week or National Fast and Prayer throughout the 15 counties seeking God’s Divine intervention. At a Press Conference on Friday, April 4, 2014, LCC First Vice President, Rev. Dr. Kortu K. Brown, said the LCC is working in collaboration with the various denominations under its umbrella to observe a period of National Fast and Prayer, which began Sunday, April 6, 2014. Some of the denominations in the crusade are the Liberian Fellowship of Full Gospel Ministries, Association of Evangelicals of Liberia, and Christian Community of Liberia, Pentecostal Fellowship Union of Liberia, and the Prophetic Call to Ministry.

Related Captions:A Call To National Healing(New Dawn Newspaper), Pastor Badio Calls For Prayers In Liberia (New Dawn Newspaper), and ‘Ebola Prayer’ For Liberia (FocusNewspaper)



 Liberia Concludes Probe Into Rental Saga At Belgian Mission

The long awaited findings of an investigation launched by the government of Liberia into fake lease contracts involving the Liberian Ambassador to Brussels, Luxemburg and the European Union, Francis Tuan Karpeh, which led to the government recalling of the Ambassador and the entire embassy staff has been unveiled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia. A 7-member Investigative Committee led by Ambassador-At-Large Robert Lormia conducted the government investigation, which covered all Liberian foreign missions. The Committee in its report as issued by the Foreign Ministry stated that it established that there was no criminal intent nor was there a motive for personal enrichment by Ambassador Francis Tuan Karpeh or other Liberian diplomatic officers in Belgium with respect to leased properties, but stated that it noted procedural and administrative breaches in the way payments were handled, which it concluded did not conform to accepted accounting standards. “The Investigative Committee found that the rigidity of the budgeting system often impelled the Embassy to secure initial leases based on estimated cost in order to obtain approval before the budget process was completed,” stated the foreign ministry release. Continued the findings: “The Embassy then concluded final leases based on actual cost from the landlord. The difference between the proforma and base rent in the case of Ambassador Karpeh and his officers in Belgium was expended on sundry costs such as fees for general maintenance of the building, maintenance of elevators and other systems connected to the building, heating and cooling of areas external to the apartment, security, garbage collection, and utilities, which unfortunately, were not adequately covered in the quarterly remittances from Monrovia. These extra obligations, if left unattended, would cause embarrassment to the officers concerned, in particular, and the Government and country in general.” The investigation report found that this situation was not widespread at all Liberian diplomatic missions as was widely speculated and reported according to the foreign ministry release. The ministry stated that the report found that some missions experienced serious difficulties as a result of shortfalls between remitted amounts and actual amounts due to what the committee calls the ever increasing nature of leases and the cost of utilities coupled with exchange rate losses caused by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates between the US dollars, the currency in which monies from Liberia are remitted and the currency of the host country including bank charges. “The Investigative Committee found that this problem is more acute in the euro zone countries, including Belgium,” stated the Ministry of foreign affairs. In its recommendations the committee called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, working in concert with the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Liberia, to put in place a realistic policy that will oversee monetary transactions at Liberia’s diplomatic missions abroad, particularly with reference to payment of rents and leases. “The Report also recommends; that transactions and accounting practices at Liberian diplomatic missions should undergo regular, periodic inspections through the Office of the Inspector General of the Foreign Service, in a bid to enhance accountability at the missions as well as objectively assess difficulties experienced by Liberian diplomats, which could lead to a more expeditious solution of the difficulties,” stated the MFA release. “It emphasizes that due notice be taken of the cost of living index in countries hosting Liberian diplomatic missions, and that adequate budgeting and other measures be taken to address those conditions.. Additionally, the report states that keen note should be taken of the currency exchange rate fluctuations to avoid shortfalls in remittances to the missions.” FrontPageAfrica reported that it had documents in its possession showing that Ambassador Karpeh overstated the rental expenses for his residence in Brussels. FPA uncovered two separate lease agreements for Ambassador Kapeh’s Belgium residence showing conflicting figures for rental expenses. The Ambassador had a lease agreement from a real estate company named ESTIA NV/SA which he (Karpeh) presented to the Government of Liberia as the lease agreement for his official residence in Brussels amounting to 3,600 Euros a month, amounting to a yearly sum of 43,200 Euros an estimated US$ 56,160 yearly.  Estia the company from which the Ambassador seems to have acquired the lease agreement said the contract was a fake. The company told VTM NIEUWS in Brussels that it had no contract with the Liberian Embassy. The allegedly fake lease agreement with ESTIA on which basis the Government of Liberia paid the rental expenses of Ambassador Karpeh is said to be located on Boulevarddu Rio Albert li 45, 1030 Scharbeek. Documents received from the ministry of Foreign Affairs upon an FPA request corroborated the lease agreement in the possession of FrontPageAfrica putting the cost of the Ambassador’s residence for 3,600 Euros when he was actually paying 1,140 Euros. This paper through its Belgian counterpart VTM NIEUWS based in Brussels contacted ESTIA NV/SA and the company denied ever entering into a lease agreement with the Liberian Ambassador (Karpeh).  “This lease agreement is fake. We do not have a lease with this person,” the company told VTM NIEUWS on enquiry in Brussels. The second lease contract also in the possession of FPA, which turns out to be the rightful lease agreement of Ambassador Karpeh’s current residence in Brussels according to FPA sources in Brussels. This contract was entered into between Vilvo Invest and Karpeh on February 1, 2013. But the investigation failed to establish which lease agreement was the proper one. The value of the lease is 1,140 Euros per month almost three times the amount being paid by the Government of Liberia as reflected on the lease agreement in possession of FrontpageAfrica and obtained from the foreign ministry. This agreement was entered into February 1, 2013 and is valid until January 31, 2022. A payment voucher dated Wednesday, August 14, 2013 showed that the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs paid an amount of US$29,858.66 as rental fees for Ambassador Karpeh, Comfort Swengbe, Paul Tate and Konah Moore. The voucher’s narrative stated that an amount of US$ 9,497.78 was paid for Ambassador Francis Karpeh for July and August, 2013, an indication that the Government of Liberia paid US$4,748.89 per month for Ambassador Karpeh residence. The payment as reflected on the voucher indicates that the Government of Liberia pays US$4,748.89 per month an equivalent of 3,600 Euros in line with lease payment arrangements known to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as in actuality the Liberian diplomat receives lease payment amounting to 3,600 per month. This leads to an unexplained variance of 2,460 Euro monthly, between payments made by the GoL and payment made to the property owner in Belgium. Instead of the Government of Liberia paying 13,680 Euros as yearly rent, its pays 43,200 Euros with an amount of 29,520 Euros unaccounted for,FrontPageAfrica asserts.


Related CaptionLiberian Diplomat Cleared (New Dawn), Foreign Ministry Concludes Investigation Into Allegations Of Rental/Leases Situation At Its Belgian Mission (Heritage), Probe C’ttee Vindicates Amb. Karpeh, Others (The Inquirer Newspaper),




Other Stories

Ellen Extols Germany for Its Support to Liberia’s Development Agenda

The In Profile Newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has thanked the Federal Republic of Germany for its support towards Liberia’s development agenda which is benefitting many sectors. According to a dispatch from Brussels, Belgium, the Liberian President made the assertion when she and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held fruitful bilateral discussions on the sidelines of the 4th Europe-Africa Summit on Thursday, April 3, 2014. Both Heads of State met at the Justus Lipsuis Building, Headquarters of the European Union. President Sirleaf cited Germany’s hosting of the Berlin Partner Conference in 2008, at which time Liberia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) of “Lift Liberia” was endorsed by Liberia’s partners, who subsequently committed significant resources to the achievement of the objectives laid out in the Strategy.

Related Caption:Pres. Sirleaf Meets With German Chancellor (INSIGHT Newspaper)


Today Is “World Health Day”

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared today Monday, April 7, 2014 as “World Health Day” and is to be observed throughout Liberia as a Working Holiday. According to the proclamation, Liberia as a founding member of the WHO will join other countries around the World in observance of the “World Health Day” under the Theme: “Vector-Borne Diseases”. This year’s cerebration, according to a Foreign Ministry Release, will focus on the awareness about the threat posed by vectors and vector-borne disease and to motivate families and communities to take actions to protect themselves against traditional boundaries. Each year, the World health Day is celebrated on April 7th to mark the anniversary of the founding of the WHO, the proclamation added. The Proclamation therefore calls on all Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Centers and Schools as well as the citizenry throughout Liberia to cooperate with the Ministry of health and Social Welfare and the resident Office of the Health Organization (WHO) in executing appropriate programs befitting the occasion, the Heritage writes.




Related Caption:Ellen Declares World Health Day(Focus Newspaper)


Action Aid Empowers 100 Women

In an effort to promote women rights and building their livelihood in Liberia, an International Non-Governmental Organization based in South-eastern Liberia, Action Aid Liberia has graduated over 100 women in both River Gee and Grand Gedeh Counties. Speaking to this paper at his Regional Office in Zwedru, the Regional Manager for equal rights program in South-eastern region, Arthur Butler said, the six months program is aimed at building the capacities of women on food preservation and Home Management. Mr. Butler further added that, Action Aid Activities have positively impacted the lives of women and young people in Sinoe, River Gee and Grand Gedeh Counties. As a result of that, women now can discuss issues affecting them, reports the New Republic Newspaper.


Well Done

The determination by the Central Bank of Liberia through it Executive Governor, Dr. Joseph Mills Jones to see Liberians takeover their own economy has been embraced by rural dwellers especially in Maryland, Grand Kru, Grand Gedeh and Rive Gee Counties during a recent visit to Southeastern Liberia. Governor Jones’ trip to the Southeastern was based on an invitation by citizens and officials of these counties, including Rep. Isaac Roland of District #3 (Maryland) where he received a Red Carpet Welcome. Mr. Harold K. Credit Union in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh, said they honored Dr. Jones for his “unprecedented, invaluable, committed and dedicated services toward the empowerment of Liberians as well as strengthening of the Liberian economy through the practical demonstration of your indigenous approach to building the Liberia economy”, says the New Democrat Newspaper.

MOE Inducts Advisory Board cautions to Observe Its Limitation

The Ministry of Education through its Minister Etmonia David Tarpeh, has inducted a new National Education Advisory Board. The induction ceremony was held at the ministry’s head office on head office on Friday. According to her, the National Advisory Board will focus on improving students achievements and organizational effectiveness and will operate in the most ethical and conscientious manner possible. Making it clear to the newly inducted board, Minister Tarpeh noted that the operations and functions of the operations and functions of the Ministry of Education rest with the ministry, and noted the board, reports the In Profile Daily Observer.

Related Stories: MOE Inducts New National Education Advisory Board (Daily Observer Newspaper),

Fire Hits Eco Bank-Paynesville

Fire last Friday afternoon gutted the EcoBank Red Light Branch in Paynesville, leaving at least three persons injured. The fire is said to have lighted the building as a result of electrical fault. It is yet to be independently confirmed as authorities were seen tight lipped on the incident saying, ‘Investigation was still ongoing’, the Focus Newspaper writes.

Liberian President Visits IFAD To Discuss Expanding Development

The President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Kanayo F. Nwanze, met today with the President of the Republic of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, at the Fund’s headquarters in Rome to discuss the importance of transforming the rural areas of developing countries around the world. “Liberia is grateful for the support we received from IFAD during the critical moments in our history,” Johnson Sirleaf said. “The intervention of IFAD has had a very positive impact on our post-conflict process.” Liberia was ranked among the world’s top 10 fastest growing economies in 2012. But the impact of political instability and civil conflicts that engulfed the country for years continues to plague rural areas in the form of dilapidated infrastructure, high unemployment and inadequate professional capacity. While agriculture is Liberia’s largest employer, productivity is very low with post-harvest losses exceptionally high. “Our partnership with Liberia shows that rural development can address a range of social dimensions,” Nwanze said. “We often talk of creating a climate for investment; we are also trying to create a climate of peace.” Following a 20-year suspension because of the conflicts, the Fund resumed its work in 2009 to support rebuilding the country’s rural areas. This has included developing more competitive, efficient and sustainable food and agriculture value chains and linkages to markets, as well as strengthening the country’s human and institutional capacity.  IFAD’s experience of working in post-conflict and fragile states has shown that sustainable, inclusive development and creating opportunities for rural people and marginalized communities not only boost economic growth, but can work as an engine for peace as well. The visit of Africa’s first female head of state to IFAD headquarters comes on the heels of her stopover earlier this year to the IFAD Smallholder Tree Crop Revitalization Support Project in Lofa County, in the north of Liberia.  While there she saw first-hand how rural women, youth, and war-wounded and disabled people can raise their incomes when they are given the right support.  The IFAD-supported project, which was designed to foster the production of high-quality cocoa and coffee products, including organic, is the first of its kind in the country to establish partnership between the public and private sectors.  In this case, a private exporter joined forces with the Ministry of Agriculture to revitalize smallholder coffee and cocoa plantations. The company has invested more than US$1 million for training, vehicles and capital, and it pays farmers up to 50 percent more than traditional intermediaries.  During her stay in Rome, Johnson Sirleaf, co-Chair of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the post-2015 development agenda, made a keynote speech and took part in discussions at a high-level event at which the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), IFAD and the World Food Programme (WFP) unveiled the results of their joint work to on targets and indicators for the new global development paradigm. So far, IFAD has financed five programmes and projects in Liberia for a total investment of $41.4 million benefitting 124,000 households, FrontPageAfrica reports.



Buchanan City Burns “Contaminated’ Cow Skin

The City Corporation of Buchanan has burnt a large consignment of ‘contaminated’ cow skin on the grounds of the City Corporation in Grand Bassa County. The bags of contaminated cow skin were confiscated by the youth advocacy group, concerned youths of Bassa, and the Buchanan City Police at the junction to the Fair Ground on Wednesday. The City Mayor of Buchannan, Julia Bono, told the Liberia News Agency on Thursday that when the consignment arrived at her office, cockroaches and other insects were seen all over the cow skin, which also emitted bad odor, The National Chronicle says.

Related CaptionBuchanan City Burns “Contaminated Cow Skin” (Heritage)


Min. Samukai Lauds Nigerian Support To Liberian Army

Defense Minister Brownie J. Samukai has lauded the Government of Nigeria for its continuous assistance to the Liberia, especially in the training of personnel of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) at the Nigeria Defense Academy. He made the commendation when the visiting Nigerian Defense Attaché accredited to Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Liberia, Colonel Stanley Nnaemeka Eze, paid him a courtesy call at Barclay Training Center in Monrovia on Friday, April 4, 2014, the National Chronicle writes.

 Related Caption:Min. Samukai Lauds Nigerian Government(Insight Newspaper)



Gender Ministry Seeks Partnership With Media

The Ministry of Gender and Development has hosted a one day workshop for journalists all across the country, rallying support of the media in the fight against Sexual Gender Based Violence or SGBV. The workshop was also intended to give media practitioners a broad knowledge on reporting SGBV issues that are on the increase here. The Deputy Minister for Technical and Research Service at the Gender Ministry Madam Meima Sirleaf-Karneh, told journalists that their partnership was needed in fighting SGBV in Liberia. Madam Karneh pointed out that despite previous efforts by the ministry and its partners to fight the crime, the fight was becoming fruitless by the day, so they were brining in the media to join the campaign.
“The Ministry and partners have tried over the years to fight against SGBV but decided to come back to the drawing board to involve the media cause you know the media plays a critical role in everything in this country because when it comes from the media, it becomes more validated than even members of the society or the government,” she observed. For her part, the Ministry of Gender and Development Julia Duncan Cassell, who expressed this dissatisfaction for not see more females at the workshop, said it was important that many males coming onboard as a companion in fighting GBV and rape issues in Liberia. “When I first walked in the room, my impression was why only one female journalist, but my second thought was this is where we want to go; we want men as companions in fighting Gender Based Violence and rape issues in Liberia." "So I am glad to see all of you from the media from all across the country to be part of this workshop and together we can have a good partnership,” Madam Cassell said. She pointed that the Gender Ministry is not asking journalists to compromise objectivity in their reportage, but to give their stories a gender lens, while warning the media to avoid taking pictures of women when they are victimized. Speaking on behalf of his colleagues at the close of the workshop, Journalist Julius Jeh of Fabric Radio thanked the Gender Ministry family for organizing the workshop for the media, which he noted, provided them adequate knowledge on SGBV to be able to properly inform the public, the New Dawn writes.


GSA Turns Over Public Toilet

The General Services Agency of Liberia or GSA, on Friday dedicated a public toilet in Bassa Community, Capitol-Bye Pass as part of 22 projects targeted for Monrovia and its environs. The projects are being implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation in providing public toilets with running water for the capital. The Director General of the General Services Agency, Madam Mary T. Broh, told this paper that they are working hard to make sure that every community gradually has a public toilet, including washrooms. Director Broh said some of the communities being targeted are: Crown Hill, Slipway, West Point, Rally Town, Clara Town and New Kru Town, among others.
Speaking at the dedicatory ceremony, Mr. Boakai Sirleaf of the GSA said the projects will help to improve sanitation across the city. He also said the purpose for building public toilets is to enable residents have easy access to bathrooms instead of throwing wastes in the community. Mr. Sirleaf put the total cost of the project for 22 public toilets at US$300,000, the New Dawn says.


NEC Registers Over 60,000 Voters

Despite the National Elections Commission’s threshold of 200,000 new voters in the just ended Voter Roll Update Registration exercise for the impending Special Senatorial Election, the New Dawn has gathered that the NEC was only able to register over 60,000 eligible voters, far below the targeted number. Sources from the Commission’s database center say the 60,000 new voters exclude transferred voters. NEC Communications Director, Joey Kennedy, said the commission played its part by creating awareness for Liberians to turn out for the process.
The Voter Roll Update Exercise which started on January 29, 2014 and ended March 29, 2014, is aimed at including on the Voter Roll Liberians who have attained the age of 18 years and above since the 2011 Voter Registration Exercise; Liberians who, for one reason or the other did not register in 2011; and Registered Voters who may have changed locations within the country and wish to be captured in their current areas of residency. As part of efforts to enhance equitable and increased participation in the Special Senatorial Election, the Commission intensified its Civic and Voter Education (CVE) campaign nationwide. These include the production of additional jingles and dramas in both Liberian English and the 16 local Languages of the country. The Commission has also produced a new version of the special Voter Roll Update soon. These are being aired on 43 community radio stations and 11 national radio and television stations, according to the commission. The Commission has embarked upon the use Mobile Public Address Systems in populated communities, especially in Montserrado County disclosing that since the commencement of the Mobile Public Address System, an upsurge in attendance at Voter Roll Update Centers has been reported. According to the preliminary figures released by the commission, through the Commissioner with Oversight Responsibilities of Communications, Davidetta Browne Lansanah, the total number of eligible Liberians who have been included on the voter roll as of Saturday, February 22, 2014, is 26,287. Commissioner Lansanah at a news conference said, of this number, 17,496 are males while 8,791 are females. She disclosed that Transferred Voters or registered voters who changed their locations are 6,981. These numbers, she saidrepresent processed forms received from areas that are accessible. The NEC Commissioner indicated that Inaccessible communities that have not submitted completed registration forms include Yarnee District in Rivercess County, Dedei Town, Samah Town and Garney Town in Bong County as well as Jumoa in Grand Bassa County, among others. Meanwhile, when the NEC Communications Director was contacted via mobile, he informed this paper that the commission is still gathering data received from the field and after compilation, it will report to the public on the entire exercise.