President Weah Applauds the Russia Federation on National Day Observance

President George Manneh Weah has conveyed heartfelt congratulations to President Vladimar Putin, the Government and people of the Russian Federation, on the occasion commemorating Russia’s National Day.


 In the message to Russian President Vladimar Putin, President George Manneh Weah on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, and in his own name, extended sincere best wishes to the Government and people of the Russian Federations following the observance of this historic milestone.       


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Weah expressed deep appreciation for the consistent bilateral relationship and look forward to deepening the cooperation between Liberia and Russia.  


 “It is my hope that we will move to strengthen our relations through high level bilateral visits that will inspire cooperation and collaboration on joint ventures between our two peoples”,  President Weah added.  


The Liberian leader then wished for President Putin continued good health and success and for the Government and people of the Russian Federation peace, security, and prosperity.