President Sirleaf Sends Messages of Congratulations To Spain and Equatorial Guinea

The National Day of Spain regarded as "La Fiesta Nacional De Espana" was celebrated on the 12th of October while the Republic of Equatorial Guinea observed its 44th Independence Anniversary on the same day.

In her message to His majesty King Juan Carlos, I of the Kingdom of Spain, President Johnson Sirleaf conveyed on behalf of Liberia heartfelt felicitation and best wishes to the Spanish leader and through him to the Government and People of the Kingdom of Spain.

President Johnson Sirleaf expressed confidence that with great sense of gratitude the cordial relations that have existed for more than a century between Liberia and Spain will be furthered and that the two governments will continue to work collaboratively in forging stronger ties of friendship while exploring new and more rewarding areas of bilateral cooperation.

She then wished for His Majesty, the Government and People of the Kingdom of Spain continued peace and renewed leadership, and economic growth under the leadership of King Carlos.

At the same time, President Johnson Sirleaf in her message to President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Nbasogo of Equatorial Guinea extended on behalf of Liberia heartfelt felicitations and best wishes as that nation observed its 44th Independence Anniversary.

"As you and the stalwart people of Equatorial Guinea celebrate this historic event, we in Liberia are equally happy to join you in celebrating this unique event", the Liberian leader stated, recalling with satisfaction, the bond of friendship and cooperation so happily subsisting between both countries and peoples.

She then prayed that the Almighty God will shower President Nguema Nbasogo will abundant wisdom and prolonged good health as he steers the affairs of his people to noble height.