Liberian Mission in China recounts the heroic services of Amb. Jarjar Kamara

The Liberian mission accredited near Beijing, The People’s Republic of China, has recounted with admiration, the heroic services of Amb. Jarjar Kamara, dedication to Liberians and Liberia’s interest during his tour of duty in Beijing, China.


Speaking recently at a farewell reception for Amb. Kamara, The Charge d’ Affairs at the Liberian Embassy in Beijing , Mr.Jimmy Gordon Barchue, described the  two years of service of  the towering diplomat, as pioneering and productive towards consolidating the already flourishing diplomatic ties between Monrovia and Beijing.


Charge d’ affairs. Barchue asserted that the welfare of Liberians across varying sectors of the Chinese society, along with Liberia’s economic diplomacy paradigm focused prominently on the agenda of the mission.


He noted thatthe outpouring of gratitude and deep emotions from the Liberian Community, students and the Embassy team , is reflective of the keen interest and diligent representation of Liberians and  Liberia’s interest in China, executed by the Liberian Mission in Beijing, China.


 Amb. Kamara, who is currently the Ambassador ad Interim at the European Union in Brussels, told the gathering that a team spirit and common purpose were at the core of his leadership during his tour of duty.


He noted that the plight of Liberian residentsin Beijing, students issues, along with advancing the promising economic prospects in Liberia, were also at the heart of the representation he made at every stage of his service in the People’s Republic of China.


He reminded the team at  the Beijing mission,currentlyheaded by Charge d’ affairsBarchue, who he referred to as a wonderful officer, to maintained the path of unity in purpose as they strive to collectively safe guard the interest of Liberia and its citizens in China  ; admonishing him to work cooperatively as he has done in the past, with the new Ambassador , His Excellency Dudley Mackinley Thomas, whenever he arrives at post.


Friday Gardener and Kaustella Kialain, spoke on behalf of the Liberian Community and students studying in China respectively; recounting the tireless efforts of Amb. Kamara and his team in dealing with matters concerning their welfare.