GOL Holds Special Retreat for Liberia’s Honorary Consuls; -Admonishes them to attract Foreign Direct Investment for Liberia

The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has held a Two-day Special Retreat for Honorary Consuls representing Liberia’s interest in different parts of the world.


The retreat, which was held under the theme, “Economic Growth Thru Foreign Partnership”, was convened on Thursday, February 20, 2020 in the C. Cecil Dennis Jr. Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  on Capitol Hill.


The two-day retreat brought together Honorary Consuls from countries in Asia, Europe, America and Africa as well as senior officials of the Liberian Government headed by His Excellency Gbehzohngar Milton Findley, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia.  


Other Senior Government officials at the two days event included Hon, Nathanial McGill, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Mr. Molewwuleh B. Gray, Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Mr. Thomas Doe Nah, Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority as well as other representatives from various government ministries and agencies.


Speaking at the Opening Session, Liberia’s Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley welcomed the Honorary Consuls to Liberia and informed them that the retreat was convened primarily to allow Liberia’s Honorary Consuls brief Government on their achievements thus far, and to also discuss how they can contribute to the Government’s Pro-Poor Agenda.


Foreign Minister Findley told the guests that as the George Weah-led administration endeavors to raise the living standard of its citizens, the Government looks forward to Honorary Consul serving as true partners in linking the Government with potential investors.


“We are among other things, instituting a new guideline to track the workings of Honorary Consuls and we look forward to a better working relationship with you all, the Liberian Foreign Minister emphasized”.


During the deliberation, the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Mr. Molewwuleh B. Gray and the Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority, Mr. Thomas Doe Nah made separate presentations giving the Honorary Consuls first-hand information on Liberia’s investment climate and tax-regime respectively.


For his part, the LRA Commissioner General, Thomas Doe Nah informed the Honorary Consuls on the role of the LRA, adding that Liberia has a better tax regime. He assured them that all red tapes have been removed thereby enhancing LRA efficiency level substantially.


Mr. Nah also stated that as the Liberian Government seeks to expand its revenue base, the role of the Honorary Consuls in attracting investors to Liberia cannot be over emphasized.


In his assertion, the Executive Director of the NIC, Mr. Molewwuleh B. Gray who made presentation on Liberia’s investment policy, noted that GOL provides fiscal incentives for foreign companies precisely in critical sectors including Agriculture, infrastructure development, tourism, and agribusiness among others.  


Following the Liberian government officials’ assertions, Separate presentations were made by the Honorary Consuls relative to their individual initiatives aimed at assisting Liberia.


While hailing the two days retreat, the Honorary Consuls added that the gathering will help shape their engagements in key priority areas in the years ahead.


For his part, the Dean of Liberia’s Honorary Consul Mr. Soutos Alexandros, Liberia’s Honorary Consul in Greece, thanked the Government of Liberia for organizing what he termed as an important initiative that will strengthen their relationship.


He disclosed their readiness to continuously work with the Liberian Government noting; he is working very hard to keep Liberia’s image high in Greece.


Also, Liberia’s Honorary Consul to Saudi Arabia Hon. Ayam Al Halai disclosed that the Commercial department of the Consulate in Saudi Arabia has been working assiduously to link investors with the Liberian authorities. He noted that he is also sourcing scholarship opportunities for Liberians.


This is the Second Retreat for Honorary Consuls under the Administration of His Excellency President George Manneh Weah.  The first retreat was held in 2018, at the Boulevard Palace Hotel in Sinkor.