Foreign Ministry Honors Outgoing Deputy Minister Kemayah for Astute Leadership and Dedication to Public Service

The Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday, September 12, honored the Outgoing Deputy Foreign Minister for Administration now Liberia’s Permanent Representation to the UN, His Excellency Amb. Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah Sr. for the outstanding leadership and invaluable contributions to the State and the Ministry while serving as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Honoring and Appreciation ceremony took place in the conference room of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Performing the ceremony, Foreign Minister Gbezohngar Milton Findley expressed deep appreciation and gratitude to the outgoing Deputy Minister for his role played in transforming the Ministry in the shortest period of time. He used the occasion to congratulate him for his preferment as Liberia’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations.


Minister Findley on behalf of the Ministry presented a gift with an inscription depicting the Ministry’s appreciation to Outgoing Deputy Minister Kemayah and extended gratitude to him for his enormous contributions to the transformation process of the Foreign Ministry under the dynamic leadership of Dr. George Manneh Weah which he noted has witnessed huge productivity and efficiency of staffers at the Ministry.


The Minister further applauded his Outgoing Deputy for his wise decisions taken in the supreme interest of the Ministry’s staff both home and abroad and hailed the excellent cooperation and smooth working relationship that existed between him and the outgoing Deputy Minister for Administration adding ”you made my work easier”.


The Minister expressed confidence that as Ambassador Kemayah takes leave of the Foreign Ministry for diplomatic Assignment, his legacy will live forever at the Ministry noting “as you go to represent Liberia at the UN, you still remain a part of the Foreign Ministry’s family”.  


In response, outgoing Deputy Foreign Minister and Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, His Excellency Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah expressed deep appreciation to the Foreign Ministry’s family for the honor bestowed upon him and promised to lift the Liberian Flag high at its Permanent Mission in New York.


Ambassador Kemayah assured Foreign Minister Findley of his unflinching loyalty and commitment to ably represent Liberia’s Interest abroad.


He cautioned employees of the Ministry to give their loyalty and support to the current administration led by Foreign Minister Findley, citing hard work, diligence, confidentiality and compliance as a hallmark for successful leadership.  


Earlier, Ambassador Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah Sr, was commissioned Wednesday by President George Manneh Weah as Liberia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, with concurrent accreditation to Cuba.


 Speaking at the commissioning ceremony which was held in the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President George Manneh Weah added that the Republic of Liberia has reposed explicit confidence in Ambassador Kemayah to represent its interest at the World Body.


“For the short time you worked with us, you have shown due diligence. You have represented us around the center of diplomacy, and this confidence reposed in you is because of what you bring to the table,” the Liberian leader stated.


President George Manneh Weah then called on Ambassador Kemayah to give his best to Liberia at his new assignment stressing, “We are happy that the Diplomatic Corps is also delighted to have Ambassador Kemayah due to his cordial working relationship at the Foreign Ministry family.”