Daily Media Summary, 4-23-2014
The Bureau of Public Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Monrovia, Liberia
News of the crash of an UNMIL helicopter UN 161, President Johnson Sirleaf’s visit to the oil exploration rig, Justice Minister Christiana P. Tah clarification on her resignation as Liberia’s Justice Minister are among other stories dominating our selected local dailies today
Dominant Stories
UNMIL helicopter 'crashes'
The INSIGHT newspaper reports that a Russian-registered MI-8AMT helicopter operated by UTair on behalf of United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) with registration RA22426 and flight number (UN 161) yesterday made a crash landing in Thinker’s Village, outside Monrovia. Two persons sustained minor injuries while a building was completely damaged as a result of the crash. The helicopter, with nine passengers and four crew members on board, was en route from Spriggs Payne Airport to Fishtown, River Gee County as part of UNMIL’s regular shuttle flight. The helicopter was piloted by a Ukrainian captain identified as Musamat Ruman. According to eyewitnesses, the helicopter was seen tilting and dangling through the skies as it headed for crashing. “At least fears that it would explode after the crash was allayed as minutes later nothing as such happened after several minutes,” one eyewitness told the INSIGHT. The cause of the emergency landing is yet to be established as UNMIL has launched an investigation into the matter. Flight 22426 has been an invaluable asset to the U.N. Mission in Liberia and the Liberian Government in conveying relief services and personnel from one location to another as a way to help ease the transportation challenges nationwide. The U.N. helicopter has also been instrumental in conducting air patrols over the Liberian borders with neighboring countries, and was extensively used during the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) Operation Restore Hope, which was launched to ensure calm at the Liberian-Ivorian borders in 2012.
Related Captions: UN Helicopter Crash Lands-No Casualties Reported, Pilot’s Condition Remains ‘Critical’(Daily Observer), Crashed!-As UNMIL’s Helicopter Pilot Hospitalized At JFK(In Profile Daily), UN Helicopter Crashes(National Chronicle), UNMIL Helicopter Crash-Lands-2 Sustain Injuries (New Dawn), 9 Survive Helicopter Crash Near Monrovia(The Inquirer), UN Chopper Forcibly Lands In Thinker Village(Focus), UN Chopper Goes Down (FrontPage Africa), UN Helicopter Crashes, No Casualty(The Analyst), Two Persons Wounded In UNMIL Helicopter Crash(New Democrat), UNMIL Helicopter Crashed…Leaves One Injured(The News)
Pres. Sirleaf visits oil exploration rig
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has paid a visit to the rig, some 15 nautical miles off the Liberian coast, where ongoing oil exploration by the United States energy company, Chevron, is taking place. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader said she was highly impressed by the level of the Liberian workforce involvement in activities at the rig which demonstrates adherence to local content commitment. President Sirleaf said she was glad that the Liberians on board are not only distinguished citizens; but at the same time, handling other technical operations on the rig which sends a signal that Liberians can do even better when giving the opportunity. She encouraged her compatriots currently assigned on the West Tellus to continue to be committed and dedicated to duty as they serve as Liberian ambassadors on the Chevron rig as well as examples for potential Liberians who could be recruited to work in the industry. Demonstrating this, Mr. Alfred Johnson Kamara, a Liberian, led President Sirleaf on a guided tour of the gigantic marine carrier explaining various functions and duties of each section at the amazement of the President. “The commitment demonstrated by the national staff,” President Sirleaf said, “was in further manifestation of how Liberians continue to tell the world that they have skills and only needed to be tapped.” This is not the first time Chevron has praised Liberians about their commitment to duty. Three years ago, several vehicle operators of the Executive Protection Service (EPS) were sent to the United States where they underwent training on how to operate the presidential fleet. The Liberians performed exceptionally well ahead of other nationals also participating in the training. President Sirleaf emphasized that the performance displayed by young Liberians show how they can perform when given the opportunity and the space. She was responding to a national staff of Chevron who expressed gratitude to her administration for creating the investment opportunity that resulted to their recruitment in the drilling industry. The Liberian leader appealed the Chairman of the Board of National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL), Cllr. Seward Cooper to take into consideration the pleas of the national staff on the rig for training opportunities. Cllr. Cooper praised the enthusiasm of the local staff and promised NOCAL’s continuous help to educate Liberians that would allow them to fully participate in Liberia’s oil future. The West Tellus is outfitted to work in up to 10,000 feet of water and is capable of water depths of up to 12,000 feet and drilling depths of up to 37,000 feet, according to theINSIGHT newspaper.
Related Captions: Ellen Visits Oil Exploration Rig(In Profile Daily), Ellen visits oil exploration rig(New Dawn), Pres. Sirleaf tours exploration site(The Analyst), President Visits Oil Exploration Rig(New Democrat), President Sirleaf Visits oil exploration rig(FrontPage Africa)
‘I Have Not Resigned’ – Justice Minister Christiana Tah Tells Daily Observer
Justice Minister Christiana P. Tah has broken her silence over reports that she resigned her post as Minister of Justice of the Republic of Liberia and subsequently left the country. A lot of speculation has been made in Monrovia, with some saying that Clr. Tah, who is banned from practicing law in the Republic for six months, ‘fled” Liberia following her resignation. However, Minister Tah, speaking with the Daily Observer Tuesday, April 22, stated that she has heard all the weid stories coming from Monrovia and that she has not resigned her post as Minister of Justice; even though she is still undergoing the suspension placed on her by Justices of the Supreme Court of Libeia. The suspension ends July 2014. Minister Tah said: “it is customary that before any minister leaves the country, that person has to get the President’s approval. I wrote the President asking her to allow me to seek medical attention in the United States. The |president granted my request; so I left.” Daily Observer reveals.
Related Caption; Tah Did Not Resign or Flee-Granted Executive Excuse To Seek Medical Attention(IN PROFILE DAILY), Ellen Approves Tah’s Medical Request(Inquirer)
According to The News newspaper, the Center for Media Studies and Peace building (CEMESP), in collaboration with Achievement Center for Youth and Children (ACEYNC) has launched a research project on children’s rights. According to a release, CEMESP provided technical support to this project, which was unveiled to stakeholders at the office of the New Africa Research and Development Agency (NARDA) in Monrovia. In a welcome remark, CEMESP Executive Director Malcolm Joseph, registered delight over the fact that journalists and other stakeholders took time off their busy schedules to pay heed to issues that affect children as future heritage of the nation. He spoke to the dwindling ethical consciousness of journalists in the covering and reportage on children as a troubling development that needs to be reversed in deliberate programmatic interventions of all partners. Lead Researcher and Executive Director of ACENYC Shine Gbeyodoe Williams made a power point presentation of the report. The research embarked on content analysis of 7 key local dailies and examined over 400 news items constituting over 4,300 news stories, reviewed relevant literatures and conducted expert interviews within a three month time frame (June – August 2013). Among other literatures, the research based its analysis on national and international instruments including Liberia Children’s Act, UNCRC, and UNESCO, UNICEF and WHO guidelines for journalists. Specifically, Save The Children Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey report on Liberia, 2011 had painted a shadow picture that excluded a critical aspect of child protection - children’s rights to participation, privacy and dignity in the news media; and how media contents have protected children’s rights provided the basis for the study. These materials were equally extrapolated with the Liberia Children’s Law. Children are said to have been used as token and objects, bad pictorial representation and the detachment of their voices in stories, were key findings of the study. Also highlighted was the failure of government to establish and operationalize systems and structures especially as it relates to the appointment of the Chairperson of the National Children’s Well-being Council, the body responsible to exercise oversight on matters relating to child well-being in the country; ensuring the composition of the nonexistent Child Rights Advancement Funds to enhance provision for education on child rights and correlative duties on child well-being; and making certain the establishment of the Child Rights Education Committee, something provided for in the Children’s Act. The study described the Press Union of Liberia Code of Ethics as vague in its application to protecting children’s rights in the media. It called on the Ministry of Education to design a communication strategy that reflects child rights protection imperatives. Launching the report, Executive Director of NARDA Lancedell Matthews indicated that the research is a ground breaking achievement of ACENYC and CEMESP to have used their meager resources in coming out with a document that serves as wake up call for everyone to help the processes of respecting the rights of children..
Related Caption: ACENYC-CEMESP launch children’s rights media monitoring research report (Heritage)
Pres. Sirleaf Consoles Togo, South Korea
President Ellen Jonson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and People of the Republic of Togo following a head on collision between a bus and a truck on the national highway of Atakpame, North of Lome killing 48 people and injuring 16 others as well as damaging several goods and properties. In her message to President Faure Essozimna Gnassing be of Togo, President Sirleaf extended heartfelt condolences to the Government and People of Togo, particularly the bereaved families, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia for the irreparable loss sustained as a result of the incident. President Johnson Sirleaf stated that her Government received the tragic news with profound shock and deep sorrow. The Liberian President then prayed that God will grant the Government and People of Togo, especially the bereaved families with strength, courage and fortitude as that nation goes through this period of national mourning. In a related development, President Sirleaf has also with deep regrets extended heartfelt condolences to the Government and People of South Korea on the tragic incident of the sinking of a ferry while in route from the Port of Incheon to the Holiday Island of Jeju in South Korea leaving two hundred and ninety (290) people missing and damaging of several Properties. In her message to South Korean President Ms. Park Geun- Hye, President Johnson Sirleaf extended deepest condolences to the Korean Government, particularly to the bereaved families for the irreparable loss sustained as a consequence of the incident.
The Liberian President then prayed that the Almighty God will grant strength, courage and fortitude to President Park Geun-Hye and the People of Korea during the period of national tragedy as a consequence of the incident, New Dawn reports.
UNMIL Mourns Bryant
The Special Representative of the Secretary General and Coordinator of the United Nations Operations in Liberia, Karin Landgren, has learned with sadness and shock the death of Charles Gyude Bryant, Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia from October 2003 to January 2006. A statement from UNMIL said working in close cooperation with UNMIL as an interim leader after the civil war, Mr. Bryant made an invaluable contribution to the successful transition to Liberia’s post conflict democracy, the New Democrat reports.
‘Liberia Is Getting Better’ – Vice President Joseph N. Boakai
The Vice President, Ambassador Joseph Nyumah Boakai, has called on journalists in the country to step up and present the true picture of unfolding development in Liberia. Mr. Boakai made the clarion call recently at a one day media meeting held in Monrovia. “I have no doubt that we as a nation are moving in the right direction, though there are some turbulent situations. We are confident that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Therefore, we refused to embrace the ill-conceived notion that this country is retrogressing,: Vice President Boakai told Liberian journalists, the Daily Observer reports.
Somalia Drive Rd. Project Begins At Least
According to the Inquirer Newspaper, the long-awaited construction and expansion of the Somalia Drive Road has finally begun. The project kicked up in the Battery Factory Community. At team of Inquirer Reporters who visited the area observed that construction workers have put up road safety signs for pedestrians and motorists to be aware of the ongoing works along the road. According to some of the workers who spoke to this paper, a fence is being constructed on serve as a barrier for expected traffic that the road works may create.
Over 200 Returnees Certificated In Entrepreneurship Development
Gertrude Sieh, 46, beams with smiles as she receives her certificate for Executive Director of Liberia Refugees Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC) after completing one-month training in Entrepreneurship Development offered by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). With funding from the Government and People of Japan, 638 Liberian returnees and 352 from the local community are being trained in various disciplines by UNIDO under the Reintegration through Skills Training and Job Creation Project in partnership with the LRRRC, reports the Inquirer Newspaper.
US$800,000 For Teacher Training In Liberia
Liberian education authorities say the country intends to use the UNESCO-China Funds-in-Trust Project on enhancing teacher education for bridging the quality gap in Africa funding to enhance the country’s teacher education programs through the pedagogical use of ICT for pre-service and in-service teachers. According to a press release issued in Monrovia, Liberia is to benefit US$800,000.00 under the UNESCO-China Funds-in-Trust Teachers Education Project for teacher Information, Communication and Technology or ICT in Africa. Assistant Education Minister for Teachers Education, Moses Jackson and Dean Euphemia Abdullai of the University of Liberia Teacher’s College, who made presentation at the UNESCO-China Fund Project Assessment Forum in Paris, France said, the fund will be used to enhance the capacity development of teachers training institutions to improve the pre-service and in-service teacher training courses, develop and improve the skills and knowledge and competency of the teacher educators. Making the presentation at the just-ended UNESCO-China Funds-in-Trust Project, Assistant Minister Jackson and Dean Abdullai said the fund will further be used to strengthen and modernize the ICT infrastructure and facilities of teachers training institutions at the University of Liberia, the Zorzor Rural Teachers Training Institute, the Kakata Rural Teachers Training Institute and the Webo Rural Teachers Institute, respectively. The release narrated that the project in the immediate term, will attempt to identify different areas to be improved upon, including programs and courses, teachers’ educators, infrastructure and facilities as well as project and management. This project was as a result of a visit paid to UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, last year by Liberia's Education Minister, Madam Etmonia Tarpeh, when she held discussions with senior level UNESCO officials,New Dawn says.
Related caption: US$ 800,000 Grant for Teachers’ Education(The News), More Grease To Teachers’ Elbows (IN PROFILE DAILY)
32 Training For Modern Surveying
Thirty two persons are currently undergoing modern land cadastre survey training in Monrovia, Deputy Minister for Operations, Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy, Sam G. Russ, confirmed to the New Democrat Monday. A survey involves the use of GIS and GPS systems and other modern equipment with a unique identification of land parcels deriving from cadaster surveys facilities’ efficient land and property markets, which include protecting land rights of all, as well as support to long term sustainable development and land management, the New Democrat reports.
For Ebola Victims In Liberia, Guinea, S/Leone – Pope Appeals For Medical Assistance
In his Easter address before a huge crowd on Sunday, Pope Francis appealed for assistance for victims of the Ebola virus in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. The Pope appealed for more medical attention for the victims of the deadly Ebola epidemic in the three West African nations, and care for those suffering from many other diseases spread through neglect and dire poverty, the New Republic says.
Agric. Ministry To Launch SAPEC project In Cape Mount
The Ministry of Agriculture will early May launch the Small Agriculture Productivity Enhancement and Commercialization (SAPEC) project in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County. The Ministry’s County Coordinator, Botoe Massaquoi, told the Liberia News Agency (LINA) Tuesday that SAPEC is intended to province comprehensive support to farmers for the next four years in the areas of rice, cassava and vegetable cultivation, the INSIGHT writes.
UNFPA Yearns For Youth Participation
The growing number of young people in Africa could offer enormous potential gains to the continent, but only if their needs are met and their rights are fulfilled. This was the central message of leaders and public health experts at an 11 April meeting on Africa’s ‘demographic dividend’ at the United Nations headquarters in New York. The population of young people is growing rapidly in Africa, even as numbers of young people are projected to decline in other parts of the world, according to the recent UN Secretary-General’s report on world demographic trends. This fact, coupled with declining fertility rates, means Africa has the opportunity to benefit from a demographic dividend – a potential economic boom that occurs when falling fertility rates coincide with a growing working-age population. The discussion, a side event of the 2014 Commission on Population and Development, focused on how African countries can make the most of this opportunity. The key, said speakers, is to help young people fulfill their individual potential, empowering them to bring benefits to their communities, their countries and the world, reports the FOCUS newspaper.
20 Policemen Return From American Training
Twenty officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP) have returned home following weeks of intensive training in the United States of America. According to a LNP press release issued here Tuesday, the training covered mobile and foot patrols, community policing, report writing and strategic planning, among other areas. The release said the training was part of the capacity building program for the LNP organized by the United States government to help the Liberian police force discharge its duties in a more organized and professional manner. Speaking at a formal program to welcome the officers back home, Police Inspector General Chris Massaquoi thanked the US government for the training opportunity and called on other friendly countries and governments to help build the capacity of the LNP. "We need more of these trainings to enhance the capacity of our officers for the challenges ahead as the UN Mission draws down," Massaquoi said. The Liberian Police Chief admonished the officers to use the skills acquired for the good of the Liberian people and nation. Meanwhile, Inspector Massaquoi is encouraging university graduates to consider joining the Liberia National Police as the police will afford them many opportunities to serve their country. He said the police administration has reached a decision to increase the salaries of university graduates to encourage others to join the police force, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.
Disorderly conduct cases top Robertsport Court Docket
The Heritage newspaper writes that cases of disorderly conduct are dominating the docket of the Magisterial Court in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County, Senior Magistrate Robert B. Shannon has disclosed. Of the 10 cases on the docket, seven are disorderly conduct, two on aggravated assault and one statutory rape, Magistrate Shannon said. He told the Liberia News Agency Monday that some of the cases that are beyond the trial jurisdiction of the court have been transferred to the 5th Judicial Circuit Court for proper redress. Meanwhile, cases scheduled to start Monday have been postponed to April 28, 2014 due to the long distances witnesses have to travel to appear in court. Shannon said the postponement will give the witnesses ample time come to Robertsport and testify in the case.
Stars Add Youth to NPSL Squad
Junior Lone Star FC has added three youthful players to the First Team roster for the 2014 NPSL Season. During the course of last week, the Stars signed 15 players and today’s three signings bring the total players on the roster to 18. The third batch of players selected include defender Joseph Aidoo; midfielders Alfredo Pascasio and Vlendy Eric Slueue. Alfredo Pascasio (The Phelps School / Caceres, Spain), born 13 June 1996, recently signed to play on the U19s but he has been so impressive in preseason that the coaches have decided to include him also on the First Team roster for the NPSL. Pascasio plays on the Phelps High School soccer squad which he helped win the 2013 Tri-County Conference after maintaining a 100 percent record in the conference. Pascasio was also named the 2013 Most Valuable Player on his team after scoring six goals and having eight assists in just seven matches for the Phelps Lions. The soon to be 18-year-old midfielder also had a stint at the Atletico Madrid Academy before coming to the United States. Assistant Coach Thomas George on Alfredo Pascasio: “Alfredo is the Santi Carzola of the team. Great touch, vision and creativity. He links up very well with the forwards.” Vlendy Eric Slueue (John Bartram HS / Monrovia, Liberia), born 7 November 1995, will be moving up to the First Team after helping lead the U19s to the 2013 USL Super-20 Mid-Atlantic Division Championship and a place at the Super-20 Nationals last season. Slueue, the midfield maestro of the U19s, earned the respect of his teammates and opponents alike by making things happen in the middle of the field during last season’s historic unbeaten conference run. He led the team with eight assists and one goal in just six games. The 18-year old midfielder also had a stint with the Philadelphia Union Academy. Assistant Coach Thomas George on Vlendy Eric Slueue: “Ennito was last year’s U-19 standout midfielder. The Stars will add more players to the 2014 NPSL roster as preseason enters its seventh week with only 11 days to the league home opener against newcomers Electric City Shock SC on Saturday, May 3rd, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.