Daily Media Summary 2018-09-13

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s edition of our news summary captures news about the commission ceremony in honor of Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Dee-Maxwell S. Kemayah BY HIS Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, A call from Liberia’s health Minister Wilhelmina Jallah for a  strong Public-Private Partnership in revamping the country’s health sector among other developments.


Dee-Maxwell S. Kemayan As Liberia’s Permanent Representative to UN

Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Dee-Maxwell S. Kemayah, has vowed to justify the confidence President George Weah has reposed in him (Kemayah) by sending him to the Mr. Kemayan, who is also Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary accredited to Cuba with oversight on Brazil, assured the President that the confidence he reposed in him will be justified; adding: “As we embark on our journey to represent our country abroad, we do so with an unending practical commitment to continue to pursue the path of promoting the policy and vision of the government. ”Speaking after he had been commissioned at a ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Kemayah said he will do all he can to continue to strengthen relationship with Liberia’s allies. He also vowed to consider as friends to Liberia the friends of Liberia’s allies. He further assured the President that he is cognizant of the interests of Liberia and that of its allies and promised to represent the nation abroad “uncompromisingly. ”You can rest assure of that, our allies are our friends and the friends of our allies will continue to be our friends. We will continue to employ our skills, including consultation, coordination before coming to decision making,” he promised. He also commended the Liberian Senate for seeing the wisdom of confirming him Liberia Permanent Representative to the UN, pens the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Health Minister Calls For Public-Private Partnership…As USAID Holds Forum

Health Minister De. Wilhelmina Jallah has called for a strong Public-Private Partnership as a means of strengthening Liberia’s Health Delivery System. Minister Jallah said such a partnership when actualized will go a long way in improving the country’s ability in responding to heavy disaster especially to improve the primary health system. Delivering the keynote address yesterday at the USAID organized post Ebola one day forum dubbed “Recovering from Crisis Achievement and Lesson Learned in Liberia.” Dr. Jallah said with a call center now in place for emergency cases that might arise, the Ministry of Health need a major Medical Emergency System to adequately respond to emergency cases in parts not closer to health centers. She said to achieve this, Liberia needs enough ambulances to convey Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) to and from places where patient could be in a serious condition onward to a health Center or Hospital. The Health Minister said Liberia needs to strengthen her resolve to fight new diseases such as cancer and lauded the USAID   and other partners who stood with Liberia I n combating then deadly Ebola Virus disease, says the Inquirer newspaper. 


Public Works Minister Outlines Liberia’s Gains


According to the Inquirer newspaper is reporting that the Minister of Public Works, Mobutu Vlah Nyenpan Sr. says Liberia will benefit tremendously from the recent FOCAC Summit which was held in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China due to the case that were presented by the Liberian delegation. Speaking at the special edition of the Ministry of Information Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) press conference during the week, Minister Nyenpan outlined some of gains made at the FOCAC Summit by the Liberian Delegation. The Public Minister said while at the FOCAC summit, the People of the Republic of China made a commitment to work with the Government of Liberia to accelerate its Pro-poor Agenda. According to him, one of the over-head Inter-Changes will be constructed in front of the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town and the other at the SKD Boulevard Junction around the Ministry of Health. He also informed the gathering about the bridge linking Kesseley Boulevard to 12th street aimed at curtailing the huge traffic congestion regularly experienced by commuters from the Gardnersville belt. Minister Nyenpan said that the Government of Liberia has entered into an Agreement with a company to erect street lights, noting that the company will begin work shortly.


DHL Liberia, Ltd. Apologizes To Government

The Inquirer newspaper is reporting that the management of DHL, Ltd. regrets the unfortunate incident that took place at its head offices between a staff of the Ministry of Justice and its customers and its customer service staff during the processing of the Ministry of Justice’s shipment from Monrovia to Abuja, Nigeria. Against this backdrop, the management of DHL Liberia, Ltd. has apologize for the unbecoming conduct of its staff against the representative of the Ministry Of Justice, which has brought the DHL Liberia Ltd. into the public glare as incident is not condoned by the management and promises that said act will not be repeated. According to a release issued in Monrovia yesterday by the DHL Liberia, Ltd., management has put in place the necessary administrative steps to avoid the recurrence of such behavior towards its customers(s). Already, the DHL Liberia, Ltd. release said the parcel in question has been dispatched and received at its intended destination as of September 11, 2018.


GIZ Hands Over Renovated Masonry Shop, Apartments To BWI

Students of the Masonry session of the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) have tangible reason to now celebrate their learning environment that was once in ruins has been renovated by GIZ along with two residential apartments. The handover ceremony which has brought together representative of GIZ, the contractors as well as Institutional Staff and Administrative Staff was held on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at the American Corner Library on the campus in Kakata, Margibi County. Speaking before the presentation of the keys to the newly renovated facilities that cost USD50,000.00 to GIZ Representative, Abraham W. Wowah, Focal Pearson of the project, said that the Masonry Shop was dilapidated as pictures that are in their possession can vividly portray its bad condition before the renovation. “the building that had corroded zinc with filthy and linkages in classrooms bothered the administration and the residential apartments which had also remained on campus for decades without any renovation dream by past administrations,” he said. Reports the Inquirer newspaper.


3 Charged For Human Trafficking

Three families of the presidential candidate of the All Liberian Party (ALP) Mr. Benonai Urey has been charged and sent to court for human trafficking. According to a police charged sheet based on complained filed by Mathaline Johnson in which she alleged that in 2006, the defendant deceived her and transported her two years old daughter Quetta Johnson to the United States of America, through co- defendant Maria Morgan and Ernest Urey to be identified. The police said during an interview with the complainant, she explained that she never signed any adoption decree or relinquished her child to Maria Morgan who is the owner of Destiny Guest House in Monrovia. The police charged sheet further stated that defendant Edwin Walker and his cousin, Ernest Urey used deception and give the complainant’s child to Maria Morgan. In the complain of Mathaline Johnson, mother of the two-year old child, alleged that while she and defendant Edwin Walker were in intimate love, he and his cousin Ernest Urey with is wife Maria Morgan used deception and took her daughter away.  According to the complainant, Edwin Walker told her that Ernest Urey and his wife wanted to help her with the child, says the Inquirer newspaper.


Over 200 Candidates Challenges ATSWA Exams

The Liberian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (LICPA) has administered the Accountant Technician Schemes West Africa (ATSWA) Exams to the record increase of 200 candidates in Monrovia as part of its capacity building process. Since the introduction of ATSWA, a middle level program in 2008, there has been 10-12 candidates sitting the exams on the average but because these exams are free as LICPA decided to underwrite the cost of this exam in order to strengthen the institution’s membership which witnessed a huge number of candidates challenging the exam. In an interview with the training and Education Committee chairperson at the start of the exam, Moses Kessellie said the middle level program (ATSWA) is for West Africa and member countries which is offered in March and September each year. Mr. Kessellie said the exams have three parts and once the candidate is qualified following this first level, he/she moves to the next levels until they are certificated and gives them recognition to becoming middle level certified professional accountants in the program, writes the Inquirer newspaper.