Daily Media Summary 2018-07-25

Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of the signing of a 5million Euros Agreement between the Governments of Liberia and France; President George Manneh Weah’s assertion that his government looks forward to a stronger partnership with the private sector to boom the country’s economy as well as the Executive clemency given to 38 inmate at the Monrovia Central Prison by President George Manneh Weah are dominating stories published in the various local dailies today.




France Gives €5m Budgetary Support ToLiberia


The Government of Liberia (GoL) through the Minister of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) Mr. Samuel Tweah, the French Ambassador accredited to Liberia Tuesday, July 24, 2018 signed a €5 million (US$5.8m) financing agreement. According to the Heritage newspaper, the agreement is intended to provide budget support to Liberia by France. The daily reads that the agreement followed the successful visit of President George MannehWeah to France February.  Speaking at the signing ceremony, which was held at the MFDP, French Ambassador Terence Wills said the agreement is in furtherance of the strong bond of relationship between President Weah and President Emmanuel Macron.


Related Caption: 5M Euros Budget Support For Liberia(In Profile Daily)


Weah Frees 38 Inmates…Urges Them To Be Good Citizens

According to the News newspaper, President George Manneh has freed 38 inmates from the Monrovia Central Prison (MCP) and urged them to use the opportunity to contribute to the development of Liberia. The Constitution of Liberia bestows upon the President the power to pardon inmates as deemed necessary. According to the Daily, President Weah felt obligated to give some inmate relief from detention during this period of national celebration commemorating the 171st Independence of the country. The President expressed sadness for seeing youthful and talented men and women behind bars who he said should be making contribution to the growth and development of the country.  Speaking at the Monrovia Central Prison Tuesday July 24, 2018 during his visit there, President Weah told the inmates that his being at the prison compound was a clear indication of the government’s willingness to celebrate with them the first Independence Day celebration under the Pro-Poor Government.

Related Captions: Weah Pardons 38 Inmates(The INQUIRER), Weah black lists rapists & murderers(The New Dawn)




Weah Seeks Stronger Private Sector Partnership

President George MannehWeah has said Government looks forward to a stronger partnership with the private sector in order to boom the country’s economy and promote fair business environment in the country. The Liberian leader said the government would ensure that all constraints in the way of improving the private sector are removed for strong economic and business environment. President Weah spoke Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at the Liberia’s Private Sector Forum organized by the International Finance Corporation, a component of the World Bank Group, the Heritage newspaper reads.


Related Captions: Weah Commits To Lower Business Hardships(The New Dawn), Weah Seeks Private Sector Partnership…Vows To Remove Constraints(The NEWS)




MOE Intensifies ECD Campaign


The Ministry of Education (MoE), through the Bureau of Early Childhood Education has intensified its National Early Childhood Development Advocacy and Communication Strategy campaign in the country. A release says the campaign aims to ensure Early Childhood Development (ECD) program takes center-stage in Liberia. The New Dawn newspaper reports that the nationwide campaign seeks to highlight the importance of ECD supported by evidences of the latest neuroscience thereby re-echoing government’s mandate and commitment to fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2, 4 and 16 in particular. The ECD campaign further emphasizes the moral obligation of every adult and the Government of Liberia to ensure every child in the nation is healthy, strong, smart, happy, safe, and protected. According to officials of the ECD program, the advocacy campaign is taking place vigorously at the same time in two of three regions. The regions include Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, and Margibi counties listed as Region One; and and Region Three which include Grand Gedeh, Grand Kru, Maryland, River Gee, and Sinoe counties respectively.


Related Captions: MOE Intensifies ECD Campaign(In Profile Daily), MOE Intensifies ECD Campaign…Wants Holistic Approach(The NEWS)


Health Minister Calls For Transparency, Accountability In Management Of Donors’ Funding

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with three (3) counties health teams under the Fixed Amount Reimbursement Agreement (FARA) sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Speaking at the signing ceremony, Health Minister, Dr. WilehminaJallah, disclosed that the agreement will enable health teams in Lofa, Nimba and Bong Counties manage international donors’ funding on their own. She stated that the Ministry has endorsed the readiness of these health teams to properly manage international funding due to the Ministry’s technical support to their capacity building, read the Heritage newspaper.





ACBF ToIncrease Support For Liberia

The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) has reaffirmed its support to the rebuilding process of Liberia under the current leadership of President George MannehWeah. Making the promise during a side meeting with Liberian delegation at the 27th Annual meetings of the Board of Governors of the ACBF held in the Cameroon capital of Yaoundé, the ACBF’s Executive Secretary, Professor Emmanuel Nnadozie promised to support the Liberian leader and government through policy advisory services in addition to the Foundation’s on-going institutional capacity support and strengthening of the Liberia Macroeconomic Policy Analysis Center (LIMPAC). In response, Tanneh G. Brunson, Deputy Minister for Budget and Developmental Planning, on behalf of Minister Tweah thanked Professor Nnadozie and the ACBF for its continual support to Liberia. Madam Brunson further lamented that as a specialized unit of the AU, Liberia looks forward to the ACBF’s expertise and support for domesticating the Africa Agenda 2063 and the 2030 sustainable goals of the United Nations to Liberia’s new medium term development agenda, reports the In Profile Daily.


Related Caption: ACBF To Increase Support…For Liberia(The NEWS) 


Liberian Student Wins Mandela’s 100th Birth Anniversary Scholarship


A Liberian identified as Blessing L. M. Caine has been awarded the 100th Birthday Anniversary Scholarship of Nelson Mandela which was announced on the occasion of his 100 birthday anniversary recently.She was among over 7500 students across Africa that applied and was tested through essays, etc. Among the 100 that were finally awarded the scholarship, 23 students applied from Liberia. According to the New Dawn newspaper, Blessing is expected to leave the country the last week in August. It could be recalled that Mandela, himself, received key solidarity initiatives awarded from theLiberian State.


Fire Guts Benson Hospital

The Benson Hospital in Paynesville, near Monrovia was on Tuesday July 24, 2018, gutted by fired thereby forcing patients and staffers to vacate the building in fear. Staffers and patients were seen running for their lives, while patients who could not walk, were rescued from the building. The fire, eyewitnesses said started on the third floor of the hospital, the administrative wing of the health facility at about 9:00am, reports the News newspaper.

Related Caption: Fire Guts Benson Hospital(The INQUIRER)