Daily Media Summary 2018-03-27

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies highlights news of the ground breaking for the construction of the “14 Military Hospital”, Liberia’s first Military hospital by President Weah and the United Nations Police Commissioner, Simon Blatchly caution for members of the Liberia National Police to work closely with other security apparatus to uphold the rule of law



Eyeing Professional Army-President Weah Breaks Ground For Military Hospital 

President George Weah says the Armed Forces of Liberia can play a major role in “uniting and building a more peaceful and prosperous Liberia” and make “significant contribution to regional peace and stability.” But the Liberian leader stressed that existing funding, equipment and logistic constraints as well as “apparent inability of government to provide social needs of the military” are hurdles to the performance of the military. President Weah was speaking Monday before breaking grounds for the construction of a military hospital, which he named the 14th Medical Hospital, adding that the move is his “first step to building a modern and professional Liberian army”. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the military hospital, which will be the first of its kind in the country, will be built within the proximity of the Edward Binyan Kessely Barracks along the Roberts International Airport highway.


Related Captions: I Have Always Kept My Promises…Weah Boasts As He Breaks Ground For Military Hospital (Heritage), President Weah Breaks Ground for Military Hospital (Daily Observer), Weah: I Deliver (The New Dawn), President Weah Breaks Ground For Military Hospital (INSIGHT)


‘Uphold Rule of Law Void of Political Fear or Favor’ – UNMIL Police Urges LNP

The FrontPage Africa newspaper asserts that the United Nations Police (UNPOL) Commissioner, Simon Blatchly, has admonished members of the Liberia National Police (LNP) to work closely with other security apparatus to uphold the rule of law. Commissioner Blatchly said policing is one of the most challenging tasks confronting the security sector of the country. He encouraged members of LNP to follow the rule of law in administering justice without political fear or favor.  Commissioner Blatchly thanked the LNP for acknowledging the work of UNPOL over the past 15 years in complementing the work of the LNP. He made the statement on Monday, March 26, at the honoring and farewell program held at Headquarters of LNP in Monrovia, where he and 28 members of the United Nations Police were honored by the Liberia National Police for their tireless efforts in keeping peace in Liberia. For his part, the Inspector General of the LNP, Patrick T. Sudue, expressed gratitude to the United Nations for its unflinching contributions toward the enhancement of global peace and security as well as its immense contributions to the growth and development of the Liberia. 


Related Captions: LNP Honors 29 UNPOL Staffs (The New Dawn), Execute Your Duties Without Political Fear Or Favor…Outgoing UNPOL Commissioner Tells LNP (The INQUIRER)


President Weah to Transform Bali Island Into A Modern City

President George Manneh Weah on Monday, March 26, 2018 toured the Bali Island, which is situated in the middle of the Mesurado River. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Liberian leader intends to transform Bali Island into the New Monrovia commencing with the construction of a state-of-the-art International Conference Center and other standardized structures. Speaking during a boat-ride assessment tour, President Weah commended Liberians for giving him the opportunity to lead the country with a view to enable him transform it. “While coming up as a child; growing up in Clara Town, on Bushrod Island; playing just across the shores of the Stockton Creek; I often looked into the direction of the Bali Island, viewed an undeveloped tourist attraction,” President Weah recounted. President Weah explained how he envisions skyscrapers, office buildings, shopping malls, banks, insurance companies, night clubs, beautiful lights and magnificent colors on the Island. He said, similarly he saw a happy and prosperous people, going about their businesses, meeting and greeting each other.” 


Related Caption: Weah Assesses Would-Be “New Monrovia”…Breaks Ground For Military Hospital (The INQUIRER)


UNESCO To Release Curriculum Handbook For TVET Sector

The United Nations Education Scientific Organization (UNESCO) will today, Tuesday, March 27, release a handbook of the curriculum. UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) based in Paris with the purpose of contributing to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the Rule of Law, and human Rights along with fundamental freedom proclaim in the United Nations Charter. Dr. Saidou Jallow, the Senior Program Specialist of UNESCO said the new curriculum handbook will keep TVET instructors abreast of what lessons to teach instead of relying on their common knowledge, reads the Heritage newspaper.


Related Caption: UNESCO Reaffirms Commitment To Liberia’s TVET Sector (Daily Observer)


MYS Boss Meets Swedish, German Ambassador for Help

The Heritage newspaper say as part of his vision to woo support for the Youth and Sports sectors of Liberia, Youth and Sports Minister D. Zeogar Wilson has embarked on engaging envoys of foreign missions accredited here. In two separate acquaintance meetings with the ambassadors of Sweden and Germany, Minister Wilson appealed for continued assistance from the two countries towards the enhancement of both sectors. During his visit with the Swedish Ambassador, Indgird Wepperquist, Minister Wilson focused his appeal on advance entrepreneurship training and resources from developed countries like Sweden, to help vocational icons. At the German Embassy, Minister Wilson called on Ambassador Hubert J. Jager to prevail on his country to assist the Liberia National Football team, the Lone Star with a German Coach to manage the team.


Over Court Injunction on Sierra Leone Poll Runoff: ECOWAS Expresses Concern

The ECOWAS Commission has noted with concern the interim injunction issued by a high court on Saturday, March 24, restraining the National Electoral Commission (NEC) and the Chief Electoral Commissioner of Sierra Leone from proceeding with preparation for the March 27 Presidential runoff election. The Commission, in a statement, noted that the ongoing electoral process up to the time of the announcement of results of the March 7th general elections had been generally peaceful apart from minor incidence. According to the Heritage newspaper, the Commission, therefore, has appealed for calm and stressed the need for the citizens and all political actors and stakeholders to remain law abiding and allow the Nation Election Management Bodies to carry out their instructional mandate.


S/Leone’s Runoff Poll Postponed To 31, March

Sierra Leone Presidential runoff earlier schedule for the 27 of March, was on Monday pushed forward to the Saturday, the 31 of March following an agreement by the two political parties and the Election Commission at a meeting facilitated by Heads of International Observers. The meeting which also addressed contentious issues followed the vacation of an interim injunction issued by a Freetown High Court suspending the vote earlier fixed for March 27. The INSIGHT newspaper reads that it was agreed that the NEC complies with the High Court order, on the ballot tallying and result management, and with cooperation of all stakeholders for the conduct of a peaceful and credible election.


Mending The Political Divide House Of Representatives Holds Political Reconciliation Dialogue

In a bid to reconcile the 54th Legislature, the House of Representatives in collaboration with the Peace Building Office, UNMIL and the Foundation for International Dignity (FIND) on Friday, March 23 held a one-day political peace and reconciliation dialogue at the Capitol. Addressing the gathering in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building, the Speaker of the 54th Legislature, Dr. Bhofal Chambers, said the Legislature is the mirror and fulcrum of the nation, and as such it should take the lead in fostering national reconciliation. He hailed the House’s Committee on Peace Building and National reconciliation and its partners to continue the process and called for more restructuring and identification of key actors and context to ensure that genuine reconciliation is achieved, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Paynesville Mayor Belcher-Taylor Seeks Economic Ties With Detroit

The Daily Observer says the Paynesville City Mayor, Pam Belcher-Taylor, has ended a visit to Detroit, Michigan on a tour to learn how resilient the city was in bouncing back from bankruptcy. Detroit, a city built on exemplary leadership, has emerged from bankruptcy under the able leadership of Mayor Mike Duggan. Detroit exemplifies how cities with intractable challenges can overcome them with the right leadership, according to a press release from her office, a dispatch has said. While in Detroit, Mayor Belcher-Taylor met with Alexis Wiley, Mayor Mike Duggan’s Chief of Staff and Thomas Lewand, Group Executive for Jobs and Economic Growth. During the meeting, Mayor Belcher-Taylor discussed with Ms. Wiley Paynesville City’s challenges with economic development, sanitation, and capacity building. The issue of Sister City was discussed, with Ms. Wiley in support of a Sister City relationship between the two cities. According to the dispatch, the Detroit Conference will seek to demonstrate to American Investors that Liberia is ready for business and showcase the government’s pro-poor platform for economic growth. The Detroit Conference will also bring together a cross-section of Liberians in the Diaspora, in a Town Hall setting, to discuss how they can fully participate in the renewal of Liberia.


County Meet Kicks Off On March 31

The 2017/18 Liberia National County Meet is expected to commence on 31 March across the Country. According to the Ministry of Youth and Sports the County Meet will be played under the theme “Uniting Liberia After the Elections.”  The Ministry says the County Meet will be divided into four groups including Greenville, Buchanan, Robertsport and Gbarnga. It says Bong, Lofa, Nimba and Grand Gedeh are placed in group one, and Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Montserrado and Margibi are placed in group two. In group three are Grand Cape Mount, Gbarpolu and Bomi while in group four are Sinoe, Grand Kru, Maryland and River Gee Counties, reads the New Dawn newspaper.