Daily Media Summary 2017-03-06

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News of President Sirleaf’s Proclamation declaring Wednesday, March 8, 2017 as International Women’s Day, the National Elections Commission’s extension to the Voters registration process, the Supreme Court of Liberia’s pronouncement on the legality of the Code of Conduct Act for Presidential appointees are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.


Wednesday Is Int’l Women’s Day

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared, Wednesday, March 8, 2017 as “International Women’s Day”. The day marks the struggle that women around the world have made to gain equality and equal rights as well as to reflect on the changes and progress that culminated in their international endeavor. A Foreign Ministry release said President Sirleaf has requested the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, other government agencies, civil society organizations and NGOs concerned to execute appropriate programs befitting the occasion to be observed throughout the country. The New Dawn newspaper reports that the women of Liberia will join their counterparts to celebrate International Women’s Day 2017, under the global theme: “Be Bold for Change” and national theme: Women Bold for Change for a Better World”.

Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Declares March 8 Int’l Women’s Day-Says Liberia Will Convene An International Women’s Colloquium (FOCUS), March 8 Declared International Women’s Day (In Profile Daily)

VR Extension Will Cost NEC Over US$1.14M

The National Elections Commission (NEC) said it will use US$1,146,540 to continue the voter registration (VR) process during the additional week it has added to the exercise. According to the Daily Observer, NEC’s decision followed the reported low turnout of eligible voters to register coupled with faulty equipment and alleged malpractices that characterized the exercise since it started on February 1. At a press conference over the weekend, NEC Chairman Cllr. Jerome G. Korkoya said, “The US$1.14 million will take care of personnel cost and logistics.” He said during the extension period, all 2,080 VR centers across the country will remain open for additional registration, including centers that have registered the maximum 3,000 eligible voters, reports the Daily Observer.

Related Captions: NEC Extends Voter Registration Exercise (FOCUS), US$1.1m for VR extension (The New Dawn)

As Supreme Court Backs Code Of Conduct: Several Hooked

The Supreme Court of Liberia has declared the heavily challenged Code of Conduct Act for Presidential appointees legal and binding in the country for all intents and purpose it was established. The contentious Code of Conduct mandates public official serving in appointed positions to relinquish their positions at least two years prior to the holding of elections, or else be rendered unqualified to contest. Located at the Temple of Justice on Capitol Hill in Monrovia, the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of justice in Liberia. The high court, on July 18, 2016, entertained pros and cons’ arguments from state lawyers and lawyers’ representing the legal interest of Selena Polson Mappy, Superintendent of Bong County into a petition for declaratory judgment into the Code of Conduct Act, the Heritage newspaper says.

Related Captions: Supreme Court Votes In Favor Of Code Of Conduct-But is the decision retroactive to affect Dr. Mills Jones, Others? (Daily Observer), Boom!-Code Of Conduct Finally Stamped (In Profile Daily), Controversy Looms Over Supreme Court Ruling on Code of Conduct (FrontPage Africa)

EU Envoy, 3 Teams Tour Southeast on Assessment

Ambassador Tiina Intelmann and three technical teams from the EU Delegation have toured the south-eastern counties of Liberia. The February 16-24 multiple missions was intended to have a comprehensive view of the challenges faced by the population of these counties, meet local authorities and monitor EU projects in the region, an EU release said at the weekend. Team one on health travelled through Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Maryland and Grand Kru and was received by the County Health Teams and health professionals and communities along the way. The team is confident that the projects have made a contribution to improving the population health indicators, including maternal and child mortality, but also very conscious that these marginal improvements cannot be sustained over time without public investments in the health sector, the FOCUS news daily says.

Related Captions: EU Ambassador, 3 EU Teams Tour Southeastern Liberia (Heritage), EU Team Travel to Liberia's Southeast to Ascertain Development Challenges (FrontPage Africa)

Foreign Ministry Staff Heads Civil Servants Association

According to the INPROFILE DAILY newspaper, a mid-level employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Moibah Keller Johnson, has been inducted into office as the President of the Civil Servants’ Association of Liberia (CSAL) following elections on December 9, 2016. Other CSAL leaders inducted into office included: Mrs. Massa Fofana Johnson, Vice President for Administration; Mr. Ballah D. Hubbard, II, 2nd Vice President; Mr. Alfred Tokpah, Vice President for Planning and Policy; and Mr. Joseph A. Farkollie, Secretary-General, among others. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the CSAL’s president, delivering his inaugural address, appealed to the National Legislature for the harmonization of the two labor laws currently governing the work force. Mr. Johnson, used the occasion to appeal to Government to afford employment opportunities to individuals who for many years have been rendering invaluable services to Liberia at various ministries and agencies and are not yet on the Government of Liberia payroll. Speaking earlier, former Labor Minister, Cllr. Taiwon S. Gongloe, urged the new leadership to devote more time to service; emphasizing that a happy civil servant is a productive civil servant. In his remarks on behalf of the CSA, Mr. Alfred Dosea said the CSA has developed several policies aimed at improving the lives and the work habit of civil servants in the country. He named the improvement of the human resource policy manual, performance policy manual, pay reform strategy, among several others.

Related Captions: Foreign Ministry Staff Heads The Civil Servants Association-Promises To Forge Partnership With The Government Using Dialogue (FOCUS), Foreign Ministry Heads The Civil Servants Association (INSIGHT)

Young Musician Meets Tragic End

The New Dawn newspaper reads that one of Liberia’s budding musical artists Quincy L. Burrowes, c.k.a. ‘Quincy B’ died early Friday, 3 March in a car crash near UNMIL Headquarters or Pan African Plaza in Monrovia while on his way home. Quincy had performed at Anglers Club up to early dawn and was reportedly driving home when his vehicle veered off the road and banged against a bullet-proof wall erected at the front view of the UN headquarters, killing him instantly. Three other artists riding with him sustained injuries including Morris Gayford, c.k.a. “CIC” who broke his legs; Kovacee, and Feouls, who sustained minor injuries. The late ‘Quincy B’ was an artist, producer, and entrepreneur. His body has been deposited at the St. Moses funeral parlors in Gardnersville, Somalia Drive, pending funeral and interment. 

Related Captions: Liberians Mourn Fallen Star “Quincy B” (INSIGHT), Tears Continue To Roll-Over Liberian Musician’s Death (In Profile Daily), Artist Quincy B. Killed In Crash (Daily Observer)


President Sirleaf Extends Felicitations On Ghana’s 60th Independence Anniversary

The Daily Observer reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended to her Ghanaian counterpart, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and people of the Republic of Ghana as they celebrate their 60th Independence Anniversary today. According to a Foreign Affairs Ministry release, Madam Sirleaf, in her message to Ghanaian President Akufo-Addo, fervently hoped that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between both nations will be further strengthened for their mutual benefit.

Tyler, Others ‘Bribery’ Case Starts Today

The high profile corruption case involving several present and past government officials, among them former House Speaker Alex Tyler and Senator Varney Sherman of Grand Cape Mount County, will be heard today at Criminal Court “C” at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia. The trial of the accused is based on the Global Witness (GW) report that linked them to the awarding of the Wologizi Mountain in Lofa County to Sable Mining, a UK-based mining company, without going through the competitive bidding exercise, for which the officials allegedly received over US$950,000 as bribes, reports the Daily Observer.

Related Caption: As Sable Mining Bribery Case Begin Today: Tyler, Sherman, others Due In Court (Heritage)

‘Retiring Presidents Must Emulate Obasanjo’s Initiative in Africa’ - Pres. Sirleaf

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) is an initiative in Africa that will spur strong legacy for successful, retiring President on the continent to emulate. She performed the official ribbon cutting ceremony of the Presidential Library. According to a dispatch from the State capital Abeokuta, Nigeria, the Liberian leader was speaking at the Grand Opening of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library and 80th Birthday celebrations where she served as Chairperson of the occasion. President Sirleaf said history will bear truth to such precedence-setting Presidential initiative in Africa that will spur a strong legacy for successful, retiring Presidents to emulate, to record and preserve the recorded history of nation building for posterity and for the benefit of today and future generations, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper

Security Personnel, Unauthorized Siren, Blue Light Abusers Warned Inspector Coleman Promises To Deal Drastically With Violators Very Soon

An authority of the Liberia National Police (LNP) is warning against the abuse of siren and other emergency gargets by security personnel and other individuals without authorization. According to Police Inspector General, Gregory Coleman, a policy has been put into place before putting on emergency lights and siren when driving a police vehicle, the police National Operational center informing them that there is an emergency. He said anyone wanting to use the blue lights and siren is welcomed to join the police force. He said it is the police authorities’ expectations that the citizens will be responsible enough in order to be on the same pace to enable the police provide the needed protection, the FOCUS newspaper says.

Justice Korkpor Dedicates New Magisterial Court in Karnplay

An inside story of the FOCUS newspaper reads that Chief Justice Francis Saye Korkpor has dedicated a modern court house in Karnplay, Nimba County. Performing the ceremony recently in Karnplay, Justice Korkpor said the dedication of a court in that part of the country will bring total relief to citizens who once had to travel several miles from their city to seek legal redress in Sanniquellie and other places due to the absence of a magisterial court in their locality. He said as Chief Justice, he is personally happy for the establishment of magisterial courts in all such places across the country, adding, “We are so happy because we now have a court house that will serve the people”, Justice Korkpor said.

Liberia’s Supreme Court Admits 37 Lawyers Into Bar Association

Lawyers admitted to the Supreme Court have been cautioned to uphold the pride and dignity of the legal profession in the country and avoid unethical behaviors that tend to taint the image of the Judiciary. Associate Justice Philip Banks, who spoke on behalf of the Supreme Court Friday, March 3 when the 37 Attorneys at-Law took the oath to become counselors, told the lawyers that the high court will not tolerate unethical acts and will not hesitate to take drastic actions against lawyers involved in unethical behaviors. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the 37 attorneys admitted to the Supreme Court Friday are among 56 candidates who sat the high court exam and passed to gain admission. Lawyers being admitted to the Supreme Court must have practiced for the period of 5 years at the lower courts across the country as required by law.

Related Caption: Over 40 Lawyers Admitted To Supreme Court Bar As Counselors (Heritage)

For Protection in 2017 Elections: 3 Police Officers to Each Political Party –LNP Chief Discloses

In a bid to ensure a violence-free election in October 2017, the Liberia National Police is expected to assign officers to each political party, Police Inspector General, Gregory Coleman has disclosed. Addressing the Ministry of Information regular press conference in Monrovia Thursday, the Police Inspector General said three police officers will be assigned to each political party. Coleman said the officers assigned to political institutions and individuals will provide security for them and help coordinate their activities with the police. According to Coleman, the initiative will help prevent two or more political parties holding rallies at the same time and place as was the case in the past, the state-owned Liberia News Agency said.

President Sirleaf, Executive Secretary Of Economic Commission For Africa Hold Talks

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has on the margins of her official State visit to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia met the Acting Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Dr. Abdallah Hamdok in Addis Ababa. According to a dispatch from Addis Ababa, Dr. Hamdok briefed the Liberian leader on preparatory work leading to the holding of an International Conference on Migration scheduled to be held in Ethiopia later this year. Responding, the Liberian leader said it was imperative to review the terms of reference of the proposed International Conference on Migration in order to effectively determine the way forward, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Amos Siebo And Wife Free On Bail

The Monrovia City Court at the Temple of Justice on Capitol Hill Friday, 5 March released from detention political aspirant Amos S. Siebo and his wife, Margrette Siebo after the couple spent a night at the Monrovia Central Prison Compound for their alleged involvement in voter registration fraud. The suspects have been charged with illegal possession of voter’s materials and criminal conspiracy but were temporally set free by the court after their lawyers filed criminal appearance bond. Defendant Siebo, who earlier served as consultant in the President Deliverable Unit at the Ministry of State, was arrested by police on Sunday, 27 February at his private residence in Johnsonville Township, Montserrado County along with five females, in possession of electoral materials, including dozens of blank voter’s cards, forms and cameras, reads the New Dawn newspaper.