Daily Media Summary 2017-03-01

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of Liberia and Ethiopia covering education, Livestock, Fisheries and Health, the launch of a four-year program to tackle teenage pregnancies in four counties in Southeast Liberia and the Senate’s mandate to have its committee on Lands, Mines, Energy and Natural Resources to investigate a claim made by Rivercess Senator, Dallas Gueh and among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies. 

The Summary also includes President Sirleaf’s applaud to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for its unprecedented transformation in various spheres of human development and her congratulatory message to the Government and people of the Kingdom of Morocco on the occasion commemorating their 61st Independence Anniversary.


Liberia-Ethiopia Sign MOU Covering Livestock, Fisheries, Health

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reads that Liberia and Ethiopia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the areas of education with emphasis on (TVET) for the development of human resource, Livestock and Fisheries, Cooperation in the field of health and medical sciences and cooperation in the field of commercial and industrial development. Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara and Agriculture Dr. Moses Zinnah signed on behalf of Government Liberia while Dr. Shiferaw Teklemariam - Minister of Education, Prof. Fekadu Beyene - Minister of Livestock and Fisheries and Prof. Yifru Berhan - Minister of Health signed on behalf of the Ethiopian Government.

Related Captions: Liberia-Ethiopia Cement Ties-Sign MOU Covering education, Livestock, Fisheries, Health (FOCUS), Liberia-Ethiopia Sign MOU Covering education, Livestock, Fisheries, Health (Heritage), Liberia, Ethiopia To Cooperate On Education, Livestock, Fisheries, Health (Daily Observer)

Govt. Intensifies Campaign Against Teenage Pregnancy

The Government of Liberia in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has launched a four-year program to tackle teenage pregnancies in four counties in Southeast Liberia, including Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Grand Kru and Maryland Counties, respectively. The program titled: “Empowered and Fulfilled” is funded by the Swedish Embassy in Liberia.  It is expected to complement other reproductive health, gender and livelihood related projects supported by United Nations agencies in the four counties and build on achievements made at both national and targeted counties’ level on young people’s sexual reproductive health and rights.  According to a statement from UNFPA, it is also aimed at increased access and utilization of sexual reproductive health and family planning services by adolescents, asserts the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: In Southeastern Liberian: GOL, UNFPA Launch Program For Teenage Pregnancies Reduction (Heritage), UNFPA Launch Programme to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy in Southeastern Liberia (FrontPage Africa), Program To Reduce Teenage Pregnancies Launched (Daily Observer)

Liberian Senate Investigates ‘Bloated’ NOCAL Payroll

The Senate has mandated its committee on Lands, Mines, Energy and Natural Resources to investigate a claim made by Rivercess Senator Dallas Gueh that the current payroll of the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) is bloated. Senator Gueh, in a communication to plenary of the Senate said NOCAL, with an employee list of 37, has an annual budget totaling US$1 million despite the financial difficulties the company is said to be undergoing after its financial meltdown. Sen. Gueh said NOCAL needs to give an update of its full operational activities for the past eighteen months especially in terms of austerity measures and other reforms instituted to revive the institution. The FrontPage Africa says the committee has been given one week to work and report its recommendations and findings on the claims made by the River Cess lawmaker.

Related Captions: US$1M Salary For 37 NOCAL Staffs-Senator Links entity’s Management Team To “Very Frequent, Very Expensive, And Unnecessary Travels To US To Meet Families” (INSIGHT), ‘Bloated’ Payroll At NOCAL Senate Embarks On Investigation (FrontPage Africa)

Liberia Joins Global Community to Stand Up For Zero Discrimination

The National AIDS Commission of Liberia, in collaboration with civil society and human rights organizations in the West African state, joins the United Nations, partners and the world at large to commemorate “Zero Discrimination Day” on Wednesday March 1, 2017. According to the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Mr. Mitchel Sidibé, discrimination is a violation of human rights and must not go unchallenged; noting that “Everyone has the right to live with respect and dignity.” Mr. Sidibé further challenged the world to make some noise to challenge discrimination, wherever it happens on this year’s Zero Discrimination Day. FrontPage Africa

Related Captions: Liberia Joins Global Community To Stand Up For Zero Discrimination (In Profile Daily), Liberia Celebrates Zero Discrimination Day Today (INSIGHT)


Pres. Sirleaf In Addis Ababa, Extols Morocco On Natal Day

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has lauded the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for its unprecedented transformation over the last several years in various spheres of human development. She said Ethiopia has now become not just the political capital of the continent but economic hub of Africa as well. According to a dispatch from Addis Ababa, President Sirleaf was speaking on Day One of her official State Visit to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia during bilateral talks with Ethiopian Prime Minister, H.E. Hailemariam Dessalegn. The FOCUS newspaper quotes President Sirleaf as saying that the visit was intended to review and strengthen bilateral and diplomatic ties between Liberia and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia – two countries she referred to as the oldest independent African Republics.

Liberia Hails The Kingdom Of Morocco On 61st Independence Anniversary 

The INSIGHT newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to King of Morocco, His Majesty Mohammed VI, and people of the Kingdom on the occasion commemorating their 61th Independence Anniversary on Thursday, March 2, 2017. The day celebrates the anniversary of the declaration of independence of Morocco from Spain and France in 1956. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her Message to His Majesty King Mohamed VI, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, said she looks forward to further strengthening the already excellent bilateral ties subsisting between the two countries for the mutual benefit of their respective peoples; adding: “We trust therefore that this occasion of national renewal will provide an opportunity for harnessing our partnership through implementation of the Joint Commission as a platform to explore new areas of cooperation.

Forestry Development Authority, USAID Sign Community Forest Agreement

The Peoples Rules and Organizations Supporting the Protection of Ecosystem Resources (USAID/PROSPER) in partnership with the Forestry Development Authority have signed a community forest management agreement in Monrovia. Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Mission Director of USAID-Liberia, Antony Chan, said the agreement is meant to improve the management of forest, generate income and improve livelihoods in forest-dependent communities. Chan pledged the USAID continual support in working with the FDA and the community forest management team. Acting Managing Director of FDA, Kederick Johnson, at the program said the signing was part of the effort of the FDA, in partnership with USAID PROSPER and other government agencies, civil society organizations, and local communities, to develop innovative approaches to improve community management of forest lands covering more than 70,000 hectares, and increase the benefits communities derive from forest-based and agriculture enterprises in eleven forest-dependent communities, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Captions: With USAID Support: FDA, Communities Sign Highest Number Of Community Forest Management Agreements (Heritage)

Charles Sirleaf, Deputy CBL Governor For ‘2nd And Last Term’

The Daily Observer reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has written the Liberian Senate, nominating her son Charles Sirleaf as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), for his “second and last term.” In her letter read before the Senate plenary during its 15th day sitting yesterday, President Sirleaf informed the lawmakers that: “The Executive Committee of the Central Bank of Liberia has written me on behalf of the Board of Governors to request the reappointment of Mr. Charles Sirleaf as Deputy Governor for Operations.” In keeping with that request, the President’s letter concluded: “I hereby nominate Mr. Charles Sirleaf for consideration of the Honorable Senate for the position of Deputy Governor for Operations of the Central Bank of Liberia. This would be Mr. Sirleaf's second and last term.”

Civil Society Craves Passage of Land Rights Act Passage

The Civil Society Working Group on Land Reform has intensified engagements with stakeholders aimed at ensuring the speedy passage of the draft land right act at the National Legislature. CSO is civil society organization. The group is a coalition of CSOs working on community land rights in Liberia, and currently engaged with stakeholders on the passage of the Draft Land Rights Act. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, as part of its engagements, the group presented a position statement to the National Legislature at the Capitol Building on Tuesday, February 28, 2017. It called on lawmakers to speedily pass the draft land act before their (lawmakers) agricultural break this year. The statement was presented to both houses.

Related Caption: CSO Craves Passage Of Land Rights Act (In Profile Daily)

21 Rural Reporters Undergo Training In Election Coverage

According to the Daily Observer, reporters from 21 community radio stations have completed a three-day intensive training to effectively report on the upcoming presidential and legislative elections. The training was held in Ganta, Nimba County under the theme, “Community Radio: Vibrant and Sustainable.” It took into consideration the importance of community radio, the state of the radio sector with focus on the United Nations Mission in Liberia’s (UNMIL) transition and laws and legal framework relevant to the community radio sector. The training was organized by Internews in collaboration with the Liberia Media Development Program with funding from the USAID.

Ambassador Carlton Karpeh Is Dead: Former Minister of Information, Ambassador-At- Large

The Daily Observer reads that Ambassador Carlton Karpeh, former Minister of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT), during the administration of Head of State Samuel K. Doe and the People’s Redemption Council (PRC), is dead. Ambassador Karpeh died at his Duport Road residence Tuesday morning, in his early 80s. During the administration of Head of State Samuel K. Doe, the late Amb Karpeh was appointed at the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, following which he was appointed Liberian Ambassador to Cameroon, where he served for many years. On his return, President Ellen Johnson appointed him Ambassador-at-Large. He was retired on December 2, 2010.

National Elections Commission Registers 166,818 in Bong County

The National Elections Commission local office in Bong County has reported the registration of 166,618 persons in Bong County. As of February 1- 25, the NEC lower Bong County office in Totota reported 61,669 registrants while the upper Bong office in Gbarnga recorded 75,149. The NEC lower Bong County office in Totota covers Suakoko, Yellequelleh, Salala, Sanoyea and Fuamah districts while the upper office in Gbarnga covers Jorquelleh 1&2, Kpaii, Kokoyah, Boisen, Togbalee, Panta and Zota districts including Menquelleh clan. Lower Bong County senior election magistrate, Barsee Kpangbai said all of the ninety five centers in the five districts remain open, though some are nearing the benchmark of three thousand registrants, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Stigmatized To Death After Beating Ebola

Time Magazine’s ‘Person of the Year, 2014’ meets untimely demise in childbirth Salome Karwah, a young Liberian Nursing Assistant, who survived the scourge of the Ebola outbreak in 2014, has died in childbirth, the Time Magazine has reported on its website. According to the magazine’s latest edition, Ms Karwah died on Feb. 21, from ‘complications’ after childbirth, and the lingering social stigma faced by many Ebola survivors, particularly in Liberia. During the Ebola upsurge, Ms Karwah who later became Mrs. Salome K. Harris grabbed the world’s attention when the US-based Time Magazine put her on its cover page as their 2014 Person of the Year, reads the Daily Observer.