Daily Media Summary 2016-11-30


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of the Central Bank of Liberia’s new regulation of money transfer, President Johnson Sirleaf’s condolence message to the Government and People of the Republic of Cuba for the death of former President and Commander-in-Chief, His Excellency Mr. Fidel Castroand Liberia Revenue Authority Commissioner General Elfrieda Stewart Tamba in the 2nd High level meeting of Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in Nairobi, Kenya are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.


CBL: In-Bound Money Transfers to Be Paid In Dual Currency-SWIFT Transfers Exempt


Daily Observersays a new regulation issued by the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) will require inward personal remittances received via money transfer institutions from abroad to be dispensed in dual currency. Under the regulation, payments of money transferred or money sent from abroad to a recipient in Liberia will now be made partly in Liberian Dollars (LRD) and in United States Dollars (USD). The regulation (No. CBL/RSD/004/2016) will apply to all licensed financial institutions engaged in money transfer services, including Western Union, Money Gram, Ria and similar services operating in the country. The regulation, however, will not apply to inbound money transfers credited directly into recipients’ accounts at commercial banks (e.g. SWIFT transfers). The new regulation comes into effect as of December 1, 2016. Accordingly, recipients of money transfers sent from abroad will be paid 25-percent in Liberian Dollars and 75-percent in United States Dollars, the CBL said in a statement issued Tuesday.

Related Captions: Liberians To Start Receiving Transfers In LRD(The New Dawn), New Payment For Wired Transfers CBL Issues New Regulation On Money Transfers(FrontPage Africa), CBL Issues New Regulation On Money Transfers(INSIGHT) 

President Sirleaf Consoles Cuba On Fidel Castro’s Death


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the President of the Republic of Cuba, Mr. Raul Castro Ruz, on the death of former President and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Cuba, His Excellency Fidel Castro. Mr. Castro, former President and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Cuba and historical leader of the Cuban revolution, passed away on Friday, November 25, 2016 in Havana. Quoting a Foreign Ministry release, the New Dawn newspaper reads that President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, extended to the President, Government and People of Cuba heartfelt condolences for this irreparable loss.

Related Captions: Liberia Consoles Cuba for Castrol’s Death(INSIGHT), Ellen Consoles Cuba on the Death of Fidel Castro(The INQUIRER) 

LRA Commissioner To Showcase Experience-At Global Partnership Forum On Taxation


Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Commissioner General Elfrieda Stewart Tamba has left the country to join revenue administrators and development actors in Nairobi, Kenya, for the 2nd High level meeting of Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. The meeting, which runs from November 29 to December 2, 2016 will, among others, take stock of the implementation of development effectiveness principles and commitments; provide a learning space on development effectiveness, showcasing successful examples; identify innovative approaches to sustainable development that can be scaled up; and positioning the Global Partnership to effectively contribute to implementation of the SDGs and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. The Daily Observer reports that while at the meeting, Commissioner Tamba, who is also head of the West African Tax Administration Forum (WATAF), will participate in a side event of the Addis Tax Initiative on December 1 under the auspices of the Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) Secretariat, where she will also showcase the Liberian experience. Under the title, “New Partnerships in Tax - From Traditional to South-South, How New Initiatives are Helping Finance the SDGs,” the side event will look at how the initiative has developed, its aims, results achieved so far in different countries, country ownership and partnerships that are integral to its success as well as what lessons others could be learnt from the experience.

Related Captions: LRA CG To Show Case Liberia’s Experience At Global Partnership Forum On Taxation(In Profile Daily), LRA CG to Show Case Liberia’s Experience at Global Partnership Forum on Taxation(The INQUIRER), LRA CG to Show Case Liberia’s Experience at Global Partnership Forum on Taxation(INSIGHT), LRA Boss Attends Second High Level Global Partnership Meeting…in Nairobi, Kenya(FOCUS) 

LRA Proposes Community Revenue-Sharing Initiative Meets Montserrado Leadership on Real Estate Tax net Expansion


The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has proposed to the Government of Liberia a community revenue-sharing initiative for the real estate tax type as a mechanism for expanding the real estate tax net, increasing tax compliance and enhancing domestic resource mobilization, while at the same time creating job opportunities for Liberians. Under the initiative, which will hopefully begin in 2017 with a pilot project in Montserrado, townships, boroughs, cities and administrative communities will share in the real estate revenue collected on an 80/20 sharing radio, the INQUIRERS newspaper asserts.

Related Captions: LRA Seeks Real Estate Tax Net Expansion(INSIGHT), LRA Proposes Community Revenue-Sharing Initiative-Meet Monsterrado Leadership On Real Estate Tax Net Expansion(In Profile Daily) 

Global Witness Pleased with Liberia’s New Oil Law; Says It Fights Corruption


Global Witness has welcomed Liberia’s new Petroleum Law, which marks a significant step towards the transparent management of the country’s oil sector, but warns that new regulations are also necessary to ensure that it is effective. The new law requires competitive bidding for all petroleum contracts, and for all oil companies to declare their true owners. According to Global Witness, both of these changes could help fight the corruption that has long plagued the sector by assuring Liberians that only the most qualified companies get contracts, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Captions: Liberia Passes New Law To Ensure Transparency In Oil Sector(The New Dawn), Global Witness Applauds Liberia For New Oil Law(FOCUS) 

Gov’t Officials Sign Book of Condolence For Lofa County Representative


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Monday, November 28, 2016 led an array of Cabinet Ministers and senior government officials to sign the book of condolence for fallen Lofa County Representative, Hon. Eugene Fallah-Kparkar of Electoral District #1. The signing ceremony took place in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building. President Sirleaf along with Cabinet Ministers was followed by Vice President, Joseph Boakai, and Speaker Emmanuel Nuquay, Chief Justice Francis Korkpor, Senate Pro-Temp ArmahJallah and Members of the Senate, the House and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. The late Representative Eugene Fallah-Kparkar died on Thursday, November 10, 2016 at the Polay Hospital in India after a period of illness. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, on Thursday, December 1, 2016, the remains of Hon. Eugene Fallah-Kparkar will be carried from the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Service and taken to the Capitol Hill, seat of the National Legislature for a few hours of viewing and thereafter taken to the Free Pentecostal Global Mission Church on 10th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia for wake-keeping. Funeral rites will take place in Foya District, Lofa County on Saturday, December 3, 2016.

Related Captions: President Sirleaf, Others Sign Book Of Condolence(Daily Observer), Ellen, others Sign Book of Condolence(The INQUIRER), Pres. Sirleaf, Cabinet Members Sign Book Of Condolence For Fallen Lofa County Representative, Eugene Fallah-Kparkar(FrontPage Africa), President Sirleaf Led GOL Officials To Sign Book Of Condolence For Fallen Legislator(FOCUS)  


Government Has Unlocked The Door To Empowerment


Deputy Foreign Minister B. Elias Shoniyin has extolled President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for what he calls her extra-ordinary leadership displayed over the last decades in empowering young Liberians explore their full potentials. The soft-spoken Liberia diplomat says the Liberian leader has unlocked the door to opportunities and has set standards by consciously empowering thousands of young Liberians beyond the binds of ethnicity, religion and geography. The Deputy Foreign Minister made these assertions when he delivered a statement at the annual Charity Fundraising Dinner of the Professional Distinct Fellows at the Executive Pavilion in Monrovia, reports the Heritage newspaper.

Nimbaians And Grand Gedeans Sign Peace Accord

The Chief of Party of Carter Center Liberia has called on Liberians to serve as peace ambassadors in their respective counties, districts, clans and communities as the country goes to elections in 2017. Mr. Pewee Flomoku stressed peace should start with ordinary citizens across the country, promising Carter Center’s support to sustaining peace here.  He also pledged support and commitment to helping the Government of Liberia in providing access to justice and empowering chiefs. Mr. Flomoku spoke on Sunday, 27 November in Gaye Town, Gbao Administrative District, Grand Gedeh County during the signing of a 17-count joint resolution, ending a three-day conference between the people of Nimba and Grand Gedeh Counties. The two sisterly counties agreed to reject tribal hatred, gossip and rumors of war and strengthen communication among their respective chiefs, elders, women and youth groups to discourage negative perceptions that could breed hatred, undermine social cohesion and promote conflict. according to the New Dawn newspaper, the signing ceremony was witnessed by Deputy Internal Affairs Minister for Administration and head of delegation Mr. Varney A. Sirleaf and the Deputy Minister for Operation Mr. Gbeme Horace-Kollie, and Assistant Minister for Technical Services at the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mr. Elvin Frank, including National Peace Ambassador William R. Tolbert, lll and the Executive Director for the Liberia Peace Building Office at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mr. Edward K. Mulbah. 

Sweden, UNDP, UNMIL Sign Pact to Strengthen Access to Justice in Liberia


The Government of Sweden through its Embassy in Monrovia in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the UN Mission in Liberia has signed a US$5.9 million agreement to support and strengthen access to justice in Liberia. The Ambassador of Sweden to Liberia Lena Nordström said the signing of the agreement seeks to strengthen structures working for lasting peace and reduce factors contributing to violent conflict. The Swedish Envoy said consolidating peace in Liberia requires sustained long-term efforts to build institutions that are accountable, inclusive, corruption-free and able to provide services to all citizens. Ambassador Lena Nordström signed on behalf of the Government of Sweden while UNDP Deputy Country Director and Acting Country Director CleophasTorori signed on behalf of UNDP, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Caption: Sweden Reaffirms Commitment To Strengthening Rule Of Law…Signs US5.9 M Agreement For Access To Justice(In Profile Daily) 

Two Aliens Nabbed With Cocaine Worth Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars


The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency, (LDEA) has turned over to the 13th Judicial Circuit Court in Kakata, Margibi County two foreign nationals for allegedly trafficking drugs into the country. They are Toni Mendez, age 35 and a Nigerian with a Guinea Bissau passport Number AA- 1N67114 and Steven Kaimesie, a Sierra Leonean, age 44 and lives in Brazil. Suspect Steven Kaimesie was arrested on June 26, 2016 at the Roberts International Airport, (RIA) in Lower Margibi County by officers of the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency, (LDEA) on board Air Moroc at 4:30 AM 40 tubes of pure cocaine weighing 788 grams with a street value of US$281,000.00 or L$ 2.5 million. Toni Mendez was also arrested on August 14, 2106 at the Roberts international Airport, (RIA) with 2068 grams of pure cocaine valued US$165,700 which is equivalent to L$15.9 million. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper they are currently under detention at the Kakata Central Prison. 

From Extractive Sector: GoL Generates over US$200M LEITI Reveals


The Secretariat of the Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (LEITI) has begun the dissemination of the 7 and 8th LEITI reports on Liberia. The dissemination exercise is currently taking place in the four regions of the country, targeting 37 town hall meetings, with LEITI teams in various localities carrying out similar awareness. Addressing a cross section of citizens on Sunday in Foya, Lofa County, LEITI Industry/Sector Analyst, Sarnyenneh M. Dickson, disclosed that the LEITI 7th report covers funding from the extractive sector from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, while the 8th report covers July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, the INSIGHT newspaper reads. 

Liberia Joins Global Leaders in Washington D.C. for UPF Int’l Leadership Conference


A high-powered Liberian delegation arrives Monday, November 28, 2016, in Washington D.C., United States of America to participate in a special International Conference (ILC). Sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), the conference which had as its theme: “Addressing the Critical Challenges of Our Time: The Role of Governments, Civil Society and Faith-Based organizations” would be held from November 28 to December 1, 2016, the INSIGHT newspaper reads.

Lofans Honor Boakai Today

All is now set for the celebration of the 72nd birth anniversary of Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai expected to be celebrated in grandeur. Recently, the Committee of Lofa County Citizens for 2017 announced that the homogeneous people of Lofa in conjunction with friends of Lofa comprising citizens from all fourteen counties, the National Movement to Support Boakai (NAMBO) and a horde of Auxiliaries will gather in their thousands on the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) to celebrate the 72nd birth anniversary of Vice President Boakai today, the INQUIRER newspaper said.

Related Caption: Lofa Celebrates Boakai’s 72nd Birthday Today-Reaffirms Support To His Presidential Bid(Daily Observer)

LCS To Host ‘Let Cancel Cancer’

The Liberia Cancer Society (LCS) in collaboration with the Association of Filipino in Liberia (AFIL) and other partners will on December 4, 2016, host the first annual cycling on cancer, with the theme ‘Let Cancel Cancer.’ Speaking during a press conference on Monday at the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) Administration Building in Monrovia, a member of the LCS, Dana Hilton van Ee noted that they are soliciting support from the bike riders, jogger’s walkers to participate in the campaign to raise awareness on cancer. She maintained that cancer does not have to be considered a death sentence by people anymore, stressing that victims of all forms of cancer must not be stigmatized, indicating that anyone can be a victim of caner and needs to be address, reports the In Profile Daily

Related Caption: Cancer Not Death Sentence…Liberian Cancer Society Asserts; Embarks On Awareness(The INQUIRER)

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