Daily Media Summary 2016-10-25


Ministry of Foreign Affairs 


Monrovia, Liberia 



News of the conferral of honorary degree on Vice President, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai by the Gregory University Utura, in Nigeria, the ongoing investigation involving Liberian businessman George Kailando in the death of Guaranty Trust Bank Chief Executive Officer, Dan Orogun and the reshuffling of Magistrates in Montserrado and Bong counties are among stories dominating today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.


The summary also highlights news concerning the Embassy of Qatar near Monrovia clarity on its issuance of Visas to Liberians.




Vice President Boakai Receives Honorary Degree From Gregory University


According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Gregory University, Utura (GUU) on Saturday conferred an honorary degree on the Liberian Vice President, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai. According to a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Nigeria, GUU conferred on the Liberian Vice President the Doctor of Science in Public Administration (Honoris Causa) during the University’s maiden convocation that held over the weekend in Utura, Abia State. The dispatch said the Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria, Prof. Al-Hassan Conteh, received the honorary degree on behalf of Vice President Boakai. The University subsequently named that college the Joseph Boakai College of Social and Management Sciences as a tribute to his “unparalleled patriotic commitment to the development of pre and-post-war Liberia”. The dispatch added that 76 graduates from various disciplines received their degrees as the University’s pioneer graduates during Saturday’s colorful convocation event.


Related Captions: Vice President Boakai Receives Honorary Degree From Gregory University(FOCUS), Vice President Boakai Receives Honorary Degree From Gregory University (The INQUIRER) and Nigerian University Confers Honorary Doctorate Degree On VP Boakai(Heritage), VP Boakai Receives Honorary Degree(In Profile Daily)



George Kailondo Faces 5-Year Imprisonment Over Bank Manager's Death

After seven months of silence following the death of Guaranty Trust Bank Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dan Orogun, the Liberia National Police has charged and forwarded to court businessman George B. Kailondo, Sr. on charges of negligent homicide. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the businessman is currently on bail following his appearance from the Monrovia City Court. The penalty for negligent homicide is not more than five years behind bars. The police charge sheet said the businessman violated chapter 14.3 and 14.23 of the revised Penal Code of Liberia, endangering the life of another person. The Police charge sheet revealed that at 17:40 on January 24, 2016, businessman Kailondo informed the authority of the Liberia National Police via mobile about the alleged drowning of former GT Bank Liberia in the Yellow Building Community, lower Margibi County in the Junk River.


Related Captions: Kailondo Charged Negligent Homicide(The New Dawn), Dan Orogun Death Drags Kailando To Court(In Profile Daily), In Kailondo Homocide: Gov’t Lawyers Ask For Time(The INQUIRER)


Chief Justice Rotates Magistrates

According to the New Dawn newspaper, Liberia’s Chief Justice Mr. Francis S. Korkpor, Sr., has made a large rotation of magistrates at magisterial courts in Montserrado and Bong Counties which will take effect November 1 this year in furtherance of efficiency within the Judicial Branch of Government. The Chief Justice urged the appointed magistrates to perform their duties with diligence and commitment to the rule of law and the administration of Justice. The daily says the rotation of Magistrates is a periodic routine executed by His Honor the Chief Justice to enhance efficiency within the Judiciary Branch of Government.



Related Captions: Magistrates Swapped(In Profile Daily), Chief Justice Makes Changes In Judiciary – Affecting Bong, Montserrado(FOCUS), Chief Justice Makes Changes At Courts In Montserrado, Bong(Heritage)



EPAG Round 4 Program Graduates 1,170 Students

The Ministry of Gender Children and Social Protection through its Economic Empowerment of Adolescent Girls and Young Women (EPAG) Project in Liberia will graduate 1,170 students from Round 4 of its of its Project in Grand Bassa, Margibi and Montserrado Counties. The EPAG Project was launched by then Ministry of Gender and Development in 2009 with the goal of increasing the employment and income of 2,500 young Liberian women by providing livelihoods, life skills training and facilitating their transiton to productive work, writes the FOCUS newspaper.


Related Caption: EPAG Round 4 Program Graduates 1,170 Students (Heritage) and EPAG Round 4 Program Graduates 1,170 Students(The INQUIRER)






Qatari Embassy Clarifies Visa Issues

Diplomats at the Embassy of Qatar here have clarified a recent Foreign Ministry press release which announced that the Embassy was working on modalities to start the issuance of visas here very soon. The New Dawn newspaper quotes a release from the Embassy as saying  “The Chargé d’Affaires Mr. Shamsan Abdullah Al-Sada, during his meeting with the H. E. Ms. Marjon V. Kamara, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Liberia on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 stated that the Embassy is only issuing official visas at this point for official government delegation traveling to Doha for official functions. The embassy further stated that those wishing to obtain business and tourists visas can apply through their respective Hotels in Doha and that for Liberian national wishing to work in Doha can have their respective companies arrange their visas in Doha.


Liberia Consoles ComeroonAnd Qatar

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has sent two separate messages of condolences to the Governments and peoples of the Republic of Cameroon and the State of Qatar for the death of 75 persons and the injury of 600 others in the derailment of a passenger train in Eseka, Cameroon and the death of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al-Thani, grandfather of the Emir of the State of Qatar, respectively. In her message to His Excellency Mr. Paul Biya, President of the Republic of Cameroon, President Johnson Sirleaf on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, and in her own name, expressed heartfelt condolences to the Government and People of Cameroon, especially the bereaved families for the irreparable loss sustained. In her message to His Highness Sheikh Tamin Bin Hamad Al-Thani, President Johnson Sirleaf conveyed her heartfelt condolences to the government and people of Qatar and stated that her government   received the death news of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al-Thani, in his 84th years, with sadness and regrets.  She said His Highness Sheikh Kalifa Bin Hamad Al-thani is remembered for his contributions towards the rapid modernization of Qatar as well as the maintenance of peace and economic development in the gulf region, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Pres. Sirleaf Receives MCC Delegation

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Monday received Madam Dana Hyde, Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) as head of a high-powered MCC delegation. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf welcomed Madam Hyde and delegation and expressed delight to break the good news about progress in the energy sector including finishing works on the Mount Coffee Hydro Plant. The Liberian leader then requested the Board Chairperson of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) and Mr. Monie Captan of MCC-Liberia to provide update to the delegation on progress made in their respective sectors. For her part, the Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Dana Hyde thanked President Sirleaf for receiving the MCC delegation and informed the President that data available for the upcoming score-card of the MCC for 2016 shows that Liberia has made progress in many areas.  


Related Caption: Ellen Receives Millennium Challenge Corporation Chief Executive Officer, Delegation(Heritage)


Liberian Chiefs Recommend Stiff Punishment For Rapist

According to the Heritage newspapers, delegates at the just-ended National Consultation on Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Peace-Building have recommended castration and execution for those found guilty of rape in Liberia. The forum was sponsored by The Carter Center in partnership with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).The stakeholders, including Ministry of Internal Affairs, Carter Center, National Council of Chiefs and Elders of Liberia, UNMIL and women leaders took the decision at the close of a three-day conference held in Gbarnga recently. At the conference, the stakeholders discussed the prevalence of domestic violence, especially rape, land tenure and elections. Over 200 traditional chiefs and elders, including women groups and women in leadership, crafted a resolution to be presented to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, in which they agreed that the government amend the law on rape to allow for castration of convicts and a five-year jail sentence for anyone who compromises rape case.The chiefs at the conference also agreed that regular meetings be convened to discuss societal issues to avert these societal ills. Speaking on the issue of rape and other domestic violence, Deputy Commissioner at the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN), Asatu Kenneth warned women against compromising rape. Meanwhile, some women attending the conference said the issue of land is also causing problem for many of them in the rural areas as their tribal, customary and ancestral lands they got from their forefathers are being claimed by authorities.



IFC, World Bank Group Launch New Leasing Program With Stakeholders Today

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) in collaboration with the World Bank Group will today, Tuesday, October 25, 2016 launch a new program call leasing with stakeholders including public and private sectors. The leasing program, which is being sponsored by the Africa Leasing Facility, is intended to strengthen local Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in order to boost the Liberian economy. Speaking at a brief training section with journalists on Monday, October 24, 2016 at the head office of IFC in Liberia, the Communications Consultant for Finance and Markets Global Practice, Africa Region of IFC World Bank Group, Madam Pauline Delay, noted that, finance being a huge problem in Africa, showcasing leasing as an industry in country between two partners will help accelerate financing productivity for medium enterprises, reports the Heritage newspaper.


UN Day Observes In Grand Style…Many Political Leaders Attended

Liberians yesterday celebrated the peace they now enjoy at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium (ATS) where thousands of Liberians turned out for “KAKATORNON” (We are One) National Peace Festival. The Peace Festival began with a peace march where traditional chiefs of the fifteen counties of Liberia were seen leading the parade along with Liberia’s traditional queen and Cultural Ambassador, Julie Endee who wore a beautiful white outfit indeed representing peace. Many Liberians were seen in white outfits or in t-shirts with the inscription “KUKATORNOM Peace Festival”. The festival was graced by Vice President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, political leaders, local and international artists. As political leaders were called out to make remarks, some Liberians were seen jubilating and escorting their standard bearer on stage, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.


ECOWAS Strengthens Regional Integration

ECOWAS has moved to strengthen regional integration by adhering to international acceptable standards in its mandate of peace keeping and regional security through the incorporation of International Humanitarian Laws and International Human Rights Laws into the training and operations of the ECOWAS Standby Force-ESF. The five-day workshop which was concluded on 21st October 2016 in Abuja, Nigeria, witnessed military personnel from Member States build their capacity in IHL and IHRL and familiarize themselves with important legal concepts which are crucial in the planning of various military operations, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.



Cabinet Reviews Economy – Approves Arcelor Mittal Project

Cabinet has meticulously reviewed the state of national economy, received updates on economic performance, the need for diversification. According to an Executive Mansion release, amid the finalization of relevant due diligence approved Arcelor Mittal new project, which is in line with the existing Mineral Development Agreement (MDA) and License issued the company.Cabinet reviewed the current economic performance and challenges, strategies moving forward, updates on FY16/17 budget execution as well as budget option for fiscal year 17/18.A careful review in terms of challenges underscored the impact of the Ebola Virus Disease, price decline for key exports including iron ore, rubber and gold coupled with UNMIL peculiar drawdown within the context of Liberia.Meanwhile, Cabinet has approved amid the requisite due diligence the Arcelor Mittal Gangra Project and mandated that issues pertaining to Arcelor Mittal studies and approval, engineering details, environmental baseline/permit, community awareness, resettlement, temporary permits, road construction, mine development temporary access road, temporary hauling and Gangra overall operations are scrupulously tackled in the best interest of all parties, reports theFOCUS newspaper.




Demolition Begins At “540”

The Government of Liberia has begun demolition of the unfinished Defense Ministry popularly referred to here as “540” situated in Oldest Congo Town, outside Monrovia for the construction of a Ministerial Complex. According to the New Dawn newspaper, part of the rear side of the building has been detached by a huge crane. The Government of the People’s Republic of China has approved US$60m for the erection of a Ministerial Complex that will accommodate nearly all Liberian government ministries.   


Tax Compliance Remains A Challenge’---Says AFRITAC Regional Administration Adviser


The Regional Administration Advisor of the African Regional Technical Assistance Center (AFRITAC), Madam Faith Mazani, has disclosed that tax compliance in Africa, especially countries including Ghana, the Gambia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Liberia and Cape Verde, remains a challenge to revenue administrators. She said AFRITAC is primarily engaged in tax administration and building capacities of administrators in the revenue sector, but said that tax compliance in these countries is very low. Madam Mazani said unlike developed countries where tax compliance is voluntarily done, it is difficult for the African region and will require the political will of governments in these countries to ensure companies pay their taxes. She made the comment at the beginning of a two-week capacity building workshop for tax administrators from Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, the Gambia and Liberia in Monrovia. Also speaking at the opening of the workshop, the Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), Elfrieda Stewart Tamba, noted that having competent auditors with integrity will break the stronghold of tax payers who continue to remain unscrupulous, according to the Daily Observer.



MoT Launches 7-Day Campaig-Unregistered vehicles impounded

The Daily Observer reports that Transport Minister Angela Cassell-Bush on Monday, October 24 launched a seven-day campaign on Bushrod Island, and ordered vehicles with expired license plates, those without licese plates and those deliberately licensed below their intended use, among others, removed from the streets. She said she decided to lead the campaign to ensure that vehicles from the border areas (beyond Cape Mount County) and those plying the streets are properly licensed.



Judicial Reporter Wlemongar Ciapha Dies

The Judicial Reporters Association at the Temple of Justice has announced the death of one of its astute and senior members, Moses Wlemongar Ciapha ll. Mr. Ciapha who was a founding member of the association died on Sunday, October 23 in his birthplace, Sanoyea, Bong County. The Daily Observer quotes a release from the Association as saying that boday of Mr. Ciapha has since been buried. In his career, journalist Ciapha worked with several newspapers, including the Heritage, the Daily Observer, Frontpage Africa, New Republic, The News, and the Inquirer, respectively.


 Related Caption: FrontPageAfrica, Judicial Reporters Association Mourn Deceased Journalist (FrontPage Africa)