Daily Media Summary, 2016-10-13


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News ofthe new Deputy Foreign Minister for Administration, Mr. Edward M. Eesiah’s meeting with the Ministry’s workforce, the dedication of a 176-kilometer Suakoko Highway and Golden Veroleum Liberia’stransfer of US$92,490.90 into the development fund accounts of six host communities in Sinoe and Grand KruCounties are stories dominating today’s edition of the Summary.

The Summary also includes news of Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Lewis Garseedah Brown, II assertion that gender equality and women’s empowerment are realizable and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Congratulatory Message to the Government and People of the Kingdom of Spain on the observance of Spain’s La Fiesta National De Espana.


New Deputy Foreign Minister for Administration Takes Office

The newly appointed Deputy Foreign Minister for Administration, Hon. Edward M. Eesiah, has assured employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that his administration will work collaboratively with them to achieve the agenda of the Ministry aimed at enhancing government’s foreign policy thrust. Mr. Eesiah, who replaces Dr. Wede Elliott Brownell, stated that if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to achieve its desired aims and objectives, there must be a smooth working relationship among employees on one hand and the administration and workforce on other hand. According to a Foreign Military release, the new Deputy Minister for Administration made the assurances in the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 when he was being formally introduced to the workforce by H. E. Ms. Marjon V. Kamara, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia during a general staff meeting, reports the Daily Observer.

Related Captions: New Deputy Foreign Minister For Administration Takes Office(Heritage), New Deputy Foreign Minister For Administration Takes Office…Promises Cordial Working Relations With Staff(FOCUS)

Newly Dedicated Monrovia-Gbarnga Road Named After Traditional Chief

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has dedicated and named the Monrovia-Gbarnga highway after one of Liberia’s historical chiefs, Madam Suakoko. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the road, which is a 176-kilometer long and costs the government more than US$100 million, was funded by the World Bank and reconstructed by the Chinese construction company —  China Chongqing Construction Corporation (CICO). At a colorful program held in the Gbarnga Administrative Building, President Sirleaf said the road was named after Suakoko to reflect her legacy of unity and integration, adding that her legacy was epitomized by the fact that the facility runs through three counties. "By the tradition when we dedicated other projects we named after [someone from the county]. This particular road covers three counties so we are not going to name it after someone from any of these counties so I am going to call this the Suakoko Road," the President said at the dedicatory ceremony on Wednesday.  Suakoko, the President said, hailed from Bong County but was an exception to her naming tradition because Suakoko transcended local legend to national immortality. She proposed a street fundraising rally for the pavement of streets in Gbarnga.

Related Captions: EJS Dedicates Newly Paved Red Light-Gbarnga Highway(INSIGHT), Gov’t Begins Preparation For 2017(The New Dawn), Monrovia-Gbarnga Road Dedicated(The INQUIRER), Red Light To Guinea Border Now Accessible-Ellen Dedicates Lot 1 of Road Project(Daily Observer)

GVL Makes US$92,490.90 Transfer Into Six CDF Accounts In Sinoe& Grand Kru Counties

Golden Veroleum Liberia, says to date it has transferredUS$92,490.90 into six host communities development fund accounts. It said the opening of those accounts was done in partnership with its host communities in Sinoe and Grand Kru. According to GVL Communications Coordinator, Leroy Kanmoh, these payments are in accordance with Articles 19.7 (a) & (b) of the GVL Concession Agreement. These provisions require that GVL must pay into a dedicated Community Development Fund account for each eligible project community US$5 per hectare per year of the community’s land which is planted with oil palm. Each eligible community has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with GVL which gives GVL the right to grow oil palm on community land for the duration of the Concession Agreement.

Related Captions: GVL Distributes US$92K To Six Community Development Funds In Sinoe and Grand Kru Counties(Daily Observer), Sinoe, Grand Kru Get US$92,490.90 From GVL(FOCUS)



‘Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment Attainable’… Says Ambassador Lewis Brown 

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations says gender equality and women’s empowerment are realizable when all facets of discrimination, including violence, are eliminated and a conducive environment to thrive is created in the country. “The fact that we can now measure the level of equality that women have achieved in the socio-economic and political spheres is a testament to documented progress,” he said; however, cautioning that there’s still a lot to be done to significantly address the persistent incidences of injustice, lack of access to justice and violence against women; citing cultural restriction and its related stigmas that further compound the challenging conditions which women have to confront daily around the globe. According to a dispatch from New York, Ambassador Lewis Garseedah Brown, II, made the assertion when he addressed the Third Committee of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly, Agenda Item 27 with regards to the Advancement of Women at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Speaking, also, on the observance of the International Day of the Girl Child, he urged all to celebrate girls around the world in keeping with the 2016 theme of Liberia: “Making it Count: Advancing an Integrated Movement for Girls Empowerment.” Emphasizing Liberia’s 2030 Agenda which calls for a commitment to “leave no one behind,” the country’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations urged governments to intensify efforts to achieve equitable and sustainable development for all persons, especially the marginalized.

Related Caption: Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment Attainable…Ambassador Brown(FOCUS)

Ellen Applauds Spain On National Day…As Nation Observes “La Fiesta National De Espana

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended heartfelt congratulations to the Government and People of  the Kingdom of Spain on the occasion commemorating Spain’s  National Day which is also known as "La Fiesta National De Espana.” In her message to His Majesty King Filipe VI, President Sirleaf stated, “As we celebrate this special event with the People of Spain, we would like to reflect with satisfaction, on the long cordial ties of friendship and cooperation enjoyed by our two countries, which have great potential to be further enriched and strengthened.” The Liberian President also recounted the shared aspirations and values between Liberia and Spain, stressing that Liberians are gratified that the two countries continue to remain committed to the promotion of global peace and security, while domestically endeavoring to maintain democratic values, including good governance, human rights and gender equality, among others, reads the In Profile Daily, quoting a Foreign Ministry release.

Related Caption: Ellen Applauds Spain On Historic National Day Observance(Heritage)

LRA Commissioner General Tamba Heads WATAF

The Commissioner General of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has been inducted as Chair of the West Africa Tax Administration Forum (WATAF) in a ceremony held at the 11th General Assembly of the heads of West Africa Tax Administrations in Dakar Senegal. WATAF is the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) auxiliary for all tax administrations. Quoting a release from the LRA, the Daily Observer says WATAF members believe that a key ingredient of any effective nation is the existence of a fair, transparent, efficient and effective tax administration, which is fundamental to sustainable development. In her inaugural address, Mrs. Tamba thanked her predecessor and all members of the WATAF Secretariat hosted by Nigeria Federal Inland Revenue Services (FIRS) for the hard work and strives made to achieve WATAF 15/16 goals. She specifically acknowledged ECOWAS, GIZ, Ford Foundation, EU and the Nigerian government for their continuous support towards the achievement of the mission and vision of WATAF. She called for their continued support to facilitate and ensure successful implementation of WATAF programs.

Related Caption: LRA Boss Heads WATAF(The INQUIRER)

Police Get Anti-riot Suits, Bullet-Proof Helmets, Others

Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yue has disclosed the list of China-donated materials and equipment to the Liberia National Police (LNP) in fulfillment of a US$2 million exchange note signed between both countries. In the agreement signed by Ambassador Zhang on behalf of the People’s Republic of China and Deputy Foreign Minister Elias Shoniyin on behalf of the Liberian Government in Monrovia recently, China agreed to provide US$2 million worth of supplies for use by the LNP. Making the disclosure in an interview in Monrovia on Tuesday, Ambassador Zhang named the equipment as anti-riot suits and helmets, portable roadblocks, and ballistic body armors, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.

Police Bans Tricycles in Monrovia

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, a ban on motorcycle taxis, commonly known as “kehkeh” has come into force in parts of Monrovia. Tricycle taxis said to be the main mode of transport from Capitol Bypass to most parts of Central Monrovia. The latest ban was instituted Tuesday, October 12, 2016, by Deputy Police Commissioner for Public Safety, Col. Mikey Gray. Under the new arrangement, tricycles are completely prohibited from plying on Broad and Carey Streets belts in Central Monrovia. The new restrictions, according to Deputy Commission Gray, are intended to safeguard the movements of commuters in and around and to enhance free flow of traffic.

SDGS Unachievable Without Girls

The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Julia Duncan Cassell says Liberians should bear in mind that sustainable development is unachievable when millions of girls around the world are not enrolled in school. Minister Cassell said as a result of such a situation, girls are still being denied of their fundamental needs and rights, adding that girls are still prevalent of harmful attitudes and practices which include early marriage, Female Genital Mutilation or FGM, domestic abuse, rape and sexual exploitation, among other forms of discrimination. Speaking Tuesday October 11, at the observance of 5th International Day of the Girl Child, held in the Centennial Pavilion on Ashmun Street, Monrovia Madam Cassell disclosed that 40 percent of 15 to19-year-old adolescents experienced physical violence by age 15, and 13 percent experienced sexual violence. She said Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will not be attainable if majority of Liberian girls continued to bear their first child before age 18 as a result of forced marriages or rape, reports the New Dawn newspaper. 

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