Daily Media Summary 2016-10-10


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of the summary highlights 22 Liberian girls’ participation of the celebration of International Day of the Girl with U.S. First Lady, Michelle Obama in the United States.



Liberian Girls Attend “Let Girls Learn” Program in the United States


About 22 Liberian girls have traveled to the United States to celebrate the International Day of the Girl with U.S. First Lady, Michelle Obama as part of the Let Girls Learn initiative. According to the INQUIRER newspaper, the 22 girls were selected due to their participation in educational programs supported by the Peace Corps, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Department of State. They also met with Mrs. Obama during her visit to Liberia in June. The daily says while in Washington, D.C. the girls will attend the premier of a CNN documentary film entitled, “We Will Rise: Michelle Obama’s Mission to Educate Girls around the World.” The Liberian girls, along with girls from Morocco, are featured in the film highlighting the importance of education, obstacles girls face in receiving a quality education, and solutions to these problems which affect approximately 62 million girls around the world. Let Girls Learn is a U.S. government initiative to address obstacles facing adolescent girls, encompassing support, programing and partnerships across the Department of State, USAID, Peace Corps, and Millennium Challenge Corporation, while working closely with the Government of Liberia.


Related Captions: Liberian Girls Attend Let Girls Lean Program In The United States(Heritage), Liberian Girls Attend Let Girls Learn Program In The United States(FOCUS), Department of State Welcomes 44 Moroccan and Liberia Girls To The United States(INSIGHT)





Liberia Ascends to Executive Post in Africa

The 17th biennial congress of the Africa Lottery Association has ended in Casablanca, Morocco with the election of a new corps of officers for a two-year term.  The Heritage reports that the congress, which was aimed at reviewing the activities of the association for the past two years as well as receiving progress report was held under the theme “Challenge for Transformation”. According to the daily, those elected included Mr. Samba Kane Amadou of Senegal, President Mr. El Mechrafi Younes of Morrocco, Secretary General and the Director General of the National Lottery Authority (NLA), Mr. Martin S. Kollie was elected Auditor Post for Liberia, among others.


Related Captions: Liberia Wins Executive Post At African Lottery(The INQUIRER)



Fallen Min. Johnson Arrives In Liberia…Burial Slated For October 14, 2016

The In Profile Daily reports that the remains of the former Minister of Internal Affairs and Deputy Minister of Labor, Ambulai B. Johnson, arrived at the Roberts International Airport in lower Margibi County last Friday. Senior members of cabinet led by Minister of Internal Affairs, Dr. Henrique Tokpah – converged at the RIA to receive the remains. Others at the airport were chiefs, elders and family members. The funeral is slated for Friday, October 14, at the Providence Baptist Church in Monrovia. The remains have been deposited at the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Home.



Related Caption: Remains Of Former Minister Of Internal Affairs Arrive In Liberia…Funeral Takes Place This Friday(Heritage)


Gray Allison School Gets Modern Library, Laboratory Facilities

The INSIGHT newspaper reports that the Gray D. Allison High School on UN Drive on October 7 dedicated over US$10,000 worth of science laboratory and library facilities for use by its students and teachers. Assistant Minister of National Defense for Planning and Policy, Victoria Sawyer, applauded the administration of the school for the level of innovation and creativity towards the institution. Assistant Minister Sawyer urged the students to use the facilities for the intended purpose.