Daily Media Summary 2016-09-07


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia 



Today’s edition of the summary highlights stories of Justice Minister Frederick Cherue’s assertion that the recent shooting incident in Sasstown, along the Bomi Highway does not pose any threat to Liberia’s security, as well as President Johnson Sirleaf’s executive clemency to nine inmates across the country.


The summary also includes news of Acting Foreign Minister, Mr. B. Elias Shoniyin, receipt of Letters of Credence from the newly appointed Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General (DSRSG) of the United Nations Mission in Liberia, Mr. Yacoub El Hillo.



Justice Minister: ‘Sasstown Shooting No Threat To Peace’


The recent shooting incident in Sasstown, along the Bomi Highway that ignited great concern among people across Liberia, does not pose any threat to Liberia’s security, Justice Minister Frederick Cherue has said, releasing results of investigations into the incident. According to the Daily Observer newspaper,while addressing a regular press briefing of the Ministry of Information on Tuesday, the Attorney General said intelligence gathered from the scene of the incident suggests that an unknown individual was on a practicing spree. Minister Cherue said there was shooting but the motive was unknown and intelligence concluded that someone took a 9-millimeter pistol, along with few bottles for a practice session. He said it was also discovered that the perpetrator during his practice struck five bottles and broke one and the broken pieces were identified. “We tore apart the scene in an effort to gather facts and circumstances leading to the incident and there is nothing to scare anyone in Bomi, Cape Mount or the country,” Cherue added.


Related Captions: “No Security Threat”-Justice Minister Speaks On Shooting Incident In Bomi(The NEWS), Government Admits To Shooting Incident In Bomi-Calls On Citizens Not To Panic(WOMEN VOICES), Gov’t Says Bomi Shooter on the Run; 9 Inmates Granted Executive Clemency(FrontPage Africa)


9 Inmates Granted Executive Clemency

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has granted executive clemency to nine inmates across the country. Making the disclosure on Tuesday at the Ministry of Information in Monrovia, Justice Minister Federick Cherue said the president’s decision was against the backdrop of extensive investigation which showed that the inmates at the various prison compounds had less crimes. Cllr. Cherue said on the basis of the Ministry’s recommendation to the President, she decided to grant such clemency, with the elimination of many charges ranging from theft of property to aggravated assault. They include Junior Jalloh of Gbarpolu County, Cooper Tuboi of Lofa County, Abraham Sayon of Bong County, as well as Adu Kadi of Bong County. Others are Mike Sackor of Sinoe County, J. Sor of Sinoe County, John S. Targbeh of Grand Gedeh County, Robertson Doe of Sinoe county and Mamie Jawee of Montserrado County, according to the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Ellen Grants Clemency To 9 Convicts(The NEWS), Ellen Grants Clemency To 9 Convicts In 6 Counties(Heritage)



US$6 Billion ECOWAS Infrastructure Confab Begins In Liberia

According to the Daily Observer, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Infrastructure Project Preparation and Development Unit (PPDU) involving experts from ECOWAS member states have begun a two day validation, in Monrovia, of the Draft Final Report for the study on the Dakar-Lagos corridor missing links and others roads connecting Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, among others, which is valued over US$6 billion. The ECOWAS Infrastructure PPDU, is a specialized agency in charge of preparing bankable regional infrastructure projects and is based in Lome, Togo. The two-day conference, brought together nine West African States and consultants including Ghana, The Gambia, Sierra Leone, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast, Guinea, and Senegal.



Related Captions: ECOWAS Holds Second Discussion on Trans African Highway Network(FrontPage Africa), IMF Limits Govt. From Borrowing(The New Dawn)



Seminar On ECOWAS Protocols Kicks Off Today

According to the NEWS newspaper, the Media Foundation for West Africa (WFWA) and its national partner in Liberia, Centre for Media Studies and Peace Building (CEMESP), will hold a One-Day Media Seminar on ECOWAS and its protocols for 25 influential journalists and editors in Liberia. The seminar seeks to enhance the knowledge of participants on ECOWAS and its protocols that mandate member states to be accountable to citizens. It also seeks to enhance the skills of the journalists and editors to effectively report on the ECOWAS protocol on Democracy and Good Governance. The seminar is expected to result in the setting up of Network of ECOWAS journalists in Liberia. The One-day media seminar forms part of activities under the MFWA project ‘Promoting Citizens’ Awareness on ECOWAS Protocols and Frameworks on Good Governance and Economic Redistribution.


Related Captions: MFWA, CEMESP Hold Media Seminar On ECOWAS Protocols(Women Voices), MFWA, CEMESP Hold One-Day Media Seminar On ECOWAS Protocols Today(Heritage)








Acting Foreign Minister Receives Letters Of Credence From UN Diplomat

The WOMEN VOICES reports that Acting Foreign Minister, Mr. B. Elias Shoniyin, has received the Letters of Credence from the newly appointed Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General (DSRSG) of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Mr. Yacoub El Hillo. Mr. Hillo, a Sudanese, will also serve as the United Nations Resident Coordinator and Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Liberia while carrying his duties. According to a Foreign Ministry release, receiving the UN envoy at the Foreign Ministry on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Acting Minister Shoniyin, emphasized the strong partner that the UNDP has been to Liberia especially in all of the country’s post-war development efforts, also highlighting the period of the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease. “The resilience and strong support from the UNDP and others gave us the courage and determination to fight back,” he said, adding, “That’s how we overcame and won the fight.” Mr. Shoniyin assured Mr. Hillo of Government’s fullest support, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Speaking earlier, Mr. Hillo said it was an honor to be designated by the UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon to return to Liberia after nearly 20 years and to join the UN team here, though serving in this new capacity. He committed to working together with the government and people to consolidate the peace in Liberia and focus on development, progress and prosperity. Touching on Liberia’s fight against Ebola, Mr. Hillo said, many people called it a setback because it was devastating and a difficult experience; however, it was also an opportunity for Liberians to show the world that they overcome challenges; adding that with support and partnerships Liberia defeated Ebola. “It is that spirit that I have returned to Liberia,” he said. Mr. Hillo succeeds Antonio Vigilante of Italy, who concluded his assignment a few months ago.



Related Caption: Minister Shoniyin Receives Letters Of Credence Of UN Resident Coordinator(Heritage)



BIN Boss Warns Aliens

The Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) Col. Lemuel E. Reeves, Sr., has urged aliens to comply with the Alien and Nationality Law of Liberia.Commissioner Reeves gave the advice at the end of a meeting held with the alien community in Kakata, Margibi County recently. He emphasized that the law will take its course on those aliens, who will fail to comply accordingly. The BIN boss said he has always held monthly meetings with the alien community to inform them about the Alien and Nationality Law. He disclosed that the BIN has a community engagement policy, which mandates it to meet regularly with members of the alien community to educate them on laws governing immigration to Liberia, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


EPA Prepares For Int’l Confab On Climate Change

Liberia will this year host the thirtieth Least Developed Countries (LDC) Experts Group Meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Monrovia. The Government of Liberia, through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will convene the meeting at the Bella Casa Hotel located on the Tubman Boulevard from September 7 -10, 2016. Finance and Development Planning Minister and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Environmental Protection Agency, Boima Kamara, will deliver the keynote address at the opening of the meeting. The Purpose of the meeting, according to an EPA release, is to deliberate on the activities captured in the Least Developed Countries Work Program 2016 -2017 ahead of the UN  Climate Change Conference to be held in November in the city of Marrakech, the Kingdom of Morocco, reports the NEWS newspaper.



Related Caption: Liberia To Host International Meeting on Climate Change(FrontPage Africa)



LRA Lauds US Treasury Department For Technical Support

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Commissioner General Elfrieda Tamba has hailed the US Treasury Department, through its Office of Technical Assistance (OTA) for the level of capacity support given the LRA. Commissioner Tamba said the OTA revenue project had helped in building capacities and strengthening professional ethics, investigations and risk consciousness within the LRA. “Today marks an important milestone in the journey with the OTA’s long-term technical support to the LRA,” Tamba stated recently during a farewell dinner held in appreciation of two OTA advisors at the end of the OTA support to the LRA as the USAID three-yea support to the LRA begins, writes the WOMEN VOICES newspaper. 

Internal Affairs Suspends Several Local officials


The Ministry of Internal Affairs has announced the immediate dismissal of Mr. Joko Kuyon, Director for Culture of Bong County. In a dismissal letter dated September 6, 2016 under the signature of Deputy Internal Affairs Minister for Administration, Hon. Varney A. Sirleaf, Mr. Kuyon was dismissed for acts incompatible with his post. The letter further states that the action by the Ministry is based on findings of an investigation commissioned by Internal Affair Minister Dr. Henrique F. Tokpa, which found Mr. Kuyon liable for acts which run counter to local cultural practices. The FrontPage Africa newspaper quoting a release from the Ministry said the Ministry has also suspended Jorquelleh District’s Paramount Chief Mary Larteh, pending full conclusion of an ongoing investigation. The Internal Affairs Ministry said its action against the two local government officers should send a clear message of its zero tolerance against violators of the law.


Recused Speaker Requests Six Weeks Absence From Legislative Duties

Speaker Tyler has written the presiding officer of the House of Representatives, Deputy Speaker Hans Barchue, requesting a six- week leave from work for medical reason. Speaker Tyler, in separate communication, stated: “I present my compliments and inform you that I will be traveling out of the country for my medical checkup which is overdue. I will be leaving on Tuesday, September 6 and shall be away for six weeks. These letters serve as my excuse from plenary”. In another communication the recused speaker also officially informed lawmakers of the House of Representatives about his decision to recuse himself from presiding over plenary session of the House of Representatives. “It is my hope that this period, Mr. Deputy Speaker that you will work with the leadership of the House and all our colleagues in fostering the National Development Agenda. I shall avail myself at any time if my advice is required,” he added. Though the Tyler’s communication was noted, some members requested for the communication to be opened for debate, according to the FrontPage Africanewspaper.


7 Ivoirian ‘Mercenaries” Resist Extradition

A back page story of the Daily Observer newspaper reports that the Legal proceedings as to whether or not to extradite the remaining seven Ivorians accused of involvement in the 2011 post-electoral violence in their homeland started yesterday in the Monrovia City Court at the Temple of Justice, with the prosecution’s first witness taking the stand. Liberia’s security agents had earlier alleged that the seven men, who have been in custody since April 2011, attempted crossing the border into Liberia with their weapons. In 2011 the City Court ruled in favor of extraditing 41 of the 48 Ivoirians who were said to be in favor of Laurent Gbagbo, former President of Cote d’ Ivoire back home to face multiple charges, which left the current men behind bars at the Monrovia Prison, the paper says.



Mandate Social Inclusion for PLWD Brazilian Envoy

An inside story of the Daily Observer newspaper reads that Brazilian Ambassador to Liberia Andre Luiz Azevedo dos Santos says there is a need for government and community leaders to devise policies that will allow for the social inclusion and participation of people with various forms of disabilities. In an interview with this newspaper as Brazil celebrates its National Day today, September 7, Ambassador Dos Santos said, it is not enough just to promote economic enhancement. We have to put policies in place, be they at the federal level; at the county or township levels, we have to put in place policies that would allow the participation of people with disabilities”. The intention to bring on board persons with disabilities is to demonstrate their incredible talents to the public, the Ambassador said. 


Internal Affairs Minister Calls for Effective Coordination in Decentralization Implementation


According to the Heritage newspaper, Internal Affairs Minister Dr. Henrique Tokpa has identified coordination as a critical factor to the implementation of Decentralization in Liberia. He said effective coordination is required among decentralization implementation actors, especially local government officers to ensure time service delivery. According to the Internal Affairs Minister, local government officers are to ensure timely delivery. According to the Internal Affairs Minister, local government officers are the main drivers of the decentralization effort, therefore, they must work together in order to achieve the objective of the National Policy on Decentralization and Local Government.




24 Inmates Who Broke Jail in Lofa Rearrested, Remanded

The Ministry of Justice has apprehended and remanded 24 of 51 inmates who escaped the Voinjama Central Prison in Lofa County recently, Justice Minister Fredrick Cherue has disclosed. Addressing the regular Ministry of Information press briefing in Monrovia Tuesday, the Justice Minister said security forces carried out the arrests based on information from citizens in the area. Cherue did not indicate the sentences imposed on the inmates nor did he mention the various crimes for which they were incarcerated. However, he added that overcrowding of prisons is a major challenge confronting the Justice Ministry, the Heritage newspaper reports.


FRAMP Begins 5-Day Capacity Building Workshop

The Feeder Roads Alternative Maintenance Program (FRAMP), a four-year USAID-Funded project, will this Monday, September 12, 2016 begin a week-long training and capacity building program in Gbargna, Bong county for community-based organizations (CBOs) in the area of organization, business development and routine maintenance operations. Acting Chief of Party of FRAMP, Dr. Frederick M. Were-Higenyi, said the Gbargna training will be an initial launch of its activities in the country, noting that the project is to create access to market and basic social services which are a key determinant of poverty, the Heritage newspaper reads.



CSO Prepares 150 Students for WAEC Exams

A civil society organization in Monrovia has started tutoring for about 150 junior and senior high school student across the country to ensure excellent performance in next year’s West African Examination Council (WAEC) exams. The Youth for Change to Educate the Future (YCEF) embarked on the exercise recently in partnership with the Liberia Institute for the Promotion of Academic Excellence (LIPAE), according to the YCEF Public Relations Officer, Mohammed Sieh. Mr. Sieh said in an interview on UNMIL Radio morning talk show “Coffee Break” Monday that the students are part of a total of 400 targeted for the program which, he indicated, was reactivated early this month, the Heritage newspaper says.