Daily Media Summary 2016-07-01

Daily Media Summary, July 1,2016


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia 



News of President Johnson Sirleaf’s cautioning for her newly commissioned Justice Minister and his Deputy to take up their responsibilities at all times, her commendation for the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission guiding the process of ensuring the efficient use of public funds in public procurement and Vice President Joseph Boakai’s advocacy for support to Liberian farmers are story dominating today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.



Other stories include the presentation of Letters of Credence bLiberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, His Excellency Lewis Brown II, to the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as well as President Johnson Sirleaf’s   condolence message to the Government and people of the Republic of Turkey, following the death of 41 people, including 13 foreign nationals. 




Prepare For Worst Times

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has cautioned her newly commissioned Justice Minister and Attorney General Cllr. Frederick D. Cherue and his Deputy, Cllr. Hariette Badio that they take on their responsibilities “at the best of times; and the worst of times.” Speaking in the context of “best of times,” Mrs. Sirleaf said with the leadership of the two newly commissioned officials will be guided in the process of leading her Administration to the finished line, “keeping peace in our country.” In the context of taking on responsibility at the “worst of times,” the President reminded the officials that as the administration begins to wine down its tenure in office, there will be challenges for which they will be called upon to address to ensure that the country remains stable and peaceful while government continues to carry out its development activities. For his part, Cllr. Cherue acknowledged timing of their takeover especially on the eve of complete security turn over from UN Peacekeepers here to Liberian, which he says “is a serious challenge.” But he pledged his sincere commitment to President Sirleaf and loyalty to Liberia, assuring her that he will justify the confidence reposed in him, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Commissions Cherue-Cherue: Liberia Will Remain Safe And Protected(The ANALYST), Sirleaf Commissions Justice Minister Frederick Cherue and Deputy Harriet Badio(FrontPage Africa)




President Sirleaf Commends PPCC for Spearheading Fair and Transparent Procurement Processes

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has commended the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission - established 10 years ago for spearheading and guiding the process of ensuring the economic and efficient use of public funds in public procurement, and to ensure that public procurement and concession processes are conducted in a fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory manner. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf was speaking on Thursday, June 30, 2016 at the Monrovia City Hall during the PPCC Annual Forum with a view to sharing experiences on the recent Procurement Client Perception Survey conducted, improved ratings of efficiency in the public procurement system, and at least 51% of ordinary Liberians’ view on the public procurement system as being corruption-free. She said Liberia is proud today for the significant and dramatic shift from the past, which was laden with a high level of inefficiency and systemic corruption.


Related Captions: PCC Drives Refined Public Procurement Pres. Sirleaf Exalts Commission For Charting The Way(The ANALYST), As PCC Begins Annual Forum: Ellen Warns Critics(Heritage), President Sirleaf Commends PPCC…For Ensuring Fair-Transparent Procurement Process(In Profile Daily), PPCC Complains Of Violations(New DEMOCRAT)



‘Emerge From Power Point To Realities’ VP Boakai Tells Liberians-Partners

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai Thursday met with a three man delegation of the World Bank headed by its Liberia Country Office Manager, Madam Inguna Dobraja. Discussions with the delegation centered on production processing and marketing of produce by farmers, something the Vice President said was not working in the best interest of the farmers of Liberia, the In Profile Daily reads.


Related Captions: “We Must Move From Power Point Presentations To Realities” VP Tells Liberians And Partners(The ANALYST), VP Boakai Advocates For Local Farmers(The New Dawn)






Liberia’s UN Envoy Hails Support To Country Amb. Brown:  We will Remain Grateful For International Aid & Cooperation

The ANALYSTnewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying the Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations, His Excellency Lewis Brown II, has promised to work closely with the Secretariat of the United Nations, its various agencies as well as the membership to advance the cherished goals of the organization, while ensuring that Liberia's interests are protected and promoted. According to the dispatch from New York, Ambassador Brown made the remarks when he presented his Letters of Credence to the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during a ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Thursday, June 30. He urged the United Nations and the entire international community to remain engaged with the country as it works to deepen the progress already made. Receiving Ambassador Brown's credentials, the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Ban, expressed appreciation about Liberia's progress toward consolidating its peace, security and stability, noting that because of the progress already made, the UNMIL has been able to achieve the final stage of its peacekeeping mission.


Related Caption: Brown Presents Letter Of Credence To UN Secretary-General(Daily Observer)


Liberia Consoles Turkey…Following Deadly Terror Attack

The In Profile Dailyreports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf   has sent a condolence message to the Government and people of the Republic of Turkey, following a deadly terror attack at the Istanbul Ataturk Airport late Tuesday, June 28, 2016 leading to the death of 41 people, including 13 foreign nationals. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the condolence message to her Turkish counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, extended heartfelt condolences to the Government and people of Turkey. “As we join you and the rest of the world in condemning such heinous and inhumane act, we in Liberia, wish to assure you that Liberia stands by you, during this period of grief and national mourning,” the Liberian leader assured Turkish President Erdoğan. 


Amb. Conteh Outlines President Sirleaf’s ECOWAS Four-Point Agenda


The Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria and Permanent Representative to ECOWAS, Prof. Al-Hassan Conteh has outlined the priorities of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as the current Chair of ECOWAS.  A dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja says the Ambassador re-echoed the President’s priorities in a four-point agenda, drawn from her acceptance speech the President delivered after being elected as the new chairperson of ECOWAS at the 49th Ordinary Summit of the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government in Dakar, Senegal on June 4, 2016. Ambassador Conteh, in his opening remarks on Tuesday, stated that President Sirleaf prioritized the Four-Point Agenda within the context of ECOWAS Vision 2020 and the ongoing implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Community. He named them as Consolidating the Region’s Peace and Security Architecture, Concluding Negotiations and Legal Actions To Enhance Trade Integration, Achieving Transformation of ECOWAS Vision 2020 Through Agriculture and Infrastructure and Financial Stability of the Community Institutions, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.


PUL Annual Awards Today

The 2015/2016 Annual Awards Evening and Dinner of the Press Union of Liberia will convene on today July 1 at the Paynesville Town Hall at 7pm. The event is a prestigious gala organized by the Press Union to recognize excellence in media conduct and coverage across the previous year, the ANALYST reports.


Related Caption: PUL Awards Night Today(The INQUIRER) 

Liberia Observes International Day Of Cooperatives Tomorrow


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared tomorrow, Saturday, July 2, as International Day of Cooperatives, which is to be observed throughout the country as a Working Holiday. According to a press release, the Proclamation is in consonance with the 1936 Cooperative Societies Act, enacted by the National Legislature of Liberia. The Act empowers the Cooperative Development Agency (CDA) to facilitate the organization of grass root associations, farmers and non-farmer based organization including women and youth groups into viable cooperative societies, according to the New Dawn newspaper.



Related Caption: Liberia To Observer Inter’l Day Of Cooperatives On July 2nd(The ANALYST)



NHA Begins Construction Of Additional Units

According to the INQUIRER newspaper, National Housing Authority (NHA) in partnership with the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) has begun the construction of seventy housing units in Brewerville, Montserrado County. Speaking to journalists at the project site, the Deputy Managing Director for Technical Services at NHA, Gyude W. Allison, said NHA has started constructing 70 housing units of phase 3 of NASSCORP village project.



Over 5,000 Ebola Fighters Honored

Over 5,000 persons who resiliently fought the Ebola virus disease during the heat of the devastating Ebola crisis have been honored and certificated for their dedicated services that led to the complete eradication of the deadly virus from Liberia. The honorees including Government officials received certificated for their services to have saved humanity when the country was being ravaged by the virus that affected over 11,000 persons and killed some 4,000, reports theINQUIRER newspaper.


Related Captions: MoH, Partners Honor Ebola Heroes And Heroines(In Profile daily)



Education Ministry: “No Graduation” Before WAEC Results

The Ministry of Education says graduation for both private and public schools will depend on student passing the national examinations administered by the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC). Making the disclosure Thursday at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing in Monrovia, Deputy Education Minister for Instruction, Dr. Ronelle A. Horton, said there can be no graduation before WAEC results are release. According to Dr. Horton, national examinations set academic standards for schools and serve as an assessment tool for students across the country, reports the Heritage newspaper.


Related Captions: ‘No Graduation Fees For 12th Graders’-Says Deputy Education Minister Horton(Daily Observer), Education Warns Schools Against Graduation(The INQUIRER), “No Graduation Before WAEC Results”…School Authorities Warned (In Profile Daily) 

MOH Launches Hygiene Promotion Guidelines


According to the Heritage newspaper, the Division of Environment at the Ministry of Health (MOH) and its international partners on Thursday, June 30, 2016 officially launched a Community Sanitation and Hygiene Guidelines for the purpose of improving WASH coverage in the country. The Deputy Minister of Health and Chief Medical Officer of Liberia Dr. Francis N. Kateh, speaking on the theme: “Clean Community, Health People” noted that nearly 3000 Liberia Liberians including 1,800 children under the age of five die each year from disease due to filthy environments.



WFP Turns Over Ebola-Era Logistics Assets To GOL

The World Food Programme (WFP) has, in line with plan, turned over to the Government of Liberia all logistics and supply chain infrastructure the Organization developed, deployed and implemented during the Ebola emergency operations in 2014/15. The assets worth, over two million United States dollars, included: five Forward Logistics Bases (FLBs) in five counties (Maryland, Grand Gedeh, Bong, Lofa, and Grand Bassa), Mobile storage units established in all fifteen counties, Five trucks, Five light vehicles, 25 laptop computers to the Government of Liberia (GSA), Medical supplies under WFP’s custody. The New Dawn newspaper reports that WFP’s Head of Logistics, Mr. Tewolde Baraki, informed Health Minister Dr. Bernice Dahn that the combination of the logistics infrastructure (developed by WFP together) with five trucks, five light vehicles and other equipment like forklifts and generators as well as the trained staff of GSA completes the full handover process in terms of sustainable management of the operations of the facilities.



BIN Officers Receive Deployment Benefits

The Government of Liberia has begun disbursement of deployment benefits to 250 new graduates of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN). The exercise is the second phase and now completes cash deployment package to 515 BIN officers who have so far graduated from Camp Biago, a temporary training center in Grand Cape Mount County. BIN says the move is part of efforts by the government to increase full security coverage across the country in the wake of the drawdown of UNMIL. Funding for the disbursement was made possible out of a US$10 million allotment by the government to implement programs under the Government of Liberia/UNMIL Joint Transitional Program. According to the New Dawn newspaper, US$250.00 disbursed to each officer is expected to mainly cover purchase of personal effects, and settlement of compulsions at their homes. The officers will be deployed to the 15 counties of Liberia with focus on the eight bordering counties.



House Ratifies US$102M Loan Agreements LACE, Youth and Sports, LEC, Public Works to implement projects

According to the Daily Observer, the House of Representatives has unanimously ratified four financing and loan agreements aimed at potentially yielding social benefits and improving the nation’s economy. On Thursday, June 30, the House passed the ‘Financing and Loan Agreements’ totaling US$102,600,000 (One hundred two million and six hundred thousand US dollars). The House ratified the financial agreement between the government and the International Development Association (IDA) in the amount of seven million, two hundred thousand Special Drawing Rights (SDR), which is equivalent to US$10 million. According to the agreement’s allocation, the Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) will receive US$5 million; the Ministry of Youth and Sports will get US$1.2 million; and the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection will benefit US$1 million. It is not known what will become of the remaining US$2.8 million, as it was not allocated. The purpose of the 37 years term loan is to improve access to income generation opportunities for targeted youths and for strengthening the government’s capacity to implement its cash transfer program.




L$6M Generated From 4 County Service Centers

According to Internal Affairs Minister Henrique F. Tokpa, since the opening of the Grand Bassa County Service Center in June 2015, the center has recorded 5,127 service users, with revenue of L$4,295,975, which justifies that decentralization of services is necessary. “Over a short period of operation from April to May 2016, the three other counties, including Bong, Nimba and Margibi, have also recorded a total of 3,663 service users and revenue of L$1,289,805, which is more encouraging,” Minister Tokpa said. The Daily Observer reports that Minister Tokpa was speaking on Wednesday at the quarterly press briefing of Liberia Decentralization Support Program (LDSP) held in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.



World Bank Contributes to Improved Disease Surveillance and Health Systems in West Africa following Ebola Epidemic

 In Guinea, Sierra Leone and Senegal, more than 33.3 million people will benefit from stronger health systems and more effective disease surveillance systems through US$110 million in International Development Association (IDA) financing, approved yesterday by the World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors. This is the first in a series of investments planned under the Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement Program (REDISSE), which aims to address systemic weaknesses within the human and animal health sectors that hinder effective disease surveillance and response. The REDISSE program was developed with financial support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and technical support from the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to the FrontPage Africa Guinea and Sierra Leone, two of the countries most affected by the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak, will each receive US$30 million in financing.


Related Caption: World Bank Approves US$110M For Health(New DEMOCRAT)



EU Lifts Weapon Embargo

A headline story of theNew DEMOCRAT newspaper reads that The European Union (EU) announced today the lifting of sanctions against Liberia, implemented in 2004, according to a communiqué by the European Council circulated to the media. In the the message, the bloc recalled that  the restrictive measures referred among other issues, to a weapon embargo, technical or financial assistance related to military activities and direct or indirect imports of uncut diamonds from that West African country. In its communiqué, the EU said its current decision regarding the lifting of the sanctions was motivated by the positive political events in the country and the lifting of punitive measures by the UN, according to the Resolution 2288 of the Security Council.



Nimba DEA Wants Burns over 4,833kg of Illicit Drugs

The Nimba County detachment of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has burnt over 4,833 kilograms of Marijuana, 28 raps of cocaine and 20 grams of raw cocaine in Ganta City, Nimba County. According to a DEA release, burning of the drugs was part of activities marking International Drugs Day set aside by the United  Nations to be celebrated against illicit drug trafficking and abuse worldwide. The day is observed on June 26 each year but was celebrated on June 27 because the day fell on a Sunday. This year’s observance was under the theme: “Think Health, Not Drugs,” with a call on the world to discourage the use, sale, and trafficking of illicit drugs among humans, the New DEMOCRAT reports.



UN Pays Tribute to Liberia

A back page story of the New DEMOCRAT daily reads that the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, has welcomed the full assumption by the Government of Liberia of its national security responsibilities from the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNLMIL), in accordance with Security Council resolution 2239 (2015). The Secretary-General pays tribute to the determination of the people and Government of Liberia to work towards lasting peace after the end of the conflict that led to the deployment of UNMIL in October 2003. A statement by the spokesperson of the Secretary-General on June 30, 2016 says the consolidation of peace, security and stability in Liberia and in overcoming the recent Ebola outbreak was welcoming, the paper writes.



UN Appoints New DSRSG & UNDP Resident Representative

 United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on June 27 announced the appointment of Yacoub El Hillo of Sudan as his Deputy Special Representative in the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). He will also serve as the United Nations Resident Coordinator and Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Mr. El Hillo succeeds Antonio Vigilante of Italy, who concluded his assignment on 15 June, 2016, and to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for his outstanding contribution and dedicated service in supporting the implementation of the mandate of UNMIL and coordinating the activities of the United Nations system in Liberia, the In Profile Daily newspaper reports.



Pres. Sirleaf Meets AFL High Command

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Monday, June 27, 2016 paid a special visit at the Camp Kesselly Military Barrack on the Roberts International Airport Highway in Margibi. President Sirleaf’s visit to Camp Kesselly was aimed at holding discussions with the High Command of the Armed Forces of Liberia headed by its Chief of Staff, Brig/Gen. Daniel D. Ziankhan, the ANALYST newspaper writes.
