Daily Media Summary, 11-12-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.


NEWS SUMMARY FOR Wednesday, November 12, 2014


News of President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory messages to the Governments and Peoples of the Republics of Angola and Poland on the observance of their natal days, the arrive of a 28-man African Union Assistance Team in the country to assist in the fight against the Ebola disease ravaging West Africa and the 30-day extension of the House sitting are among stories dominating today’s summary of the selected local dailies.


Ellen Congrats Angola, Poland On National Independence

The In Profile Daily quotes a release from the Foreign Ministry as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent two separate congratulatory messages to the Governments and Peoples of the Republics of Angola and Poland on their respective occasions commemorating the respective Independence Anniversaries of those countries. In her message to her Angolan counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, President Johnson Sirleaf on behalf of Liberia extended warmest congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of Angola. “We trust that this occasion of National renewal will provide for reflection by all Angolans on the maintenance of national solidarity for development”, the President remarked in her message. As Liberia and Angola work together in furtherance of the principles of the African Union and the United Nations aimed at promoting international peace, security and cooperation among all nations; the Liberian leader then prayed that the Almighty God will endow President Santos with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his compatriots to greater prosperity. At the same time, President Johnson Sirleaf in her congratulatory message to His Excellency Bronistaw Maria Komorowski, President of the Republic of Poland, extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of Poland for enhanced prosperity and happiness as that country celebrates its national event.  Referencing the excellent, cordial and long-standing relations subsisting between Liberia and Poland and their peoples with which President Johnson Sirleaf said Liberia is very pleased, she remarked that it is Liberia's ardent wish that in the spirit of friendship and mutual understanding "we could explore more rewarding spheres of bilateral cooperation for our mutual benefits".  The Liberian leader then wished for President Komorowski personal well-being and for the people of Poland sustained progress and prosperity as they celebrate their Independence Day.


Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Congratulates Angola and Poland(Focus), Ellen Congratulates Angola, Poland On National Independence Anniversaries(The Informer and Heritage), Liberia Hails Angola, Poland(The Reporter)




AU Sends 2nd Batch Of Ebola Medical Team

A high-powered African Union (AU) Assistance Team, which comprises of 28 medical professionals including doctors and clinicians, arrived in Liberia over the weekend from across East and West Africa to assist in the fight against the Ebola disease ravaging West Africa. The AU Assistance Team will serve under the African Union Support to Ebola Outbreak in West Africa (ASEOWA) and is in West Africa to render medical and humanitarian assistance mainly in the areas of training, epidemiology and psychosocial support to the three countries highly affected by the Ebola disease including Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Speaking shortly upon arrival at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) in Margibi County, the head of the AU team, Maj. Gen. Dr. Julius F.Oketta said the AU team will be deployed in the three hardest hit countries with its Headquarters situated in Liberia.  A Foreign Ministry release says the team's aim is to help the affected nations in curbing the virus. Maj. Gen. Oketta said the team’s mission will cover three phases, including providing-training, epidemiologist, and psychosocial support to the population. Expressing optimism that the virus will soon be contained, he then hailed Liberians for “the attitude changes” towards theoutbreak which he noted has help reduced the spread of the virus in Liberia, reports the New Dawn.

Related Captions: 2nd Batch Of AU Medical Team Arrives For Ebola Battle(Insight), 2nd AU Medical Team Arrives For Ebola(Focus), More AU Medical Experts Arrive(In Profile Daily), 2nd Batch Of AU Medical Team Arrives For Ebola Battles(The Informer)

Legislature Extends Sitting

The Plenary of the House of Representatives has with immediate effect passed a certificate extending its 3rd Regular Session for additional 30 days beginning November 12 to December 12, 2014. Members of the August Body passed the Certificate of Extension during the 19th Day Sitting of the Extraordinary Session on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. “We, the below Senators and Representatives of the 53rd Legislature in Legislature assembled, having acknowledged that there are several essential legislations of national concerns which demand the urgent attention of the Legislature; hereunder affixed our signatures, in pursuant to Article 32 (b) of the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia (1986) for the extension of the 3rd Regular Session of the 53rd Legislature for one month beginning November 12, 2014 to December 12, 2014,” the Lawmakers stated in the Certificate of Extension, writes the INSIGHT newspaper.

Related Captions: Third Regular Legislative Session Extended(Focus), House Extends Session(Heritage), Third Regular Session Of The 53rd National Legislature By One Month(The Analyst)

House Agrees On December 16 Elections

The House of Representatives has adopted a Resolution authorizing the National Elections Commission (NEC) to conduct the Special Senatorial Election on December 16, 2014. The Lower House adopted the Resolution Tuesday during the 19th Day Sitting of its Extraordinary Session, with 30 lawmakers for and two against, according to the Liberia News Agency. NEC in early November submitted December 16 as a proposed date to the National Legislature for approval to conduct the Special Senatorial Election. The Commission in September this year proposed the suspension of the election which was slated for October14 due to the Ebola outbreak in the country. In response, the Legislature endorsed the proposal through a Joint Resolution approved by the President, in which the Commission was mandated to conduct the Special Senatorial Election not later than December 20, 2014, reports the INSIGHT daily.

Related Captions: House Endorses Elections Date(New Democrat), Lawmakers Finally Set December 16 For Senatorial Election(The Reporter)

Weah Resigns

The New Dawn newspaper writes that Liberia's Peace and Reconciliation Ambassador, George Weah, has resigned his post after serving the government for about a year. Weah's resignation Tuesday, 11 November comes as he prepares to battle for the Montserrado County Senatorial position. Ambassador Weah expressed thanks and appreciation for the opportunity afforded him to serve the people of Liberia and for the level of cooperation received from the government during his tenure.

Related Captions: George Weah Resigns As Peace Ambassador(The Inquirer), Weah Quits(Daily Observer), Weah Resigns(New Democrat), Weah Steps Down As Peace Ambassador(FrontPage Africa), Amb. Weah Resigns(The Analyst), George Weah Resigns(INSIGHT)


Gov’t, Partners Adopt New Guidelines…For Ebola Fight


The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and partners have developed and adopted new Ebola messaging guidelines for Liberia. The purpose of the new guideline, according to the Ministry of Health, is to raise awareness, mobilize communities and promote safe behaviors to stop the transmission of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Liberia. Speaking at a one-day strengthening media partnership to roll back Ebola organized by the Center for Media Studies and Peace Building (CEMESP),  the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through IREX, the head of social mobilization at the Ministry of Health, Rev. Johnson Sumo said the document will provide government agencies, response committees and teams, community leaders, the media and all partners with accurate and consistent information to use when communicating about the EVD in Liberia. He asked the media to consistently inform the Liberian people that the fight was not over yet, the NEWS writes.

Senatorial Campaign Starts Sunday

Members of the House of Representatives have finally passed the timetable submitted by the National Elections Commission for the conduct of the Special Senatorial Election. In spite of the Ebola crisis here, the lawmakers also agreed that campaign commences this Sunday, 16 November while the elections are conducted on December 16, 2014. Article 46 of the 1986 Constitution of Liberia states in part that, “immediately after the Senate shall have assembled following the elections prior to the coming into force of this Constitution, the Senators shall be divided into two categories as a result of the votes cast in each county. The House of Representatives took the decision Tuesday in regular session at the Capitol and also recommended that the elections be conducted in counties that are relatively free of the Ebola Virus disease while other counties that are heavily infected by the virus currently will hold ‘by-elections’ in 90 days, according to the New Dawn daily.

Media Wants Inclusion In Ebola Response Plans

Media stakeholders in Liberia have requested the Government and partners to ensure the inclusion of the media in the ongoing Ebola fight. The media managers and owners said the government and partners in the Ebola response have failed to factor the Liberian media in the global and national Ebola response plan. Sharing Ebola reporting experience Tuesday at a one day strengthening media partnership to roll back Ebola organized by the Center for Media Studies and Peace Building (CEMESP), the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through IREX, Front Page Africa Managing Editor Rodney Sieh said the media is willing but is faced with serious financial and other challenges.  They asked the government to ensure that the media is factored in the global and national Ebola response plans, the NEWS reports.

Related Caption: Media Managers Dialogue On Media Role In The Ebola Fight(FrontPage Africa)

Africare Dedicates Eight Maternal Waiting Home In Bong

Africare-Liberia on Friday November 1, 2014 dedicated a US$50,000 maternal waiting home at the Fenutoli in Yellequlleh District in Bong County. The maternal waiting homes are constructed in communities with clinics and are used as residential facility for pregnant women that are not inhabitants of the host clinic’s community until delivery. Speaking at the dedicatory ceremony, Africare Bong County Maternal Field Nurse Patricia Amara said the home is in support of the roadmap for accelerating the reduction of maternal death in Liberia. She explained that Africare has constructed eight maternal homes in Bong County to pay host to pregnant women of clinic’s catchment communities to ensure safe delivery. Speaking to the Analyst at the newly constructed Fenutoli maternal waiting home, the head of the traditional midwives in Bong County, Gbarngo Cole lauded Africare for its intervention in the Bong County health system.