Daily Media Summary, 11-11-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.



News of a group of Concerned African Citizens condemnation  against the rising trend of stigmatization against nationals of Ebola-hit countries and  the dedication of Bomi County first Ebola Treatment Unit are stories dominating today’s summary of the selected local dailies.




Prominent African Condemn Stigmatization Of Ebola Affected Countries

The New Dawnnewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that a group of prominent and eminent Africans under the banner Concerned African Citizens have joined the call against the rising trend of stigmatization against nationals of Ebola-hit countries. The release quotes a dispatch from the Addis Ababa-based African Union (AU) Headquarters as saying that the nearly 100 Africans, cut across various professions including former Heads of State, are urging the respective Heads of State and Government to avoid full embargo against Ebola-affected states. "While we understand the legitimate concerns for the protection of their population, we remind African leaders of their obligation to pan-African solidarity and the global community of their humanitarian obligations in emergencies", the group of African citizens stated in a recent communiqué. The group which includes Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Benjamin Mkapa, former President of Tanzania, Mrs. Graca Machel, widow of Nelson Mandela,  Senegalese singer and Grammy Award Winner, Akon, and Hassan Arouni, Senior Producer & Presenter BBC Focus on Africa, among others, noted that the action is challenging the travel embargo on Ebola affected Member States.  The group of Africans said they are lending their voices to lift the strict measures that led to the quarantine of affected nations against the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and many humanitarian groups.  The group's call comes as the Liberian Government via the Foreign Ministry recently released a Press Statement in which it reiterated its concern over the manner in which Liberian citizens are being stigmatized due to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in the country.  The prominent Africans who are calling for more signatures said as the Ebola virus becomes an overwhelming human catastrophe affecting public health, social institutions and economic well-being in Africa, they stand in solidarity with their fellow citizens in the countries victimized by the deadly disease.  "We call on African opinion leaders - including artists, athletes, filmmakers, writers, journalists, academics - to initiate or to actively take part in public information campaigns on prevention and transmission of the Ebola. These can happen via road-shows, film screenings, theatrical pieces, discussion groups, and the distribution of messages via cellphone networks. And we call upon global opinion leaders to add their talents and voices in support", the group added.  The prominent Africans said they acknowledged and applauded the decision of the Health Ministers of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to call for the lifting of travel bans to Ebola affected countries, which are hampering the fight against Ebola and restricting the arrival of essential expertise and equipment, as well as fuel to provide electricity, medications to treat other deadly diseases such as malaria and food to prevent famine.

Related Captions: Stigmatization Against Ebola-Hit Nations Condemned(The Reporter), Concerned Africans Kick Against Stigmatization(In Profile Daily)

Bomi Gets 1st Ebola Treatment Unit

According to the Inquirer newspaper, Bomi County has received its first Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) funded by the United States Government under the “Operation United Assistance” and is expected to receive patients this week. The ETU which was constructed by the 1st Engineering Company of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) lasted for 35 days and is said to have brought significant relief to the Tubmanburg Government Hospital which had been using a holding center to treat Ebola victims in that region. Officially dedicating the ETU on behalf of the Government of Liberia and serving as proxy for President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Vice President Joseph Boakai, said all Liberia needs is honest, disciplined and committed citizens noting that there are capabilities in the country and that has been shown by the construction of the ETU by the AFL.

Related Captions: US Opens New Ebola Treatment Unite In Liberia(Focus), 100 – Bed ETU Dedicated in Bomi(The News), First U.S. Sponsored ETU Dedicated in Tubmanburg(Daily Observer), ETU Unveiled In Bomi But US, Liberia Officials Slam Complacency Trend(FrontPage Africa)


More ETUs Still Needed Here

The Reporternewspaper pens that the head of the Liberia Ebola Incident Management Team, Tolbert Nyenswah has said the construction of more Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) across the country is very important to the elimination of the deadly virus from the country. He stated that though new Ebola cases are being reduced from 500 per day to 100 per day in the country, threat are still on the increase in other part of Liberia mainly rural areas still considered as hot zones. He made these statements Monday, November 10, 2014 when he spoke at the dedication of a new ETU in Tubmanburg, Bomi County.

Banks Show ‘Strong Capital, Liquidity’ – Says CBL

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) says banks operating in the country show ‘strong capital and liquidity positions and profitability’.  The bank, in its second quarter 2014 report, also said the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) for Liberian banks stands at more than double the CBL requirement and at over 23 percent comparable to capital adequacy in other countries. The report added that the industry’s balance expanded by 9.4 percent to L$75.5 billion over the previous quarter and by 20.7 percent over the same period last year, In Profile Daily writes.

Related Caption: Banks Show ‘Strong Capital, Liquidity’…Says CBL(Heritage)

U.S. Team To Set Up Ebola Lab In Zwedru

A United States Army team has selected the Martha Tubman Memorial Hospital in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County to set up a laboratory facility to test for Ebola. The team, working in collaboration with the County Development Office, had carried out an assessment before finally identifying the hospital to set up the laboratory. Meanwhile, the head of the U.S. Army team, Major Benjamin Nagy, has assured health authorities that with needed support the laboratory equipment will be  installed by November 29, 2014, In Profile Daily reports.

Related Caption: U.S. Team To Set Up Ebola Lab In  Zwedru(Heritage)

China Plans To Send 1,000 More Staff To Fight Ebola In Africa

Beijing, Nov. 5 (Xinhua)..China plans to send over 1,000 medical workers and experts to West Africa in the coming months in its latest bid to aid African countries’ fight against the Ebola virus. In the months to come, more than 1,000 medical workers and public health experts will be sent by China to assist in the battle against Ebola in West African countries, according to the country’s plan. To date, China has sent a total of 252 people to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, the three hardest-hit countries, Daily Observer reports.


Related Caption: China To Send 1,000 Medical Experts To Africa (Heritage)


MSF Wants Ebola Strategy Change In Liberia

Medical Aid Agency Doctors Without Borders called Monday for a change of strategy in the fight against Ebola in Liberia. The charity, known by its French initials MSF, said the strategy is to fund rapid response teams rather than huge isolation units. MSF said it is seeing a decline in the number of patients admitted to case management centres in Liberia for the first time since the outbreak started. “In Foya, we believe this comprehensive approach, as well as active engagement by the community, has led to a steady reduction of cases across the county”, said Nico Heijenberg, MSF Emergency Coordinator. WHO has also confirmed a slowdown in the spread of the virus in hardest-hit Liberia, where 2,697 people have died out of a total of 6,525 cases. But officials from various UN agencies and the Liberian government have warned against complacency, FOCUS newspaper reports..


Related Caption: Don’t Undermine Ebola Gains -MSF Cautions Liberians(The New Dawn)