Daily Media Summary, 10-03-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.



The Board Chairman of the Liberia Civil Aviation, Beyan Kesselly warning of monumental consequences against Eric Thomas Duncan for what he called “reckless behavior” and the Government of Liberia commencement of the selection and appointment of an independent “Fiduciary Agent” to assist the government with the financial management of the Ebola Trust Fund are stories dominating our summary of the local dailies for today, Friday, October 03, 2014.


Duncan Risks Trial, If……… -Beyan Kesselly Says Reckless Behavior Has Monumental Consequences

The Board Chairman of the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA) has warned Eric Thomas Duncan that reckless behavior has monumental consequences.  Officials of the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) broke the news that the Liberian who is being treated at the hospital in Texas travelled from Liberia and was diagnosed as a carrier of the Ebola virus. In a statement during regular press briefing at the Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism Affairs Thursday, the Board Chair and Commissioner of the Liberia Maritime Authority, Beyan Kesselly selfishness, recklessness and irresponsible behavior have to end at some point. The LCAA Board Chair indicated that while it is true that Mr. Duncan who went to America via Brussels underwent three tests and he has a normal temperature of 36.3. “He did not have an elevated temperature so at the time of his travel he was not of threat to anyone at the time”.
“False declaration is criminal and a fraud,” the Maritime Commissioner noted. Mr. Duncan came in contact with the virus when his fiancée who was pregnant died from the virus in the 72nd Community where he had lived for several years before travelling to the United States was diagnosed with high fever and abdominal pain. Commenting on the issue, Eric Vaye, Chairman of the 72nd Community added that Mr. Duncan and his friend used a wheelbarrow to convey his fiancée Melinda Williams to the hospital but she later died while they were on their way. For his part, Deputy Minister for Public Affairs at the Ministry of Information Isaac Jackson said the action of Mr. Duncan to deny while filling in the questionnaire at the RIA is in violation of the public health law of Liberia, the New Republic reports.

Related Caption:U.S. Ebola Patient Condition Serious But Stable(Heritage), Ebola Carriers To Face Trial (New Dawn),Man Who Took Ebola To US Will Be ‘Prosecuted’-Former Boss Says ‘Thomas Knew He Had Ebola’(Daily Observer),Prosecution Awaits ManWho Took Ebola To US(INSIGHT), Liberia Weighs Prosecution For Man Who Transported Ebola Virus (FrontPage Africa), US Monitors 80 For Ebola (New Democrat), Rigorous Measures For Travelers (New Democrat), Liberia Eyes Foreign Auditors For Ebola Funds(FrontPage Africa), and ‘80 Had contact’ With US Ebola Man(In Profile Daily)



MFDP To Appoint Agent To Ebola Trust Fund

The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) has commenced the process for the selection and appointment of an independent “Fiduciary Agent” to assist the government with the financial management of the Ebola Trust Fund. An MFDP release says the decision to contract an independent financial management firm was intended to uphold the government’s commitment to full transparency and accountability as announced recently by Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Amara Konneh. According to Minister Konneh, the firm selected to provide the fiduciary service would manage the fund and supervise accounting related services, under the direction of the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, under the multi-donor governance structure, The Analyst reports.

Related Caption:Gov’t Searches For Independent financial Management Firm (Heritage Newspaper),GoL Commences Selection Process For Independent “Fiduciary Agent” To Monitor Ebola Trust Fund (The News), Gov’t To Contract Ebola Money(The New Dawn)


House Passes Law On Concealing Contiguous Disease

The House of Representatives has passed a law making it a criminal offense in the second degree for anyone concealing information of persons with communicable or contiguous diseases in Liberia. The new law shall imprison a person or any group of persons for two years if found guilty of deliberately infecting another person with communicable or contiguous diseases. Section 3 of the law includes infectious diseases such as Ebola, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, Lassa fever, leprosy, measles, tuberculosis among others. Plenary voted unanimously to have the bill passed following recommendations made in a report from its Joint Committee on Health and Social Welfare and Judiciary during the 9th day sitting of the Extraordinary Session held Thursday, October 2, 2014. The law titled, “An Act Criminalizing Concealing Information of person(s) with Communicable/Contiguous infectious Disease(s) in Liberia” was introduced in the House of Representatives on August 26, 2014 by Hon. Moses Y. Kollie of District 5 Lofa County. Plenary has instructed the Chief Clerk, Madam Mildred Sayon to submit the law to the Liberian Senate for concurrence, INSIGHT writes.


Senate Confirms Amara Konneh As Finance Minister

The Liberian Senate has confirmed Mr. Amara M. Konneh as Minister of Finance and Development Planning. His confirmation was announced by the Secretary of the Senate, minutes after Pro-Tempore Gbehzongar Findley ruled on a motion of reconsideration filed by Maryland County Senator Dan Morias. On July 15, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf submitted to the Senate for confirmation the name of Mr. Amara Konneh as Minister-designate of Finance and Development Planning. Also confirmed Thursday was Mrs. Elfreda Tamba Stewart as Commissioner General of the LRA. Her name was submitted to the Senate in March 2014 President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for confirmation, INSIGHT writes.


Related Caption:Liberian Senate Confirms Konneh, Tamba(Women Voices Newspaper)


Prez. Sirleaf, Supreme Court Justices Hold Closed-Door Discussions

More than two days following President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s meeting with members of the National Legislature, the President yesterday held closed-door discussions with Justices of the Supreme Court. The meeting, according to a senior judicial staff, focused on strengthening coordination and collaboration in the fight against the spread of the deadly Ebola virus that has killed over 1000 people in the country. Chief Justice Francis Korkpor commended the government’s efforts to fight the Ebola disease, according to the source. Chief Justice Korkpor further informed President Sirleaf about his strategy and   commitment to help prevent the spread of the Ebola disease in the country.  “We have been exerting every preventive measure to ensure that we win that battle against the spread of the virus,” the source quoted Chief Justice Korkpor as saying. “Even those non-essential staffs are still on their compulsory leave, in an effort to prevent the overcrowding of the Temple of Justice,” the Chief Justice told President Sirleaf, Daily Observer writes.


Ellen Signs Criminal Conveyance Of Land Act

The InProfile Daily reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has signed into law, the “Act Against Criminal Conveyance of Land” following its passage by both the House of Representative and the Liberian Senate. A release from the Land Commission issued yesterday in Monrovia said the President signed the Act on August 26, 2014 after both Houses passed it on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 and Monday, September 3, 2014, respectively. According to the release, the Act Against Criminal Conveyance of Land, Published into Handbills by the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is an amendment of Chapter 15 Subchatpter B, Section 15.21 of the Penal Law of Liberia.

Related Caption: Ellen Signs Criminal Conveyance of Land Law(The Inquirer)

Consultative Chiefs Confab On Ebola Ends in Gbarnga


The Chairman of the National Traditional Council of Liberia says the Government of Liberia erred by leaving the chiefs out of the fight against the Ebola virus. Speaking to our Bong County correspondent Thursday, Chief Zazan Karwor said the chiefs should have been formally informed to join the fight against Ebola so as to adequately reach out to the local citizens. "We only heard people saying, don't' shake hands; don't' come in contact with people because we have a disease that is killing people as a result of these acts," he told our correspondent. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Council of Chiefs and Elders, with support from the Carter Center are currently conducting a four-day Ebola consultative forum in Gbarnga with over one hundred chiefs and elders in attendance from various parts of the country. The Director of Culture Affairs at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, William Jallah described the involvement of chiefs as a boost to the fight against Ebola. Director Jallah assured the chiefs of the Ministry continuous support to their participation in the battle against Ebola in making sure the virus leaves the country, the New Dawn reports.

An All-Woman Affair Prayer Service Oct. 3

The Ministry of Gender and Development (MOGD) and the women of Liberia will today hold a one day Fast and Prayer Service under the theme: "LORD, REDEEM LIBERIA FROM EBOLA." A spokesman of the Ministry said the one day service will bring together women from all spectrums of life in Liberia with the objective of seeking God's intervention in a time when the deadly EBOLA virus has claimed the lives of several Liberians ranging from health caregivers, cross-border trade women, market women, professional women as well as fathers and children. During the prayer service which is expected to be held at the Ministry Gender and Development beginning at 9 a.m., several prayer points, including Prayer for the Healing of the Land, Prayer for the Three Branches of Government, Prayer For Women, Children And Family And Prayer For Peace And Security Of Liberia will be offered. President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, is expected to grace the fast and prayer service while several women's groupings will also be in attendance. Some women's groupings to attend today's occasion include God Fearing Women, Returnee Women, the Daughters of Nimba, Montserrado Rural Women, Travel and See Women, Gaye Town Women and WEPNET, theAnalyst reports.


Govt To Repatriate Foreign Prisoners


Justice Minister, Cllr. Christiana Tah says the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Justice will shortly embark on the exercise of repatriating foreign prisoners from the various prison centers in the country to their respective countries. Making the disclosure yesterday, October 2, 2024 at program marking the official launch of the protection cluster at the Ministry of Justice in Monrovia, Minister Tah said the Liberian Government is in discussion with authorities of foreign embassies in the country to have those prisoners serve prison term in their respective countries. Though Minister Tah did not disclose the number of foreign prisoners expected to be released to their governments, she said those foreign nationals expected to be repatriated are Nigerians, Americans, Guineans, and Sierra Leoneans among others. Speaking further, Minister Tah, who is also Liberia’s Attorney General disclosed that in the month of July 2014, the total prison population was one thousand and thirty five but, currently the number stands at eight hundred and fifty four, theNew Republic reports.

AIRCOOL-CREW Donates Anti Ebola Items

As the fight against the rapid spread of the deadly Ebola virus intensifies, some employees of the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC), under the banner Aircool-Crew have donated several anti-Ebola items including bags of rice to the VOCA Mission Community and the administration of the Ma-Watta Medical and Eye Clinic in Paynesville. Speaking at the donation exercise in the VOCA-Mission Block B Community, the Director for Operation of the VOCA-Mission Ebola Task Force Varney S. Gray lauded the initiative undertaken by the Aircool-Crew team of LPRC and promised to use the items donated to them for its intended purpose. Some items donated to the institutions includes: 3 buckets, 4 cartoons of chlorox, 1 cartoon delta, 1 cartoon tie-soap, 4 boxes of gloves and 3 bags of rice. Receiving the items on behalf of the administration of Ma-Watta medical facility, the Acting Officer In Charge (OIC), Joshual D.K. Weah hailed the Air-cool Crew team for the gesture describing it as timely and rewarding, FOCUS reports.


Around Liberia Sinoe County Battles Ebola Outbreak

The deadly Ebola virus that has killed over 1,500 persons since it entered Liberia from neighboring Guinea has been prevented by scores of inhabitants of Sinoe County. The disclosure was made by Representative Jeremiah W. N. McCaulay of District # 2, Sinoe County when he was given national recognition by a local right group due to his contributions against the killer disease that has killed some health workers and others in Liberia, FOCUS reports.


PUL Donates To Radio Bomi

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has donated four 25kilogram bags of rice to Radio Bomi for onward distribution to the needy in Bomi County. Presenting the rice, PUL President Abdullah Kamara said although the Union has no money, they saw the need to donate to radio which has the wisdom to know the people who are in need. Mr. Kamara made the donation during programs marking the 50th Anniversary celebration of the PUL held on Tuesday in Tubmanburge, Bomi County under the theme: Media Awareness For Ebola Prevention Campaign, reports the News Republic.