Daily Media Summary, 09-26-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan’s challenge to all actors in the global community to make collective commitment and proportionate contribution to the impact of climate change in the world, the World Bank’s US$52 million dollars donation to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for the Emergency Ebola Response Project and the World Bank Group’s pronouncement of  $400 million to help the worst-affected countries address the emergency and build stronger health systems for the years ahead are among stories dominating our summary of the local dailies for today, Friday, September 26, 2014.




Ngafuan Calls for Collective Global Commitment in Tackling Climate Change

The Inquirernewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that Foreign Minister of Liberia H. E. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has challenged all actors in the global community to make collective commitment and proportionate contribution to the impact of climate change in the world. Speaking at the UN Climate Change Summit at the UN headquarters in New York on Tuesday, September 23, 2014; the Liberian Foreign Minister said as small and developing countries make commitments to save the planet bigger or developed countries should do similar. “The hard truth is that if all countries, small or big, developing or developed, do not make similar and proportionate contributions to this noble effort, what we do here today will not avail much in achieving the lofty goals we have set for this Summit”, Minister Ngafuan remarked. He said developing countries, like Liberia, contribute very little to global greenhouse emissions but suffer disproportionately from the adverse impact of climate change.  Minister Ngafuan hopes that the UN Climate Change Summit will spur the global community into concrete actions in the interest of the current generation and the generations of the future. The Foreign Minister told the world gathering that the impacts of climate change have resulted in low agricultural and fisheries productivities, and unprecedented coastal erosion in Liberia. He revealed the negative impacts of climate change on critical sectors like agriculture, health and energy continue to impede our Agenda for Transformation.“Cognizant of the potential consequences of climate change, our Agenda for Transformation and our long term development framework, Vision 2030, captured the development of a national climate change policy, strategies and plans”, the Liberian Foreign Minister said. Minister Ngafuan on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who was unable to attend the all important high level climate event at this time due to the severity of the Ebola crisis in Liberia and the region, extended sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations for organizing the event on Climate Change, particularly, at a summit level.


Related Caption: Ngafuan Calls for Global Commitment-In Tackling Climate Change(In Profile Daily), Liberia, Norway Launch Climate and Forest Partnership… Norway to Inject $150 Million (The Informer)

Health Ministry Gets US$52M

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has received from the World Bank US$52 Million Dollars for the Emergency Ebola Response Project for the period of six months. The World Bank in recent time provided US$105 Million to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone as an emergency grant to respond to Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the three hit nations. Out of the US105 Million donated by the World Bank Liberia has gotten the largest portion of US$52 Million grant.  Speaking at the signing and turning over ceremony of the US$ 52 Million at the head office of LIBTELCO in Sinkor, Finance Minister Amara Konneh said the Government of Liberia has entered three contractual agreements with some key development partners, including the WHO, UNICEF, UNOPS and WFP for the provision of what he called critical and much needed goods and services in the fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease. He noted that the US52 Million is intended to underwrite the cost of running existing Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) for the next six months setting up new ones quickly; and ensuring that the country's medical personnel and patients have everything they need to fight the disease.

Related Captions: Outsourcing Ebola? Gov’t Hands Over Us$52m To Un Agencies(FrontPage Africa), World Bank Gives US$52m For Ebola Fight(The Inquirer),World Bank Gives US$52M(New Democrat),World Bank’s US$52M Grant Ready-GOL Contracts UN Agencies to Supply Goods, Render Services to Fight Ebola(Daily Observer), Gov't Turns Over Ebola Responsive Funds ( FOCUS)


World Bank Group To Double Funding In Ebola Crisis To US$400M

Following alarming evidence of the spread of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the World Bank Group today has announced that it will nearly double it’s financing to $400 million to help the worst-affected countries address the emergency and build stronger health systems for the years ahead. This represents $170 million in new funding. With today's announcement, the Bank will put $230 million toward the emergency response and $170 million for medium- and long-term projects. The new resources - which the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors will consider in the coming weeks - will be targeted at rapidly increasing the health care workforce and purchasing needed supplies in order to bring care and treatment to all parts of the affected countries. The funding also is aimed at building a stronger health care system because it will aim to train cadres of health workers to bolster care at a community level throughout the affected region. "The global community is now responding with the urgency and the scale needed to begin to turn back this unprecedented Ebola crisis," said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim, who was speaking at a special session on the Ebola crisis at the United Nations. A World Bank Group analysis of the Ebola epidemic released last week warned that if the virus continues to surge in the three worst-affected countries - Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone - its economic impact could grow eight-fold, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.

Related Captions: World Bank Group to Nearly Double Funding in Ebola Crisis to $400 Million(Heritage), World Bank Group to Nearly $400M to Fight Ebola(Daily Observer),WB Group to Double Funding in Ebola Crisis to $400 Million(The Informer),

India To Give UN US12M To Fight Ebola

India yesterday announced USD 12 million contribution to the United Nations to help it fight the deadly Ebola virus in the African continent. The contribution was approved by Prime Minister Narendra Modi just ahead of his departure to the US where he addressed the 69th session of UN General Assembly in New York on September 27. Additional USD 2 million for purchase of protective gear to tackle Ebola," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson said to the United Nations. Ebola virus hit the African continent earlier this year and has killed nearly 2,200 people in several countries. The UN Security Council has also declared the outbreak of the virus in West Africa a "threat to international peace and security". UN Chief Ban Ki-moon last week had described the situation arising out of spread of Ebola virus in the African continent as "unprecedented" and had announced setting up of the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response to put in place an effective response mechanism, the Inquirer newspaper writes.

Related Captions: India to Contribute US$12M for Ebola Fight(Heritage), India to Contribute US$12 Million to UN to Fight Ebola(FrontPage Africa), India Channels $12m to UN-Committed to Ebola Fight in Africa(The Analyst), India Contributes US$12 Million to UN Ebola Fight-As Ellen Applauds China for $3M Support(Daily Observer)

ArcelorMittal Donates Two Ambulances

The FOCUS newspaper reports that as the fight against the Deadly Ebola Virus intensified, ArcelorMittal has continued its support to the Government and people of Liberia. On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 ArcelorMittal Liberia’s Country Manager, Ronnie Addy donated two ambulances to the government of Liberia to help in the fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease.  The ambulances and keys were presented to the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Walter T. Gwenigale and Minister Tolbert Nyeswah, Incident Management Chair of the Ebola Response Team, in the presence of other team members. According to Mr. Addy, the decision for the donations was made by ArcelorMittal Liberia’s CEO, Antonio Carlos Maria, to help increase the government’s fleet of Ebola response ambulances.

Related Captions: ArcelorMittal Liberia donates two ambulances to GoL(INSIGHT), Arcelormittal Liberia Donates Ambulances(The New Dawn), ArcelarMittal Donates(In Profile Daily), ArcelorMittal Liberia Donates Two Ambulances to Government(Heritage), ArcelarMittal Donates 2 Ambulances to MOH(Daily Observer), ArcelorMittal Liberia Donates Two Ambulances to Govt.(The Informer),ArcelorMittal Donated Ambulances…To National Ebola Task Force(The News)


French Business Club Donates US$80,000.00, Vehicle To Liberian Red Cross

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, a group of French investment Companies in Liberia under the banner French Business Club has donated US$80,000.00 and a vehicle to the Liberia National Red Cross Society (LNRCS) to enable its continue the battle against the Ebola Virus Disease. Presenting the check and the vehicle  Thursday at the French Embassy in Congo Town, the Secretary General of the French Business Club, Jean-Michel Macia lauded the LLNRCS for its strive in meeting the needs of vulnerable people in Liberia especially during the heat of the Ebola outbreak. Mr. Macia who is also Country Manager of UMARCO Liberia said the Club notice that the Liberian Red Cross Society has done, and will continue to do a very good job, noting their action have also helped members of the club and their employees. “The French Business Club has decided to support an organization that is providing their competence everyday in the field. We notice that the Liberian Red Cross has continued to do a very good job, they have helped our members and our employees” Mr. Macia stated. He reaffirmed the French owned Companies commitment to the fight against the killer disease, Ebola, stating they will remain here and helped the Government overcome the virus.

Related Captions: French Business Club Contributes Van, US$80,000(The Inquirer), French Ambbassador Assures Country’s Commitment to Ebola Fight(Daily Observer), French Business Club Donates US$80k to Red Cross(Daily Observer),French Business Club Donates to Red Cross For Ebola Fight(The Informer)


NOCAL Provides Over US$250,000 To Fight Ebola

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) has stepped up its support towards efforts to contain the spread of the Ebola virus in Liberia. The company has now contributed more than a quarter of a million dollars in cash and essential health materials since the outbreak of the virus in Liberia more than six months ago. The Public Engagement Manager of NOCAL, Mr. Jonathan Sogbie,  made the disclosure when the company presented a consignment of assorted food items and clothing to the Ebola Treatment Unit-2 at ELWA and residents of district #6 affected by Ebola. The company also presented similar items to the John F. Kennedy Memorial hospital’s Ebola Treatment Unit. The NOCAL official said the latest contributions are part of the company’s efforts to identify with Liberians during the public health emergency the country is experiencing.

Related Captions: NOCAL Steps Up Ebola Fight Provides Quarter-Million US Dollars(The New Republic), NOCAL Steps Up Ebola Fight-Provides Quarter-million US Dollar(In Profile Daily), NOCAL Boosts Ebola Fight-Contributes So Far Exceed US$500,000(The Analyst), NOCAL Steps Up Ebola Fight provides Quarter-million US Dollar(Daily Observer), NOCAL Steps Up Ebola Fight provides Quarter-million US Dollar(The Informer), NOCAL Provides Quarter-Million US Dollars(The News)



Ellen Addresses UN High-Level Meeting On Response To EVD

The FrontPage Africa newspaper, quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, via a video link from the Monrovia office of the African Development Bank (AfDB), informed world leaders at the UN High-Level Meeting   in New York that Liberia today is faced with the greatest challenge because it cannot allow the projection of a worst case scenario that over 100,000 innocent citizens will die from an invisible disease they did not start and do not understand. She stressed that the resulting effect of this epidemic will reverse the gains in malaria, child and maternal mortality. President Sirleaf said the deadly Ebola virus disease has so far taken the lives of over 1,700 persons, including 85 of those trained to save lives. She indicated that as a consequence of the disease, livelihoods are being threatened, there has become a precipitous decline in economic activities, loss of income and jobs, health services have deteriorated, prices of basic commodities have increased and there is limitation in free movement.

Related Caption: Ellen Addresses UN High-Level Meeting On Response To The Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak(The Analyst)


Liberia Observes World Tourism Day Saturday

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has declared tomorrow, Saturday, September 27, 2014 “World Tourism Day” to be observed throughout the Republic as a working holiday. The Foreign Ministry says this year’s celebration is being held globally under the theme: “Tourism Day and Community Development”. Liberia will join other countries around the world to observe the day and give other awareness about tourism. A Proclamation issued here notes that tourism contributes to the long value chain that empowers local communities to create jobs and provide livelihoods for a better future. It says tourism has the potential to promote opportunities for maintaining places of attraction which ultimately advance the role of communities in support of sustainable development. The Proclamation states that member states of the United Nations have declared September 27, of each year as World Tourism Day to foster awareness on the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic values. The New Dawn

Related Caption: Ellen Issues World Tourism Day Proclamation, Congratulates Botswana(Heritage)

Ebola Taskforce Receives 40 Hospital Beds

In an effort to galvanize support to eradicate the Ebola virus from the face of Liberia, the National Ebola Taskforce has received 40 hospital beds for use at Ebola treatment and holding facilities. Commenting during the turning over ceremony at the General Services Agency Compound Thursday September 24, 2014, the President of the Liberia Furniture and Carpentry Development Union (LIFCADU), Mohammed S. Turay said since the outbreak of the virus in the country the union has been in the vanguard of creating Ebola awareness to its members and the communities they reside. He added that since it is a national fight, though the capacity is not too strong, the group pulled resources together to produce the 40 beds at the cost of US$3,400. "The 40 hospital beds were produced at a discount 65%, a reduction from US$150 to US$85 a piece and there are more donations to follow," the group President said, according to the New Republic.

US Soldiers Arrival in Nimba County

Reports from Nimba County say US soldiers have arrived there to begin the construction of Ebola Treatment Units or ETUs in the area. Nimba County is among the worst affected counties in the country to be hit by the deadly tropical Ebola virus disease. At least six people are said to have died from the virus there. The American soldiers, according to our correspondent are expected to build two ETUs in the county to be situated in the county's commercial district of Ganta and Tappita, areas hardest hit in the county. The soldiers who arrived on Ganta Thursday, the days following their deployment in the country were received by  the County Health Team including health workers at the Ganta United Methodist Hospital, the New Dawn newspaper reports.

German NGO Sends Luxury Ebola Tents

The first state-of-the-art Ebola isolation treatment tents containing alarm systems, germicidal filtration monitor, modern latrines, and incinerator has arrived in the country to help the government’s fight against the virulent disease. The donation, which is valued at over US$500,000, was made possible through the GRELIB Clinic with support from Action Medeor, one of the largest charitable NGO’s in Europe. Among other things, the German NGO focuses on emergency and disaster relief, healthcare projects, and pharmaceutical medical expertise among. Speaking to the New Democrat yesterday, the President of the GERLIB clinic in Monrovia, Madam Margret Gleratha-Nimene said the donation was Action Medeor and her institution’s way of contributing to the Ebola fight in Liberia, the New Democrat reports.

Three BIN Officers Disrobed

The Bureau of Naturalization (BIN) has with immediate effect disrobed and suspended three (3) officers on allegations of compromising Border Security at kpassiagisiah and Yealla Port of entries, Zorzor District pending investigation. In a statement released Wednesday under the signature of Col. Abraham Ahmed Dolley, the Director of Press and Public Affairs, the alleged act is in violation of section 15.0 of the BIN Code of Conduct “Integrity related misconduct” and section 4.1 of the Standard Operational Procedures “Portraying Good Image”. “The BIN Authority has dispatched a high level team of senior officers headed by the Director for Operations and composed of officers from Protective Internal Security Division (PISD), the Inspectorate Division and the Intelligence Section to launch a full scale investigation into  the suspected act that is counterproductive to the Joint Presidential Task Force Mandate on the issues of border closure and the finding from this investigation will be made known to the general Public, the New Republic newspaper reports.