Daily Media Summary, 09-24-2014


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s  order released for the prosecution of West Point Shooters, Norway And Liberia US$150M Partnership agreement to Preserve Forests, the Ministry of Commerce  and Industry’s clarification regarding the sales of deadly salt on the Liberian market,Island Clinic ETU Boss request for more  Fresh Blood to help treat Ebola Victims and NEC recent Updates of Political Parties on the State of Special Senatorial Election are amongst dominant articles other stories captured in our local dailies for today’s news summary.




‘Act In Line With UCMJ’- CIC Sirleaf Orders COS  To Deal With West Point Shooters

The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) and President of Liberia, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has authorized AFL Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Daniel D. Ziankahn, to take immediate action in line with the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) against those found culpable in keeping with the recommendations of the report. President Sirleaf made the statement when she received from the “Board of Inquiry” report on the West Point Incident of August 20, 2014, The Analystreports.


Related Caption: Chief Of Staff Ordered To Deal With West Point Shooters(The Inquirer), AFL Chief To Decide West Point Shooters’ Fate(In Profile Daily), Ellen Mandates Chief Of Staff(The New Republic), Military Justice For West Point Shooters(INSIGHT), Who Are Those Found Guilty?..As Ellen Authorizes Immediate Action(Heritage)


Liberia, Norway In $150m Deal

The global environmental watch dog, Global Witness says the US$150 Million deal announced between the Governments of Liberia and Norway at the UN Climate Summit in New York to halt the destruction of Liberia’s rainforest could signal a bold new direction for Liberia’s forest economy. In a dispatch dated September 23, the group said the deal foresees an end to new logging contracts, more scope for forest-dependent communities to manage their forests, and increase protected forest areas. Global Witness believes that this partnership will reduce incentives for Liberia to liquidate its forests for cash, and will help put the country’s shattered economy on a more sustainable path towards poverty reduction and environmental protection. The agreement is part of Norway’s plan to help cut carbon emissions globally through preventing deforestation in an effort to reduce the impacts of climate change, the release said. “Today’s announcement by Liberia and Norway is momentous,” Global Witness Director Patrick Alley said, adding that “For decades Liberia’s forests have been more of a curse than a blessing.”   Meanwhile, Norway will first assist Liberia in building systems to create new models of forest management, measure carbon stock, and monitor results. Beyond that, direct payments will be made to the Government of Liberia when it can start proving that deforestation rates are decreasing, New Dawn reports.

Related Caption: Liberia Signs ‘Transformational’ Deal To Stem Deforestation (INSIGHT), Liberia, Norway Launch Climate And Forest Partnership – Norway To Inject $150M (In Profile Daily), Liberia In ‘Trees For Cash’ Deal (The Catalyst), Cash For Trees – Norway And Liberia In US$150M Partnership To Preserve Forests (Daily Observer), Deforestation For Cash…Liberia In Deal With Norway (The NEWS), Liberia Strikes US$150M Deal – To Stop Cutting Down Of Trees (The New Republic), US$150M To Liberia Not To Cut Down Trees (FrontPage Africa)

No Deadly Salt On The Market

The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Commerce has finally put an end to all media speculations relating to Maro lodised salt which is imported and widely distributed throughout the country. The In Profile Daily in its Tuesday, September 16, 2014, edition reported that a strange salt presumed to be intended for cooking is said to be killing people, having hit the Liberian market, thus creating fear among citizens across the country, INSIGHT reports.

Related Caption: ‘Maro Salt’ Contains Particles – As Commerce Declares It Fit For Consumption (In Profile Daily), Maro Salt Safe For Human Consumption (The Inquirer)

112 Patients Under Treatment At Island Clinic  ETU

About 112 patients are currently undergoing treatment at the Island Clinic Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU), a day after the facility was officially dedicated, according to Assistant Health Minister Tolbert Nyenswah, of this number, 56 were transferred from the Redemption Hospital Holding Center in New Kru Town, while the other 56 are from communities in Monrovia and its environs, who tested positive with Ebola, Heritage reports.

Related Caption: Ebola Overloads Island Clinic (New Democrat), Island Clinic Full-New ETU Boss Wants Fresh Blood For Ebola Victims As 20 Die In 2 Days (FrontPage Africa)

NEC Updates Political Parties On State Of Special Senatorial Election

The National Elections Commission (NEC) on Monday held a meeting with registered political parties in Liberia to update them on the state of the 2014 Special Senatorial Election. During the meeting, the Chairman of the Commission, Cllr. Jerome George Korkoya, said the Commission has written the President of Liberia and the Houses of Senate and Representatives recommending the postponement of the Special Senatorial Election, Heritagereports.

Related Caption: NEC Updates Political Parties On The State Of Special Senatorial Election (FrontPage Africa)


WHO Seeks Blood Donation

The World Health Organization’s Case Management Consultant to Liberia, Ugandan Doctor Atai Omorutu says a Blood Bank is ready to receive blood from donors, including “strong” Ebola survivals, as well as those not tested positive of the virus. Speaking at the Ministry of Information during a news conference aired live on state radio ELBC on Tuesday, September 23, Dr.Omorutu said the Island Clinic was a new Eblola Treatment Unit that still needed a lot of support. “We need people to come; we need the survivals to come and help us with blood donation, especially. We also need anyone else who can give us blood,” she said. Notwithstanding, Madam Omorutu concluded that the Government of Liberia has got more support to built Ebola Treatment Units, but said it will take at least three or four weeks before another Unit can be ready in addition to what is available, New Dawn reports.

 Related Caption: Blood Needed To Fight Ebola (INSIGHT)

NOCAL Gives US$20,000 Food Items

The National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) Monday dished out more support in combating the Ebola virus by donating over US$20,000 assorted food items to ELWA Unit-2 treatment center as well as to the people of District#6. NOCAL Public Engagement Manager Mr. Jonathan Sengbe said they were there again to respond to the national call in kicking the deadly Ebola virus out of Liberia. Dr. Jerry Brown of the ELWA Unit-2 treatment commended the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) for the donation, New Democrat reports.

AFL, U.S. Army To Jointly Construct ETUs

The Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) and the United States Army will jointly construct the initial nine Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) in the country, Deputy Information Minister for Public Affairs, Atty. Isaac Jackson has disclosed. Addressing the daily Ministry of Information press conference Monday, Jackson said government has already identified some potential sites in Monrovia and its environs where the Liberian and U.S. armies will construct a total of 17 ETUs, Heritage writes.

Female Lawyers Give To JFK

As the Ebola virus is taking toll on the lives of Liberians, the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFEEL) has embarked on identifying with the success stories at the various health care centers in Monrovia. AFELL yesterday presented about 200 sacs of mineral water to the administration of the government biggest referral hospital (JFK) for use by those mothers they described as being keen on new growth in the society. Speaking on behalf of AFELL, its founding President, Gloria Musu Scott said their visit was based upon seeing the needs at the maternity ward of the hospital, thought it necessary to give the women hope and life as they bring in new lives to fill the vacuum that has been created by the Ebola virus. The Hospital Administrator, Wannie Mae Scott McDonald thanked the lawyers for the gesture and said since the reopening of the health facility for normal health care services over 100 women have been catered to at its maternity center, the Inquirer reports.

More US Response To Liberia Ebola Fight

More than 50 U.S. military personnel, including engineers and airfield specialists, have been brought in as part of the advance group of the U.S military team to assist Liberia combat the Ebola virus. Also, a total of three C-17 U.S. military aircraft have so far flown into Liberia with assorted U.S. military equipment and personnel for the anti-Ebola fight. The cargo includes heavy duty engineering equipment, medical supplies and other items. According to a release, the Commander of the 688th Rapid Port Opening Element, Major Matthew Rivera, said his mission at the airport is to ensure supplies and troops are brought in safely for the smooth execution of their operation. The release said additional large military aircraft transporting more personnel and supplies are expected to arrive in Monrovia in the coming days in fulfillment of the promise made by President Barack Obama in a speech delivered on September 16 at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. Major General Darryl Williams, in his capacity as Commander of U.S. Army Africa and Operation United Assistance, arrived in Liberia last Tuesday.  During the past week, U.S. Ambassador Deborah Malac and Major General Williams have been meeting with senior Liberian government officials to discuss the stepped up U.S. response to the Ebola crisis , FOCUS writes.

No Ebola Treatment Center In Nimba…Expert appeals For Blood

The City Mayor of the Commercial hub of Ganta in Nimba County, Mr. D. Dorr Cooper, has disclosed that there is no Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) in the county. Mayor Cooper, addressing the regular Ebola press briefing yesterday at the Ministry of Information said Ganta which is the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak in the county lacking medical and Ebola treatment unit in the area but efforts aimed at enhancing protection of people against the deadly virus is also a problem.   People are still in the denial stage in Ganta and as such they are not changing their way of life, the Inquirer reports.