Daily Media Summary, 07-21--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News of ECOWAS’ approval of Liberia’s Foreign Minister Ngafuan’s proposal for the establishment of the National Early Warning Mechanisms, President Johnson Sirleaf’s suspension o several government officials for failing to declare their assets and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs alarm against individuals purporting as officials of the Ministry are among stories highlighted in our summary of Monday, July 21, 2014 selected dailies.



ECOWAS Approves Ngafuan’s Assertion For Establishing Early Warning Mechanisms

ECOWAS Special Representative to Liberia, Amb. Baba Tunde Ajisomo has disclosed that ECOWAS Heads of States have approved Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan’s proposal for the establishment of the National Early Warning Mechanisms. “On the 8th of July in Accra, the leader of the Liberian Delegation, the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs Augustine Ngafuan defended robustly the establishment of The National Early Warning Mechanisms which the ECOWAS heads of states approved on the 10th as a platform to strengthen the national mechanisms for preventing conflict and for providing leakages between the national level and regional level”, Amb. Ajisomo stated.  The ECOWAS diplomat’s assertion was contained in his opening statement on Thursday during the Awareness and Capacity Building Meeting on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) held at Gabriel L. Dennis Foreign Service Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Amb. Ajisomo observed that the National Early Warning Mechanisms will serve as the coordinating unit in preventing conflicts as well as in addressing early potential threats, FOCUS reports.

Related Captions: ECOWAS Approves Ngafuan’s Assertion For Establishing Early Warning Mechanisms(In Profile Daily), ECOWAS Approves Establishing the National Early Warning Mechanisms (INSIGHT), Proposal For early Warning Mechanisms Approved (The News)

For Failing to Declare Assets: Pres. Sirleaf Suspends Gov’t Officials

The National Chronicle newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sanctioned several government officials for failing to file their Income, Assets and Declaration as reported by Liberia Anti Corruption Commission. The daily quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that government officials who failed to file the assets declarations are suspended for a period of one month and will forfeit the salary equivalent for said period.

Related Captions: President Sirleaf Nails Several For Failing to Declare Assets (The Inquirer), Ellen Gets Tough…Several Suspended Without Pay (Heritage), Defiant Officials Suspended (New Democrat)


Foreign Ministry Alerts Against Imposters

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned the public that some unscrupulous individuals purporting as staff or officials of the Ministry are engaging business entities across the nation in the name of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for official business transaction. A Foreign Ministry release dated July 19 says one of such purported Foreign Ministry’s staff, only identified as Grimes has been arrested by police on Thursday, July 17 while negotiating with a local business entity on behalf of the Ministry. The release authored by Assistant Minister for Public Affairs Mr. Horatio Bobby Willie adds that Grimes, using a fake letter head, arranged for a contract to supply food and drinks for the reception and children’s party during Liberia’s 167th Independence Anniversary Celebration on July 26. But the release reiterates earlier government announcement that this year’s July 26th celebration will not entertain reception, children’s party or refreshment as part of the festivities marking the event. It warns therefore, that those individuals involved in such ugly habit to desist as the Ministry will not hesitate to prosecute anyone caught. The release further warned business houses as well as the public not to give credence to said individuals seeking contract-agreement in the name of children’s party, or reception for the upcoming event, New Dawn writes.

Related Captions: Foreign Ministry Alarms Fraudsters(In Profile Daily), Foreign Ministry Warns Purported ‘Staff’ (The News)

President Sirleaf Urges Independence Day Prayers

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has called on Liberians of all faiths to celebrate the festive independence season with prayers and thanksgiving to the Almighty God. President Sirleaf said prayers being inspiration during difficult times and humans are made stronger, while characters are built during periods of difficulties, noting, “but when weaknesses are overcome it shows the strength that you have and that strength comes from God,”. She made the call Friday at the 167th Independence Thanksgiving Intercessory Service held at the Heritage Central Mosque on Gurley Street, FOCUS reports.

Related Caption: ‘Pray for the Nation’-Pres. Sirleaf Urges Liberian (INSIGHT)

Liberians Need Self Examination’ Archbishop Zeigler States As Liberia Celebrates Independence in ‘Prayer

As Liberia begins its unusual activities marking this year’s Independence Day, Catholic Archbishop Lewis Zeigler has stated that Liberians have to individually reflect and divert from activities that have negative impact on the country. Speaking in an exclusive interview following the National Intercessory Prayer service on Sunday, July 20, Archbishop Zeigler said every Liberian is responsible for   the wrong in the society and not just a single group or person, Daily Observer reports.

Transport Ministry to Digitalize License System

The Ministry of Transport has disclosed plans to digitalize the driver license system and other areas within the transport sector of Liberia by 2015. According to the Inquirer newspaper, making the disclosure on Thursday at the Ministry of Information weekly Press conference in Monrovia, former Transport Minister Tomolah Varpilah said the regulation is in keeping with the ECOWAS mandate to standardize transportation in the West African sub-region and the world at-large.

Related Caption: Transport Ministry To Digitalize License System (Heritage)


“Power Is From God, Not Innocent Blood” Most Rev. Jonathan B.B. Hart cautions politicians seeking public offices; Laments Spread of Homosexuality in Liberia

The bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Liberia and archbishop of the Internal Province of West Africa, Most Rev. Jonathan B.B. Hart, has warned politicians seeking public office to avoid shedding innocent blood in ritualistic killings as they contest the ensuing senatorial elections. Making emphasis on the issue among other societal ills while delivering a sermon at the National Intercessory Prayer at Trinity Cathedral yesterday, Archbishop Hart said, “We still practice the killing of innocent people either for ritual practices or out of hate.” He emphatically declared that “As people of God we cannot say we are obeying God and continue to shed innocent blood and lives.” Archbishop Hart noted that total obedience and unflinching faithfulness are what God requires and demands of Liberians as people of a nation.  “Obedience from the heart and faithfulness without pretense are virtues that we need to cultivate as leaders and citizens of Liberia if we want our nation to prosper and be blessed by God.” Speaking on the theme, “Obedience and faithfulness Are What God Requires of Us,” the Liberian prelate also noted that obeying God requires doing away with violence and the destruction of properties and unwarranted strikes. “We must resolve to find solutions to our problems in a more polite and civil manner, rather than by using violence which results in the loss of human lives and properties,” he averred, report the Daily Observer.

President Sirleaf Hails Belgium On 184th Independence

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has congratulated the Government and People of the Kingdom of Belgium on the historic occasion commemorating the 184th Independence Anniversary of that country. A Foreign Ministry statement issued in Monrovia said, in her message to His Majesty King Philippe, King of the Belgians, President Johnson-Sirleaf, on behalf of Liberia, noted that as host of the European Union, Belgium continues to play significant role in global affairs and the enhancement of EU-Africa relations, stressing, “to the deepest appreciation, we acknowledge that these relations have intensifies and deepened since Your Majesty’s coronation as King of the Belgians last year”. “It is our ardent hope that these relations continue to flourish in the years ahead and set the foundation for increased bilateral cooperation in more rewarding spheres for the mutual benefits of our two countries and peoples”, the President declared.   “Thanks to Belgian for the hosting the recent EU-Africa summit; through the European Union also, Belgium actively participated in initiatives geared towards the promotion of international peace and security”, the Foreign Ministry statement quoted the President recalling.  She  further expressed the hope that as the people of Belgium observe this national event,  the solemn bonds of friendship between Liberia and Belgium will continue to grow and expand as the two countries work together to promote social justice, equal opportunity, and respect for human rights as well as good governance.  She also Madam wished for His Majesty, personal well-being; and for the People of the Kingdom of Belgium, the blessings of peace, unity and prosperity as they celebrate their 184th Independence Anniversary, New Dawn reveals.


 Grand Bassa District#2 Dedicates US$100,000 Road

The people of District #2 in Grand Bassa County were in joy and total celebration over the weekend for the first time for their district to have a road connecting them to the rest of the county and neighboring Margibi County. Residents of Gohn Town, District #2, Grand Bassa County, jubilated over the weekend when county officials led by the Chairman of the National Traditional Council of Liberia, Chief Zanzan Kawor, Senate Pro-tempore Milton Gbehnzohngar Findley, and Representative Mary Kawor, among others dedicated a US$100,000 stretch of road. Gohn Town in District #2 is the birthplace of Chief Zanzan Kawor. The residents told The NewDawn that prior to the construction of the road, they used to trek about eight hours  to move about because vehicles were not plying  the route due to its bad condition, but with the construction of the road, transporting their goods to the main Monrovia- Buchanan Highway has become easier and lovable. Speaking at the ceremony, Pro-tempt Findley lauded the Representative and Chairman Kawor for their far sightedness in taking development to the people, New Dawn reports.

4 Nurses In Ebola Web At Phebe Hospital

Four nurses working at the Phebe Hospital in Suakoko, Bong County, have reportedly contracted the Ebola virus, while the test result of the fifth nurse is yet to be released. According to the Liberia News Agency, all five nurses, whose names were not disclosed, have since been transferred to the John F. Kennedy Hospital in Monrovia and the ELWA Hospital in Paynesville where they are being treated and monitored by doctors. Speaking in an interview with the Liberia News Agency Friday, the Medical Director of Phebe Hospital, Dr. Jefferson Sibley, said the nurses may have contracted the virus from an unidentified female from Lofa County who was admitted at the hospital for treatment on  July 1, but died five days later, FOCUS reports.

Gov’t Provides US$100k  To Health Ministry Ebola Chest

The Government of Liberia has made available to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare US$100,000 to help combat the deadly Ebola disease. According to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on health, Dr. Peter Coleman, the amount is part of a total of US$1.5 million requested by the Health Ministry following the second outbreak of the virus in June to contain the virus, FOCUS reveals.

WACN Donates Medical Equipment To Redemption Hospital

The West African college of Nursing Liberia Chapter Friday, July 18, donated assorted medical equipment valued at US$500 to Redemption Hospital. This to help the hospital prevents health workers and others from contracting the deadly Ebola virus. The items included hand sanitizers, gloves, cotton, gloves, chloral, liquid and medicated soap, amongst others. Presenting the items, Prof. Angela Junka Sawyer, President and Chapter Chair, said the gesture was to show love and care for all patients and heath workers at the Redemption Hospital, Daily Observer reports.

GVL Ends Community Media Workshop

Golden Veroleum Liberia has partnered with two key media training organizations to build the capacity of local radio stations in Sinoe and Grand Kru Counties, with a communications train-the-trainer program in Monrovia, 16-19 July. According to a press release issued by GVL in Monrovia, participating media outlets include Voice of Sinoe, Voice of Grand Kru and Voice of Pleebo community radio stations. Additionally, select staff members of Farbric FM, based in Monrovia were invited. “Media is very valuable in Liberia and we consider a structured approach to helping build capacity from within,” said Virgil Magee, GVL Head of Corporate Communications. “The workshop seeks to strengthen the unique identity of community radio stations as platforms for providing facts to the population, while building broadcast cohesion between media outlets.” According to Magee, the workshop will also offer an opportunity to share experiences and identify best practices in programming and how they can be enhanced. As part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility efforts, it is focusing on outlets located primarily in its area of operations in Sinoe and Grand Kru. Other CSR efforts have included the implementation of GVL Scholarship Fund, of which approximately 1,500 awards have been made to date; additionally the company has built its first elementary school in Butaw District in Sinoe, which recently conducted its first graduation ceremony, New Dawn reports.