Daily Media Summary, 06 -10--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Among stories dominating today’s edition of our daily summary are news of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission Chairperson, Cllr. James N. Verdier’s assertion that no public official linked to corruption will be excluded from the dragnet of investigation, the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS and UNICEF in collaboration with the Government of Liberia’s conclusion on a weeklong analysis on the current national Prevention from Mother to Child Transmission plan held in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County and the US$29,500 loan targeting farmers in Nimba County.


LACC Boss: No Public Official Will Be Excluded If…

The Heritage newspaper writes that the Chairperson of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), Cllr. James N. Verdier,  has asserted that no public official linked to corruption will be excluded from the dragnet of investigation. Cllr. Verdier observed that corruption and reports of corruption continue to loom in every street corner of the society, noting that the LACC will exercise its assigned duties without fear or favor. According to him, the LACC will educate where necessary, investigate and prosecute when the need arises. “No one will be speared in this fight against corruption. We are going all out. No public official will be excluded from being investigated when there is an allegation of corruption surrounding them,” the LACC boss warned. The LACC boss was speaking Monday, June 9, 2014 at program marking the introduction of new Commissioners and staff of the LACC. The two new Commissioners are: Commissioners Charles L. Gibson, Jr. and Aba Hamilton Dolo. Both commissioners were recently confirmed by the Liberian Senate after they were appointed by President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. For his part, the Vice Chairperson of the LACC, Cllr. J. Augustine Toe, pointed out that Liberia continues to bleed with corruption, stating that the LACC will remain very proactive in the fight against the act. “The noise about corruption is too much out there, and we are going to chase those noises. This LACC is going to make history in the fight against corruption in this country”.

Related Caption: Nation is Bleeding-LACC Says Many Thieves Around; Time to Bite Some Bones(In Profile Daily), LACC Rumbles-Toe, Verdier Vow Stern Fight Against Kleptocrats (Analyst)

UNAIDS, UNICEF, Collaborate With GoL, Partners-To Develop eMTCT Scale-Up Plan

The In Profile Daily reports that the United Nations Joint Program on AIDS (UNAIDS) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in collaboration with the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare have concluded a weeklong Bottleneck Analysis on the current national Prevention from Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) plan in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. The analysis is being conducted for the development of the country’s eMTCT Scale-up plan under the H4+ SIDA Grant implementation frame work for Liberia. The analysis brought together fifteen (15) representatives from government, UN agencies involved with PMTCT and HIV-related activities, planning and research officers as well as people living with HIV (PLHIV).  In June 2011, the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS), launched the Global Plan for the Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (eMTCT) and keeping Mothers alive. The workshops brought together a cross section of 40 participants from each county including superintendents, representatives of line ministries, District Commissioners, women groups, youth groups, heads of civil society organizations, city mayors, religious leaders, disabled community, among others.

Related Captions: UNAIDS, UNICEF, Gov’t Collaborate To Develop eMTCT Scale-Up Plan For Liberia(Heritage), UN Agencies, Gov’t Brainstorm…On Mother to Child HIV Transmission(The News), UNAIDS, UNICEF, Govt. Conclude PMTCT (FOCUS)

Farmers Repay 96% Of Loans, Get Additional L$2.5m Financing

The United States Agency for International Development Food and Enterprise Development (USAID FED) Program for Liberia and Liberian Entrepreneurial & Asset Development (LEAD) microfinance institution are teaming up to finance Liberian farmers and small agribusinesses with a second round of loans worth $2.5mn Liberian Dollars (approximately $29,500 USD).
In November 2013, USAID FED and LEAD facilitated loans worth $1.6mn LD to 120 farmers who used the money to expand farmlands, purchase agriculture inputs and expand marketing channels. After the 6 month term, 96% of the loans were paid back in full, proving that farmers can use extra capital effectively and pay back loans on time. As a result, LEAD has released more capital for qualifying farming cooperatives supported by USAID FED. In the first round, thirty members of the Menlehkoyee vegetable farming group in Nimba County received a loan worth 250,000 LD. In five months, the group had already earned enough money to repay the loan and interest. In addition, LEAD has received support from the Central Bank of Liberia’s Loan Extension and Accountability Facility (LEAF). Each loan has a term of six months and a 16% interest rate, reports the INSIGHT newspaper.

Related Caption: Farmers Repay 96% Of Loans(The New Dawn), Farmers Repay 96% Of Loans, Get Second Round Worth L$2.5M(In Profile Daily),  Farmers Repay 96% Of Loans- Get Second Round of Financing Worth 2.5M LD(The Analyst), Liberian Farmers to Access US$ 29,500 Loans-Through USAID FED, LEAD Initiative(Daily Observer)

Numopoh Citizens Receive GVL's Signed MOU

The Golden Veroleum Community Affairs and Social Sustainability Team recently presented copies of the signed memorandum of understanding to Numopoh citizens in Del-kilo City, Sinoe.During the presentation, which was attended by paramount and clan chiefs, as well as other stakeholders including youth and women’s groups, the Numopoh Citizens Welfare Committee (NCWC), Numopoh Concerned Citizens Movement (NCCM) and the general citizenry. Making the special presentation on behalf of GVL, Assistant Manager for Community Affair and Social Sustainability, Roosevelt V. Wleh, thanked the people and stake holders of Numopoh for their unremitting support and cooperation.  The INSIGHT newspaper quotes Mr. Wleh as saying that the MOU was signed on the 28th of April 2014.  

Related Captions: GVL Presents Signed MOU to Numopoh(The New Dawn), GVL Presents Signed MOU to Numopoh-Explains Draft Environmental Social Impact Assessment(In Profile Daily), GVL Presents MOU To Numopoh(FOCUS)

High Technology School For Girls In Liberia

The Office of the Vice President of the Republic of Liberia has announced collaboration between F-SHAM of Faith School for Girls, The Foundation for Women and EDIFY, an Education partner in Liberia that will result in funding to transform F-SHAM into a high Technology school for girls in Liberia. The High technology school will be the first of its kind low-fee independent school for girls in Liberia. A release from the Office of the Vice President quotes the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of the Foundation for Women Madam Deborah Lindholm as saying that the transformation of F-SHAM will involve a refurbishment of the physical structure and interior courtyard with additions that will include two state of the art computer labs and a solar system to provide power for these labs and other needs for the school, eliminating the expensive regular use of a generator. Accordingly, the high technology upgrade will include the latest technology computers with high speed internet, video connection possibilities worldwide, access to global software and teaching support, and the transformation of the school’s accounting system and practices, writes the Heritage daily.

Related Captions: High Tech School For Liberian Girls Soon  (INSIGHT), High Technology School For LiberiaGirls(FOCUS)

Gov’t Releases Funeral Arrangements For Amb. Brima

The New Dawn, like the Analyst newspaper, writes that the Liberian Government through the Office of the Chief of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released the funeral arrangements for the late Ambassador Thomas N. Brima, Sr., Ambassador Extraordinary Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Liberia to the Republic of Sierra Leone. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will lead an array of Cabinet Members on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 to begin the signing of the Book of Condolence for the Late Ambassador Brima. The Book of Condolence will be opened in the Foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs beginning at Nine O’clock ante meridian to Six O’clock post meridian. The Vice President and Members of the Liberian Senate, the Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives, His Honor, the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and Former Heads of State and Former Vice Heads of State of Liberia will continue the signing of the Book of Condolence. According to the official arrangements, the Doyen and Members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) of the United Nations Mission In Liberia (UNMIL) and Heads of Other International Organizations, Heads of Public Corporations, Autonomous Agencies and Commissions, the Clergy and Imans, other and Former Officials of Government, Heads of Political Parties, Heads of Civil Society Organizations, and the  General Public will climax the signing of the Book of Condolence for the fallen Liberian diplomat. On Wednesday, June 11, 2014, the remains of the late Ambassador Brima will be removed from the Samuel A. Stryker Funeral Parlors in Sinkor at Four O’clock post meridian and taken to the St. Stephen Episcopal Church on 10th Street, Sinkor for a night of wake-keeping beginning at Six O’clock post meridian where funeral rites over the remains of the Late Ambassador will be said at the same Church on Thursday, June 12, 2014, beginning at Ten O’clock ante meridian. According to the arrangement, on Friday, June 13, 2014, his remains will be airlifted by UNMIL helicopter to Foya, Lofa County. On the same day, the body will be taken to Bolahun for a period of one hour viewing and later moved to Vahun for one night of traditional wake keeping. Finally on Saturday, June 14, 2014, commendation and interment take place in Vahun, Lofa County.  Ambassador Brima died May 12, 2014 at the Hannibal International Hospital in Tunis, Tunisia where he was flown for medical attention after a brief period of illness. The late Ambassador Brima was one of Liberia’s outstanding statesmen who served his country with dedication and commitment in several capacities including serving as Superintendent for Lofa County, Minster of Internal Affairs and in his last capacity as Liberia’s Ambassador accredited to Sierra Leone. Prior to his accreditation to Sierra Leone in 2006, he also served in several capacities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The fallen Liberian diplomat was the longest serving ambassador in that neighboring country which made him the Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps in Sierra Leone prior to his death.


British Firms Encouraged To Invest In Liberia

Liberia’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland says his preoccupation will be to encourage more British Investment firms to take advantage of the conducive investment climate in Liberia. Ambassador Rodulf von Ballmoos made the statement  when he spoke at a reception at the Liberia Embassy in London following the presentation of his credentials to Queen Elizabeth II on June 3. He had earlier presented his credentials to the Queen at Buckingham Palace, the official domicile of the Royal family, FOCUS reports.

Police Investigators Get Training…In SGBV

Thirty six investigators of the Women and Children Protection Section of the Liberia National Police (WACPS/LNP) have completed training on investigating sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) cases. The Justice and Security Regional Hub situated in Gbarnga was established to provide security and other law enforcement services to Bong, Lofa and Nimba Counties, The NEWS reports.

Amidst Huge Financial Demand Facing GBCC…Brazilian Envoy  To Visit Bassa Community College Today

Amidst huge financial demand for the smooth operations and relocation of the Grand Bassa Community College (GBCC), the Brazilian Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Andre Luiz Azevedo dos Santos, is expected to visit the college today, Tuesday, June 10. The visit of the Brazilian Envoy was prompted by a letter addressed to him recently by the Senior Senator and Senate Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate Gbehzohngar M. Findley. In the communication addressed to Ambassador Andre Luiz Azevedo dos Santos, Senator Findley stated that the college is in desperate need of adequate budgetary support for its relocation drive as well as the construction of its new facilities in Payne Berry with the estimated cost of US$2.2 million, the Daily Observer reports.


INCHR Discloses Plan For Palava Hut Discussion

The Chairperson of the Independent Nation al Human Rights Commission, Cllr. Glady’s Johnson has disclosed that the INCHR is designing strategies to embark on “Palaver Hut Project” across the country. Cllr. Johnson in a recent statement made during the launch of the National Symbols project said, the Palava hut project is aimed at allowing every Liberian to explain what they did to each other during the civil conflict to seek forgiveness and reconcile, Daily Observer reports.

American Child Donates To Liberia, Cameroon

A ten year old American child residing in Woodland, Texas, United States of America, has donated US$1,000 to Liberia and Cameroon. In a special statement issue, the child who is a fifth grade student said she earned the money in a peculiar way. She when on, “My father and I had an agreement that if I memorize 250 digits of Pi, he would give me $500 and my mother would match it. After studying the number Pi intensely I was able to recite the 250 digits, and that US$1,000 is the money I donated.” As for Liberia, Little Reyna Ngu said, “I chose St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital because the babies who lived there had parents who died of HIV/AIDS. I wanted to donate US$500 to buy formula for the babies whose mothers could not feed them with natural milk.  Formula is vital in the growth and development of early childhood, so by donating to St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital I know that will be prolonging a child’s life”, reports the Inquirer Newspaper.


Church Opens Book Of Condolence For Bishop Dixon Tomorrow


The Don Stewart Christ Pentecostal Church has announced with profound regrets the death in his 80th year of their founder and visionary, Arch-Bishop Dr. William Nah Dixon, founder of Liberia’s first school for the Deaf, and former President of the Liberian Council of Churches. This sad event occurred on June 4, 2014 at his home in Staten Island, New York, the United States of America. Meanwhile the Church will be opening the Book of Condolence on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 10:00 AM, at the Ebenezer Headquarters Church in Point Four, Bushrod Island. Funeral arrangements will be announced later, according to the Inquirer newspaper.